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Special Collections and Archives

The University of Iowa Libraries

Special Collections and University Archives

Finding Aid

Comic Books of the Bronze Age
MsC 883
Collection Dates: 1969-1986 (Bulk Dates: 1970-1976)

Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research.

Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department.

Copyright: Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials.

Use of Collections: The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement.

Acquisition and Processing Information: This core of this collection of persoal comic books was donated by Ken Friedman.  It is anticipated that in the future more comics from this time period will be added to the collection.

Photographs: None

Silver Spider comic book cover image

Scope and Contents

This collection consists of 3.5 linear feet of comic books given to the libraries by Ken Friedman.  Note that the issue numbers and date-spans listed in the finding aid for each title indicate the spread of dates for which we posess issues.  They do not indicate uninterupted runs.

Biographical Note

Perhaps best known for his early collaborations with the late Joseph Beuys, Ken Friedman is considered to be the youngest member of the "classic" Fluxus group. From 1966 through 1975 he served as Director of California-based Fluxus West, while Beuys, in turn, served as Director of Fluxus "Zone" West. Often described as a one of Fluxus' most active philosophers and theorists, Friedman can unquestionably be cited as the collective's most active facilitator following George Maciunas' death in 1978. The artist was responsible for initiating many of the existing institutionally-based repositories committed to the collection of the diverse production of participants in the Vietnam era movement, both in the United States and abroad.  During the 1970s, he acquired a variety of comic books, which he donated to the University of Iowa libraries along with many of his own works and papers.

Historical Note

The history of American Comic Books is generally divided into "Ages," with somewhat overlapping dates.  The Golden Age began with the introduction of Superman in 1938 and lasted until the early 1950s.  The Silver Age is generally said to begin with the revival of superhero comics in 1956 and lasted until the late 1960s or early 1970s.  The Bronze Age correspondingly began between 1969 and 1971 and endured until the 1986 introduction of Alan Moore's Watchmen, published by DC Comics.

Related Materials

The University of Iowa is the official repository for the Friedman's works and papers, which are held in the Ken Friedman Archive and Collection.

Other comic book collections in the University of Iowa Special Collections include The ATCA Comics Collection (MsC 780), which consists of Artists' and underground comics 1969-1979; the The Jen Wolfe Collection of Female-Driven Comic Books (MsC 879,) which contains comics from 1948-2006; and The Papers of Thomas Ollive Mabbott Burton Pollin Illustrated Poe Addendum (MsC 429), which includes many comic book editions of Poe's short stories.

Box Contents List

Box 1

Folder               Title

                           Archie  [Archie Comic Publications]

1                           #82-228(July 1970- August 1973)

                          Archie [Archie Comic Publications]

2                           #234-245 (April 1974- January 1976)

                           Archie: Archie and Me  [Archie Comic Publications]

3                           #36-79 (August 1970-December1975)

                           Archie: Betty and Me  [Close-Up Inc.]

4                           #57-74 (June 1974-April 1976)

                           Archie: Everything's Archie  [Archie Music Corp.]

5                           #8-46 (June 1970-April 1976)

                           Archie's Girls: Betty and Veronica [Close-up Inc.]

6                           #221-244 (May 1974- April 1976

                           Archie: Jughead Series  [Archie Comic Publications]

7                           #21-240 (October 1970-September 1975)

                           Archie: Life with Archie  [Archie Comic Publications]

8                           #142-167 (February 1974-May 1976)

                           Archie: Mad House Series  [Archie Enterprises]

9                           #92-100 (March 1974-November 1975)

                           Archie's Pals 'n' Gals  [Archie Comic Publications]

10                         #69-90 (April 1972-December 1974)

                           Archie: Reggie and Me  [Close-Up Inc.]

11                         #70-85 (May 1974-March 1976)
                           Archie at Riverdale High  [Archie Enterprises]

12                         #7-21 (June 1973-December 1974)

                           Atlas  [National Periodical Publications]

13                         #1 (April 1975)

                           Avengers, The [Magazine Management Co.]

14                         #75-101 (April 1970-July 1972)

                           Beast, The [Magazine Management Co.]

15                         #13 (July 1972)

                           Black Goliath  [Marvel Comics Group]

16                         #1 (February 1976)

                           Captain America  [Magazine Management Co.]

17                         #139-140 (July 1971-August 1971)

                           Captain Marvel [Magazine Management Co.]

18                       #16-21 (September 1969-July 1970)

                           Captain Savage [Magazine Management Co.]

19                         #8-19 (November 1968-March 1970)

                           Cat, The [Magazine Management Co.]

20                         #2 (January 1973)

                           Chamber of Chills [Marvel Comics Group]

21                         #13-22 (November 1974-May 1976)

                           Chamber of Darkness [Magazine Management Co.]

22                         #3-4 (March 1970-April 1970

                           Code Name Assassin [National Periodical Publications]

23                         #11 (February 1976)

                           Combat Kelly [Magazine Management Co.]

24                         #3 (October 1972)

                           Conan the Barbarian [Magazine Management Co.]

25                         #16 (July 1972)

                           Creatures [Magazine Management Co.]

26                         #10-15 (March 1971-January 1972)

                           Daredevil [Magazine Management co.]

27                         #55-59 (August 1969-December 1969)

28                         #60-66 (January 1970-July 1970)

29                         #2-79 (February 1971-August 1971)

30                         #128-133 (December 1975- May 1976)

                           Deathlok the Demolisher

31                         #35 (May 1976)

                           Defenders, The [Marvel Comics Group]

32                         #34 (April 1976)

                           Demon, The [National Periodical Publications]

33                         #1 (August-September 1972)

                           Dr. Strange [Magazine Management Co.]

34                         #180-183 (May 1969-November 1969)

                           Enemy Ace [National Periodical Publications]

35                         #58-149 (October 1965-March 1970)

                           Falling in Love [National Periodical Publications]

36                       #135 (August  1972)

                           Fantastic Four [Marvel Comics Group]

37                         #91 (October 1969)

38                         #69-101 (March 1970-August 1970)

39                         #106-111 (January 1971-June 1971)

40                         #112-32 (July 1971-December 1971)

41                         #121 (April 1972)

42                         #166 (January 1976)             

                           Fear [Magazine Management Co.]

43                         #9-10 (August 1972-October 1972)

                           From Beyond the Unknown [National Periodical Publications]

44                         #24 (October 1973)

                           Ghost Rider  [Marvel Comics Group]

45                         #5-13 (August 1972-August 1975)

                           Girls' Love Stories [National Periodical Publications]

46                       #173 (September 1972)

                           Golem [Marvel Comics Group]

47                       #174-176 (October 1974-November 1974)

                           Gunhawks [Marvel Comics Group]

48                         #1-6 (October 1972-August 1973)

                           Heart Throbs [National Periodical Publications]

49                       #144 [August 1972]

                           Hero for Hire [Magazine Management Co.]

50                         #5 (January 1973)

                           House of Mystery [National Periodical Publications]

51                         #200 (March 1972)

                           House of Secrets [National Periodical Pubications]

52                         #140 (March 1976)

                           Howard the Duck [Marvel Comics Group]

53                         #7 (December 1976)

Box 2

Folder               Title

                           Incredible Hulk, The [Marvel Comics Group]

1                         #127-190 (May 1970-August 1975)

                           Inhumans and the Black Widow [Magazine Management Co.]

2                         #1-8 (August 1970-September 1971)

                           Iron Man [Magazine Management Co.]

3                         #13-20 (May 1969-December 1969)

4                         #24-31 (April 1970-November 1970)

5                         #36-41 (April 1971-September1971)

6                         #44-50 (January 1972-September 1972)

7                         #82-85 (January 1976-April 1976)

                           Iron Man Daredevil [Magazine Management Co.]

8                         #28-29 (October 1970-January 1971)  

                           Journey into Mystery [Marvel Comics Group]

9                         #10-13 (April 1974-October 1974)

                           Justice League of America [National Periodical Publications]

10                         #107 (October 1973)
                            Kamandi the Last Boy on Earth [National Periodical Publications]

11                            #8-26 (August 1973-February 1975)

                            Karate Kid [National Periodical Publications]

12                            #1 (April 1976)

                            Ka-Zar [Magazine Management Co.]

13                            #2-6 (December 1970-June 1971)

                            Kid Colt Outlaw [Marvel Comics Group]

14                            #151-206 (December 1970-May 1976)

                            Killraven [Marvel Comics Group]

15                            #34 (January 1976)

                            Kull the Conqueror [Magazine Management Co.]

16                            #3 (July 1972)

                            Kung-Fu Fighter [National Periodical Publications]

17                            #6 (March 1976)

                            Lady Cop [National Periodical Publications]

18                            #4 (July 1975)

                            Liberty Legion [Marvel Comics Group]

19                            #29 (April 1976)

                            Manhunter, The [National Periodical Publications]

20                          #5 (August 1975)

                            Master of Kung-Fu [Marvel Comics Group]

21                          #20-35 (September 1974-December 1975)

                            Mighty Thor, The [MArvel Comics Group]

22                          #176-254 (May1970-December 1976)

                            Mister Miracle [National Periodical Publications]

23                          #11-17 (December 1972-January 1974)

                            Monsters [Marvel Comics Group]

24                          #4-27 (July 1970-March 1974)

                            New Gods, The [National Periodical Publications]

25                          #10 (september 1972)

                            Omac [National Periodical Publications]

26                           #2 (December 1974)

                            Our Love Story [Marvel Comics Group]

27                           #19-38 (October 1972-February 1976)

                            Outlaw Kid, The [Marvel comics Group]

28                           #1-18 (August 1970-October 1973)

                            Phantom Stranger, The [National Periodical Publications]

29                           #21 (October 1972)

                            Prez [National Periodical Publications]

30                           #2 (November 1973)

                            Rawhide Kid [Marvel Comics Group]

31                           #70-35 (June 1969-October 1974)

                            Richie Rich [Harvey Publications]

32                           #85-88 (September 1969-December 1969)

33                           #37-49 (April 1971-September 1971)

34                           #2-3 (December 1972)

35                           #8 (September,October 1973)

36                           #9-55 (February 1974-April 1974)

37                           #4-137 (February 1975-December 1975)

38                           #75-76 (January 1976-March 1976)

                            Ringo Kid [Marvel Comics Group]

39                           #1-25 (January 1970-January1976)

                            Sgt. Fury [Perfect Film and Chemical Corp.]

40                           #61 (December 1968)

41                           #69-73 (August 1969-December 1969)

42                           #74-79 (Januaray 1970-June 1970)

43                           #6-82 (August 1970-December 1970)

44                           #83-87 (January 1971-May 1971)

45                           #88-7 (June 1971-November 1971)

46                           #94-102 (January 1972-September 1972)

47                           #110-14 (May 1973-November 1973)

48                           #118-123 (March 1974-November 1974)

49                           #127-134 (July 1975-July 1976)

                            Shield [Marvel Comics Group]

50                           #11-?? (April 1969-October 1973)

Box 3

Folder                Title

                            Silver Surfer, The [Magazine Management Co.]

1                           #9-10 (October 1969-November 1969)

2                           #12-18 (January 1970-September 1970)

                            Skull, The Slayer [Marvel Comics Group]

3                           #4 (March 1976)

                            Son of Satan [Marvel Comics Group]

4                           #5 (February 1976)

                            Spider-man, The Amazing [Magazine Management co.]

5                           #81-91 (February 1970-December 1970)

6                           #92-98 (January 1971-July 1971)

7                           #99-8 (August 1971-December 1971)

8                           #154-156 (March 1975-May 1976)

                             Star Spangled War Stories [National Periodical Publications]

9                           #156 (May 1971)

                             Sub-Mariner [Magazine Management]

10                           #19 (November 1969)

11                           #21-31 (January 1970-November 1970)

12                           #35-38 (March 1971-June 1971)

13                           #39-41 (July 1971-Spetember 1971)

14                           #51 (July 1972)

Box 4

Folder                Title

                            Supergirl [National Periodical Publications]

1                           #398 (October 1970)

                            Superman [National Periodical Publications]

2                           #298 (April 1976)

                            Superman's Girl Friend [National Periodical Publications]

3                           #110 (May 1971)

                            Thor [Marvel Comics Group]

4                      #179-247 (August 1970-May 1976)

                            Tomb of Darkness [Marvel Comics Group]

5                           #9-20 (July1974-May1976)

                            Tomb of Dracula

6                           #3-44 (July 1972-May1976)

                            Tower of Shadows [Magazine Management Co.]

7                           #2 (November1969)

                            Two-Gun Kid [Marvel Comics Group]

8                           #97-112 (March 1971-September 1973)
                            Uncanny Tales [Marvel Comics Group]

9                            #4 (June 1974)       

                            Unexpected [National Periodical PUblications]

10                             #171 (February 1976)

                            Vault of Evil [Marvel Comics Groups]

11                             #6 (October 1973)

                            War of the Worlds [Marvel Comics Group]

12                              #23 (March 1973)

                            Warlock [Magazine Management Co.]

13                              #2 (May1972)

                            Weird Western Tales [National Periodical Publications]

14                              # 20-30 (December 1973-October 1975)

                            Weird Wonder Tales [Marvel Comics Group]

15                              # 4 (June 1974)

                            Werewolf by Night [Marvel Comics Group]

16                              #17 (May 1974

                            Western Kid, The [Magazine Management Co.]

17                              #4 (June 1972)

                            Wulf, the Barbarian [Seaboard Periodicals]

18                            #1 (February 1975)

                            X-Men, The [Magazine Management Co.]

19                           #62-98 (February 1969-April 1976)

                            Young Love [National Periodical Publications]

20                           #98-99 (August 1972-September 1972)

                            Young Romance [National Periodical Publications]

21                           #184-186 (July 1972-September 1972)