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Special Collections and Archives

MsC 514

  Manuscript Register


Collection Dates: 1929 -- 1988
72 linear ft.

This document describes a collection of materials held by the
Special Collections Department
University of Iowa Libraries
Iowa City, Iowa 52242-1420
Phone: 319-335-5921
Fax: 319-335-5900

Posted to Internet: October 2000

Acquisition Note: This collection was transferred to the University of Iowa Libraries at the time of Mr. Engle's death in 1991.

Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research. Hua-Ling Engle retains copyright.

Photographs: Boxes 1, 2, 3, 4, 21, 30

Film/Video: Microfilm Box 27

Audio Material: Boxes 11, 24, 26, 29, 30, 41

Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department.

Copyright:  Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on "Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials"

Use of Collections: The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement.

 Table of Contents

Biographical Note

Scope and Contents

I. Series One -- Personal Material

Boxes 1 -- 2

II. Series Two -- Professional Papers

Boxes 3 -- 4

III. Series Three -- Correspondence

Boxes 4 -- 10

IV. Series Four -- Writings

Boxes 11 -- 21

V. Series Five -- Workshops

Box 22 -- 44

VI. Series Six -- Student Works

VII. Series Seven - Miscellaneous

Boxes 45 -- 47

Box 48 Oversized Material

Map Case

Index to Correspondence

Biographical Note

Paul Engle was born in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, on October 12, 1908, to parents (Hamilton) Thomas Allen and Evelyn (Reinheimer) Engle. As a child, he received his formal education within the Cedar Rapids public schools and claimed to have received many informal lessons while helping out in the family's horse business. Engle attended Coe College in Cedar Rapids, where he graduated cum laude in 1931, emphasizing English literature, American history and languages. In 1932, Paul Engle received his M.A. from the University of Iowa, marking one of the first times in the U.S. an advanced degree was awarded for presenting a piece of imaginative writing as a thesis. The work, Worn Earth, was subsequently published by the Yale University Press. That same year, Engle was awarded a fellowship to begin doctoral work at Columbia University.

In the fall of 1933, Paul Engle received the prestigious Rhodes Scholarship. He sailed for England, enrolled in Merton College at Oxford University, and began studies under the poet Edmund Blunden. He was awarded a second M.A. degree in 1936, and in July of that year married Mary Nomine Nissen, a former neighbor in Cedar Rapids.

After his return to the states in 1937, Engle joined the faculty at the University of Iowa, lecturing primarily on poetry. In 1942, he became professor of English and director of the Creative Writing Program. It is, perhaps, quite relevant to note here that Paul Engle, despite many quotes to the contrary, was not the founder of the Iowa Writers' Workshop. While it is true that Engle had much to do with shaping the Workshop into a prestigious and well-known program, credit for the idea and its inception must go to Wilbur Schramm. Engle was appointed acting director in 1941, during Schramm's wartime service. Paul Engle went on to direct the program for twenty-four more years.

In 1967, Engle and his future second wife, Chinese poet Hua-ling Nieh Engle, co-founded the International Writing Program (IWP) at the University of Iowa. The couple's work with foreign writers and their families led them to be nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize in 1976. Paul retired from his position as director of the IWP in July of 1977. Hua-ling took over the position, while her husband advised her occasionally. In his retirement from the university, Engle was able to dedicate more time to his writing.

Although Paul Engle dedicated a tremendous portion of his professional life to directing writing programs at the University of Iowa, he still managed to find time to raise two daughters from his first marriage, Mary and Sara, as well as two step-daughters, Lan-Lan and Wei-Wei. As well, throughout his university career, Engle never stopped writing. Over the course of his life, Paul Engle published more than a dozen books of poetry, a novel, a children's book and a full-length libretto. His poems and critical essays have appeared in countless professional and popular publications, including Readers' Digest, Ladies Home Journal, Life Magazine, and Better Homes and Gardens. Engle also found the time to edit numerous anthologies of short fiction and poetry and to travel extensively, lecturing on topics regarding his own work, the writing programs at the university and life in the state of Iowa.

While it is relatively easy to see that Engle was a prolific writer and a successful administrator, it is, perhaps, more difficult to assess the impact Paul Engle made upon the literary world. His teaching, his poetry and prose, and his leadership have influenced and inspired countless readers and writers, university writing programs, publishing houses, and scholars at all age and ability levels.

Paul Engle died in March of 1991 at the age of 82.

 Scope and Contents

The papers of Paul Engle consist of 70.5 linear feet of records dating from approximately 1929 to 1988 and were transferred to the Special Collections Department at the time of his death in 1991. They document Engle's literary accomplishments, as well as his personal, professional and community interests. The papers are divided into six series: Personal Material, Professional Papers, Correspondence, Writings, Workshops, and Student Works.

The series of Personal Material dates from [1920 to 1980] and is arranged alphabetically. Here can be found Engle family correspondence, financial records, Paul Engle's transcripts and diplomas, newspaper and magazine clippings concerning Paul Engle, items once belonging to his first wife (Mary) and his two daughters (Mary and Sara) and family photographs.

The Professional Papers series, also arranged alphabetically, is made up of two subseries: A. General Information and B. University of Iowa Information. Within the General subseries are documents pertaining to Paul Engle's professional work that was not associated with the University of Iowa. Subseries B includes information about the University of Iowa's department of English, photographs of Paul, and newspaper clippings regarding Engle and his work at the University of Iowa. The inclusive dates for this series are 1934-1987.

The third series is composed of Correspondence, and is arranged chronologically. Here can be found letters written by Paul Engle and dating from 1929-1986. The bulk of series three, however, is a collection of letters written to Engle. These papers date from 1928 to 1987 and include letters from numerous notable individuals (especially American writers), students of the workshops, politicians, publishers and editors, and close family friends. An index to the Correspondence series can be found at the end of this manuscript register.

Series four, Writings, is arranged alphabetically and is divided into four subseries: A. Appearances and Lectures, B. Poetry, C. Prose, and D. Works Edited by Engle. The papers and audio-visual materials within this series date from approximately 1930 to 1978, documenting Engle's literary career with holograph and typescript drafts, research, and correspondence.

Subseries A, Appearances and Lectures, includes interview transcripts and lecture notes, as well as posters, brochures and pamphlets publicizing Paul Engle's appearances.

Subseries B, Poetry, is composed of two groupings of documents: General Poetry and Published Poetry. The papers include holograph and typescript drafts of poetry written by Engle as well as holograph and typescript manuscripts, galleys, reprint copies and related correspondence for much of Paul Engle's published poetry.

Subseries C, Prose, is arranged the same way as the Poetry subseries. It too is composed of various drafts, reprints, galleys, research and correspondence related to Paul Engle's works of prose, both published and unpublished.

Subseries D, Works Editied by Engle, contains information documenting serveral projects Engle edited alone or with a team.

Series five, Workshops, is arranged alphabetically and is also divided into four subseries: A. The International Writing Program (IWP), B. The Poetry Workshop, C. The Translation Workshop and D. The Iowa Writers' Workshop. This series documents much of the activity surrounding these four workshops and includes the perspectives of not only Paul Engle but of the students, professors, and administrators involved with the programs. Documents and audiovisual material in this series date from 1941 to 1988.

Subseries A, The International Writing Program (IWP) is composed of administrative information, a number of foreign language anthologies, student manuscripts, correspondence, publicity and newspaper clippings regarding the activities of the IWP.

Subseries B, The Poetry Workshop, contains papers documenting activities within this workshop, including administrative papers, correspondence and student manuscripts.

Subseries C, The Translation Workshop, is composed of papers relating to the creation of this program, as well as its transition into the IWP. Here can be found administrative information and student translations.

Subseries D, The Iowa Writers' Workshop, presents information regarding the students, professors, and administrators of this program. Documents include fundraising and financial statements, news and publicity, and student applications to the workshop.

The last series, Student Works, contains manuscripts (including holograph, typescript and carbon drafts, as well as galleys and theses) written by members of the University of Iowa's four writers' workshops. Documents within this series date from 1944 to 1983 and are arranged alphabetically by the author's last name.

Series 6: Miscellaneous

Related materials

Paul Engle poetry reading, December 15, 1969 [sound recording]. Main Media Services Audio record 234 CAS 

Paul Engle reading his own poems sound recording. Main Media Services Record 30 

Iowa poets [audiorecordings].  Curriculum Lab Non-Print 811 /I64

Paul Engle, and later Hualing Engle, settled portions of his papers on his alma mater, Coe College (Cedar Rapids).  A finding aid for this collection, which overlaps the present one, is at

Box 1

 Series I. Personal Material

 Calendars and itineraries, 1957 -- 1964.

Certificate of age, 1942.

Citations and awards, 1962 -- 1966.

Clippings, 1934 -- 1999.


Family letters
Aug. 11, 1930 -- Oct. 16, 1938.

Feb. 10, 1942 -- Sept. 24, 1947.

Dec. 15, 1954 -- Sept. 23, 1957.

Nov. 4, 1957 -- Dec. 14, 1959.

Mar. 2, 1960 -- Dec. 29, 1966.

Jan. 2, 1967 -- Oct. 15, 1976.

Undated. (2 folders)

Dance cards, drawings, miscellaneous, 1931 -- 1968.

Diploma: Coe College, 1931.

Edmund Blunden: photographs (reproductions), 1980.

Greeting cards and postcards

Sept. 18, 1922 -- Jan. 21, 1957.

Jan. 1957 -- Christmas 1960.

Jan. 1, 1961 -- 1980

Undated. (3 folders)

Box 1a

Insurance papers, 1947 -- 1968.

Last wills and codicils, 1942 -- 1967.

Mailings, programs, clippings, and miscellaneous, [1960 -- 1980?]

Mary Engle

Diploma from University High School

Art history notes, 1958 -- 1959.

English notes, 1959.

History notes, 1959.

Box 2

Mary Engle (cont)

Miscellaneous, 1958 -- 1959.

School project, undated.

Mary and Sara Engle

Drawings, poems, paintings, 1954 -- 1957 and undated.

Report cards, 1949 -- 1955.

Miscellaneous ephemera

Clippings of published materials, 1934 -- 1960 and undated.

Memorial Service bulletin, 1991.

Nissen, Frank. Wills and miscellaneous financial documents, 1940 -- 1957.

Nissen-Engle, Mary

Diary, 1955.

"Ghosts of My Friends" autograph book, 1925.

"La Muñeca" and "En La Zapateria" Typescript draft of children's book, 1947.

Photographs in handmade book, [1920?]

Photographs of family, [1900 -- 1940?]

Sketchbook, undated.


Family, [1950s -- 1960s?]

Home, 1966.

Mary and Sara, 1940 -- 1960.

Miscellaneous, [1930s -- 1960s?] (2 folders)

Paul Engle, [1930s -- 1940s?]

Pocket notebooks, 1940 -- 1944.

Postcards and greeting cards. Blank, undated. (3 folders)

Rhodes scholarship and trust information, 1963 -- 1976.

Souvenir napkins, 1977.

Tax returns and W2 forms, 1947 -- 1963.

Thomas Engle personal papers, 1929 -- 1943.

Transcripts: Columbia, Coe, and University of Iowa, 1930 -- 1933.

Walt Whitman poems, undated.

"We Soldiers of All Nations…" Artwork, 1970.

Box 3

 Series II. Professional Papers
Subseries A. General Information

 Coe College Board of Trustees. Minutes, memos, and agendas, 1956 -- 1957.

Contests, awards, fellowships. News and related correspondence, 1957 -- 1970.

Contracts and copyright statements, 1934 -- 1968.

Famous Writers School

1968 -- 1970.

1971 -- 1972.

Publicity and promotion, 1968 -- 1972.

Student information, 1968 -- 1972.

Grade reports. Harvard, 1955.

John Deere business letter writing seminar information, 1973.

National Council on the Arts

Annual reports, brochures, and miscellaneous, 1965 -- 1970.

Award of appreciation, 1970.

Correspondence, 1962 -- 1970.

National Cultural Center

Correpondence, 1960 -- 1962.

Press releases and news

1956 -- Feb. 1962.

Mar. 1962 -- June 1962.

July 1962 -- Oct. 1962.

Promotional items, 1962.

Photographs. India, 1963.

Royalty payment information, 1958 -- 1968.

W. Colston Leigh, Inc. Contracts and itineraries, 1937 -- 1956.

West coast poetry tour information, 1960 -- 1962.

Box 4

 Subseries B. University of Iowa

 Biographical information, [1950 -- 1960?]

Biographical newspaper clippings

1934 -- 1966.

1967 -- 1978.

1979 -- 1987.

Britannica Schools. University of Iowa Writers' Workshop

Administrative information, 1963.

"Fiction Writing Study Guide" 1963.

Promotional brochures and miscellaneous, 1963.

Department of English

Administrative information, 1951 -- 1963.

Course information, 1942 -- 1955.

MFA Examination

Questions, 1950 -- 1961.

Reading lists, 1952 -- 1962.

Ph.D. qualifying exams, 1950 -- 1955.

Department of Music. Programs, information, and correspondence, [1950?]

Illinois Art Council. Correspondence, 1953.

Latin American Writing Conference materials, 1968 -- 1969.


Literary figures, [1950s -- 1960s?]

Paul Engle, [1950s -- 1960s?]

Paul Engle and others, [1950s -- 1960s?]

Proofs of Paul Engle by John Barry, 1951.

Resumé, [1962?]

Reviews of Engle's works, 1934 -- 1964.


Asia, 1961.

France, 1966.

Pakistan, 1963.

Poland, 1966.

University of Iowa. Newsletters and brochures, 1946 -- 1966.

Series III. Correspondence

Index to Correspondence

 From Paul Engle

1929 -- July 31, 1952.

Aug. 1, 1952 -- July 31, 1958.

Aug. 1, 1958 -- Oct. 31, 1964.

Nov. 1, 1964 -- Mar. 31, 1969.

Apr. 1, 1969 -- Jan. 9, 1986, and undated.

Box 5

To Paul Engle

1928 -- 1930. Including letters from James Hearst and Henry Canby.

1931 -- 1933. Including letters from: Richard Ely Morse, Frederic Ridgely Torrence, Carl Sandberg, William Rose Benét, Jay Sigmund, and Stephen Vincent Benét.

Jan. 1, 1934 -- Sept. 30, 1934. Including letters from: William M. Campbell, Lynn Riggs, Allan Seager, Kay Boyle, Leonard Ehrlich, and W.H. Auden.

Oct. 1, 1934 -- Dec. 31, 1935. Including letters from: William M. Campbell, Charles Ford, Leonard Ehrlich, Kay Boyle, Jay Sigmund, Lynn Riggs, Sylva Blunden, W.H. Auden, and Edmund Blunden.

Jan. 1, 1936 -- Sept. 30, 1938. Including letters from: Stephen Vincent Benét, Leonard Ehrlich, William M. Campbell, Edward O'Brien and George B. Abbe.

Oct. 1, 1938 -- July 31, 1942. Including letters from: W.H. Auden, Ada MacLeish, Mrs. Hervey Allen, and Kay Boyle.

From Robert Penn Warren, 1942 -- 1951

Aug. 1, 1942 -- April 13, 1944. Including letters from: Jean Garrigue, Stephen Vincent Benét, Leonard Ehrlich, Joseph Langland, Archibald MacLeish, and Sinclair Lewis.

April 13, 1944 -- Nov. 18, 1944. Including letters from: Jean Garrigue, Joseph T. Langland, James Hearst, Sinclair Lewis, Gwendolyn Brooks, and Carroll Coleman.

Nov. 19, 1944 -- May 17, 1945. Including letters from: Joseph T. Langland, John F. Nims, Hervey Allen, Edmund Blunden, William M. Campbell, Carroll Coleman, Sinclair Lewis, Geoffrey Mune, Kay Boyle, Robert Penn Warren, Marguerite Young.

May 18, 1945 -- Jan. 31, 1946. Including letters from: Joseph T. Langland, Sinclair Lewis, Christopher LaFarge, Gwendolyn Brooks, Marguerite Young, Peter Taylor, John C. Ransom, Hervey Allen, Cleanth Brooks, and Leonard Ehrlich.

Feb. 1, 1946 -- June 30, 1946. Including letters from: Joseph T. Langland, Peter Taylor, Leonard Ehrlich, Hervey Allen, Gwendolyn Brooks, William M. Campbell, Jean Garrigue, Edmund Blunden, Robert Penn Warren, and James T. Farrell.

July 1, 1946 -- Feb. 28, 1947. Including letters from: Paul Horgan, Robert Penn Warren, Leonard Ehrlich, Peter Taylor, Hervey Allen, Sinclair Lewis, Jean Garrigue, Sam Barlow, John C. Ransom, and Marguerite Young.

Mar. 1, 1947 -- July 31, 1947. Including letters from: Robert Penn Warren, John C. Ransom, Peter Taylor, John M. Brown, Hervey Allen, Anthony Hecht, Andrew Lytle, and Karl Shapiro.

Aug. 1, 1947 -- Dec. 31, 1947. Including letters from: Sam Barlow, Hervey Allen, W.H. Auden, Jean Stafford, Marguerite Young, Jean Garrigue, and Wright Morris.

Jan. 1, 1948 -- June 30, 1948. Including letters from: Sam Barlow, Karl Shapiro, Hervey Allen, Joseph T. Langland, and Peter Taylor.

July 1, 1948 -- Dec. 31, 1949. Including letters from: Robert Penn Warren, Peter Taylor, Hubert Creekmore, and Cleanth Brooks.

Box 6

To Paul Engle (cont.)

Jan. 1, 1950 -- Nov. 12, 1952.

Nov. 13, 1952 -- May 31, 1954. Including letters from: Virgil Hancher, Karl Shapiro, Donald Justice, Peter Taylor, and R.V. Cassill.

June 1, 1954 -- Jan. 22, 1955. Including letters from: Archibald MacLeish, Karl Shapiro, Robert Penn Warren, Averell Harriman, Donald Justice, e.e. cummings, Catherine Drinker Bowen, Lawrence Spingarn, and John C. Ransom.

Jan. 23, 1955 -- July 31, 1955. Including letters from: Robert Penn Warren, e.e. cummings, Flannery O'Connor, Wallace Stegner, Ralph W. Ellison, Henry Rago, Kay Boyle, Howard Moss, Nolan Miller, Alfred Kreymborg, Reed Whittemore, and Merle Miller.

Aug. 1, 1955 -- Dec. 31, 1955. Including letters from: Robert Penn Warren, William Stafford, Lawrence Spingarn, Mrs. John P. (Adelaide) Marquand, Archibald MacLeish, Karl Shapiro, Max Eastman, Oakley M. Hall, Donald Hall, Robert Anderson, Catherine Drinker Bowen, John H. Wheelock, and Lillian Hellman.

Jan. 1, 1956 -- Feb. 12, 1956. Including letters from: Oscar Williams, Curtis Harnack, Mrs. Averell Harriman, Donald Hall, Virgil Hancher, Robert Penn Warren, Wallace Stegner, Catherine Drinker Bowen, Nolan Miller, William J. Smith, Richard Wilbur, Henry Rago, R.V. Cassill, William Stafford, and Ralph W. Ellison.

Feb. 13, 1956 -- Mar. 5, 1956. Including letters from: Joseph T. Langland, Donald Justice, Curtis Harnack, Robert Mezey, Edmund Blunden, Wright Morris, Nolan Miller, William Stafford, Donald Hall, and Henry Rago.

Mar. 6, 1956 -- Apr. 10, 1956. Including letters from: Reed Whittemore, Robert Mezey, Donald Hall, George Stoddard, Loren Hickerson, Howard Moss, Curtis Harnack, Henry Rago, Alfred Knopf, Virgil Hancher, Donald Justice, William W. Gibson, and William Stafford.

Apr. 11, 1956 -- May 5, 1956. Including letters from: Curtis Harnack, Donald Hall, Henry Rago, Alfred A. Knopf, Dewey Stuit, Catherine Drinker Bowen, and Oakley Hall.

May 6, 1956 -- May 31, 1956. Including letters from: Nolan Miller, Henry Rago, James Hearst, Donald Justice, Kim Merker, George Stoddard, Hollis Summers, John Holmes, Averell Harriman, Reed Whittemore, Oakley Hall, and Donald Hall.

June 1, 1956 -- June 30, 1956. Including letters from: Arthur Godfrey, Henry Rago, Curtis Harnack, Rhodes Dunlap, Virgil Hancher, Nolan Miller, and Karl Shapiro.

July 1, 1956 -- July 31, 1956. Including letters from: Reed Whittemore, Nolan Miller, Herbert Gold, Gwendolyn Brooks, Curtis Harnack, Donald Hall, Edmund Blunden, and John Holmes.

Aug. 1, 1956 -- Aug. 31, 1956. Including letters from: John H. Wheelock, George Scarbrough, Judson Jerome, Alfred A. Knopf, Nolan Miller, George Stoddard, Reed Whittemore, Donald Hall, Rhodes Dunlap, Herbert Gold, Mari Sandoz, Curtis Harnack, and Leonard Ehrlich.

Sept. 1, 1956 -- Oct. 20, 1956. Including letters from: Nolan Miller, John H. Wheelock, Herbert Gold, Harvey Swados, Jean Garrigue, Donald Hall, and John Beaty.

Oct. 11, 1956 -- Nov. 20, 1956. Including letters from: Henry Rago, Jean Garrigue, Nolan Miller, Reed Whittemore, Donald Hall, Ralph Ellsworth, R.V. Cassill, Herbert Gold, and Averell Harriman.

Box 7

To Paul Engle (cont.)

Nov. 2, 1956 -- Dec. 31, 1956. Including letters from: Gwendolyn Brooks, Donald Hall, Jean Garrigue, Herbert Gold, Reed Whittemore, Joseph T. Langland, William S. Merwin, Averell Harriman, Mrs. J.P. [Adelaide] Marquand, Virgil Hancher, Donald Finkel, and Robert Mezey.

Jan. 1, 1957 -- Feb. 5, 1957. Incuding letters from: Robert Mezey, Nolan Miller, Herbert Gold, Leonard Ehrlich, Catherine Drinker Bowen, Averell Harriman, Reed Whittemore, James Hearst, Henry Rago, and Jean Garrigue.

Feb. 6, 1957 -- Mar. 20, 1957. Including letters from: Nolan Miller, Donald Hall, R.V. Cassill, Karl Shapiro, Mrs. Stephen [Rosemary] Vincent Bénet, Averell Harriman, Stephen Berg, Jean Garrigue, and James Hearst.

Mar. 21, 1957 -- Apr 20, 1957. Including letters from: Nolan Miller, Adelaide Marquand, Alistaire Cooke, R.V. Cassill, Averell Harriman, Henry Rago, Vance Bourjaily, Donald Justice, and Stephen Berg.

Apr. 21, 1957 -- May 20, 1957. Including letters from: Henry Rago, Curtis Harnack, Nolan Miller, R.V. Cassill, William S. Merwin, John C. Ransom, Vance Bourjaily, and Karl Shapiro.

May 21, 1957 -- June 30, 1957. Including letters from: Donald Hall, Reed Whittemore, Virgil Hancher, John C. Ransom, Curtis Harnack, Vance Bourjaily, Donald Justice, and Robert Montgomery.

July 1, 1957 -- Aug. 20, 1957. Including letters from: Virgil Hancher, George Stoddard, Vance Bourjaily, Hortense Calisher, and Rhodes Dunlap.

Aug. 21, 1957 -- Oct. 17, 1957. Including letters from: Catherine Drinker Bowen, Virgil Hancher, Hortense Calisher, Donald Hall, and Curtis Harnack.

Oct. 18, 1957 -- Jan. 31, 1958. Including letters from Theodore Pratt and Virgil Hancher.

Feb. 1, 1958 -- Mar. 31, 1958. Including letters from Gwendolyn Brooks and Joseph T. Langland.

Apr. 1, 1958 -- Aug. 31, 1958. Including letters from: Hollis Summers, Nolan Miller, and Robert Sward.

Sept. 1, 1958 -- Dec. 31, 1958. Including letters from: Hyam Plutzik, Joseph T. Langland, and Henry Rago.

Jan. 1, 1959 -- May 26, 1959. Including letters from: Donald Hall, Blanchette Rockefeller, R.V. Cassill, William Stafford, Hortense Calisher, Curtis Harnack, Peter Taylor, Averell Harriman, Archibald MacLeish, and George Elliott.

Box 8

To Paul Engle (cont.)

June 1, 1959 -- Sept. 30, 1959. Including letters from: James Hearst, Carl Carmer, Henry Rago, Stephen Berg, R.V. Cassill, Virgil Hancher, Averell Harriman, Donald Finkel, and William Stafford.

Oct. 1, 1959 -- Feb. 28, 1960. Including letters from: Mrs. Stephen Vincent [Rosemary] Benét, Archibald MacLeish, Edmund Blunden, James Hearst, Averell Harriman, William Merwin, Joseph T. Langland, and R.V. Cassill.

Mar. 1, 1960 -- May 31, 1960. Including letters from: Flannery O'Connor, Richard Kim, Averell Harriman, Hollis Summers, Vance Bourjaily, Ralph Ellison, William Stafford, and Peter Taylor.

June 1, 1960 -- Aug. 31, 1960. Including letters from: Philip Roth, Marquis Childs, N. Scott Momaday, and George Elliott.

Sept. 1, 1960 -- Dec. 31, 1960. Including letters from: Mrs. Stephen Vincent [Rosemary] Benét, Nancy Hale, Virgil Hancher, Joseph T. Langland, and Mark Strand.

Jan. 1, 1961 -- May 31, 1961. Including letters from: Virgil Hancher, Joseph T. Langland, Al Capp, Lonny Marquand, Edmund Blunden, Robert Mezey, and Arthur Yvor Winters.

June 1, 1961 -- Dec. 31, 1961. Including letters from: Flannery O'Connor, Witter Bynner, William Stafford, Wallace Stegner, Richard Kim, Donald Justice, Mrs. Stephen Vincent [Rosemary] Benét, and Edmund Blunden.

Jan. 1, 1962 -- June 30, 1962. Including letters from: Henry Rago, George Elliott, e.e. cummings, Joseph T. Langland, Donald Justice, Reed Whittemore, Norman Cousins, Saul Bellow, Louis Untermeyer, John C. Ransom, Lillian Hellman, and Marvin Bell.

July 1, 1962 -- Oct. 31, 1962. Including letters from: Archibald MacLeish, Kim Merker, Vance Bourjaily, John C. Ransom, Joseph T. Langland, Adelaide Marquand, James Hearst, R.V. Cassill, Richard Kim, Averell Harriman, and Edmund Blunden.

Nov. 1, 1962 -- July 31, 1963. Including letters from: Philip Roth, Adelaide Marquand, Donald Justice, Vance Bourjaily, Averell Harriman, Allen Tate, Edmund Blunden, R.V. Cassill, Ogden Nash, Norman Foerster, and W.D. Snodgrass.

Aug. 1, 1963 -- Oct. 31, 1963. Including letters from: James Dickey, Gwendolyn Brooks, Jesse Stuart, Vance Bourjaily, R.V. Cassill, and Marvin Bell.

Nov. 1, 1963 -- Mar. 31, 1964. Including letters from: Joseph T. Langland, James Hearst, W.D. Snodgrass, Richard Kim, William Stafford, Vance Bourjaily, Allen Ginsberg, and Norman Foerster.

Apr. 1, 1964 -- June 30, 1964. Including letters from: Robert Penn Warren, Henry Rago, and W.D. Snodgrass.

Box 9

To Paul Engle (cont.)

July 1, 1964 -- Aug. 31, 1964. Including letters from Hua-Ling Nieh.

Sept. 1, 1964 -- Nov. 15, 1964. Including letters from Averell Harriman and Donald Justice.

Nov. 16, 1964 -- Dec. 31, 1964. Including letters from: Catherine Drinker Bowen, Donald Justice, Richard Kim, W.D. Snodgrass, and Allen Ginsberg.

Jan. 1, 1965 -- Feb. 28, 1965. Including letters from: Donald Justice, Norman Cousins, R.V. Cassill, and Reed Whittemore.

Mar. 1, 1965 -- Apr. 30, 1965. Including letters from: R.V. Cassill, Edmund Blunden, Henry Rago, Averell Harriman, Allen Dugan, Donald Justice, and Allen Ginsberg.

May 1, 1965 -- July 31, 1965. Including letters from: Donald Justice, Henry Rago, Vance Bourjaily, and Robert Sward.

Aug.1, 1965 -- Dec. 31, 1965. Including letters from: Norman Cousins, Averell Harriman, Kurt Vonnegut, Jesse Stuart, R.V. Cassill, and Leonard Ehrlich.

Jan. 1, 1966 -- June 30, 1966. Including letters from: Vance Bourjaily, Lady Bird Johnson, Donald Justice, George Starbuck, and Marvin Bell.

July 1, 1966 -- Oct. 31, 1966. Including letters from: R.V. Cassill, Henry Rago, Averell Harriman, Edmund Blunden, and John Irving.

Nov. 1, 1966 -- Apr. 30, 1967. Including letters from: Stanley Kunitz, William Stafford, Donald Justice, R.V. Cassill, and Agnes DeMille.

May 1, 1967 -- Sept. 30, 1967. Including letters from: George Starbuck, Agnes DeMille, and Oakley Hall.

Oct. 1, 1967 -- Aug. 31, 1968. Including letters from: W.D. Snodgrass, Nelson Algren, MacKinlay Kantor, Gregory Peck, Isaac Stern, Norman Cousins, and Harper Lee.

Sept. 1, 1968 -- Oct. 31, 1969. Including letters from: George Starbuck, Agnes DeMille, and W.D. Snodgrass.

Nov. 1, 1969 -- July 21, 1970. Including letters from: Oakley Hall, William Stafford, Charlton Heston, and George P. Elliott.

Box 10

To Paul Engle (cont.)

July 22, 1970 -- May 31, 1971. Including letters from Mark Harris and R.V. Cassill.

June 1, 1971 -- July 4, 1972.

July 5, 1972 -- Feb. 28, 1974. Including letters from: Kurt Vonnegut, Kay Boyle, William Stafford, Herman Wouk, Robert Penn Warren, William J. Smith, Millen Brand, and Gregory Peck.

Mar. 1, 1974 -- Apr. 30, 1975.

May 1, 1975 -- Jan. 31, 1977. Including letters from: Kurt Vonnegut, R.V. Cassill, Agnes DeMille, and Averell Harriman.

Feb. 1, 1977 -- Dec. 31, 1977. Including letters from: Kurt Vonnegut, Sam Barlow, Mrs. Bing Crosby, and R.V. Cassill.

Jan. 1, 1978 -- Oct. 31, 1978. Including letters from: Marvin Bell, R.V. Cassill, Archibald MacLeish, W.D. Snodgrass, and William Stafford.

Nov. 1, 1978 -- Sept. 30, 1979. Including letters from Hortense Calisher.

Oct. 1, 1979 -- Aug. 31, 1981. Including letters from Norman Rosten.

Sept. 1, 1981 -- May 31, 1984. Including letters from: Marvin Bell, Joseph T. Langland, and Donald Justice.

June 1, 1984 -- Oct. 31, 1986.

Nov. 1, 1986 -- Dec. 2, 1987.

Incomplete dates.

Undated Correspondence

A -- L.

M -- Z.

Box 11

 Series IV. Writings
Subseries A. Appearances and Lectures

Creative Arts Week, 1961.

Interview, Jan. 24, 1961. Audio tape reel.

Interview transcript, 1972.

Lecture notes and scripts, 1934 -- 1962.

Poetry: The World's Voice, 1965.

Publicity -- Engle. Brochures, pamphlets, and broadsides, [1930s -- 1960s?]

Publicity -- Engle, et al. Brochures, pamphlets, and broadsides, [1940s -- 1960s?]

The Writer in a Mass Culture, 1959.

Subseries B. Poetry


Holograph poetry drafts
1936 -- 1955.

1956 -- 1968.


Typescript carbon poetry drafts

1936 -- 1959.

1960 -- 1962.

1963 -- 1968.


A -- C.

D -- E.

F -- G.

H -- J.

K -- M.

N -- P.

Q -- S.

Box 12

General (cont)

Typescript carbon poetry drafts (cont.)
Undated (cont.)
T -- V.

W -- Z.

Typescript carbon poetry fragments, undated.

Typescript carbon poetry groupings, undated.


Always the Women. Reprints from Ladies Home Journal, 1960.

Amana Ballad. Holograph and typescript drafts, 1959.

Amagansett Beach and Sick. Poetry, 1955. (Printed back-to-back)

America - 1941. Reprint from Poetry, 1941.

America Remembers. Poetry, 1933.

American Child. Typescript drafts, 1943 -- 1956.

American Child II. Typescript drafts, 1961.

American Child. Prairie Press edition

Rose cover, 1944.

Teal cover, 1944.

Illustrations of Mary Engle, [1944?]

American Child. Royalty statements and contracts, 1956 -- 1957.

American Harvest. Clippings, undated.

American Song

Galley proof, [1933?]

Hardbound book with margin notes, 1934.

Spiral bound, hand penned musical score; with inscription to Paul Engle from Linda Williams, composer. (Stored on top of Box 12)

Ancestral Iowa. Typescript draft, undated.

Arden America: Averell Harriman. Holograph and typescript drafts -- Prairie Press editions,
1954 -- 1955.

Blind Man. Focus/Midwest 62, 1962.

The Bones of the Buffalo. Reprint, undated.

Book and Child: Three Sonnets. Pamphlet, 1956.

Book and Child: Three Sonnets. Clipping from The New York Times Book Review, vol. 61, n. 47, 18 November 1956.

Break the Heart's Anger. Dust jacket, 1935.

Canterbury. Pamphlet, undated.

The Cedar Rapids Song. Typescript drafts, 1957 -- 1959.

A Child in Time. Typescript draft, undated.

Christmas - 1946. Leaflet.

Christmas - 1947. Leaflet.

Christmas - 1958. Typescript draft.

A Christmas Child. Leaflets, [1959?]

Christmas Poems. Pamphets and photocopies, 1961.

Colette. Typescript draft with related correspondence, c.1956.


Holograph drafts, 1938.

Typescript carbons, undated.

A Dedication and The Sound of Red. Poetry, 1959.

Dedication poem read at the planting of the cedar by the class of 1927. Typescript draft, 1927.

Easter. Reprints, 1960.

Edmund Blunden on His 65th Birthday

Typescript carbon, [1962?]

Multigraph with author's autograph, 1962.

Reprints, Texas Quarterly, 1964 -- 1966.

Reprints, Texas Quarterly, 1964 -- 1966. Signed and dated by Blunden and Engle.

Epilogue. Photocopy, 1940.

For/To the Iowa Dead

Holograph and typescript drafts, 1945 -- 1955.

Pamphlets and clippings, 1956.

Botteghe Oscure, vol. 19, 1957. (Bound journal next to folders in Box 12)

For the Midwestern Dead. Leaflet, 1945.

Girl of Wind. Poetry, 1930.

Girls in a Silver Basket. Photocopy, 1929.

Happy Birthday from the People of Iowa. Typescript draft, 1960.

Heartland. Reprint, undated.

The Immortal Six. Pamphlet, [1948?]

In Time of Crisis. Harpers, August, 1939.

Lost Things. Poetry, 1933.

A Name. Leaflet, 1954.

The New Bank Building. Clipping, 1928.

New Englanders. Pamphlet, 1940.

Our Human Strength. Reprint, 1939.

Out of America. Sheet music, 1956.

A Photograph of Mrs. Martin Luther King. LIFE, 1975.

Poems. Photocopy, undated.

Poems for Hallmark. Typescript carbons, undated.

Box 13

Published (cont.)

Poems in Praise
Typescript draft, [1959]

Printer's proof, 1959. (2 folders)

Poems on Art

Holograph drafts, [1959 -- 1961]

Typescript drafts, [1959 -- 1961]

The Red-Headed Angel. Typescript carbons, undated.

Robert Frost. Miscellaneous drafts and clippings[1959?], finished pamphlet printed in the University of Iowa's typography lab to honor the visit of Robert Frost to the University on April 13, 1959.

Song of The Cedar. Printed in Seven Ages of a City: A Pictoral History of Cedar Rapids by Sutherland Dows, 1957.

Sick. Poetry, 1955. (Filed with Amagansett Beach in Box 12)

Sonnets. Typescript carbons, 1945.

Taj Mahal. SPAN, 1964.

The Things of Christmas Speak. Holograph and typescript drafts, 1961.

Three Poems. Poetry, 1950.   Also includes a proof copy with a note signed Karl

To be Sung by Eleanor Steber. Holograph draft, 1963.

To Praise a Poet. Parts I and II. Pamphlet, 1982

West of Boston. Pamphlet, 1959.

West of Midnight. Holograph drafts, 1940 -- 1941.

What is a Child? This Week Magazine, 1960.

The Willow Child. Clipping, undated.

A Woman Unashamed. Setting copy, [1965]

The Word of Love

Holograph manuscript, signed, 1950.

Typescript draft, 1951.

Galley proofs, 1951.

Worn Earth. Review, 1933.

Subseries C. Prose


Holograph notes and research, 1928 and undated.

Holograph prose drafts, 1929 and undated.

Notes for proposed articles, [1950s -- 1960s]

Prose fragments. Typescript drafts, undated.

Prose works from Merton College, 1936 -- 1937.

Unidentified prose, undated.

Miscellaneous titles

Abigail. Typescript draft and photocopy, undated.

Alf M. Landon: The Lively Republican, undated.

American Culture Finds a Home. Typescript carbon, 1962

American Laughter. Typescript carbon, undated.

Are Noises Literature? Typescript carbons, undated.

The Art of Fiction and the Art of Love. Typescript drafts, undated.

As a Freshman Thinks. Typescript carbon, undated.

Aspen: Silver City with the Golden Leaves. Typescript carbons, undated.

Authors on Parade. Typescript carbon, undated.

Bless All Librarians Everywhere. Typescript carbon, [1959?]

A Boy, Books and the Yellow Jaudice. Typescript carbon, undated.

Book reviews. Typescript drafts, undated.

Books and the Precipice. Typescript carbon, undated.

Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Typescript drafts and related research, 1956 -- 1957.

Box 14

Miscellaneous titles (cont.)

Children and History. Typescript carbons, undated.

Christmas Dinner on the Farm. Typescript carbon, 1966.

Christmas on the Moon. Typescript drafts and notes, undated.

Christmas: The Season of Hands. Typescript carbon, undated.

City of Discontent. Typescript draft, undated.

The Civil War: Last War of Gentlemen? Typescript carbon, undated.

Corn. Research and related materials, [1952 -- 1962]

The Dark is Light Enough. Typescript carbon, undated.

Death of a Rabbit. Typescript draft, undated.

The Declaration of Independence. Typescript carbons, 1960.

The Duino Elegies. Typescript carbon, undated.

Entry One: Jane Eyre. Typescript carbons, undated.

An Examination of "Journeys Through Bookland." Typescript carbon, undated.

Fodor's Modern Guides, Inc. Typescript drafts, 1965.

Friendship Without Words. Typescript carbon, undated.

Game of Books. Typescript carbon, undated.

Grace Creswell. Typescript carbon, undated.

A Handmade Christmas. Typescript carbon, undated.

He-Man Cooks. Typescript carbon, [1966?]

Hinny. Typescript carbon, undated.

How to Put Bounce in Your Life

Typescript carbon, [1961?]

Research and correspondence, [1965?]

How to Tell the Monkeys from Your Children. Typescript carbon, undated.

I Can't Give You Anything but Atoms, Baby. Typescript carbon, [1947?]

I Had a Beer on Mussolini. Typescript drafts, undated.

Instinctive Poetry. Typescript carbon, undated.

Introduction. Typescript draft, undated.

Is Assassination an American Crime?

Typescript draft with carbon, 1964 -- 1965.

Research, holograph notes, and readings, 1964 -- 1965.

The Known American. Typescript carbon, undated.

The Life of Grant Wood. Scripts, 1949 -- 1950.

Literature and Character: I-IV. Typescript carbons, undated.

Literature and Human Nature. Typescript carbon, undated.

Little Superman. Book review, undated.

The Lost Fourth of July. Typescript carbon, undated.

The Lost Three. Typescript drafts, undated.

Making the Digest Stick Together. Typescript carbons, research, and related correspondence, 1965.

A Middle Westerner's New York. Typescript carbons, 1961 -- 1962.

Midwestern Monologue. Typescript carbon, undated.

Moby Dick: American Classic. Typescript carbon, undated.

Mods and Rockers. Typescript carbon, [1964?]

Mother Goose and Real People. Typescript carbon, undated.

The Need for Poetry. Typescript carbon, undated.

New Voices. Typescript carbon, undated.

Oxford essays. Holograph and typescript drafts, 1933 -- 1934 and undated. (2 folders)

Parent and Child: How Books Bring them Closer Together. Typescript carbon, undated.

Pig Hickory. Typescript draft, undated.

Poetry. Typescript carbons


1957 -- 1958.

Poetry: The Natural Art. Typescript carbon, undated.

Poetry Now. Typescript draft, 1958.

Poetry and Politics. Holograph draft, undated.

Quaker Oats. Research and notes, 1957.

Reader's Digest Essay. Typescript drafts with related correspondene, 1957 -- 1958.

Remember the Women. Research and related correspondence, 1953.

Renaissance II. Research, c.1973.

Resumé of Experience. Typescript carbon, undated.

Rhyme, Meter and Melody. Typescript carbon, undated.

The Sporting Song. Typescript carbons, [1948?]

The State of Modern Poetry Today. Typescript draft, undated.

The Strange Quirk of Reverend McNabberly. Typescript carbon, undated.

Strawberry Roan. Typescript carbon, undated.

Box 15

Miscellaneous titles (cont.)

Teaching Writing. Typescript carbon, undated.

Tennessee Williams. Typescript carbons, undated.

Text for painting by Friemark. Typescript carbon, undated.

That Happy Memorial Day. Typescript carbon, undated.

They Bless America. Typescript carbon, undated.

Through Literature to a Better Life. Typescript carbons, undated.

Tom. Typescript drafts, undated.

Unwilling Harvest. Typescript draft, undated.

Who Could Live Without Hope? Typescript carbon, undated.

Who Named Those Railroads? Typescript carbon, undated.

Why Bother with Books Today? Typescript drafts, undated.

Why Home for Christmas? Typescript carbon, 1961.

Why Read Poetry? Typescript carbon, undated.

A Woman, a King, A Mining Camp. Typescript carbon, undated.

A Writer Looks at Your Child. Typescript carbon, undated.

Writing Our Thoughts. Typescript carbon, undated.


Always the Land. List of complimentary copies, undated.

Boyhood Thanksgivings I'll Always Remember. Family Weekly, 1967.

Can Writing be Taught? Mademoiselle, 1947.

Centennial Tour of the Civil War. Better Homes and Gardens, 1960.

Children, Atoms and Books. Typescript carbons, 1946.

Christmas DInner on the Farm. Woman's Day, 1966.

Christmas is People. Typescript carbon, undated.

Come to the Fair. Research, undated.

Contemporary French Poetry

Postface, related correspondence, and translations, 1964 -- 1965.

Typescript carbon of book, 1964 -- 1965.

Typescript draft, 1964 -- 1965.

Creativity Lost and Found. Pamphlets, undated.

Engle Discusses Role. Clipping, undated.

Five Years of Pulitzer Poets. Typescript carbon, [1949?]

Food and Drink, Drink, Drink. Typescript carbons, correspondence, and research materials, 1961 -- 1964.

Golden Child. Typescript draft, 1962. (2 folders)

Golden Child

Bound typescript draft of opera libretto, [1960]

Cast list and rehearsal schedule, [1960]

Notes, [1960]

Typescript carbon -- Western Child, [1960?] (3 folders)

Typescript drafts, [1960]

Typescript draft, photocopy, [1960]

Promotional items, 1960 -- 1961.

Grand Tour, USA. Typescript carbons, 1960.

The Greatest Art of All. Writer's Digest, 1962.

The Gulf is Always Thirsty. Typescript carbon, undated.

The Heart of America's Heartland...IOWA. Holiday, 1956.

"Hiawatha and My Aunt Bertha." A Lucky American Childhood, undated.

A Home in a Free County. Perfect Home, 1948.

In Defense of the State University

Typescript carbon and reprint drafts, 1960.
Box 16

Published (cont.)

In Defense of the State University (cont.)
Correspondence, 1960.

Notes, [1960]

Research and readings. Pamphlets from various state universities, [1960?] (8 folders)

The Saturday Evening Post reprint, 1960.

A Lucky American Childhood. Typescript carbon, undated.

The McKinley Mirror, 1923.

The Mighty Big Ten

Correspondence, 1956.

Notes, 1956 -- 1957.

Related research. Pamphlets and miscellaneous readings, [1956] (4 folders)

Typescript carbons with revisions, 1956 -- 1957.

Clippings of article, 1957.

An Old Fashioned Christmas. Clipping, 1960.

On Robert Frost. Typescript carbon, undated.

Poetry in a Machine Age. The English Journal, 1937.

Poetry, People and Pigs. The Iowan, 1955.

Poet's Tribute to Spunky Womenfolk. LIFE, 1959.

Portrait of the Artist as Neighbor. Typescript carbon, 1960.

Prairie Christmas

Typescript drafts, [1960]

Galley proof, [1960]

Revolution on Campus. Flair, 1950. Includes note to Virgil Hancher from Paul Engle.

Saga of a Horseman. Esquire. Including correspondence and clipping, 1946 -- 1950.

Box 17

Published (cont.)

Salt Crystals, Spider Webs, and Words. Saturday Review, 1964.

Shapers of Literature, Paul Engle. New York Herald-Tribune, 1963.

Should This Father Raise His Son? Typescript carbon, undated.

The Source of Poetry. College English, 1940.

Telling Them Short. Cavalier, 1962.

That Fabulous Old Fourth of July. Better Homes and Gardens, 1958.

This was Our Christmas. Typescript carbon, undated.

Those Damn Jews…. Photocopy, undated.

Wendell Johnson. Iowa Alumni Review, 1965.

Who's Afraid? Typescript draft with correspondence, 1963.

Why Modern Poetry? College English, 1953.

Women in the American Revolution

Administrative information, [1976]

Bibliographies, [1976]


1954 -- 1966.

1967 -- 1970.


1972 -- 1978.

Introductions, [1976]

Manuscripts included in book

Abigail Adams, [1976] (3 folders)

Catherine Littlefield Greene, [1976]

Dicey Langston, [1976]

Esther DeBerdt Reed, [1976]

Fritschen Von Riedesel, [1976]

Introduction, [1976]

Jane Franklin Mecom, [1976]

Lydia Darragh, [1976]

Margaret Corbin, [1976]

Margaret Shippen Arnold, [1976]

Martha Washington, [1976]

Mary Katherine Goddard, [1976]

Mary Slocum, [1976]

Mercy Otis Warren, [1976]

Patience Wright, [1976]

Rebecca Franks, [1976]

Sarah Franklin Bache, [1976]  

Box 18

Published (cont.)

Women in the American Revolution (cont.)
Manuscripts not included in the book
Actresses, [1976]

Adah Isaacs Menken, [1976]

American women, [1976]

Ann Lee, [1976]

Anne Bradstreet, [1976]

Anne Hutchinson, [1976] (2 folders)

Brownists, [1976]

Calamity Jane, [1976]

Carrie Nation, [1976]

Catherine Schuyler, [1976]

Chapter one: Those first women who came ashore, [1976]

Chapters, [1976]

Cornelia Hancock, [1976]

Dorothea L. Dix, [1976]

Early Quaker women, [1976]

Elizabeth Blackwell, [1976]

Elizabeth S. Custer, [1976]

General chapters, [1976]

Grimke sisters, [1976]

Hannah Adams, [1976]

Hannah Duston, [1976]

Individual chapters, [1976]

Lady Francis Berkeley, [1976]

Let us now praise famous women, [1976]

Lola Montez, [1976]

Louisa Mary Alcott, [1976]

Louisiana, [1976]

Mammy Pleasant, [1976]

Margaret Fuller, [1976] (2 folders)

Maria Mitchell, [1976]

Martha Jefferson, [1976]

Miscellaneous important women, [1976] (2 folders)

Molly Pitcher, [1976]

Nineteenth century women, [1976]

Oneida, [1976]

Peabody sisters, [1976]

Pocahontas, [1976]

Puritan women, [1976]

Rachel Jackson, [1976]

Remember the ladies, [1976]

Remember the women, [1976]

Sacajawea, [1976]

Sojourner Truth, [1976]

Susan B. Anthony, [1976]

Those who fought…, [1976]

Those who pioneered the land, [1976]

To Be a Woman, [1976]

Ursulines, [1976]

Varna Davis, [1976]

Victoria Woodhull, [1976]

Women in America, [1976]

Women in the 18th century, [1976]

Women and indians in the 17th century, [1976]

Women of the Mayflower, [1976]

Women soldiers in the Civil War, [1976]

Women spies in the Civil War, [1976]

Women's war, [1976]

Women of the West, [1976]

Women and witchcraft in 17th century America, [1976]  

Box 19

Published (cont.)

Women in the American Revolution (cont.)
Research, [1976]


Adams, Abigail. (2 folders)

Anthony, Susan B.



Berkeley, Francis.

Book catalogs.

Bradstreet, Ann.

Brent, Margaret.


Civil War: general conditions.

Civil War: nurses and medicine.

Colonial background.



Custer, Elizabeth. (2 folders)


Dix, Dorothea.

Donner party.

Duston, Hannah.


Education: Elizabeth Peabody.

Fiction and fables.



Food and Cooking.


General articles. (3 folders)

Historical societies.

Hutchinson, Anne. (2 folders)

Idealistic communities









Jewish: Radcliffe list of Jewish women.

Jewish women.

Jobs for women.

Box 20

Pubulished (cont.)

Women in the American Revolution (cont.)
Research, 1976 (cont.)
Leaves from Margaret Smith's journal.

Limits of politicization.

Love letters of Lois Pool and Ebeneazer Cleavland.

Medical bibliography.

Medicine and midwifery.

Miscellaneous women.


Nation, Carrie.

Nations and the American Revolution.

Native Americans.



Nichols, Mary Grove.

North Dakota.




Patriots in petticoats.

Pictures of women.


Presidents' wives.



Radcliffe College.


Salem witchcraft.

Slaves and slavery

Special collections.



Tourism information.



Whites and indians.

Willard, Frances.  

Box 21

Published (cont.)

Women in the American Revolution (cont.)
Research, 1976 (cont.)
Winthrop, Margaret and John.


Women of the West.

Women's liberation.

Women writers bibliography.

Wright, Frances.


A Writer is a Teacher is a Writer. The New York Times Book Review, 1955.

A Writer Is a Teacher Is a Writer. Staff magazine, 1955.

Subseries D. Works Edited by Engle

Conference Poetry. Volume II. Pamphlet, undated.

Homage to Baudelaire

Typescript carbon with drafts and related correspondence, 1957.

Pamphlet, 1957.

Promotional poster, 1957.


Correpondence, 1959 -- 1961.

Dedication and introduction, 1960.

Dust jackets, [1961]

Engle's notes, [1959 -- 1961]

Galley proof, [1961]

Introduction, 1961.

Midland II

Author biographies, [1966 -- 1967]

Correspondence, 1966 -- 1969.

Poems considered, [1966 -- 1969]

Poems selected, [1966 -- 1969]

Short stories considered, [1966 -- 1969]

Translations, [1966 -- 1969]

On Creative Writing. Typescript drafts with correspondence, 1962 -- 1963.

Ozark Anthology. Photographs and correspondence, 1935.

Poems from the Iowa Poetry Workshop. Booklet, 1951

Poet's Choice. Forwards, correspondence, and publicity, 1960 -- 1962.

Prize Stories series. Correspondence and contracts, 1954 -- 1959.

The Pulse. Literary Magazine, February, May, 1926; February, May, 1927.

Reading Modern Poetry. Correspondence and submissions, 1962 -- 1966.

Box 22

Series V. Workshops
Subseries A. International Writing Program

Administrative information. Including memos, news, and related correspondence

1962 -- 1969.



1972 -- 1973.

1974 -- 1975.

1976 -- 1977.

1978 -- 1979.


1981 -- 1984.


1986 -- 1987.

Undated. (2 folders)

Anthology of Hebrew Poetry, 1978 -- 1979.

Box 23

Anthology of Japanese Poetry

Correspondence, 1972 -- 1974.

Introduction, [1974]

Manuscripts, [1974] (8 folders)

Translations, 1972 -- 1974.

Anthology of Modern Arabic Poetry, undated.

Anthology of Modern Indian Poetry

Assamese, [1978?]

Bengali, 1978 -- 1979. (2 folders)


1973 -- 1978.

1979 -- 1984

English, [1978?]

Gugarati, [1978?] (2 folders)

Hindi, [1978?] (2 folders)

Introduction, [1978?]

Box 24

Anthology of Modern Indian Poetry (cont.)

Kannada, 1979.

Kashimiri, 1978.

Malayalam, 1978. (2 folders)

Marathi, 1978.

Miscellaneous poems, 1978 -- 1979.

Oriya, 1978.

Punjabi, 1978.

Sindhi, 1978.

Telugu, 1979.

Urdu, 1978.

Anthology of Russian Poetry, 1974 -- 1976.

Anthology of Scandinavian Poetry, 1978.

Anthology of Yugoslav Poetry, undated. (2 folders)

Anvil Press poetry, 1973 -- 1980.

The Asia Foundation. News and related correspondence, 1961 -- 1962.

Asia Week short story competition, 1986. Submission titles

A -- B.

C -- F.

G -- J.

K -- M.

N -- R.

S -- T.

U -- Z.

Asia language manuscripts, undated.

Backgound information on the International Writing Program, 1967 -- 1978.

Being Beauteous. Asian manuscript, [1979?]

Biographical information about Hualing Nieh, 1965 -- 1981.

Book reviews and publications, 1976 -- 1989.

Books on tape. Audiocassette, undated.

Box 25

Brochure. The University of Iowa. Asian, undated.

Caracanet Press, Ltd. Information and related correspondence, 1973 -- 1975.

Chinese project. Manuscripts, [1979?] (3 folders)

Chinese Weekend, 1978 and 1980. (2 folders)


Administrative, 1961 -- 1988. (5 folders)


Companies, A -- M, 1970s -- 1980s. (7 folders)

Box 26

Companies, N -- Z, 1970s -- 1980s. (5 folders)

Praise for IWP and the Engles, 1967 -- 1982.

Department of State. Grants and funding information, 1970 -- 1988. (3 folders)

Directories of IWP members, 1967 -- 1989.

Doubleday, Inc. Information and related correspondence, 1969 -- 1970.

Emha Nadjib reading. Audiocassette, 1981.

Emma Reppert house. Information and related correspondence, 1966 -- 1969.

English for foreign students. Worksheets, [1978?]

Financial aid information, 1965 -- 1968.

Foreign language correspondence, [1979?]

Foreign language manuscripts, [1977 -- 1980?] (4 folders)

Foreign language newspapers, [1970 -- 1980] (2 folders)

A Foreword on Translation. Computer draft, undated.

Box 27

French Writing Outside France

Manuscripts by
Paol Keineg, 1975.

Candace Slater, [1975?]

Poetry, [1975?]

Writings, [1975?] (2 folders)

Fundraising form letters, 1977 -- 1982.

Funk and Wagnalls. Information and related correspondence, 1968 -- 1969.

Guest speakers. Information and related correspondence, 1976 -- 1979.

Hua-ling Nieh. Biographical information, [1970]

Hu Feng's Conflict. Microfilm, 1955.

The Hundred Flowers Movement. Microfilm, 1958.

Icelandic poetry. Introduction, undated.

Individual correspondence

Aguilar, Celedonio, 1967 -- 1969.

Ainsa, Fernando, 1971 -- 1972.

Asgarally, Azize, 1971.

Babenko, Victoria, 1973.

Brusar, Branko, 1968 -- 1972.

Chen, Y.S., 1968.

Childress, William, 1970 -- 1971.

Datta, Jyotirmoy, 1965,

Dipoko, Mbella Sonne, 1969.

Doinas, Stefa Augustine, 1976.

El-Miskery, 1968.

Euba, Femi, 1969 -- 1973.

Fang, Hsin, 1967 -- 1968.

Freeman, Chap, 1969.

Hu, King, [1969?]

Keeley, Mike, 1964 -- 1974.

Kim, Jaihium, 1973 -- 1975.

Box 28

Individual correspondence (cont.)

Kimbugwe, Henry, 1963 -- 1965.

König, Fritz, 1976.

Keough, Birsan, undated.

Kim, Richard, 1971.

Ko, Wan, 1963 -- 1971.

Land, Thomas, 1974.

Lappin, Linda, 1970.

Lee, Joo For, 1969 -- 1970.

Lo, Fu, 1967.

Maclennan, Don, 1972.

Martinez, Elsa, 1968 -- 1969.

McNaughton, William, 1973 -- 1974.

Moffett, Judith, 1976.

Nazareth, Peter, 1978.

Nawaz, Shuja, 1969 -- 1972.

Pacheco, José, 1969 -- 1970.

Peña, Myrna, 1967.

Polotan, Kerima, 1969.

Rimer, J.T., 1973 -- 1974.

Roditi, Edouard, 1975 -- 1976.

Ross, L.M., 1970.

St. Omer, Garth, 1969.

Sanchez, Willie, 1969 -- 1970.

Sato, Satoru, 1969 -- 1986.

Serugama, Robert, 1970.

Shrestha, N.P., 1968.

Sholevar, 1969.

Sivandan, Choy, 1970.

Sklar, Morty, 1979.

Stoddard, George, 1970.

Thien, P.C., 1971.

Thong, Huynh Sanh, 1974 -- 1975.

Thu, Van, 1966 -- 1968

Tran, Van Dinh, 1973.

Trejo, Ernesto, 1974.

Tiempo, Edith, 1967 -- 1970.

Tisma, C.A., 1968.

Wat, Aleksander, 1971.

Weissbort, Daniel, 1971 -- 1979.

Yip, Wai-Lim, 1968 -- 1970.

Box 29

Individual correspondence (cont.)

Youngbear, Ray A., 1983 -- 1985.

Intervention-Verticales/Obliques. Poster, 1975.

Iowa Arts Council, 1969 -- 1972.

The Iowa Review. Correspondence, 1982 -- 1984.

IWP members, 1977.

Lecture series programs

African writing today, [1983]

Asian writing today, [1983]

Central and Eastern European writing today, [1983]

Contemporary writing in Western Europe, [1983]

International poetry reading, [1983?]

International women writers panel, [1983]

Writing in Latin America and West Indies, [1983]

Modern Chinese literature. Translations, [1983?]

Motoi Oda. Computer drafts, [1984?]

Music, poetry and dance. Audiocassette, 1978.

National Council on the Arts. Information and related correspondence, 1969 -- 1975.

Newsletters and correspondence from IWP, 1965 -- 1981.

Newspaper clippings and press releases, 1964 -- 1988.

Nobel Prize proceedings, 1976.

Pamphlets, programs and fliers on IWP, 1961 -- 1979.

Participating nations correspondence

China, 1985.

Hungary, 1972.

India, 1970 -- 1985.

Korea, 1969.

Nicaragua, 1973.

Nigeria, 1966 -- 1971.

Pakistan, 1968 -- 1973.

Philippines, 1968 -- 1974.

Poland, [1970?] (2 folders)

Romania, 1971 -- 1975.

Spain, 1968 -- 1969.

Box 30

Participating nations correspondence (cont.)

South Vietnam, 1968 -- 1974

Sweden, 1969 -- 1974.

Taiwan, 1969 -- 1971.

Turkey, 1968 -- 1972.

Venezuela, 1968 -- 1972.

Yugoslavia, 1968 -- 1971.

Paul Engle International Literacy Award. Information and related correspondence, 1984 -- 1986.

P.E.N. Club. Brochures and correspondence, 1968 -- 1975.

PERSEA Books, 1977.


Groups of IWP students, [1960s -- 1970s]

Poetry reading, [1960s?]

Poetry, Music, Dance, 1978.

Poetry translations by students. Miscellaneous drafts, undated. (3 folders)

Post-War Easter European Anthology, undated.

Pre-IWP information, [1964?]

Proposal for IWP, 1966.

Proposals, 1967 - [?]

Prose translations by students. Miscellaneous drafts, undated. (3 folders)

Publications and art in Asian script, undated.

Publicity, brochures and mailers, [1970s -- 1980s]

Research assistantships, 1979 -- 1988.

Review committee reports, 1987.

Robert Bly. Audiocassette, 1977.


Hua-ling, et. al., undated.

"Parties at Leaving," 1977.

Sound recordings, undated. Audiocassettes, undated.

Box 31

Staff information, 1986 -- 1988.

Student works by unidentified authors. Miscellaneous computer drafts, undated. (4 folders)

Student works

Abousennah, Mohamed, 1980.

Abruquah, Joseph, 1970.

Acquah, Kobena Eyi, 1985.

Afable, Fernando, 1975.

Aggestam, Rolf, 1984.

Aquila, Revul Molina, 1986.

Augusta, Leon, 1976.

Agustín, José, 1977.

Agustinus, Linus S., 1985.

Ahti, Risto, 1982.

Ahmed-ud-din, Feroz, undated.

Ai, Ching, 1980. (2 folders)

Akel, Abdullatif, 1975.

Akhudiat, 1986.

Albahari, David, undated.

Alima, Ernest, 1978.

Alverez, Carlos, 1986.

Amadi, Elechi, 1973.

Ambatzoglou, Petros, 1972.

Ananthamurthy, U.R., 1972.

Andersen, Vita, undated.

Anghelaki, Katerina, 1986.

Antezana, Luis, undated.

Anthony, Michael, 1984.

Aparicio, Carlos Hugo, 1987.

Arbelaez, Fernando, 1968.

Arbeleche, Jorge, undated.

Ashokamitran, 1985.

Atlan, Liliane, 1986.

Atsumi, Ikuko, 1975.

 Box 32

Student works (cont.)

Atusumi, Ikuko, 1975.

Augustin, Michael, 1984.

Avena, Mauro R., 1977.

Awodoye, Daniel, 1971.

Badiri, Sutardji Calzoum, 1974.

Backlén, Marianne, 1986.

Badawi, Fonad, 1978.

Bakti, John, 1970 -- 1975.

Balaitsa, George, 1975.

Baltag, Cezar, 1973.

Banulescu, Stefan, 1970.

Banville, John, 1980.

Baraheni, Reza, 1975. (2 folders)

Barry, Sebastian, 1985.

Bartov, Hanoch, 1986.

Bautista, Cirilo F., 1968.

Beckford, Ricardo Rey, 1973.

Beckman, Erik, 1974.

Belev, George, 1983.

Bell, Lindolf, 1969.

Belli, Carlos, 1973.

Gudbergur, undated.

Berto, Luiz, undated.

Bethencourt, undated.

Bi, Shuowang, 1979.

Bienkowski, Zbigniew, 1970.

Bishai, Nadia, 1979.

Blandiana, Ana, 1973.

Blasi, Alberto O., 1967.

Bloch, Marc, undated.

Bo-yang, 1984.

Boland, Eavan, undate.

Born, Nicolas, undated.

Bozhilov, Bozhidar, 1986.

Braun, Andrzej, 1983.

Bravo, José Antonio, undated.

Breban, Nicolae, 1977.

Brown, Wayne V., undate.

Buch, Hans, 1967 -- 1986.

Buitrago, Fanny, 1984.

Butake, Bole, 1986.

Buzea, Constanta, undated.

Carrillo, Hugo, 1986.

Casey, Kevin, 1979.

Cassian, Nina, undated.

Castillo, Erwin, 1967.

Cateriano, Pedro, 1978 - 1986.

Box 33

Student works (cont.)

Celly, 1986.

Chagas, Luis C.D., undated.

Chakravarti, 1975.

Chandra, 1967.

Chan, Joyce, 1978.

Chan, Huen-Man, 1978.

Chang, Hsian-hua, 1984.

Chen, Baichen, 1982.

Cheng, Wen-Tao, 1986.

Cheney-Coker, Syl, 1973.

Cheung, D.C.N., 1973.

Chi-Teng-Sheng, 1986.

Chiang, Hsun, 1981.

Chimombo, 1984 -- 1986.

Chitre, Dilip, 1976.

Cho-Chang-Whan, undated.

Choe, 1973

Chong-Hyun-Jong, 1974 -- 1980.

Chong, Cliff Lubwa P., undated.

Christov, Boris, 1982 -- 1986.

Chung, Sharon Hiu-leong, undated.

Clarke, Peter E., [1980s?]

Clements, Eric, 1985 -- 1986.

Clifflon, Harry, 1986.

Correa, Hugo, undated.

Cortes, Jorge Arbeleche, 1981.

Cortinez, Carlos, undated.

Costa, da, undated.

Coutinho, 1984. (2 folders)

Cranwell, 1967.

Cristea, Dan, undated.

Cross, Elsa, 1981.

Csaplar, Vilmos, 1975.

Cvitan, Dalibor, 1981.

Dai, Shing-yee, 1967.

Danarto, 1976 -- 1978.

Davison, Scott, undated.

Dawes, Kwame, 1986.

Denegris, Anastassios, 1975.

Denis, Phillipe, 1978.

Deressa, Solomon, undated.

DeVree, 1967.

Diaconu, 1985.

Dimic, Moma, 1980.

Dimitrijevic, 1985.

Ding, Ling, 1981.

Dintenfass, Mark, undated.

Dominguez, Luis, 1971.

Donoso, Pilar, undated.

Dor, Moshe, 1973 -- 1986.

Ecip, S., 1981.

Ejiet, undated.

Ekwensi, C., 1975.

Eldan, Anadad, 1973.

Elektorowicz, Leszek, 1969 -- 1986.

Box 34

Student works (cont.)

Eray, Nazli, 1976 -- 1986.

Erbil, L., 1986.

Erduan, Refik, 1968.

Erone, Barnabas, 1986.

Erpenbeck, J., 1984.

Escoto, Julio, 1974.

Espina, 1980.

Esteve, Patrico, 1977.

Faria, Benigno, 1967 -- 1986.

Feng, 1985.

Fessaguet, Claude, undated.

Fiornai, Silvio, 1986.

Forsblum, Harry, 1986.

Futoransky, Luisa, 1971.

Galina, Lada, undated.

Gallegos, Mia, undated.

Gangopadhyay, Suni, 1967 -- 1987.

Gardini, Carlos, 1986.

Gergely, Agnes, 1973.

Ghosh, Sankha, 1967 -- 1986.

Gjuzel, Bogomil, 1972.

Gloudon, Barbara, 1984.

Gluvacki, Janusz, 1977.

Go, Mary C., undated.

Golshiri, 1978.

Gomez, Dario Ruiz, undated.

Gonzalez, A., 1974.

Goodison, Lorna, 1983.

Grosso, Alfonso, 1981.

Gubegna, Abbie, undated.

Guillermo, Gelacio Y., Jr., 1970.

Guzmán, Humberto, undated.

Haddad, Michel, undated.

Hadi, Abdul, undated.

Hahn, Oscar, 1972

Harb, Ahmed, 1981.

Harding, Gunnar, 1970.

Hartwig, Julia, 1979.

Head, Bessie, 1986.

Hermes, Uwe, 1979.

Hidalgo, José, 1981.

Hinkson, Anthony, 1974 -- 1975.

Hionis, Argyris, 1979.

Hiraide, Takashi, undated.

Hocquard, Emmanuel, 1980.

Hoerip, S., 1971.

Hogan, Desmond, 1981.

Ho, Ta, undated.

Howell, Anthony, 1974.

Hoyos, Juan José, undated.

Hsian, Yang, 1985.

Hu, Mei-tze, undated.

Huh, Se-Wook, 1983.

Hurtado, Geraldo C., 1975.

Hwang, Dong-kyo, 1970.

Hwang, Hsiao-chung, 1987.

Hyder, Quarratulan, 1974.

Box 35

Student works (cont.)

Ibarguengoitia, Jorge, 1981.

Ibrahim, Abdul, 1971.

Ike, Chukwuemeka, undated.

Imamovic, Ahmed Muhamed, 1975.

Iramain, Leonardo, 1975.

Ismail, Taufiq, 1976.

Ivasuic, Ecaterina, undated.

Jalonen, Olli, 1982.

Jaramillo, Dario, 1967.

Jay, Peter, 1986.

Jendryschik, Manfred, 1982.

Jonaid, undated.

Joris, Pierre, 1987.

Jovanovski, Meto, undated.

József, Attila, 1977.

Ju, Chih-chüan, undated.

Junzaburo, Nishiwaki, undated.

Jussawalla, Adil, 1972.

Kahana-Carmon, Amalia, 1981.

Kannan, Lakshmi, 1987.

Kariara, Jonathon, 1986.

Karinthy, Ferenc, 1971.

Kawachi, Kaco, 1971.

Kehlibareva, Nadeja, undated.

Keineg, Paol, 1975.

Khalifeh, Sahar, 1977 -- 1981.

Khatib, Sariramis, undated.

Kiefer, Charles, 1986.

Kiely, Kevin, 1983 -- 1985.

Kijima, Hajime, 1971 -- 1987.

Kijowski, Andrzej, 1974.

Kimbugwe, Henry, 1968.

Kipinen, Inkeri, 1987.

Kim, Yong-ik, 1967.

Knobloch, Heinz, 1985.

Kohlhasse, Wolfgang, 1979.

Koo, Siu-sun, 1986.

Ko, Won, undated. (2 folders)

Koza, Leonard, undated.

Kozak, Primoz, 1971 -- 1981.

Kuan, Yün-lung, 1982.

Kubiak, Zygmunt, 1986.

Kusan, Ivan, 1974.

Kuyper, Sjoerd, 1983 -- 1986.

Lacaba, Jóse, 1979.

Lahvi, Jack, 1977.

Laine, Jarkko, undated.

Landicho, Domingo, 1987.

Lanot, Marra PL., undated.

Lapinski, Zdzislaw, 1973.

Lara, Hernan, undated.

Lara, Susan S., undated.

Latzina, Anemone, 1973.

Leiva, Angel, 1973.

Lengyel, Balasz, 1980.

Lengyel, Peter, 1983.

Levitas, Yoav, 1984.

Li, Ang, 1986.

Libertella, Hector, 1985.

Lipska, Ewa, 1973.

Liu, Binyan, 1981.

Liyong, Taban Lo, 1967 -- 1975.

Lo, Yen, 1970.

Box 36

Student works (cont.)

Longinovic, Toma, 1985.

Lopez, Alberto Duque, undated.

Lopez, Esteban, 1974.

Lovelace, Earl, undated.

Lundberg, Ulla Lena, 1985 -- 1986.

Lustig, Arnost, 1972.

Mabanglo, Elynia S., 1987.

Mabounga, K., undated.

MacGregor-Hastie, Roy, 1972.

Magnusson, Sigurdur, 1977.

Mahadeva, Devanura, undated.

Mahapatra, Jayanta, 1977.

Majdak, Zvonimir, 1969.

Majumdar, Deepak, undated.

Malikongwa, Albert, 1986.

Maranan, Edgardo, 1986.

Martins, Julio Cesar Monteiro, 1979.

Mattei, Olga, 1986.

Matthews, James, 1984 -- 1986.

McCarthy, Thomas, 1979 -- 1986.

McNeill, Anthony, undated.

Megged, Aharon, 1984 -- 1985.

Megged, Eda Zbritte, undated.

Mehrotra, Arvind Krishna, 1972.

Miedzyrzecki, Artur, 1974 -- 1986.

Misra, Soubhagya, 1986.

Miyamoto, Yokichi, 1986.

Moenir, Darman, 1984 -- 1986.

Moises, Carlos Felipe, 1984.

Morand, Carlos, undated.

Moreno, Luis, 1985.

Moreno, Virginia, 1972.

Morrissey, Michael, 1985.

Moussa, Sabri, 1982 -- 1986.

Mpina, Edison, 1982.

Mtshali,Oswaldo, 1975 -- 1978.

Munteanu, Aurel, 1970 -- 1971.

Musinga, Victor Elame, 1984,

Mutloatse, Mothobi, undated.

Mwangi, Meja, 1975.

Nadjib, Emha Ainun, 1981.

Nadjira, Frans, 1986.

Nagarkar, Kiran, undated.

Nagy, Agnes, 1979.

Nakagami, undated.

Naranjo, Carmen, 1968. (2 folders)

Box 37

Student works (cont.)

Naranjo, Carmen, 1968. (2 folders)

Naud, 1972 -- 1973.

Nhan, Nguyen T., 1971.

Nichole, Eugene, 1967.

Nicolov, Lyubomir, 1984.

Nikolov, Nino, undated.

Noer, Arifin C., 1973.

Noerhadi, Toeti H., 1986.

Noll, Joao, 1983.

Nollas, Dimitri, undated.

Nolledo, Wilfrido, 1967 -- 1970.

Nunes, Sebastião G., 1971.

Nwafor, Ndubisi, 1979 -- 1981.

Nwapa, Flora, 1984 -- 1986.

Ocampo, Alfredo, 1979.

Oda, Motoi, 1969.

Ogen, Mart, 1967.

Oh, Sae-yong, 1985.

Ojaide, Tanure, undated.

Ojeda, Jorge Arturo, 1974 -- 1975.

Okai, J.D. Atukwei, undated.

Okurut, A. Omare, undated.

Olujic, Grozdana, undated. (3 folders)

Oravecz, Imre, undated.

Orban, Otto, 1986.

Orpaz, 1979.

Ortiz, Simon J., 1968 -- 1969.

Osada, Hiroshi, 1971 -- 1972.

Osofisan, Femi, 1986.

p'Bitek, Okot, undated.

Pai, Hsien-yung, 1974.

Palangyo, Peter, 1970.

Pamuk, Orhan, undated.

Panitz, Eberhard, 1978.

Park, Hijin, 1975.

Park, Je-chun, 1984 -- 1986.

Parthasarathy, 1977.  

Box 38

Student works (cont.)

Paso, Fernandodel, undated.

Paunesscu, Adrian, 1970 -- 1972.

Paulicic, Pavao, 1987.

Petterson, Aline, 1984.

Petrov, Aleksandar, 1972 -- 1973.

Phiri, Wizas, 1986.

Phokas, A., 1983.

Pierce, Norman A., undated.

Piña, Christina, 1983.

Popescu, Petru, 1972.

Poss, Alf, 1975.

Poyk, Gerson, 1971.

Predic, Vladimir, undated.

Pridal, Antonin, undated.

Prokop, Jan, 1972.

Przezdziecki, Jerzy, 1974. (3 folders)

Quartey, Rex, 1984 -- 1986.

Radzinskiy, Edward, undated.

Raptopoulos, Vangelis, 1984.

Rau, Aurel, 1977 -- 1978.

Rawson, Alicia Dellepiane, 1974.

Redlinski, undated.

Reich, Asher, 1985.

Reis, Roberto, 1975.

Rekord, Michael, 1985.

Reuveny, Yotam, undated.

Riantiarno, Ratna, 1978.

Ribiero, J.V., 1972.

Ridhwan, Anwar, undated.

Rivera, Jorge Edgardo, 1975 -- 1986.

Rodriguez, Guido, undated.

Rodriguez, Mariela Arvelode, 1980.

Roffé, Reina, 1976.

Rosa, Ninotchka Villarica, 1985.

Rosselli, Aldo, 1979.

Rotimi, Ola, 1972 -- 1980.

Rusan, Romulus, 1978.

Ryuichi, 1971.

Sadhu, Arun, undated.

Sadkowski, Waclaw, 1976 -- 1978.

Saffarzadeh, Tahereh, 1967 -- 1968.

Sainz, Gustavo, 1968.

Sakagami, Hiroshi, 1976.

Salamon, Joanna, 1986.

Salamun, Tomaz, 1986.

Salikun, Masuri Bin, undated.

Sanchez, Guillermo, 1975.

Sandbank, Shimon, undated.

Sano, Tetsuo, 1979.

Sant' Anna, Affonso de, 1968 -- 1969.

Santonja, Gonzalo, undated.

Santos, Liane dos, 1980.

Schierbeek, Bert, 1979.

Schulze, Axel, 1981.

Segovia, Tomás, 1980.

Selvon, Sam, 1980.

Sandberg, Sem, 1988.

Sened, Alexander, 1986.

Box 39

Student works (cont.)

Seruma, Eneriko, 1973 -- 1974.

Shalash, Ali, undated.

Shammas, Anton, 1981.

Shao, Yankxiang, undated.

Shin, Tae-Ch'ul, undated.

Shiraishi, Kazuko, 1972.

Shozu, Ben, 1980.

Sigudardottir, Steinunn, 1985.

Siraj, Syed Mustafa, 1981.

Sieregar, Sori, 1971.

Sivasankari, undated.

Skourtis, 1981. (2 folders)

Skuarnicki, Marek, 1982.

Smith, Sydney B., undated.

Sohn, Jang-soon, 1986.

Solá, Marcela, 1984.

Somolyo, Gyorgy, 1981.

Sorescu, Marin, 1974.

Sprusinski, Michal, 1975.

Srividoolo, Rayani, 1986.

Srut, Pavel, 1987.

Stiemberg, Alicia, 1983.

Steinsson, G., 1986.

Stevenson, José, 1986.

Storm, Jannick, 1977.

Stryjkowski, Julian, 1986.

Sung, Chan-kyung, 1971.

Suraweera, A. Victor, 1967.

Sobotka, Tibor, 1972.

Szasz, Imre, 1972.

Szasz, Janos and Anemone, 1973.

Szczepanski, Jan Jozef, 1972.

Taktsis, Costas, 1973.

Tasca, Susana, undated.

Tauchi, Hatsuyoshi, 1967.

Telpaz, Gideon, 1976.

Thomas, Gladys, 1986.

Thumboo, Edwin, 1978 -- 1982.

Tijitrawasita, T., 1978 -- 1982.

Tlali, Miriam, 1978.

Toiu, Constantin, 1978.

Tornai, Jozsef, 1979.

Torrevillas, Rowena, 1984.

Toth, Eva, undated.

Tsalka, Dan, 1986.

Tsumura, Yumiko, 1967.

Turan, Güven, 1986.

Tymoteusz, 1974.

 Box 40

Student works (cont.)

Sam-oeur, U., 1967.

Ugresic, Dubravka, 1986.

Umavijani, Montri, 1977.

Uys, Pierter Dirk, 1982.

Valenzuela, Felipe, 1988.

Valenzuela, Luisa, 1969 -- 1970.

Valtinos, Thanassis, 1976 -- 1986.

Van Alstein, Marc, 1986.

Van Kerwijk, Henk, 1981 -- 1984.

Vanasco, Alberto, undated.

Vanegas, Teodoro, undated.

Vargas, Rafael Escalante, 1980

Varma, Shrikant, 1970.

Veirave, Alfredo, 1972.

Ventura, Adao, undated.

Verhagen, Hans, undated.

Vermal, Nirmal, 1978.

Verner-Carlsson, Jan, undated.

Viebahn, Fred, 1967 -- 1973.

Vik, Bjorg, 1981.

Vilela, Luiz, 1970.

Villordo, Oscar, 1976.

Villkow, Veronica, 1986.

Wahab, Abdul, 1977.

Wainerman, Luis, 1972.

Wan, Kin-lau, 1970.

Wang, Ch'ing-lin, 1967.

Wang, Meng, 1980 -- 1981.

Wang, Timothy Tsen-ho, 1973.

Wang, Tuoh, 1970.

Wang, Zengai, undated.

Wa [?] Alexander, undated.

Weber, Hans, 1980.

Wieseltier, Meir Marcus, undated.

Wijaya, Putu, 1975.

Williams, Lari, undated.

Willemse, Hein, 1985 -- 1987.

Wong, May, 1967.

Wong, Meng, 1981.

Wong, Sum-chuen, 1986.

Wong Yoon-wang, 1985 -- 1986.

Wonodi, Okogbule, 1972 -- 1973.

Worku, Daniachew, undated.

Wu, Sheng-shyong, undated.

Wu, Zuguang, 1986.

Wure, Ertu, undated.

Xiao, Quian, 1979.

Yang, Ch'ing-ch'u, 1976.

Yao, Kung Wei, undated.

Yehoshua, Avraham B., 1986.

Yeo, Robert, 1978.

Yoshihara, Sachiko, 1978.

Yoshimasu, Gozo, 1970 -- 1971.

Box 41

Student works (cont.)

Yu, Tien-ts'ung, undated.

Yuen, Stewart Chi-Wai, 1973.

Yuson, Alfred A., 1973 -- 1986.

Zainal, Baharuddin, 1981 -- 1986.

Zakhoder, Boris, 1986.

Zarzecki, Krzysztof, 1967 -- 1973.

Zavaleta, Jorge Jorres, 1986.

Zhang, Xianliang, 1983.

Zhong, Ah Cheng, 1986.

Tax information, 1970

A translator's model contract, [1981]

Tsai-Ping, Liang-Cheng artist. Audiocassette, 1978.

United States Information Agency. Information and related correspondence, 1974.

University of Iowa Foundation. Deposit slips, balance sheets, etc., [1970s -- 1980s]

University of Iowa Press. Information and related correspondence, 1972 -- 1987.

Von Alt Poss. Audiocassette, undated.

Workshop candidate information, 1987.

The World Comes to Iowa

Administrative information, 1979 -- 1987.

Biographies of contributors, 1980 -- 1981.

Correspondence, 1985 -- 1987.

Manuscripts, [1986?] (8 folders)

Writers' Workshop - Calcutta. Magazine, 1964.

Writings by Paul Engle and Hualing Nieh, undated.

Yoshimasu. Collection of poetry, 1970.

Box 42

 Subseries B. Poetry Workshop

Poetry worksheets, 1961 -- 1966 and undated. (4 folders)

Student writings

Authors A -- M, undated.

Authors N -- Z and miscellaneous, undated.

Subseries C. Translation Workshop

Administrative information, 1962 -- 1976.

Administrative Correspondence, 1971 -- 1978

Afable. Manuscript, 1967.

Chinese bibliography, undated.

Chinese poetry. Translations, undated.

Ching Lin Wang. Photocopy of manuscript, undated.

Helden, Unbesungen. Translations, undated.

The Hindu Marriage. Holograph draft, undated.

Hau-ling Nieh and Engle. Translations, [1960s -- 1970s]

Indian poetry, [1947?]

International poetry reading, 1964.

Karlsson, Pétur. Manuscript, 1976.

Machwe, Prabhakar. Poetry translations, undated.

Meng Wang. Manuscript (photocopy), undated.

Miscellaneous translations

Published, [1975?]

Unpublished, [1975?]

Poems from XV Languages. Pamphlet, 1964.

Poetry translations, 1965 -- 1975.

Russian poems, undated.

Shiraishi Story. Asia Magazine, undated.

Short stories from Europe, undated.

Short story translations, undated.

Storm, Jannick. Danish poetry, [1977?]

Student biographies, undated.

Student translations, published, [1960s -- 1970s]

Authors A -- J.

Authors K -- T.

Box 43

Student translations, published, [1960s -- 1970s] (cont.)

Authors S -- Z.

Student translations, unpublished, [1960s -- 1970s]

Authors A -- E.

Authors F -- J.

Authors K -- O.

Authors P -- T.

Authors U -- Z.

Authors, unidentified. (3 folders)

Student works

Barker, Richard, 1968.

Brulin, Tone, 1985 -- 1986. (2 folders)

Drabik, Grazyna, 1978.

Evans, Emmery Lee Joseph, Jr., 1967.

Fulton, Robin, 1976. (2 folders)

Heryanto, Ariel, 1980.

Holmes, James, 1975.

Ho, Ta, undated.

Kieffer, Eduardo Gudiño, 1973.

King, Martha J., 1979.

Land, Thomas, undated.

Box 44

Student works (cont.)

Slater, Candace, undated. (2 folders)

Spinola, Adriano, undated.

Stiller, Robert, 1980.

Williams, Frederick, 1976.

Thu-Van. To the President, 1966.

Vaid, Krishna Baldev. Shadows, undated.

Weber, Hans. Alter Swede, undated.

Will, Frederic. A Breathing Spell, undated.

Worksheets, [1960s -- 1970s] (2 folders)

Subseries D. The Iowa Writers' Workshop

Administrative information, 1944 -- [1980s] (3 folders)

Applications and letters of recommendation, 1946 -- 1977. (4 folders)

C:A Journal of Poetry, 1965.

Financial statements and purchase invoices, 1959 -- 1988.

Fundraising activities, 1941 -- 1970.

News and publicity, 1941 -- 1978. (5 folders)

Publication list of works by workshop students, [1956?]

Box 45

Series VI. Student Works

Aberg, Gilbert. A Feast of Bread, undated.

Ackerman, Thomas. Four Poems, undated.

Adler, Edward. Name the Fair City, undated.

Afable, F. Anthology Poetry, [1969 -- 1970]

Aidoo, Ama Ata. Dancing Out Doubts, undated.

Alvarez, Carlos. Extraliterary Factors in Recent Spanish Literature, undated.

Arvelo, Mariela. Orphan; Epitaph, undated.

Aspel, Pauline. Quatrains D'Hiver, undated.

Bane, David M. University Exchange Program - The Iowa Story, undated.

Barrows, Standish. Companionship - Stone Cliff, 1957.

Belev, Georgi, Untitled speech, undated.

Bell, Lindolf. Poem at the Airport of Florianopolis, undated.

Beney, Zsuzsa. Untitled speech, undated.

Berg, Stephen. Cántico, undated.

Bergman, Dan. A Parable, undated.

Berrigan, Nancy. Biography; Elysium; The Noble Peasant, 1960.

Bishop, David Rand. After Eddy, 1961.

Bliss, Ella. Fifty Years with an Edison, undated.

Bly, Robert Elwood. Steps to Poverty and Death, 1956.

Bonnefoy, Yves. Du Mouvement et de L'Innobilité de Douve, undated.

Brantley, Philip. The Brothers, undated.

Brooks, Gwendolyn. A Street in Bronzeville, undated.

Brown, William. The Fabulists: A Song for Rosy, undated.

Byrne, Jean Cecelia. Short stories, 1960.

Cahill, D. Funk-hole at Midnight, undated.

Cantelupe, Eugene. Hills of Oil, undated.

Carey, Rob. Mother and Daughter, 1959.

Carlson, Stig. Poems, undated.

Cartier, Constance. Pro Patria, undated.

Cassill, R.V.

The Sign of Love, undated.

This is an Excerpt…, undated.

Chandra, G.S. Sharaf. Boys on a Summer Afternoon, undated.

Cheng, Ch'ou-yu. The Captain's Stroll, undated.

Clothier, Peter. Translations, undated.

Conrad, Sherman. Vamp until Ready, 1944.

Copeland, Carolyn. The Strangers, undated.

Coulette, Henri. Cygnets House, undated.

Coutinho, Sonia. West Indies panel remarks, 1983.

Cox, James Trammell. That Golden Crane, undated.

Cranwell, Elizabeth. Poems, undated.

Currie, John. Inheritances and Expositions, 1981.

Cutler, Bruce. Tona, 1955.

Daly, Glynn. Poems, 1965.

Dana, Robert. The Dark Flags of Waking: IX Riddles on an Unfamiliar Theme, undated.

Darwish, Aly. Why am I Different? undated.

Davico, Oskar. Innocences, undated.

Davidson, Ann. Across the Field, 1960.

Davis, Genevieve. Manuscript, 1966.

deVerez, Paul. Enigma, 1964.

deVree, Freddy. Notes on Dutch Literature, undated.

Delonas, John. The Keeper's House, undated.

Den Boer, James. Poems, 1960.

Dodson, Owen. The Confession Stone, 1965.

Dong-Ho, Kim. Poem, 1964.

Early, Sandra. Sound the Flute, 1959.

Eberle, E. Anne. The Dare, 1961.

Ecip, Sinansari. We were Trained to Become CIA Agents, 1981.

Elliott, William. The Poem at the Bottom of the Lake, 1962.

Ellison. The Open Window, 1959.

Embree, Charles. The Blues Ain't Nothin' but a Woman, Man! undated.

Enriquez, Emigdio. Death of a House, undated.

Faria, Almeida. The Passion, undated.

Feragen, R.W. A Gift, undated.

Ferran, Jaime. Unicism, 1955.

Finkel, Donald. The Clothing's New Emperor, undated.

Finney, Marie. M.A. thesis, 1953.

For, Lee Joo. Pamphlet, 1969.

Frese, Dolores. De Profundis, undated.

Friar, Kimon. The Argument for Dante's Dream, undated.

Frisch, A. The Confessor, undated.

Gangopadhyay, Sunil. Poetry, undated.

Garber, Eugene. Child of Medea, undated.

Gardner, Peter. The Pearl of Sinaloa, 1961.

Garrigue, Jean. One Song, 1954.

Gaster. Festivals of the Jewish Year, undated.

Giorne, John. The Eldest Son, undated.

Goldman, Lawrence. What Force is Weaker, undated.

Goodison, Lorna. Tamarind Season, 1980 -- 1983.

Goodreau, William. Fisherman's Funeral on Monhegan, undated.

Gray, Stephen. Scarecrow: A Thriller, undated. (2 folders)

Box 46

Grayden, David. Reflections on the Poet's Workshop, 1958.

Gauarino, Stephen T. The Memorial Flight, 1961.

Hall, Jim. In Bailey Woods, 1952.

Hall, Oakley. Yellow Tom, undated.

Hamilton, Norma Fay. Driving with Father, undated.

Harper, Michael. Blues and Laughter, 1962.

Harris, Mark. Obituary Three for Alan Swallow, 1969.

Hoffman, Jill. Husband of the Dead, 1959.

Holmes, John Clellon. The Silence of Oswald, 1965.

Horton, Joel. Alfonso, 1961.

Hsien, Ya. Abyss, undated.

Ibarguengoitia, Jorge. The People Here, undated.

Ivasiuc, Alexandra. Vestibule, undated.

Jacobs, J. Thomas. A Prayer, undated.

Jabobs, Robert. The Long Walk, undated.

Jat. Bust of an Unknown Lady, undated.

Jenkins, David Clay. Summer: Sun and Shade, undated.

Jenofsky, Lillian. Autobiography: To Be Jewish, undated.

Jones, Duane. Crawdad Smith, undated.

Kaminsky, Howard. A Friday Night with Carl, 1961.

Kapur, Jagmohan. Poetry, 1964.

Kasberg, Karl G. The Mocking Tongue, 1955.

Keithly, George. Between the Lines, undated.

Kenhey, Robert. Training Flight No. 17, 1944.

Kennedy, Raymond. In an Orchard, undated.

Keyes, Langley Carlton. Cascading Laughter, undated.

Kitoh, Fumio. A Red Berry, 1962.

Klonsky, Milton. A Guide Through the Garden, undated.

Kojima, Nobuo. The American School, undated.

Krotter, Diane. Poetry, undated.

Kuo-pen, Yung. Prose, undated.

Kwang-chung, Yu. Thesis, 1959.

Latimer, Richard. Paul, 1957.

Lawrence, John. The First Fly, undated.

Lloyd, Ralph. The Dissenters, 1960.

Longman, Lester. The Art of Philip Guston, undated.

Lowery, Margaret. Prose, 1956.

Magnusson, Sigurdur. The Modern Icelandic Novel, undated.

Marder, Daniel. I Happen to Know, undated.

Massardi, Yudhistira. Poetry, 1983.

Matic, Dusan. Only the Secret Flame Is Singing, undated.

Matthews, F.X. The White Feet of Deborah, undated.

Mauldin, Sharon. He is Coming in the Snow, 1959.

McDermott, Ryhan. Three More Years…, undated.

McDougall, Richard. East River, undated.

McGuire, E.F. The Wild Blue Widow, undated.

McIlnay, R.D. The Ancient Dark, 1959.

Men, Lo. Death in the City, undated.

Miljkovic, Branko. Do Not Suffer, undated.

Miller, Raeburn. Ballade, undated.

Miller, Warren. The Animal's Fair, 1945.

Mills, Roger. Outcast, undated.

Miura, Tigo. An Oriental in Paris, 1961.

Miyamota, Yokichi. Our Godfather, 1975.

Moffett, Hugh. The Girls, 1966.

Montague, John. Woodtown Manor, undated.

Morris, James. Harvard, undated.

Morrison, Julia Maria. Poems, undated.

Morrissey, Patrick. Poetry, 1956.

Murtuza, Athar. When the Sun Rises, undated.

Muttanna, Dileep. Part One, 1953 -- 1959.

Nafzger, Lester. The Rats in the Walls, undated.

Nichols, Douglas. Poetry, 1946.

Nolledo, Wilfrido. Poetry, 1966. (2 folders)

Ochi, Eiji. Poetry, 1963.

O'Conner, Bob. Mural, 1961.

Oeur, Sam. To Whom it May Concern, 1966.

Okigbo, Christopher. Watermaid, undated.

Osada, Yoshi. From Hiroshima, undated.

Palangyo, Peter. Face of Man, undated.

Pebworth, Ted-Larry. The Life and Death of a Drone, 1961.

Pfeiffer, John. Book review, 1955.

Petersen, Donald. On Several Landscapes, undated.

Pickard, Cynthia. Another Alice, undated.

Pollack, Lucille. Sylvia Street, 1961.

Popa, Vasko. White Pebble Dream, undated.

Popovici, Titus. Ladies and Gentlemen, 1983.

Pottebaum, Gerard. The Stranger, 1959

Box 47

Powell, Cash. Memory, 1955.

Qing, Ai. On Poetry, undated.

Qian, Xiao. Revelations in Iowa, undated.

Ransom, John Crowe. Poetry and Mythology in the Thought, undated.

Rege, Purushottama. Savitri, 1962.

Reichertz, Ronald. The Tragedy: After Picasso, undated.

Robbins, Michael. Short story, 1960.

Robinson, Clay. Prose, 1959.

Robison, John. The Vice President in Charge…, undated.

Roth, Philip. When She was Good, 1966. (2 folders)

Rubinstein, S. Leonard. The Kingdom of Saul, undated.

Rudnik, Raphael. The Disillusionment of Aeneas, 1952.

Saffarzadeh, Tahereh. Invite Me to a Sandwich of Love, undated.

Sainz, Gustavo. Self Portrait with Friends, undated.

Santos, Murray. Victory, 1968.

Sarfrazahmad, Mian. The Faintest Sound, undated.

Sato, Satoru. Our Brothers Born with Us, 1954.

Sawyer, Elliott. Lira for Guido, undated.

Seljouk, Mehdi. On Modernism, undated.

Shalash, Ali. 120 Days in America, 1977.

Shapiro, Karl. Haircut, undated.

Sheng, Ch'i Teng. I Love Black Eyes, 1983

Shiraishi, Kazuko. Pond, undated.

Shoemaker, Brant. Primary Structurist Poems, 1967.

Shpoon, Saduddin. The Kokecha River, undated.

Sennah, Mohamed. My Road to Poetry, undated.

Siraj, Sayed. Hounds of Blood, undated.

Slesinger, Warren. Vincent, undated.

Sparks, Merrill. Pygmalion, undated.

Stallings, Gary. The Long Soft Sorrow, undated.

Stegner, Wallace. The Blue Winged Teal, undated.

Steimberg, Alicia. I am not Borges, 1983.

Stevens, Lauren. The Double Axe, undated.

Stevenson, Gerald. An Alphabet of Poems, 1958.

Stewart, Douglas. At the Entrance, 1959.

Suuwall, Betty. From a Psychiatric Ward, 1962.

Szczepanski, Jan. Poems, undated.

Taylor, Jane. The Hoofer, undated.

Thompson, John. Billy Potts, undated. (2 folders)

Tiempo, Edith. The Return, undated.

Tiempo, Rowena. The Faces of Hurt, 1967.

Tinio, Rolando. To Violetta Valery, 1957.

Tutuola, Amos. The Palm Wine Drinkard, 1983.

Tzu-hao, Ch'ing. The Broken Statue, undated.

Uchino, Takako. To Mabo, undated.

Ugresic, Dubravka. A Pose for Prose, 1978.

Unger, Leonard. Forgetful, undated.

Wang, Anyi. Life in a Small Courtyard, 1982.

Wang-Rok, Chang. Look at the Willow Tree, undated.

Walter, Robert. The Bus Ride, undated.

Warren, Robert Penn. To a Little Girl, 1957.

Webb, Charles David. Stopping for Gas…, undated.

Weber, Richard. To Thine Own Self, undated.

Weinman, Paul. Look to Your Rats, 1962.

Wiseman, L. Magnets, undated.

Wolff. Letter from Paris, undated.

Won, Ko. The Meaning of Flags, undated.

Worku, Daniachew. Mammitte, 1968.

Yehoshua, Avraham. Galia's Wedding, undated.

Ying-Chen, Ch'en. My First Case, 1983.

Yip, Wai-lim. Window Within Window, 1962.

Yount, John. Wolf at the Door, undated.

Yu, Kwang Chung. Poetry, undated.

Zarzecki, Krzysztof. The Transportation Swindle, undated.

Zhijuan, Ru. The Path Through the Grassland, 1983.

Zhilim, Bian. Four Poems, 1950.

Zycienska, Ewa. Farming, undated.

Miscellaneous authors. Prose works, [1950s -- 1960s and undated]

Series VII: Miscellaneous

"English Prof. Paul Engle Seeks Writing Talent in Asia." Voice of America. Reel-to-reel audiocassette

Harrison, William. The Theologian. Uncorrected proofs with a letter from John Legget of Harper & Row Publishers laid in

In Honor of the Visit by Yves Bonnefoy to the Workshops in Poetry and Translation at the University of Iowa, 11 December 1964. Insert

Kangro, Bernard. Earthbound

Kenner, Hugh. The Invisible Poet: T. A. Eliot. Uncorrected proofs

Meredith Press & The Program in Creative Writing at the University of Iowa take pleasure in announcing a $15,000 Award in Writing. Award rules

Merton College Boat Club. The Eights. Menu from banquet May 26, 1936

Pasternak, Boris. I Remember. Galley proofs, along with illustrations to be included in the book

Perry, R. Lee. "Nursery Rhyme." (Poem) Tear sheet

Summers, Hollis. "The Terrible Death of Mister Vimont." (Short story) Accent, August 1954. Tear sheets with a letter from Summers

"Christmas Letter to Paul Engle." W.D. Snodgrass. 2 leaves

Box 48


An Afternoon with Archibald MacLeish. Poster, 1958.

The Bloody Massacre. Published book, 1970.

Contemporary Poetry: I. Fragments of a poster, 1984.

Fantasy vs Reality. Poster, 1984. (2 copies)

Fraternal organization certificates, 1930.

International Poetry, Songs, and Dances. Poster, [1978?]

Iowa. Holiday magazine, 1956.

Paul Engle. Poster, 1960.

Poet's Choice. Dust jacket, 1962.

Map Case -- Cataloged Broadsides

Festival Franco. Poster, undated.

International Writing Program. Poster, 1969. (2 copies)

Museo del Jade. Poster, undated.

Women, Painting, undated.

2010 Addendum

Folder of essays and poems, mostly from publications, some signed by Paul Engle. Gift of Keith Weir.

"A Home Dream." Inscribed "To Professor Paul Engle with happy memories of his stay in Hong Kong. From Yung Kai Kim 7 iv 63"


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