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Special Collections and Archives

MsC 429

  Manuscript Register


Collection Dates: 1918 -- 1979
28.5 linear ft.

This document describes a collection of materials held by the
Special Collections Department
University of Iowa Libraries
Iowa City, Iowa 52242-1420
Phone: 319-335-5921
Fax: 319-335-5900

Posted to Internet: 2001
Addenda: 2001, September 2003
, Burton Pollin Illustrated Poe addendum, 2005 , 2010 Addendum

Acquisition Note: The papers of Thomas Ollive Mabbott were given to the University of Iowa Libraries over a period of years by Maureen Cobb Mabbott.

Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research. The correspondence between Mabbott and Ben Fisher is under seal until 2025.

Photographs: Box 9

Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department.

Copyright:  Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on "Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials"

Use of Collections: The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement.

Biographical Notes
Scope and Contents
Manuscript Register
Personal Correspondence
Research Materials (Literary Interests)
Articles by Thomas O. Mabbott
Edgar Allan Poe
Research Material (Edgar Allan Poe)
Works by Poe
Unpublished Articles on Edgar Allan Poe
Published Articles on Edgar Allan Poe
Published Articles on Edgar Allan Poe by Thomas O. Mabbott
Fifteenth Century Prints
Newspaper Collecting
Maureen Cobb Mabbott Papers
Unprocessed Materials

Index to Correspondence
2001 Addendum

Biographical notes

Thomas Ollive Mabbott (1898 -- 1968) was born and raised in New York City. He was a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Columbia University, earning his AB (1920), AM (1921), and PhD (1923) in English. After graduating from Columbia, Mabbott taught English literature and composition at Northwestern University. In 1928, he left Northwestern to teach at Brown. He was there for only one year before accepting a position at Hunter College and moving back to New York City. Mabbott remained at Hunter as a professor of English and research scholar. His work as a teacher is profiled in Patricia Edwards Clyne's article "Thomas O. Mabbott as Teacher" (Books at Iowa 34 (April 1981). Mabbott also provided two essays for Books at Iowa, "Observations on Poets and Poetry" (29) and "The Books in the House of Usher" (34); Maureen Cobb Mabbott contributed "My Last Bookshelf" to issue 38.

TOM, as he was known, was a renowned Milton scholar but also studied Walt Whitman, Thomas Chatterton, and E.C. Pinkney. However, he is best remembered as an expert on Edgar Allan Poe. Mabbott was compiling the complete writings of Poe when he died on May 15, 1968, at the age of sixty-nine. He was survived by his widow, Maureen Cobb Mabbott, and their daughter, Jane Adele.

 Scope and Contents

The papers of Thomas O. Mabbott reflect his scholarship and hobbies. The collection, measuring 27 linear feet, dates from 1918 to 1979, and is arranged in eight series.

The first series consists of nine boxes of personal papers. It includes certificates, diplomas, photographs, and correspondence. Correspondents include Walter R. Benjamin, Clarence S. Brigham, S. Foster Damon, August Derleth, J. Milton French, Clarence Gohdes, Charles F. Heartman, Philip D. Jordan, John W. Ostrom, Mary E. Phillips, Frank L. Pleadwell, Arthur H. Quinn, G.E.B. Saintsbury, Vincent Starrett, William P. Trent, Robert W.G. Vail, and J.H. Whitty.

The second and third series represent Mabbbott's life's work as a scholar. The section titled "Literary Interests" reflects his reading and research subjects. Included here are research notes on authors from William Blake and John Milton to Washington Irving and Mark Twain. There are also copies of articles by TOM and others on a variety of literary topics. The Edgar Allan Poe series is the largest in the collection and documents the main thrust of Mabbott's research career. Nearly 35 boxes of Poe material is gathered here. There are research files relating to specific Poe works, published and unpublished articles about Poe by TOM and others, copies of Poe's writing, and copies of the journals in which Poe's works originally appeared.The Collected Works of Edgar Allan Poe edited by TOM is present in manuscript form, complete with discarded plans, illustrations that were and were not used, page proofs, contracts, and reviews. Some later additions by Burton Pollin round out this series, including a series of scrapbooks apparently compiled by Mabbott and loaned to Pollin. Notes by both men may appear in the scrapbooks.

The next four sections represent TOM's other interests and hobbies. There are three boxes of broadsides and materials relating to 15th century prints. Another three boxes contain certificates, auction catalogs, and articles about his special hobby, numismatics. One more box contains correspondence and published materials relating to his interest in collecting newspapers. The final series is made up of the writings of Maureen Cobb Mabbott and her correspondence.

TOM also bequeathed his collection of books by and about Edgar Allan Poe to the University of Iowa Libraries, and they continue to be a seperately shelved sequence in Special Collections. The collection is particularly rich in appearances of Poe's works in magazines. An endowment accompanied the gift, and the income from this fund has allowed the Libraries to add fine press and other editions of Poe's work as well as books about Poe. In 2003 the collection was greatly enriched with the gift by Burton Pollin of his collection of illustrated Poe -- several hundred books in diverse languages containing illustrated versions of Poe's works. The Mabbott Poe collection can be searched in the Libraries' bibliographic database, InfoHawk. Go to the "expert search" screen and enter "wcl=mpoe and wcl=spec". This will bring up the collection in order by date of publication; that list can be reordered by title, call number, etc.

In 2005 Pollin further enriched the collection with more ephemeral publications containing illustrated Poe; like the earlier gift, much of this was collected in the course of his Images of Poe's works: a comprehensive descriptive catalogue of illustrations (Greenwood Press, 1989). The serial appearances, comic books, posters, etc. that were not appropriately cataloged have been listed.



 Box 1

American Literature Group. Correspondence.

American Literature Group of Modern Language Association.

Bibliography. Thomas O. Mabbott.

Biographical Material. TOM.

Certificates and Diplomas.








Box 2

Ca-Campbell, Carlyle.

Campbell, Killis. (2 folders)

Campbell, Oscar-Chen.





Box 3










Box 4






Mabbott, T.O.


M. N-

Z. Unknown. 

Box 5

 Mabbott, T.O. to Mabbott, M.C.

1923. January -- February 1924.

March -- May 1924.

July -- December 1924.

1925 -- 1926.

June -- September 1927.

October -- December 1927.

January -- March 1928.

April -- August 1928. 

Box 6

N. O.


Phillips, Mary E. Phillips, William L.-Ple.




Box 7









Trent, William P. 

Box 8 





Whitty, J.H. (2 folders)

W i-Wy.




Box 9

Estate of TOM

Gifts from TOM.

Historical Dictionary of American English.

Miscellaneous Notes.

Personal. Miscellaneous clippings.


Poetry by TOM.

Poetry Appreciation Club.

Reviews of Works by TOM.

Box 10


Research Materials

Blake, William.

Bryant, William C.

Byron, George G.

Chatterton, Thomas.

Coleridge, Samuel T. Colton, George H.

Crapsey, Adelaide.

Cunningham, John.

Dermody, Thomas.

Dorr, Thomas W.

Dryden, John.

Fitzgerald, Edward.

Gissing, George R.

Halleck, Fitz-Greene.

Hiller, Robert.

Irving, Washington.

Keats, John and Shelley, Percy B.

Lamb, Charles.

Landon, Letitia.

Lanier, Sidney.

Longfellow, Henry W.

Lord, William W.

Lovecraft, H.P.

Melville, Herman.

Milton, John.

Nack, James.

Oldham, Edward A.

Partridge, Eric.

Peterson, Charles J.

Pinkney, Edward C.

Pleadwell, F.L.

Riley, James W.

Southey, Robert.

Thoreau, Henry D.

Timrod, Henry.

Twain, Mark.

Whipple, E.P.

White, Henry K. 

Box 11 

Whitman, Walt.

Wolfe, Thomas.

Wordsword, William.


Adams, Richard P. "Whitman: A Brief Revaluation." Reprinted from Tulane Studies in English 5 (1955).

Baker, Portia. "Walt Whitman and The Atlantic Monthly." Reprinted from American Literature 6:3 (Nov. 1934).

Birss, John Howard. "Whitman on Arnold: An Uncollected Comment." Modern Language Notes (May 1923).

Bopes, Charles Francis. "A Lost Occasional Poem by Sidney Lanier." Reprinted from American Literature 5:3 (Nov. 1933)

Bottkol, Joseph McG. "The Holograph of Milton's Letter to Holstenius."

Carlson, Eric W. "Robert Frost on 'Vocal Imagination, the Merger of Form and Content'." Reprinted from American Literature 33:4 (Jan. 1962).

Carlyle, Thomas. "Unpublished Lectures." May 1941.

Carson, Gerald. "Kindness and Cruelty in Great Britain." Natural History (Dec. 1967).

Clark, Thomas Cotrell, "The Late N. P. Willis, and Literary Men Forty Years Ago." Northern Monthly, vol. II, no. 3 (January 1868), pp. 234-242 

Claytor, Gertrude. "Edgar Lee Masters in the Chelsea Years." Princeton University Library Chronicle 14:1 (Autumn 1952).

Coad, Oral S. "Whitman vs. Parton." The Journal of the Rutgers University Library 9:1 (Dec. 1940).

Coleman, Mary Haldane. "Whitter on John Randolph of Roanoke." New England Quarterly.

Craigie, W.A. "The Historical Dictionary of American English the American Dialect Dictionary--An Appeal" and "The American Dialect Dictionary--An Appeal."

-----"The Progress of The Historical Dictionary of American English." Reprinted from American Speech 5:4 (April 1930).

Damon, S. Foster. "Some American References to Blake Before 1863." Reprinted from Modern Language Notes 45:6 (Jun. 1930).

Dickens, Charles. "American Notes." The New World 2: 8-9 (Nov. 1842).

"The Eagle to Receive Whitman Bust Funds." Brooklyn Eagle (Mar. 19, 1931).

Fisher, Benjamin F., IV. Swinburne's 'Tristram of Lyonesse' in Process."

Fletcher, Harris. "Milton's 'Vicar of Hell'." Reprinted from The Journal of English and German Philology 47:4 (Oct. 1948).

French, J. Milton. "The Autographs of John Milton." Reprinted from Journal of English Literary History, 4:4 (Dec. 1937).

Gohdes, Clarence. "Wicked Old New York." Reprinted from The Huntington Library Quarterly 29:2 (Feb.1966).

Gulliver, Henry S. "The Poet of the Tontine." Yale Alumni Weekly.

Hall, Mrs. S.C. "Pilgrimages to English Shrines." The Art Journal. "The Hampstead Edition of the Works of John Keats" [prospectus],

"Henry Timrod." The Collector 40:9, whole no. 435 (Jul. 1926).

Herschel, John F.W. and James South. "Observations of the Apparent Distances...;" Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London (Jan. 15, 1824).

Howell, A.C. "A Doctor Looks at Religion." [Reprinted from Lectures in the Humanities, 10th Series, U.U.C. Extension Bulletin, Vol. 34, Nov. 1954]

Huxley, Aldous. "Vulgarity in Literature." Saturday Review of Literature (Sept. 27, 1930).

Ingram, John H. "Chatterton and His Associates." Harper's New Monthly Magazine, [Jul. 1883]

Jillson, Willard Rouse. "The Beauchamp-Sharp Tragedy." Reprinted from Kentucky State Historical Society, 1938.

"Joseph Rodman Drake." Harper'rs New Monthly Magazine, (Jun. 1874)

Leisy, Ernest E. "The Significance of Recent Scholarship in American Literature." Reprinted from College English 2:2 (Nov. 1940).

Litz, Francis E. "Experiments in Poetry: Father Tabb." Reprinted from Modern Language Notes 69:1 (Jan. 1954).

Lord, W.W. "Constant Angels: A Christmas and Easter Symphony. "

Man: and the Record of His Origin. Henry Nichols and Co., New York, 1880.

Loveman, Samuel. "Thomas Dermody (1775-1802)." A Summer Catalogue..., Bodley Book Shop.

Lydenberg, Harry Miller. Wilberforce Eames As I Recall Him. American Antiquarian Society, 1956.

"Memoirs of the Life and Theatrical Career of James W. Wallace." The Gentleman's Magazine and American Monthly Review 4:1 (Jan. 1839).

Meyerstein, E.H.W. "Song to Chatterton."

Molinoff, Katherine. "Some Notes on Whitman's Family."

"An Unpublished Whitman Manuscript."

"Whitman's Teaching at Smithtown, 1837 -- 1838." "Notes on Malvezzi." [incomplete]

"A Rare Treat for the Bibliophile...' The English Review.

Rede, Kenneth. "A Note on the Author of The Times." Reprinted from American Literature 2:1 (Mar. 1930).

Rosenfeld, Alvin H. (ed) and S. Foster Damon. "The Roll of Fame: A Poem by Thomas Holley Chivers." [Reprinted from] Books at Brown, 1963.

Shockley, Martin Staples. "American Plays in the Richmond Theatre, 1819 -- 1838." Reprinted from Studies in Philoloy 37:1 (Jan. 1940).

and Charles C. Walcutt. "The American Literature Curriculum at the University of Oklahoma." Reprinted from College English 1:8 (May 1940).

"The Proprietors of Richmond's New Theatre of 1819." Reprinted from William and Mary College Quarterly 19:3 (Jul. 1939).

Silver, Rollo G. "Seven Letters of Walt Whitman." Reprinted from American Literature 7:1 (Mar. 1935).

"Thirty-one Letters of Walt Whitman." Reprinted from American Literature 8:4 (Jan. 1937).

"Whitman and Dickens." Reprinted from American Literature 5:4 (Jan. 1934).

"Whitman Interviews Himself." Reprinted from American Literature 10:1 (Mar. 1938).

"Whitman's Earliest Signed Prose: A Correction." Reprinted from American Literature 9:4 (Jan. 1938).

Smith, C. Alphonso. Literary Contrasts. [prospectus]

Smith, Garnet. "Charles Baudelaire." The Gentleman's Magazine, Feb. 1888.

Sypher, Wylie. "Chatterton's 'African Eclogues' and the Deluge."

Taylor, Donald S. "The Authenticity of Chatterton's Miscellanies in Prose and Verse." [Reprinted from] Papers of The Bibliographical Society of America 55: Fourth Quarter (1961).

"----- Chatterton: The Problem of Rowley Chronology and Its Implications." Reprinted from Philological Quarterly 46:2 (Apr. 1967).

 Taylor,Robert D. "The Winter of the Year." The Boston Herald, Feb. 5, 1963.

W., D. "Chatterton, Thomas (1752 -- 1770)."

Waldman, Milton. "Americana." The London Mercury, [Apr. 1924]

Walt Whitman Review 10:4 (Dec. 1964).

Warfel, Harry R. "'Kentucky'-Walt Whitman's Uncompleted Poem." University of Kentucky Library Associates, no. 8, 1960.

Wauchope, George A. "Henry Timrod: Man and Poet." Bulletin of the University of South Carolina, no. 41, pt. 4, Apr. 1915.

Wegelin, Oscar. Bibliography of William Gilmore Simms. The Book Farm, Hattiesburg, Miss., 1941.

Wetzel, George. "A Lovecraft Randomonium." Destiny, no. 6, Winter 1951 -- Spring 1952. 

Box 12 

"Whittier to John Bright." New England Quarterly.

Williams, Stanley T. "Spanish Influences on the Fiction of William Gilmore Simms." Varia 21 (1953).

Willis, N.P. "Introductory Remarks to Pinkney's Poems." The Mirror Library, The Rococo, no. 2.

Wilson, Daniel. Chatterton: A Biographical Study. Review: "The Story of Thomas Chatterton." Appleton's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art (Aug. 27, 1870).

Wilson, F.P. "The Proverbial Wisdom of Shakespeare." Modern Humanities Research Association, 1961.

Wilson, James G. "The Author of 'The American Flag'". The Century Magazine, (July 1910)

Wroth, Lawrence C. "Tobacco or Codfish: Lord Baltimore Makes His Choice." New York Public Library, 1954.

Zorn, Ray H. "About the Collecting of Lovecraft."

Zunder, Theodore A. "Whitman Interviews Barnum." Modern Language Notes (Jan. 1933).


Articles by Thomas O. Mabbott:

Mabbott, Thomas O. "'Arcturus' and Keats: An Early Publication of Keat's 'La Belle Dame Sans Merci'." Reprinted from American Literature 2:4 (Jan. 1931).

"Assonance and Slant Rhyme." News Letter (Oct. 1943).

"Blakes 'A Poison Tree." Explicator ( December 1947)

"'Bounce to Fob' by Swift and Pope." Notes and Queries (Oct. 1955).

"Browning's 'The Glove'" The Explicator (December 1943)

"Bryant's 'Thanatopsis,' Line 51." The Explicator 11:3 (Dec. 1952).

"Byron's 'On This Day I Complete My Thirty-Sixth Year'" Reprinted from Explicator, March 1946

and Philip D. Jordan. "A Catalogue of Illinois Newspapers in the New York Historical Society." Reprinted from Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society 24:2 (Jul. 1931).

J.M.French, and Maurice Kelley. "The Columbia 'Milton'." Reprinted from Notes and Queries (Jul. 13, 1940).

--- "The Columbia Milton: Fifth Supplement." Reprinted from Notes and Queries (August 1952)

and J. M. French. "The Columbia Milton: Third Supplement." Reprinted from Notes and Queries (July 12, 1941)

"Dear Editor: Speaking of Assonance ....": NewsLetter (Nov. 1943).

"Dear Penn: ...."

"Emerson's Rhymes." Word Study 20:4 (Apr.1945).

"Farleys' Privately Rouletted." [Jan.11, 1941].

and J.M.French. "First Supplement to the Columbia 'Milton'." Reprinted from Notes and Queries (Nov. 4, 1939).

"Freneau's 'On a Honey Bee Drinking' &c."

"Grammar Not Purely Reasonable." NewsLetter (Nov.1946).

and J.M.French. "'The Grand Case of Conscience' wrongly attributed to Milton." Notes and Queries (Nov. 20, 1943).

"Hail Columbia's' Merit." [New York Herald Tribune (July 22, 1926).]

"Haydon's Letter Arranging for Keats to Meet Wordsworth." [London Notes and Queries (May 10, 1941).]

"Herbert's 'The Collar'" Reprint from The Explicator (April 1945) Not by Mabbot but citing him

"Hunts 'Abou Ben Adhem'" Reprinted from The Explicator (March 1947)

"John Donne and Valeriano." Modern Language Notes (May 1945).

"Johnson and the Letter 'H'" Reprinted from Word Study (May 1949)

"Kilmer and Chivers." [New York Times (May 30, 1933)]

"Keats' 'Le Belle Dame Sans Merci'" Reprinted from The Explicator (May 1947)

"Kirke White's Introduction to His Poem on 'Time'." Notes and Queries 191:9 (Nov.2, 1946).

"Letters to Henry Kirke White." Notes and Queries (Nov.16, 1946).

"Mark Twain's Artillery." Reprinted from The Missouri Historical Review 25:l (Oct. 1930).

"Member of the English Department Reviews Last Issue of 'Sepiad' for This Year." Pembroke College, The Record (May 22, 1929).

"Milton's Books: To The Editor of the Times." Times Literary Supplement.

"Milton's Letters: To The Editor of the Times." Times Literary Supplement (Feb. 16, 1928).

"Milton's Lycidas, lines 164 and 183-185" Reprinted from The Explicator, Feburary 1947

"Mrs. Browning's Possible Reminiscence of Dermody." Reprinted from Notes and Queries (Oct. 21, 1939). --

"More American References to Blake Before 1863." Modern Language Notes (Feb. 1932).

"A New Poem by Thomas Chatterton." Reprinted from Modern Language Notes 39:4 (Apr. 1924).

"A Newly Found American Translation of Balzac."

"Notes on Chatterton" A Poem Attributed to Him." Reprinted from Notes and Queries (February 19, 1938)

"Notes on Chatterton: An Uncollected Poem." Reprinted from Notes and Queries (January 15, 1938)

"Notes on Chatterton." Reprinted from Notes and Queries (Jan. 6, 1940).

"On an Oath of Allegiance." The Eleusis of Chi Omega, [Nov. 1936]

"On Lucretius 1.50." The Classical Weekly 14:17, whole no. 386 (Mar. 7, 1921).

"The Orient and Paris." [Word Study 20:2 (Dec. 1944).]

"The Origin of Pierre Loti's Name 'Rarahu'." Modern Language Notes (Apr.1946).

"Pinkney's 'A Health'" Reprinted from The Explicator (October 1947)

"A Poem by Henry Kirke White." Reprinted from Notes and Queries (Sept. 7, 1940).

"Poet's Gold." [Hunter Bulletin, faculty issue, Vol.18 (Mar. 30, 1931).]

and Philip D. Jordan. "The Prairie Chicken (notes on Lincoln and Mrs. Kirkland)." Reprinted from The Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society 25:3 (Oct.1932).

"Rachel's Debut." [New York Herald (Sept. 21, 1921).]

"Richard Penn Smith's Tragedy of 'Caius Marius'." Reprinted from American Literature 2:2 (May 1930).

"Simonide Epigram." Notes and Queries (Sept. 11, 1943).

"Shelley's Prometheus Unbound"

"Some Account of Sojourner Truth." The American Collector, (forward only).

"Some Letters of Henry Timrod." The American Collector 3:5 (Feb.1927).

"A Tale by Gissing Identified." (July 7, 1932).

"The Text of the English Xylographic Poem on the Seven Virtues." Modern Language Notes (Dec.1950).

"They or Them?" Reprinted from Word Study (February 1946)

"Thomas Dermody (1775-1802): Another Letter." Reprinted from Notes and Queries (Oct. 7, 1939).

"Towns Named After  Novels." Reprinted from Notes and Queries (July 17, 1943)

"Two Chapbooks printed by Andrew Stevart." The American Book Collector (May-June, 1933).

"An Uncollected Poem by Henry Kirke White." Notes and Queries (Jan. 13, 1945).

"W.P.Mulchinock, Correspondent of Emerson." Notes and Queries (Sep. 11, 1943).

"'Wall-Paper' Newsprints During the Civil War." [World Telegram, (Jan. 21, 1932).]

"Walt Whitman and Catullus." Notes and Queries (Nov. 10, 1951).

"Walt Whitman and The Aristidean." The American Mercury 2:6 (Jun. 1924).

"Walt Whitman Edits the Sunday Times (July, 1842-July,1843). Reprinted from American Literature 39:l (Mar. 1967).

and Rollo G. Silver. "Walt Whitman's " Tis But Ten Year Since'." Reprinted fromAmerican Literature 15:l (Mar. 1943).

"'Whitman's Lines on Duluth." Reprinted from American Literature 3:3 (Nov. 1931).

"Whitman's Song of Myself." The Explicator 11:5, (Mar. 1953).

"Whitman's Song of Myself, XXIV, 19." The Explicator (Apr. 1947).

""William Blake's Allamanda'" Reprinted from Notes and Queries (January 1946)

and Rollo G. Silver. "William Winter's Serious Parody of Walt Whitman." American Literature 5:l (Mar. 1933).

"Woden and Mercury" Reprinted from Notes and Queries (May 1941)

"Yeats' 'The Swans at Coole'" The Explicator (October 1944)

Works Reviewed by Thomas O. Mabbott:

Allen, Gay Wilson and Sculley Bradley (eds-). The Writings of Walt Whitman. [Reviewed in American Literature (Mar.1962).]

Blodgett, Harold W. and Schulley Bradley (eds.). Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass. Comprehensive Reader's Edition. [Reviewed in Walt Whitman Review 11:2 (June 1965).]

Cooper, James Fenimore. Gleanings in Europe. [Reviewed in The Living Age (Nov.1928).]

Dane, G. Ezra(ed.). Letters from the Sandwich Islands, Written for the Sacramento Union by Mark Twain. [Reviewed in The Commonweal (Sept. 2, 1938).]

Graham, Philip. The Life and Poems of Mirabeau B. Lamar. [Reviewed in The Commonweal (Sept. 30, 1938).]

 Herold, Amos L. James Kirk Paulding, Versatile American. [Reviewed in Modern Language Notes (Nov.1928).]

Orb, Clay. The Man in the Moon is Talking. [Reviewed in Hunter Bulletin (Dec.10, 1964).]

Schreiber, W.L. Handbuch der Holz-and Metalschnitte des XV Jahrhunderts. [Reviewed in The Saturday Review of Literature (Nov. 22, 1930).]

Tillyard, E.M.W. The Miltonic Setting. [Reviewed in The Commonweal (Jun. 10, 1938).]

Wescott, Mary and Allene Ramage. A Checklist of United States Newspapers . . . in the General Library. [Reviewed in American Literature 5:l (Mar. 1933).]


Box 13


Research Material

Barcus, Annie E. "Tentative Notes on the Life and Writings of Frances Sargent Osgood." May 1931.


Bibliographies -- Poe's Tales.

Biographical Material.


Chivers, Thomas Holley -- Articles.

Clemm, Mrs. and Virginia.

Clippings. (2 folders)

Box 14 


Coronet Instructional Film, 1956. Script.

Correspondence. Copies of Poe letters.

Correspondence. Copies of Poe letters and notes by TOM.

Edgar Allan Poe Society.

English, Thomas Dunn.

Eveleth, George W.

Griswold Collection. Copies of correspondence.

Ingram, J. H. Copies of correspondence.

Koester collection. Copies of Poe manuscripts.

Manuscript Locations/Holdings of Poe.

Materials wrongly Ascribed to Edgar Allan Poe. With notes by TOM. 

 Box 15

Material wrongly Ascribed to Edgar Allan Poe. With Notes by TOM.

Miscellaneous notes.

Notes and Comparisons of Poe Texts.

Obituary. New York Tribune, Oct. 9, 1849.

Osgood, Frances Sargent.

Paterson, Robert Hunter. Manuscript Notes.

Poe Studies Association Newsletter

Poe, Rosalie.

Poe, William Henry Leonard.

Poe Addenda by TOM.

Box 15a

Scrapbooks. Gift of Burton Pollin. These scrapbooks contain photocopies of research materials, with notes by both Mabbott and Pollin.

Hull, William Doyle II. A Canon of the Critical Works of Edgar Allan Poe With a Study of Poe as Editor and Reviewer. Dissertation, University Virginia, 1941. 3 volumes. Shelved at ?


Book Reviews,Essays, and News Articles

Broadway Journal

Living Writers and Literary America

Poe's Contribution to Works on Natural History

Poe's Lectures

Prefaces and Related Items

Saturday Museum

Secret Writing

Shew, Mary Louise.

Thomas, [Calvin] F . S .

Trent, William Peterfield. Notes on Poe.(2 folders)

Unger, R.D.

Valentine, Edward V. Correspondence.

Weber, Carl Maria von. Der Freischuss, [1913]

Whitman, Sarah Helen.

Whitty, James H.

Willis, N.P. 

Box 16 

Works by Edgar Allan Poe -- with Notes:

"Al Aaraaf." Poem.

"Alone." Poem.

"Angel of the Odd." Tale.

"Annabel Lee." Poem.

"The Assignation." Tale.

"The Balloon Hoax." Tale.

"The Bargain Lost." Tale.

"Bells." Poem.

"Beloved Physician." Poem.

"Berenice." Tale.

"The Black Cat." Tale.

"Bon Bon." Tale.

"Bridal Ballad." Poem.

"The Business Man." Tale.

"The Cask of an Amontillado." Tale.

"The City in the Sea." Poem.

"The Coliseum." Poem.

"The Colloquy of Monos and Una." Tale.

"The Conqueror Worm." Poem.

"The Conversation of Eiros and Charmion." Tale.

"A Descent into the Maelstorm." Tale.

"The Devil in the Belfry." Tale.

"Diddling." Tale.

"Dirge." ["Lenore"] Poem.

"The Divine Right of Kings." Poem.

Doings of Gotham. Sketch.

"The Domain of Arnheim." Tale.

"A Dream." Tale.

"Dream-land." Poem.

"A Dream Within a Dream." Poem.

"The Duc de 1'Omelette." Tale.

"Eldorado." Poem.

"Eleonora." Tale.

"Elizabeth." ["Rebecca"] Poem.

"The Elk." Tale.

"Enigma." Poem.

"Epimanes." Tale.

"Eulalie." Poem.

"Eureka." Poem. 

Box 17

"The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar." Tale.

"Fairyland." Poem.

"Fall of the House of Usher." Tale.

"Fanny." Poem.

"Flag of Our Union." Tale.

"The Folio Club." Tale.

"For Annie." Poem.

"Four Beasts in One." Poem.

[Fragment of a campaign Song] Poem.

"The Gold Bug." Tale.

"The Haunted Palace." Poem.

"Hop-Frog." Tale.

"House Furniture." Article.

"How to Write a Blackwood Article." Tale.

"The Imp of the Perverse." Tale.

"Impromptu. To Kate Carol." Poem.

"Irene, the Dead." ["Irene"] Poem.

"The Island of the Fay." Tale.

"Israfel." Poem.

"King Pest." Tale.

"Landor's Cottage." Tale.

"The Landscape Garden." Tale.

"Lenore." Poem.

"The Light-House." Tale.

"Ligeia." Tale.

"Lines after Elizabeth Barrett." Poem.

"Lines on Ale." Poem.

"Lines Written in an Album." ["To Frances S. Osgood"] Poem.

"Lionizing." Tale.

"The Literary Life Of Thingum Bob." Tale.

"Loss of Breath." Tale.

"The Man of the Crowd." Tale.

"The Man That Was Used Up." Tale.

"MS. Found in a Bottle." Tale.

"The Masque of the Red Death." Tale.

"Mellonta Tauta." Tale.

"Mem: for Philadelphia." Article.

"Mesmeric Revelation." Tale.

"Metzengersteint "Tale. 

Box 18

"Monody on Dr. Olmsted." Poem.

"Morella." Tale.

"The Murders in The Rue Morgue." Tale.

"The Mystery of Marie Roget." Tale.

"Mystification." Tale.

"The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym." Tale.

"Never Bet The Devil Your Head." Tale.

"The Oblong Box." Tale.

"Original Marginalia." Article.

"The Oval Portrait." Tale.

"Phantasy-Pieces." Tale.

"Philosophy of Furniture." Sketch.

"Pinakidia." Article.

"Pinakidia." and "Marginalia." Articles.

"The Pit and The Pendulum." Tale.

"Politian." Play.

"The Power of Words." Sketch.

"A Prediction." Tale.

"The Premature Burial." Tale.

"The Purloined Letter." Tale. 

Box 19

"The Rationale of Verse." Article.

"The Raven." Poem.

"Romance." Poem.

"Serenade." Poem.

"Shadow -- A Parable." Tale.

"Silence." Poem.

"Silence -- A Fable." Tale.

"The Sleeper." Poem.

"Some Secrets of the Magazine Prison-House." Tale.

"Some Words With a Mummy." Tale.

"Song." Poem.

"Song of the Newly-Wedded." ["Bridal Ballad"] Poem.

"Sonnet." ["An Enigma"] Poem.

"Sonnet -- Silence." Poem.

"Sonnet to My Mother." [''To My Mother"] Poem.

"Sonnet -- To Science." Poem.

"Sonnet to Zante." ["To Zante"] Poem.

"The Spectacles." Tale.

"The Sphinx." Tale.

"Spirits of the Dead." Poem.

"Spiritual Song." Poem.

"Stanzas." Poem.

"The Swiss Bell-Ringers." Tale.

"The System of Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether." Tale.

"A Tale of Jerusalem." Tale.

"A Tale of the Ragged Mountains." Tale.

"Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque." Tale.

"Tamerlane." Poem.

"The Tell-Tale Heart." Tale.

"Thou Art The Man." Tale.

"The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade." Tale.

"Three Sundays in a Week." Tale.

"To -- " Poem.

"To -- " ["To Frances S. Osgood"] Poem.

"To -- " ["To Frances S. Osgood"] Poem.

Box 20

"To -- " ["To Helen"] Poem.

"To -- " ["To Violet Vane"] Poem.

"To Elizabeth." ["To Frances S. Osgood"] Poem.

"To Helen." Poem.

"To Ianthe in Heaven." I"To One in Paradise"I Poem.

"To Isadore." Poem.

"To Marie Louise Shew." Poem.

"'To Mary." Poem.

"To Mary." ["To Frances S. Osgood"] Poem.

"To Miss Louise Olivia Hunter." Poem.

"To One Departed." ["To Frances S. Osgood"] Poem.

"To One in Paradise." Poem.

"To the River." Poem.

"To Zante." Poem.

"Ulalume." Poem.

"A Valentine." Poem.

"The Valley of Unrest." Poem.

"A Vision/Three Visions." Tale.

"The Visionary." Tale.

"Von Kempelen and His Discovery." Tale.

"Why the Little Frenchman Wears His Hand in a Sling." Tale.

"William Wilson." Tale.

"X-ing a Paragrab." Tale.

 Box 21

Unpublished Articles on Edgar Allan Poe

Allen, Hervey. "Israfel -- The Life and Times of Edgar Allan Poe." [Confidential comments prepared by] Mary E.Phillips, 1926.

Bowen, Walter G. "A Reviewer Reviewed."

Fisher, Benjamin Franklin, IV. "How to Write a Blackwood Article..."

Hewett, John H. "Al Aaraaf, Tamerlane, and Minor Poems."

Holt, Palmer C. "Poe -- American Classisist."

"Ula-lume, Body and Soul."

Oliver, Eleanor. "Poe and Mrs. Browning." Thesis, Oct.1926.

Paterson, Robert Hunter. "Poe's Good Angel Marie Louise Shew."

"Some Influences of the King James Version of the Bible and the Book of Common Prayer on the Writings of Edgar Allan Poe."

Pierce, Eleanor G. "Do You Remember 'Ben Bolt'?"

Rede, Kenneth. "A Census of First Editions and Source Materials by or Relating to Edgar Allan Poe in American Public and Private Collections."

Reilly, John E. "The Legendary Image of Poe."

Snyder, Lulu Nelson. "A Study of Edgar Allan Poe's Fall of the House of Usher." Thesis, 1925.

Vierra, Clifford C. (pseud. C.V. Carley). "Poe's 'Oblong Box': The Lid Is Off."

[Webbrip?], Howard W. "A Further Note on the Dickens-Poe Relationship."


Published Articles on Edgar Allan Poe

A., E.C. "Unpublished Poe Letter." The Collector 58:7, whole no. 643 (Nov. 1945).

Abel, Darrel. "A Key to the House of Usher." University of Toronto Quarterly 18 (Jan. 1949).

Adler, Jacob H. "Are There Flaws in 'The Cask of Amontillado'?" Notes and Queries (Jan. 1954).

Alfriend, Edward M. "Unpublished Recollections of Edgar Allan Poe."

Alterton, Margaret. "An Additional Source for Poe's 'The Pit and the Pendulum'." Modern Language Notes 48:6 (Jun. 1933).

"Another New Poem by Edgar A. Poe." The Mirror (May 2, 1874).

"As an Addendum to the Papers of Edgar Poe ...." The Mirror (March 7, 1874).

Austin, Henry. "Pioneers of American Literature: Edgar Allan Poe." The Peterson Magazine 7:3, new series (Mar. 1897).

"Poe as a Plagiarist and His Debt to Macaulay." Literature (Aug.4, 1899).

Bacheller, Morris. "Edgar Allan Poe, the Most Original Genius of American Literature." Munsey's Magazine (Jan. 1909).

Ballou, Ellen B. "The Artist and the Admiral." The New England Galaxy 4:3 (Winter 1963).

Bailey, J.O. "Poe 's 'Palaestine'." Reprinted from American Literature 13:l (Mar. 1941).

"Sources for Poe's Arthur Gordon Pym, 'Hans Pfaal', and Other Pieces." Reprinted from Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 57:2 (Jun. 1942).

"What Happens in 'The Fall of the House of Usher'?" Reprinted from American Literature 35:4 (Jan. 1964).

Bandy, William T. "An Imaginary of Poe." Revue de Litterature Comparee. (Extrait).

"The Influence and Reputation of Edgar Allan Poe in Europe."

"A New Light on a Source of Poe's 'A Descent Into the Maelstrom'." Reprinted from American Literature 24:4 (Jan. 1953).

"New Light on Baudelaire and Poe." Yale French Studies.

"Notes, Documents, and Critical Comment - Who Was Monsieur Dupin." [Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 79 (Sep. 1964)]

"Poe's Secret Translator: Amedee Pichot." Reprinted from Modern Language Notes 79:3 (May 1964).

"Poe's Solution of the 'Frailey Land Office Cipher'." [Reprinted from Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 68:5 (Dec. 1953).]

"A Tentative Checklist of Translations of Poe's Works."

"Were the Russians the first to Translate Poe?" Reprinted from American Literature 31:4 (Jan. 1960).

"Who was Monsieur Dupin?" [Reprinted from Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 79:4, pt.l (Sept. 1964).]

Bardi, Maria Grazia. "Le Poesie di E.A. Poe." Anglistica 26:3 (1983).

Barzun, Jacques. "A Note on the Inadequacy of Poe as a Proofreader and of His Editors as French Scholars." The Romantic Review 61:l (Feb. 1970).

Basler, Roy P. "Byronism in Poe's 'To One in Paradise'." [Reprinted from American Literature 9:2 (May 1937).]

"The Interpretation of' Ligeia'." [Reprinted from College English 5:7 (Apr. 1944).]

"Poe's 'Ligeia'." [Publication of the Modern Language Association of America (Dec. 1962).]

Baskett, Sam S. "A Damsel with a Dulcimer: An Interpretation of Poe's 'Eleanora'." Modern Language Notes 73 (May 1958).

Beecher, John Preston. "About New York with Poe." The Curio 1:5-6 (Jan -- Feb. 1888).

Benton, Richard P. "Is Poe's 'The Assignation' a Hoax?" [Reprinted from Nineteenth Century Fiction (Sept. 1963).]

 "'The Mystery of Marie Roget' - A Defense." [Studies in Short Fiction 6 (Winter 1969).]

"Platonic Allegory in Poe's 'Eleonora'." [Reprinted from Nineteenth Century Fiction (Dec. 1967).]

(Bird, F.Ml. "Poe, Edgar Allan." [Chambers' Encyclopedeia 8 (1891).]

Blair, Walter. "Poe's Conception of Incident and Tone in the Tale." [Reprinted from Modern Philology 41:4 (May 1944).]

Blake, Warren Barton. "Commemorations of Edgar Allan Poe." The Dial 47:557 (Sept. 1, 1909).

"Edgar Allan Poe: A Centenary Outlook." The Dial (Feb. 16, 1909).

Bledsoe, Thomas F. "On Poe's 'Valley of Unrest'." Modern Language Notes (Feb. 1946).

Boll, Ernest. "The Manuscript of 'The Murders in the Rue Morgue' and Poe's Revisions." Modern Philology [40] (May 1943).

Bolton, Reginald Pelham. "The Poe Cottage at Fordham." Transactioiof the Bronx Society of Arts, Sciences, and History 1:5.

Boner, John 11. "Poe's Cottage at Fordham." [The Grolier Club, Nov. 1889]

Box 22 
Book News Monthly 25:12 (Aug. 1907).

Braddy, Haldeen. "Poe's Flight from Reality." [Reprinted from The University of Texas Studies in Literature and Languages 1 (1959).]

Bragg, Clara W. Edgar Allan Poe (1809 - 1849). Columbia University Library, New York, Jan. 9, 1909.

Brigham, Clarence S. "Edgar Allan Poe's Contributions to Alexander's Weekly Messenger." [Reprinted from The Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, 1943.]

"Poe's 'Balloon Hoax'."

Burton's Gentlemen's Magazine, and American Monthly Review, May, 1839.

Burwell, William H. "Edgar Allan Poe and His College Contemporaries" Alumni Bulletin University of Virginia 16:2 (Apr. 1923).

Cairns, William B. "Some Notes on Poe's 'Al Aaraaf'." [Reprinted from Modern Philology 13:1 (May 1915).]

Cambiaire, C.P. "The Influence of Edgar Allen Poe in France." [Reprinted from The Romantic Review 17:4 (Oct -- Dec. 1926).]

Campbell, Killis. "A Bit of Chiversian Mystification." [Reprinted from The University of Texas Studies in English 10 (1930).]

"Contemporary Opinion of Poe." [Reprinted from Publication of the Modern Language Association of America 36:2 (1921).]

"Gleanings in the Bibliography of Poe." Modern Language Notes (1917).

"Marginalia on Longfellow, Lowell, and Poe." Modern Language Notes 42:8 (Dec. 1927).

"Miscellaneous Notes on Poe." [Reprinted from Modern Language Notes (1913).]

"Poe and the 'Southern Literary Messenger' in 1837." The Nation (July 1, 1909).

"The Poe Canon." [Reprinted from Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 27:3 (1912).]

"The Poe-Griswold Controversy." [Reprinted from Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 34:3 (1919).]

"Poe In Relation to His Times." [Reprinted from Studies in Philology 20:3 (July 1923).]

"Poe's Knowledge of the Bible." Studies in Philology 27:3 (July1930).

"Poe's Reading." [Reprinted from The University of Texas Studies in English 5 (1925).]

"Recent Books about Poe."[ Reprinted from Studies in Philology 24:3 (July 1927).]

"Some Unpublished Documents Relating to Poe's Early Years." [Reprinted from The Sewanee Review (April 1912).]

Carlson, Eric w. "The Range of Symbolism in Poetry." [Reprinted from South Atlantic Quarterly 48:3 (July 1949).].

Carter, Boyd. "Poe's Debt to Charles Brockden Brown." [Reprinted from Prairie Schooner 27: 2 (Summer 1953).]

Cary, Richard. "'The Masque of the Red Death' Again." Nineteenth Century Fiction l7 (June1962).

Charvat, William A. "A Note on Poe's 'Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque.'" Publisher's Weekly, (Nov. 23, 1946).

Chase, Lewis. "A New Poe Letter." [Reprinted from American Literature 6:1 (Mar. 1934).]

.Chatto and Windus Edition of Edgar Allan Poe. The Mirror (Sept. 5, 1874).

Cherry, Fannye N. "The Source of Poe's 'Three Sundays in a Week'." American Literature, [Nov.1930]

Clark, David L. "The Sources of Poe's 'The Pit and the Pendulum'." Modern Language Notes 46:6 (June 1929).

Clough, Wilson O. "Poe's 'The City in the Sea' Revisited."

"The Use of Color Words by Edgar Allan Poe." [Reprinted from Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 45:2 (June 1930).]

Clyne, Patricia E. "The Murders of Mary Rogers." On the Sound 3:11 (Nov. 1973).

Coad, Oral S. "The Meaning of Poe's 'Eldorado'." Modern Language Notes (Jan. 1944).

Cobb, Palmer. "Influence of Hoffman on the Tales of Poe." [incomplete]

Cody, Sherwin. "Poe's Contribution to American Literary History." The Dial (Sept. 16, 1903).

Colton, Cullen B. "George Hooker Colton and the Publication of' The Raven'." [Reprinted from American Literature 10:3 (Nov. 1938).]

"Concerning Poe in France." The Bookman 17:1.

"Correspondence of R.W.Griswold." The Boston Public Library Quarterly 1:1 (July 1949).

"A Correspondent Writes ...." The Mirror (June 20, 1874).

"The Critical Characteristics of Edgar Allan Poe." The Book-Lover.

Dameron, J. Lasley and Irby B. Cauthen, Jr. [ed]. Edgar Allan Poe: A Bibliography of Criticism 1827 -- 1967. [Review by: Burton R. Pollin, English Studies 56:5 (Oct. 1975). (offprint)]

Daughrity, Kenneth LeRoy. "Notes: Poe and Blackwood's." [Reprinted from American Literature 2:3 (Nov. 1930).]

Davis, Richard B. "Moncure D. Conway Looks at Edgar Poe -Through Dr. Griswold." [Reprinted from The Mississippi Quarterly 18:l (Winter 1964-1965).]

"Poe and William Wirt." [Reprinted from : American Literature 16:3 (Nov. 1944).]

Dedmond, Francis B. "'Cask of Amontillado' and the War of the Literate." [Reprinted from Modern Language Quarterly 15:2 (June 1954).]

"Edgar Allan Poe's Works Published in British Isles: A Check-List." Bulletin of Bibliography and Dramatic Index 21:l (May-Aug. 1953).

Defalco, Joseph M. "The Source of Terror in Poe's 'Shadow -A Parable'." Studies in Short Fiction 16 (Fall 1969).

Didier, Eugene L. "Poe's Female Friends."  Chatauquan, vol. XV, Sept. 1892, pp. 723-729

Box 23 
Diskin, Patrick. "Poe, Le Fanu and the Sealed Room Mystery." Notes and Queries (Sept. 1966).

Doherty, Edward. "'The Spectacles': The Lost Short Story by Edgar Allan Poe." Liberty (Sept. 24, 1938).

Douglas, Norman. "Edgar Allan Poe." Edgar A. Poe's Addenda to His 'Eureka', with comments. Methodist Review (Jan. 1896).

"Edgar Allan Poe."

"Edgar Allan Poe." Cape Monthly Magazine 2:11 (May, 1871).

"Edgar Allan Poe." Eliza Cook's Journal. [May 15, 1852].

"Edgar Allan Poe." The Leisure Hour (Aug. 1, 1854).

"Edgar Allan Poe." The Nineteenth Century (Apr. 1923).

"Edgar Allan Poe." Once a Week (Nov. 4 and Nov. 18, 1871).

"Edgar Allan Poe." [Review of 'Israfel: The Life and Times of Edgar Allan Poe, by Hervey Allen (and) The Works od Edgar Allan Poe. The Times Literary Supplement (May, 5, 1972).

"Edgar Allan Poe upon Petrarch." The Mirror (Sept.5, 1874).

Edgar Allan Poe, The Virginia Edition. [prospectus]

"1836." The Quarto Extra, to accompany no.19, Oct. 1949.

Eliot, T.S. "From Poe to Valery." [Reprinted from The Hudson Review 2:3 (Autumn 1949).]

Englekirk, John C. "My Nightmare. The Last Tale by Poe." [Reprinted from Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 52:2 (June 1937).]

"'The Raven' in Spanish America." [Reprinted from The Spanish Review l:2 (Nov. 1934).]

English, Thomas D. "Reminiscences of Poe." The Independent.

Engstrom, Alfred G. "Chateaubriand's Itineraire de Paris a Jerusalem and Poe's 'The Assignation'." Modern Language Notes (Nov. 1954).

"Poe, Leconte de Lisle, and Izara's Formula for Poetry." Modern Language Notes 73 (June 1958).

Escott, 'I'.H.S. "New World Muses and Old World Helicons." [Cosmopolis (Jan. 1897).]

Evans, May G. "Poe in Amity Street." [Reprinted from The Maryland Historical Magazine 36:2 (Dec. 1941).]

Fagin, N. Bryllion. "Edgar Allan Poe." [Reprinted from The South Atlantic Quarterly 51:2 (Apr. 1952).]

"Poe -- Drama Critic." [Reprinted from The Theatre Annual (1946).]

Falk, Doris V. "Thomas Low Nichols, Poe, and the 'Balloon Hoax'." [Poe Studies 5:2 (Dec. 1972).]

"A Famous Poem." The Mirror (May 16, 1874).

Felheim, Marvin, Sam Moon, and Donald Pearce. "'The Cask of Amontillado'." Notes and Queries (Oct. 1954).

Field, Maunsell B. "The Author of the 'Raven' as a Lecturer." The Mirror  (June 6, 1874). Reprinted from his Memories of Many Men and of Some Women, New York, Harper & Brothers, 1874, p. 224-225

Fisher, Benjamin F., IV. "Blackwood Articles a la Poe: How to Make a False Start Pay." Revue des Langues Vivantes 'Tijdschrift voor Levende Talen 39:5 (1973).

"Poe, Blackwood's, and 'The Murder in the Rue Morgue'." American Notes and Queries (Mar. 1974).

"Poe in the Seventies: The Poet Among the Critics." The Mystery and Detection Annual (1973).

"Poe the Craftsman: The Changing Fiction." The Library Chronicle 41:1, (Spring 1976).

"Poe's 'Metzengerstein': Not a Hoax." American Literature [42 (Jan. 1971).]

"To 'The Assignation' from 'The Visionary' and Poe's Decade of Revising." The Library Chronicle 39:2 (Spring 1973).

Flexner, James T. "The Amazing William Williams: Painter, Teacher, Musician, Stage Designer, Castaway." [The American Magazine of Art (Nov. 1944).]

Fontainas, Andre". "Ce Qu' ont pense d' Edgar Allan Poe ses Contemporains." Mercure de France l:15 (1931).

Foote, Dorothy N. "'The Cask of Amontillado'."

Forclaz, Roger. Le Monde d'Edgar Poe, [Review by:] Burton R. Pollin. English Studies 57:2 (Apr. 1976). [offprint]

Forsythe, Robert S. "Poe's 'Nevermore' - A Note." [Reprinted from American Literature 7:4 (Jan. 1936).]

Fossum, Robert H. "Poe's 'The Cask of Amontillado'."

"Fourierism and the Socialists." [The Dial 31 (July 1842).]

Francon, Marcel. "Poe et Baudelaire." Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 60:3 (Sept. 1945).

Frank, Michael. "Underestimate Poe's Legacy? Nevermore." The New York Times 19 March 1999:B36.

French, John C. "In His Own Country."

"The Maryland Scene and Poe's Eleanora." [Reprinted from Maryland Historical Magazine 50 (Mar. 1955).]

"Poe and the Baltimore Saturday Visitor." Modern Language Notes 33:5 (May 1918).

"T.S.Arthur: An Unexpected Champion of Poe." [Reprinted from Tennessee Studies in Literature 5 (1960).]

Gargano, James W. "The Theme of Time in 'The Tell-Tale Heart'." Studies in Short Fiction (Summer 1968).

Gerber, Gerald E. "Additional Sources for 'The Masque of the Red Death."' [Reprinted from American Literature 37:1 (Mar. 1965).]

"Milton and Poe's 'Modern Woman'." Poe Newsletter 3:2 (Dec. 1970).

"Poe's Odd Angel. Nineteenth-Century Fiction.

Gimbel, Col. Richard. "Quoth the Raven: A Catalogue of the Exhibition." The Yale University Library Gazette 33:4 (Apr. 1959).

Goldberg, Isaac. "Poe and Mencken." The Stratford Monthly l:2, new series (May 1924). 

Box 24
Gordon, John D. Edgar Allan Poe... The New York Public Library, New York, 1949.

Gosse, Edmund. "The Centenary of Edgar Allan Poe." The Contemporary Review 95:l7.

Gravely, William., Jr. "An Incipient Libel Suit Involving Poe." [Reprinted from Modern Language Notes 60:5 (May 1945).]

Graves, Charles M. "Landmarks of Poe in Richmond." The Century Magazine (Apr. 1904).

Gross, Seymour. "Poe's Revision of 'The Oval Portrait."' Modern Language Notes 74 (Jan. 1959).

Gruener, Gustav. "Notes on the Influence of E.T.A.Hoffman upon Edgar Allan Poe." Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 19:1; new series 12:1 (Mar. 1904).

"Poe's Knowledge of German." Modern Philology 2:1 (Jun. 1904).

Gyorgy, Rado. "A Hollo." Nagy Vilag 4:1 (Jan. 1959).

Halline, Allan G. "Moral and Religious Concepts in Poe." Bucknell University Studies 2:3 (Jan. 1951).

Harris, Kathryn M. "Ironic Revenge in Poe's 'The Cask of Amontillado'." Studies in Short Fiction [6 (Spring 1969)].

Harrison, James A. and Charlotte F. Dailey. "Poe and Mrs. Whitman." The Century Magazine (Jan. 1909).

"A Poe Miscellany."

Hassell, J. Woodrow, Jr. "The Problem of Realism in 'The Gold Bug'." American Literature [May 1953].

Hatvary, George E. "Poe's Borrowing from H.B.Wallace." American Literature.

Haviland, Thomas P. "How Well Did Poe Know Milton?" [Reprinted from Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 69:4 (Sept. 1954).]

Heartman, Charles F. and James R. Canny. A Bibliography of the First Printings of the Writings of Edgar Allan Poe. [Reviewed in] The Times Literary Supplement (May 1941).

"Hervey Allen and His Poe Book." American Clipper (July 1934).

Hess, Jeffrey A. "Sources and Aesthetics of Poe's Landscape Fiction." American Quarterly [22:2 pt.1 (Summer 1970).]

Hewitt, John H. "Recollections of Poe." Emory University Publications -- Sources and Reprints, Series 5.

Hill, Dana C. "Poe's Error." [Northwestern Magazine 13 (Jan. 1910).]

Hinton, Richard. "Poe's Last Poem." Southern Bivouac 2:1, whole no. 46 (June 1886).

Hirsh, David H. "Another Source for Poe's 'The Duc de L'Omelette'." [Reprinted from American Literature 38:4 (Jan. 1967).]

"Another Source for 'The Pit and the Pendulum'." Mississippi Quarterly, [23 (1969 -- 1970).].

[Hoffman, Daniel. Poe Poe Poe. . . ](Chapter 5 only)

Holsapple, Cortell K. "'The Masque of the Red Death' and 'I Promessi Sposi'." Studies in English.

"Poe and Conradus." American Literature [Mar. 1932].

Holt, Palmer C. "Notes on Poe's 'To Science','To Helen', and 'Ulalume'." [Reprinted from Bulletin of the New York Public Library (Nov. 1959).]

 "Poe and H.N.Coleridge's Greek Classic Poets

'Pinakidia', 'Politian', and 'Morella' Source." [American Literature 34 (Mar. 1962).]

Howe, M.A.DeWolfe. "Edgar Allan Poe." Bookman (May 1897).

Hubbell, Jay B. "Charles Chauncey Burr: Friend of Poe."

"'O, Tempora! Oh Mores!' A Juvenile Poem by Edgar Allan Poe." [Reprinted from University of Colorado Studies, Series B, Studies in the Humanities 2:4 (Oct. 1945).]

Hudson, Ruth L. "Poe and Disraeli." American Literature, [8 (Jan.1937).]

Humma, John B. "Poe's 'Ligeia': Glanvill's Will or Blake's Will?" Mississippi Quarterly [26:1 (Winter 1972 -- 1973).]

Hungerford, Edward. "Poe and Phrenology." [Reprinted from American Literature, Vol.2, no.3, Nov.1930.]

Hutcherson, Dudley R. "Poe's Reputation in England and America, 1850-1909." American Literature 14:3 (Nov. 1942).

Ingram, John H. "Edgar Allan Poe's Early Poems." Gentleman's Magazine (May 1874).

"Edgar Poe and Some o His Friends." The Bookman 35:208 (Jan. 1909).

"More New Facts About Edgar Allan Poe." The Mirror (Feb. 1874).

"An Interesting Chapter ...." The Bookman (Mar. 1903).

Isani, Mukhtar A. "Some Sources for Poe's 'Tale of the Ragged Mountains'." [Poe Studies 5 (Dec. 1972).]

Jackson, David R. "Four of Poe's Critiques in the Baltimore Newspapers." Modern Language Notes (Apr. 1935).

"Philip Pendleton Cooke: Virginia Gentleman, Lawyer, Hunter, and Poet." [Reprinted from American Studies in Honor of W.K.Boyd.]

"Poe's Notes: 'Pinakidia' and 'Some Ancient Greek Authors'." [Reprinted from American Literature, vol.5, no.3, Nov.1933.]

"Poe's Knowledge of Law During the Messenger Period ...." [Reprinted from American Literature 10:3 (Nov. 1938).]

Jackson, Joseph and George H. Sargent. English Notes: A Rare and Unknown Work. Being a Reply to Charles Dickens's "American Notes". Lewis M. Thompson, New York. [Reviewed in] London Times Literary Supplement (Sept. 16, 1920).

"Poe's Signature to 'The Raven'." The Sewanee Review.

Jacobs, Robert D. "Poe's Earthly Paradise." American Quarterly 12 (Fall 1960).

January, Josephine P. "Edgar Allan Poe's 'Child Wife'." The Century Magazine [Oct. 1909]

Jillson, Willard R. "The Beauchamp - Sharp Tragedy in American Literature." The Register of the Kentucky State Historical Society 36:114 (Jan. 1938).

Jordan, Frank C. "Astronomical Fiction." Natural History (Oct. 1935).

Jordan, Hoover 11. "Poe's Debt to Thomas Moore." [Reprinted from Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 63:2, pt.l (June 1948).] 

Box 25
Joseph, Gerhard J. "Poe and Tennyson." Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 88:3 (May 1973).

Joyce, John A. Life of Poe. [Review by.] Maximus A. Lesser. "Col. Joyce's Life of Poe, the Poe-English Libel Litigation, and Poe's Rank in Literature." University of Virginia Magazine 48:1 (Oct. 1904)

Kewer, Eleanor D. "Case Histories in the Craft of the Publisher's Editor, Culminating in a Justification of Barbed Wire."

King, Lucille. "Notes on Poe's Sources." Studies in English.

Knapp, George L. "Poe."

Knowlton, Edgar C., Jr. "Poe's Debt to Father Bouhours." Poe Studies (Dec. 1971).

Kopley, Richard and Michael Singer. "Thomas Cottrell Clarke's Poe Collection: New Documents." Poe Studies 25:1, 2 (June/Dec. 1992).

Krutch, Joseph W. Edgar Allan Poe: A Study in Genius. [Reviewed by] The Times Literary Supplement (Aug. 5, 1926).

"Genius and Neuroticism." Saturday Review (Jan. 19, 1963).

Lane, Winthrop D. "The Mystery of Mary Rogers." Colliers 85:10 (Mar. 1930).

"Last Days of Edgar A. Poe." (Mar. 1878).

Laverty, Carroll D. "Poe in 1847." American Literature (May 1948).

Leary, Lewis. "Miss Octavia's Autograph Album and Edgar Allan Poe." Columbia Library Columns 17:2 (Feb. 1968).

Levine, Stuart. "Scholarly Strategy : The Poe Case." [Reviewed in] American Quarterly.

Levy, Maurice. "Poe and the Gothic Tradition." ESQ - A Journal of the American Renaissance l8:1, no.660 s.(First Quarter 1972).

"The Life and Writings of Edgar Poe." [Hogg's Instruction, Aug.1853.]

Lind, Sidney E. "Poe and Mesmerism." [Publication of the Modern Language Association of America 62 (Dec. 1947).]

Locke, Jane E. S. "Requiem." The Home Journal 44 (Oct. 27, 1849).

London, Jack. "The Terrible and Tragic in Fiction." The Critic.

Lundquist, James. "The Moral of Averted Descent: The Failure of Sanity in 'The Pit and the Pendulum'." Poe Newsletter 2:2 (Apr. 1969).

Mabie, Hamilton W. "Mr. Mabie Tells About Edgar Allan Poe." The Ladies Home Journal (Jan. 1909).

McDowell, Tremaine. "Edgar Allan Poe and William Cullen Bryant." Philological Quarterly 16:1 (Jan. 1937).

Maclean, Clara D. "Some Memorials of Edgar Allan Poe." [Frank Leslie's Popular Magazine] (Apr. 1891).

MacPherson, Harriet D. "Dumas and Poe Again." The Saturday Review of Literature (Feb. 22, 1930).

Marchand, Ernest. "Poe as Social Critic." American Literature.

Marovitz, Sanford E. "Poe's Reception of C . W. Webber's Gothic Western, 'Jack Long; or The Shot in the Eye'." [Poe Studies 4 (June 1971).]

Mathews, Joseph C. "Did Poe Read Dante?" Studies in English, No. 382G (July 8, 1938).

Maxwell, Joseph. "L.T.H.: Did You Know That in Edgar Allan Poe's Day, ...." [New York Evening Journal (Dec. 3, 1930).]

Melton, Wightman F. "Some Autobiographical References in Poe's Poetry." The South Atlantic Quarterly, [Apr. 1912]

Miller, F. DeWolfe. "The Basis for Poe's 'The Island of the Fay'." American Literature 14:2 (May 1942).

Miller, James E. "'Ulalume' Resurrected." [Reprinted from Philological Quarterly 34:2 (Apr. 1955).]

Miller, John C. "Poe's Biographers Brawl." American History Illustrated 11:7.

"Poe's Sister Rosalie."

Milligan, J. Lewis. "Edgar Allan Poe." The Nineteenth Century and After 93:554 (Apr. 1923).

"A Minor Poe Mystery." [Princeton University Chronicle 5:1 (Nov. 1943).]

Minto, William. "Edgar Allan Poe." [Fortnightly Review (July 1880).]

"Mr. Gosses' Puzzle Over Poe." The Dial (Oct. 16, 1893).

"Mr. Tennyson Has Just Received ...". The Mirror (Jun. l3, 1874).

"Mohawk." New York Libraries 9:3 (May 1924).

Moldenhauer, Joseph J. "Beyond the Tamarind Tree: A New Poe Letter." American Literature 42 (Jan. 1971).

"Murder as a Fine Art: Basic Connections Between Poe's Aesthetics, Psychology, and Moral Vision." [Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 83 (May 1968).]

"Poe Manuscript in Austin."

Mooney, Stephen L. "The Comic in Poe's Fiction." American Literature.

Moore, Charles L. "Poe Again." The Dial (Apr. 1, 1899).

"Poe's Place as a Critic." The Dial (Feb. 16, 1903).

Morgan, Appleton. "The Personality of Poe." Munsey's Magazine.

Morley, S. Griswold. "Juliana Morell : Problems." Hispanic Review 9 (1941).

Murphy, Abbie M. "A Night for Harbor Island Ghosts to Gather." The Boston Sun Herald (Oct. 30, 1966).

Murtuza, Athar. An Arabian Source for Poe's 'The Pit and the Pendulum'." [Poe Studies (Dec. 1972).].

"New Facts About Edgar Allan Poe." The Mirror (Jan. 24, 1874).

Nordstedt, George. "Prototype of 'The Raven'." The North American Review.

"A Note on Poe." Modern Language Notes (Mar. 1949).

"Notes on Sales: Poe's 'Raven'." Times Literary Supplement (Sept. 27,1928)

Oldham, Edward A. "Griswold and Poe." (Aug. 5, 1929).

Astrom, John W. Check List of Letters to and from Poe

Box 26
Ostrom, John W. "A Poe Correspondence Re-edited." [Reprinted from Americana 34:3 (July 1940).]

"Supplement to the Letters of Poe." American Literature.

"Two Unpublished Poe Letters." [Reprinted from Americana 36:1 (Jan. 1942).]

Parker, John. "Reminiscences of Fifty Years in the Library of the Peabody Institute of the City of Baltimore." Peabody Bulletin (Spring 1922).

[Parodies on Poe]. Sunbeam 1:3 (Feb. 1857).

Paul, Howard. "Edgar Allen Poe's Table-Talk." Dinner with Celebrities (1892).

Pearson, Edmund. "Mary Rogers and a Heroine of Fiction." Vanity Fair (July 1929).

"Mary Rogers and a Heroine of Fiction; Did Edgar Allan Poe Solve a Real Murder When He Wrote 'The Mystery of Marie Roget'?" Secret Order 3:12 (Oct. 1929).

Pettigrew, Richard C. "Poe's Rime." [Reprinted from American Literature 4:2 (May 1932).]

Philips, Edith. "The French of Edgar Allan Poe." American Speech 2:6 (Mar. 1927).

Poe, Edgar A. The Raven, and Other Poems. [Reviewed in] The Literary Gazette and Journal of the Belle Lettres [no.1521 (Mar.14, 1846).]

Tales. [Review by:] Thomas D. English. Aristidean (Oct. 1845)

Tales. [Reviewed in] The Literary Gazette and Journal of the Belle Lettres (Jan. 31, 1846).

Poe, Elizabeth E. "Poe the Weird Genius." Cosmopolitan Magazine 46:3 (Feb. 1909).

"The Renaissance of Poe." The Stylus 1:1 (Jan. 1930).

Poe, John P. "Edgar Allan Poe: An Address Delivered at the Poe Centennial Held in Baltimore Jan.19, 1909." Old Maryland 4:12 and 5:1 (Dec. 1908 -- Jan. 1909).

"Poe and the Composers." Books at Brown 11:1-2 (Feb. 1949).

"Poe at West Point." Harper's New Monthly Magazine, [Nov.1867].

"Poe Centenary Exercises, Jan.19,1909." Transactions of the Bronx Society of Arts and Sciences 1:2 (May 1910).

"Poe, Irving Hawthorne." Scribner's Monthly (Apr. 1876).

The Poe Messenger.

The Poe Messenger 18:1 (Autumn 1988). (2 copies)

The Poe Messenger 22:1 (Autumn 1992).

"The Poe Newsletter." American Notes and Queries 6:10 (Jun. 1968).

"Poe's 'Eureka' and Addenda." Methodist Review.

"Poe's Revision of Marginalia." Ex Libris; A Quarterly Review. [Incomplete]

"Poe's Tales." [Reviewed in] American Whig Review (1845).

"Poetry in America." Scribner's Magazine (Aug. 1881).

Pollin, Burton R. "Another Source of 'The Bells' by Poe: A Broadway Journal Essay." [Reprinted from The Mississippi Quarterly 27:4 (Fall 1974).]

"Bulwer Lytton and 'The Tell-Tale Heart'." American Notes and Queries 4:1 (Sept. 1965).

"A Comprehensive Bibliography of Editions and Translations of Arthur Gordon Pym." American Transcendental Quarterly 37 (Winter 1978).

'Delightful Sights,' a Possible Whitman Article in Poe's Broadway Journal." Walt Whitman Review 15:3 (Sept. 1969).

"Du Bartas and Victor Hugo. [Reprinted from] Mississippi Quarterly 23:1 (Winter 1969 -- 1970).

"Edgar Allan Poe and His Illustrators." Pts. 1 & 2. American Book Collector 2:2 & 3 (Mar-Apr. & May -- June 1981).

Education and Enlightenment in the Works of William Godwin. [Reviewed in] The Times Literary Supplement (Jan. 4, 1963).

"Figs, Bells, Poe and Horace Smith." [Poe Newsletter (Jun. 1970).]

"Light on 'Shadow' and Other Pieces by Poe; or, More of Thomas Moore." Emerson Society Quarterly 18 (3rd Quarter 1972).

"More Music to Poe." Music and Letters 54:4 (Oct. 1973).

"Names Used for Humor in Poe's Fiction." [Proceedings of Names Institute]

"The Narrative of Benjamin Morrell: Out of 'The Bucket' and in Poe's 'Pym'." Studies in American Fiction. [1976]

"New York City in the Tales of Poe." Bronx County Historical Society Journal 2:1 (Jan. 1965).

"Poe and Daniel Defoe: A Significant Relationship." A Poe Miscellany, Topic 30 (Fall 1976).

"Poe and Godwin." Reprinted from Nineteenth Century Fiction (Dec. 1965).

"Poe and Hemingway on Violence and Death." [Reprinted from English Studies 57:2 (Apr. 1976).]

"Poe and the Boston Notion." [English Language Notes 8 (Sept. 1970).]

"Poe and the Incubator." American Notes and Queries [121 (May -- Jun. 1974).]

"Poe as Edward S. T. Grey." Ball State University Forum 14:3 (Summer 1973). 

Box 27
Pollin, Burton R. "Poe as 'Miserrimus': From British Epitaph to American Epithet." [Reprinted from Revue des Langues Vivantes 33:4 (1967).]

"Poe as Probable Author of 'Harper's Ferry'." [Reprinted from American Literature 40:2 (May 1968).]

"Poe as Scriblerian." The Scriblerian 1:2 (Spring 1965).

"Poe, Edgar Allan." Die Musik in Geschichte and Gegenwart, [1977].

"Poe, Freeman Hunt, and Four Unrecorded Reviews of Poe'sWorks." [Reprint]

"Poe in the Boston Notion." [New England Quarterly 42 (Dec. 1969).]

"Poe's 'Diddling': The Source of Title and Tale." The Southern Literary Journal 2:1 (Fall 1969).

"Poe's Dr. Allapod." [Reprinted from American Literature 42:1 (Mar. 1970).]

Poe's 'Eldorado' Viewed as a Song of the West." Prairie Schooner 46:3 (Fall 1972).

"Poe's Illustration For 'The Island of the Fay: A Hoax Detected." Mystery and Detection Annual.

"Poe's Literary Use of 'Oppodeldoc' and Other Patent Medicines." [Poe Studies 4 (Dec. 1971).]

"Poe's Murder in the Rue Morgue': The Ingenious Web Unravelled." Studies in the American Renaissance (1977).

"Poe's 'Mystification': Its Source in Fay's 'Norman Leslie'." [Reprinted from The Mississippi Quarterly 25:2 (Spring 1972).]

"Poe's 'Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym' and the Contemporary Reviewers." Studies in American Fiction [2 (Spring 1974).]

"Poe's 'Shadow' as a Source of His 'The Masque of the Red Death'." Studies in Short Fiction [Fall 1968].

"Poe's 'Some Words With a Mummy' Reconsidered." Emerson Studies Quarterly [vol.60?1 Supplement, pt. 1 (Fall 1970).

"Poe's Tale of Psyche Zenobia: A Reading for Humour and Ingenious Construction." [Ostrom Festschrift]

"Poe's Use of material from Bernardin de Saint-Pierre's Etudes." [Romance Notes12 (1971).]

"Poe's Use of the Name DeVere in 'Lenore'." [Names 23 (Mar. 1975).]

"Poe's Use of the Name Ermengarde in 'Eleanora'." Notes and Queries 17:19 (new series), vol.215 (Continuous series) (Sept. 1970).

"Poe's 'Von Kempelen and His Discovery': His Sources and Significance." [Reprinted from Etudes Anglaises (Jan. 1967).]

"Politics and History in Poe's 'Mellonta Tauta': Two Allusions Explained." Studies in Short Fiction 3:4 (Fall 1971).

"The Provenance and Correct Text of Poe's Review of Griswold's Female Poets of America." [Poe Newsletter 2 (Apr. 1969).]

"The Self-Destructive Fall: A Theme from Shakespeare used in Pym and 'The Imp of the Perverse'." [Reprinted from Etudes Anglaises.]

"Shakespeare in the Works of Edgar Allen Poe." Studies in the American Renaissance (1985).

Southey's Curse of Kehama in Poe's 'City in the Sea'." The Wordsworth Circle 7:2 (Spring 1976).

The Spectacles' of Poe -- Sources and Significance." American Literature 37:2 (May 1965).

"A Spurious Poe Letter to A.N.Howard.". [Poe Studies 6 (June 1973).]

"The Temperance Movement and Its Friends Look at Poe." Costerus 2 (1972).

"Undine' in the Works of Poe." [Studies in Romanticism 14 (Winter 1975).]

"Victor Hugo and Poe." [Reprinted from Revue de Litterature Comparee.]

Pritchard, John P. "Horace and Edgar Allan Poe." The Classical Weekly 26:17, whole no.707 (Mar. 6,1933).

Pruette, Lorine. "A Psycho-Analytical Study of Edgar Allan Poe." [Reprinted from The American Journal of Psychology (Oct. 1920).]

Quinn, Arthur H. "The Marriage of Poe's Parents." [Reprinted from American Literature ll:2 (May 1939).]

"Some Phases of the Supernatural in American Literature." [Reprinted from Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 25,:1 (1910).]

Rede, Kenneth. "New Poe Manuscript." The American Collector [Dec.1926]

"Poe Notes: From an Investigator's Notebook." American Literature.

Reece, James B. "New Light on Poe's 'The Masque of the Red Death'." Modern Language Notes (Feb. 1953).

Regan, Robert. "Hawthorne's 'Plagiary'; Poe's Duplicity." Nineteenth Century Fiction [1970].

Reilly, John E. "The Lesser Death-Watch and 'The Tell-Tale Heart'." American Transcendental Quarterly 2 (Second Quarter 1969).

Rein, David M. "Poe and Mrs. Shelton." [Reprinted from American Literature 28:2 (May 1956).]

"Poe and Virginia Clemm." Bucknell Review 7 [May 1958].

"Poe's Dreams." [Fall 1958].

Richard, Claude. "Arrant Bubbles: Poe's 'The Angel of the Odd.'" [ Poe Newsletter (Oct. 1969).]

Richardson, Charles F. "Edgar Allan Poe, World = Author." The Critic (1902).

Robbins, J. Albert. "An Addition to Poe's 'Steamboat Letter'." Notes and Queries (Jan. 1963).

"Edgar Poe and His Friends : A Sampler of Letters Written to Sarah Helen Whitman." The Indiana University Bookman 4 (Mar. 1960).

Robinson, E. Arthur. "Order and Sentience in 'The Fall of the House of Usher'." [Publications of the Modern Language Association of America (Mar. 1961).]

"Poe's 'The Tell-Tale Heart.'" Nineteenth Century Fiction [19 (1965).]

"Thoreau and the Deathwatch in Poe's 'The Tell-Tale Heart'." [Poe Studies 4 (June 1971).]

Roppolo, Joseph P. "Meaning and 'The Masque of the Red Death'." Tulane Studies in English 13 (1964).

Rosenfeld, Alvin. "Wilkins Updike to Sarah Helen Whitman: Two New Letters." Rhode Island History 25:4 (Oct. 1966).

Rossetti,W.M. "Edgar Poe's 'Nicean Barks'." Notes and Queries 278 (Apr. 25, 1885).

Rothwell, Kenneth. "A Source for the Motto to Poe's 'William Wilson.'" [Reprinted from Modern Language Notes 74:4 (Apr. 1959).]

Routh, James. "Poe and the Hall of Fame." Alumni Bulletin of the University of Virginia, Third series, 4:1 (Jan. 1911).

Schreiber, Carl. "A Close-Up of Poe." The Saturday Review of Literature 3:2 (Oct. 9, 1926).

Schroeter, James. "A Misreading of Poe's 'Ligeia.'" Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 76:4, pt. 1 (Sept. 1961).

Scudder, Harold H. "Poe's 'Balloon Hoax'." [Reprinted from American Literature 21:2 (May 1949).]

Shockley, Martin S. "Timour the Tartar and Poe's 'Tamerlane.'" [Reprinted from Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 56:4, pt. 1 (Dec. 1941).]

"A Shrewd Doctor -- Collector Acquired Original 'Raven' Manuscript from Edgar Allan Poe." Physicians' Times Magazine 2:3 (July 1930).

Shulman, Robert. "Poe and the Powers of the Mind." [Journal of Literary History 37 (1970).]

Silver, Rollo G. "A Note About Whitman's Essay on Poe." [Reprinted from American Literature 6:4 (Jan. 1935).]

Smith, C. Alphonso. "The Americanism of Poe." [Reprinted from The Book of the Poe Centenary.]

"Our Heritage of Idealism." [Reprinted from The Sewanee Review (Apr. 1912).]

Smith, Mrs. E.O. "Autobiographical Notes." Beadle's Monthly 3:2, (Feb. 1867).

Smith, Elizabeth O. "Poe and Rachel." Phrenological Journal ( Apr. 1879).  

Box 28
Snow, Edward R. "The Roving Skeleton of Boston Bay." Yankee (Apr. 1961).

Snow, Sinclair. "The Similarity of Poe's 'Eleanora' to Bernardin de Saint-Pierre's 'Paul et Virginie'." Romance Notes, [Autumn 1963]

Sonneck, O.G. "Four Poems of Edgar Allen Poe." Program.

"Souvenirs of Poe's Last Visit to Richmond." The Princeton University Library Chronicle 12:2 (Winter 1951).

Spivey, Herman E. "Poe and Lewis Gaylord Clark." Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 54:4 (Dec. 1939).

Squier, Charles L. "Dulness in America: A Study in Epic Badness: 'The Fredoniad'." [American Literature (Jan. 1961).

Stanard, Mary N. "Edgar Allan Poe Letters, Till Now Unpublished." [Reviewed in] The Times Literary Supplement (Dec. 3, 1925).

"Poe as Temperance Preacher." The Reviewer 1:2 (Mar. 1, 1921).

Starrett, Vincent. "One Who Knew Poe." The Bookman (Oct. 1927).

"A Poe Mystery Uncovered: The Lost Minerva Review of 'Al Aaraaf'." The Saturday Review of Literature.

Stearns, Theodore P. "Prohibitionist Shakes Dice With Poe." The Outlook 126 (Sept. 1, 1920).

[Stedman, Clarence E.} "Edgar Allan Poe." [Scribner's Monthly (May 1880).] (2 copies)

Steele, Charles W. "'The Cask of Amontillado.'"

Stern, Madeleine B. "Poe: 'The Mental Temperament' for Phrenologists." American Literature 40:2 (May 1968).

Stevonson, R.L. "R.L.Stevenson Again: As Reviewer for 'The Academy'." The Academy (Feb. 18, 1899).

[Stoddard, Richard Henry.] "Edgar Allan Poe." Harper's New Monthly Magazine [1872].

[Stoddard, Richard Henry]. "Edgar Allan Poe." The National Magazine (Mar. 1853).

Stovall, Floyd. "The Conscious Art of Edgar Allan Poe." College English 24:6 (Mar. 1963).

"Edgar Poe and the University of Virginia." [Reprinted from The Virginia Quarterly Review 4:2 (Spring 1967).]

"An Interpretation of Poe's 'Al Aaraaf'." [Reprinted from University of Texas Studies in English 9 (1929).]

"Poe as a Poet of Ideas." [Reprinted from Studies in English 11 (1931).]

"Subscription Towards the Erection of a Monument ...." The Mirror (July 11, 1874).

Symons, Arthur. "On American Poets." The Bookman's Journal and Print Collector (Oct. 29, 1920).

Taft, Kendall B. "The Identity of Poe's Martin Van Buren Mavis." Reprinted from American Literature 26:4 (Jan. 1955).

Tanselle, G. Thomas. "An Unknown Early Appearance of 'The Raven'." [Reprinted from Studies in Bibliography l6 (1963).]

Taylor, Archer. "Poe, Dr. Lardner, and 'Three Sundays in a Week'." American Notes and Queries (Jan. 1944).

Taylor, Walter F. "Israfel in Motley." The Sewanee Review [July -- Sept.1934].

Thomas, Dwight. It Poe, English, and 'The Doom of the Drinker'." The Princeton University Library Chronicle 40:3 (Spring 1979).

Thompson, G.R. "Dramatic Irony in 'The Oval Portrait': A Reconsideratioi of Poe's Revisions." English Language Notes (Dec. 1968).

"Is Poe's 'A Tale of the Ragged Mountains' a Hoax?" Studies in Short Fiction.

"Proper Evidences of Madness': American Gothic and the Interpretation of 'Ligeia'." ESQ: A Journal of the American Renaissance 18 (1st Quarter 1972).

Thompson, Maurice. Genius and Morality, Dec. 1934.

Thorner, Horace E. "Hawthorne, Poe, and a Literary Ghost." The New England Quarterly, [7 (Mar. l934).

Todd, William B. "The Early Issues of Poe's Tales (1845)." [Texas University Library Chronicle 7:1 (Fall 1967).]

Tolman, Albert H. "Was Poe Mathematically Accurate?" The Dial (Mar. 16, 1899).

Trent, W.P. "Poe's Rank as a Writer." East and West 1:10 (Aug. 1900).

Triplett, Edna B. "A Note on Poe's 'The Raven'." [Reprinted from American Literature 10:3 (Nov. 1938).]

Turner, Arlin. "Sources of Poe's 'Descent Into the Maelstrom'." The Journal of English and German Philology 46:3 (July 1947).

Unger, R.D. "Two Reminiscences of Poe and His Sister." The Independent [Nov. 1, 1906].

Van Cleef, Augustus. "Poe's Mary." Harper's New Monthly Magazine (Apr. 1889).

Vanderbilt, Kermit. "Art and Nature in 'The Masque of the Red Death.'"[Nineteenth Century Fiction 22 (Mar. 1968).]

Varnado, S.L. "The Case of the Sublime Purloin; or Burke's 'Inquiry' as the Source of an Anecdote in 'The Purloined Letter'." [Poe Newsletter (Oct. 1968).].

Varner, Cornelia. "Notes on Poe's Use of Contemporary Materials in Certain of His Stories." Journal of English and German Philology 32 (Jan. 1933).

Varner, John G. "Edgar Allan Poe and the Philadelphia Saturday Courier."

Vierra, Clifford C. "Poe's 'Oblong Box' : Factual Origins." Modern Language Notes 74 (Dec. 1959).

"A Source for Poe's 'Oblong Box'." [Reprinted from American Literature 29:3 (Nov. 1957).]

Voo Doo 3:4 (Feb. 1921).

Walcutt, Charles C. "The Logic of Poe." [Reprinted from College English 2:5 (Feb. 1941).]

Walker, I. M. "The 'Legitimate Sources' of Terror in 'The Fall of the House of Usher'." [Modern Language Review 6 (Oct. 1966).]

Wallace, Alfred R. Edgar Allan Poe -- A Series of Seventeen Letters.

Warfel, Harry R."Poe's Dr. Percival." Modern Language Notes (Feb. 1939).

Waterman, Catharine H. "We Meet No More." Burton's Gentleman's Magazine 4 (Apr. [1939]).

Wegelin, Christof. "Social Criticism of Europe in Fiction of N.P.Willis." [incomplete]

Wegelin, Oscar. "The Printer of Poe's 'Tamerlane'." [New York Historical Society Bulletin 24 (Jan. 1940).]

Weiss, Miriam. "Poe's Catterina." Mississippi Quarterly.

Weissbuch, Ted N. "Edgar Allan Poe: Hoaxer in the American Tradition."

West, Muriel. "Poe's 'Ligeia' and Isaac D'Israeli." Comparative Literature 16:1 (Winter 1964).

Whibley, Charles. "Edgar Allan Poe." The New Review (June 1896).

Whitman, Sarah H. "The Portrait of Edgar A. Poe." The Mirror (Feb. 14, 1874).

Whitty, James H. "A Newly Discovered Portrait of Edgar Allan Poe." [Literary Digest (Oct. 1923).]

"Poe's Relationship to Boswell." The Nation (Aug. 3 [n.y.]).

Wigmore, John H. "Did Poe Plagiarize 'The Murders on the Rue Morgue'?" Cornell Law Quarterly 13:2 (Feb. 1928).  

Box 29
Wilbur, Richard. "The House of Poe." Anniversary Lectures 1959.

Wilkinson, Ronald S. "Poe's 'Balloon-Hoax' Once More." American Literature [Nov. 1960]

Williams, Stanley T. (ed.). "New Letters About Poe." [Reprinted from The Yale Review (July 1925).].

Willis, N.P. "Our First Knowledge of Mr. Poe's Removal."

Wilson, Edmund. The Fruits of the MLA.

Wilson, Gen. James G. "Memorials of Edgar Allan Poe." The Independent (Apr. 25, 1901).

Wilson, James S. "The Devil Was In It." American Mercury.

(ed.). "The Letters of Edgar A. Poe to George W. Eveleth. [Reprinted from Alumni Bulletin -- University of Virginia (Jan. 1924).]

"The Personality of Poe." [Reprinted from The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography 67:2 (Apr. 1959).]

"Unpublished Letters of Edgar Allan Poe." The Century Magazine [Mar. 1924].

Wilt, Napier. "Poe's Attitude Towards His Tales: A New Document." Modern Philology 25:1 (Aug. 1927).

Wimsatt, W.K. "Mary Rogers, John Anderson, and Others." [Reprinted from American Literature 21:4 (Jan. 1950).]

"Poe and the Chess Automation." [Reprinted from American Literature 11:2 (May 1939).]

"Poe and the Mystery of Mary Rogers." [Reprinted from Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 56:1 (Mar. 1941).]

"What Poe Knew About Cryptography." [Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 58:3 (Sept. 1943).]

Wolf, Edwin. "Horace Wemyss Smith's Recollections of Poe." The Library Chronicle 17:2 (Spring -- Summer 1951).

Wood, B.H. "Poe's Fallacy." [Chess?]

Woodberry, George E. The Life of Edgar Allan Poe, Personal and Literary; With His Chief Correspondence With Men of Letters. [Review.]

(ed.). "The Poe-Chivers Papers, I." Century Magazine (Jan. 1903).

(ed.). "The Poe-Chivers Papers, II." Century Magazine 65:4 (Feb. 1903).

(ed.). "Poe in New York." Century Magazine (Oct. 1894).

(ed.). "Poe in Philadelphia." Century Magazine (Sept. 1894).

(ed.). "Poe in the South."

Woodbridge, Benjamin M. "The Supernatural in Hawthorne and Poe." Colorado College Publication, General series no.58, Language series 2:26 (Nov. 1911).

"Works of Edgar A. Poe." [Review.]

Worthen, Samuel C. "Poe and the Beautiful Cigar Girl." American Literature [Nov.1948].

"A Strange Aftermath of the Mystery of 'Marie Roget' (Mary Rogers): New Light on a Century Old New Jersey Tragedy." Proceedings New Jersey Historical Society [Apr.1942]

Wuttge, Frank, Jr. "Edgar Allan Poe Scripts."

Wyllie, John C. "A List of the Texts of Poe's Tales." [Reprinted from Humanistic Studies in Honor of John Calvin Metcalf, Columbia University Press, 1941.]


Published Articles on Edgar Allan Poe by Thomas O. Mabbott:

Allen, Hervey. Israfel, The Life and Times of Edgar Allan Poe. George H.. Doran Co., New York. Mary E. Phillips. Edgar Allan Poe: The Man. John C. Winston, Philadelphia. [Review by] T.O. Mabbott, New York Herald Tribune (Dec. 5, 1926).

Bayless, Joy. Rufus Wilmot Griswold, Poe's Literary Executor. Vanderbilt University Press, Nashville, Tenn., 1943. [Review by] T.O. Mabbott, The. New England Quarterly [Dec.1943].

Bayless, Joy. Rufus Wilmot Griswold, Poe's Literary Executor. Vanderbilt University Press, Nashville, Tenn., 1943. [Review by] T.O. Mabbott South Atlantic Quarterly 43:2 (Apr. 1944).

Chase, Emma L. and Lois F. Parks (ed.). The Complete Works of Thomas Holly Chivers. Volume I, The Correspondence, 1838-1858. Brown University Press, Providence, 1957. [Review by] T.O. Mabbott American Literature.

Chickering, J. An Old Parody on Poe's Raven. J.A.Hamon, Montreal, 1929. Reprinted with a note by T.O. Mabbott.

Davis, Richard B.(ed.). Chivers Life of Poe. E.P.Dutton, New York, 1952. [Reviewed by] T.O. Mabbott.

Derleth, August (ed.). Dark of the Moon: Poems of Fantasy and the Macabre. Arkham House, Sauk City, Wisc., 1947. [Review by] T.O.Mabbott, The New Quarterly of Poetry 2:4 (Summer 1948).

Fagin, Bryllion. The Histrionic Mr. Poe. The Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, 1949. [Review by] T.O. Mabbott, Modern Language Notes (Mar. 1950).

Heartman, Charles F. and James R. Canny. A Bibliography of First Printings of The Writings of Edgar Allan Poe. The Book Farm, Hattiesburg, Miss., 1943. [Review by] T.O. Mabbott, The New York Herald Tribune (Apr. 2, 1944).

Kirkland, Caroline. "Mrs. Kirkland's 'Essay on Fiction'." Bulletin of the New York Public Libra 64:7 (July 1960). [With an introduction by T.O. Mabbott.]

Kuhnelt, Harro H. Die Bedeutung con Edgar Allan Poe fur die Englische Literatur. Wagner'sche Universitats-Buchhandlung, Innsbruck, 1949. [Review by] T.O. Mabbott, American Literature.

Mabbott, Thomas O. "Additions to 'A List of Poe's Tales.'" Notes and Queries (Sept. 12, 1942).

"'Antediluvian Antiquities'." The American Collector 4:4 (July 1927).

"Are There Flaws in 'The Cask of Amontillado'." Notes and Queries (Apr. 1954). 

Box 30

"Books in the House of Usher." Books at Iowa. (November 1973. Written in 1926 or 1927)

"Dear Editor: The Anonymous Critic." The News Letter (Oct. 1942).

The Dore 'Raven' is Scarce, But Not Very Rare." New York Sun (Oct. 9, 1929).

"Dumas and Poe." Times Literary Supplement.

"Dumas on Poe's Visit to Paris." New York Times [Dec.22, 1929].

"An Early Publication of Poe's 'Ligeia'." Notes and Queries (Feb. 28, 1931).

"Edgar Allan Poe." The Pamphletteer Monthly 1:9 (Jan. 1941).

"Edgar Allan Poe: Source of His Tale, 'X-ing a Paragrab'." Notes and Queries (Feb. 7, 1931).

"English Publications of Poe's 'Valdemar Case'." Notes and Queries (Nov. 21, 1942).

"Evidence That Poe Knew Greek." Notes and Queries (July 17, 1943).

"A Few Notes on Poe." Modern Language Notes 35:6 (June 1920).

"The First Book Publication of Poe's 'Raven'." Bulletin of the New York Public Library 47:8 (Aug. 1943).

"Greeley's Estimate of Poe." The Autograph Album 1:3 (Dec. 1933).

"A Letter of Poe's Sister." Notes and Queries (Dec. 28, 1935).

"The Letters from George W. Eveleth to Edgar Allan Poe." Bulletin of the New York Public Library 26:3 (Mar. 1922).

"Letters from Mary E. Hewitt to Poe." A Christmas Book (Dec. 1937).

"A List of Books From Poe's Library." Notes and Queries (May 1955).

"Lovecraft as a Student of Poe." The University of Detroit Quarterly Fresco 8:3 (Spring 1958).

"'Maria del Occidente'." The American Collector (Aug. 1926).

"Newly -- Identified Verses by Poe." Notes and Queries (July 29, 1939).

"Note on Elizabeth Arnold Poe." Notes and Queries (Feb. 1953).

"Notes on Poe." [Literary Review (May 27, 1922).]

"Old Alberto's Daughter'." American Notes and Queries 6:5 (Aug. 1946).

"On Poe's Tales of the Folio Club." The Sewanee Review (Apr -- June1928).

"Origin of Poe's 'Angel of the Odd'." Notes and Queries (Jan. 3, 1931).

"Original Poe Printings." Antiquarian Bookman 9:1 (1952).

"Pants -- Earliest Use of the Word." American Notes and Queries 7:7 (Mar. 1967).

and T. Bledsoe. "Poe and Armistead Gordon." [Reprinted from Phylon--The Atlanta University Review of Race and Culture 7:4 (1946).]

"Poe and Dr. Lardner." American Notes and Queries 3:8 (Nov. 1943).

"Poe and the Artist John P. Frankenstein." Notes and Queries (Jan. 17, 1942).

"Poe and 'The Philadelphia Irish Citizen'." American Irish Historical Society (1931).

"Poe, Edgar Allan." Encyclopedeia of American Literature.

"A Poe Manuscript." Bulletin of the New York Public Library 28:2 (Feb. 1924).

"'Poe' on Intemperance." Notes and Queries (July 18, 1942).

"Poe Wrote It 'Mortal'." New York Times [June 6, 1930].

"A Poem Wrongly Ascribed to E. A. Poe." Notes and Queries (Oct. 1967).

"Poems by W.H.Poe." Notes and Queries (Mar. 25, 1930).

"Poe's 'Israfel'." The Explicator 2:8 (June 1944).

"Poe's Tale, 'The Lighthouse'." Notes and Queries (Apr. 25,1942).

"Poe's 'The Fall of the House of Usher'." The Explicator 15:2 (Nov. 1956).

"Poe's 'The Sleeper' Again." [Reprinted from American Literature 21:3 (Nov. 1949).]

"Poe's 'To Helen'." The Explicator 1:8 (Jun. 1943).

"Poe's 'Ulalume'." The Explicator 1:4 (Feb. 1943).

"The Sources of Poe's 'Eldorado.'" Modern Language Notes (May 1945).

 Box 31

"Two Replies to 'A Minor Poe Mystery.'" The Princeton University Library Chronicle 5:3 (Apr. 1944).

"Unrecorded Texts of Two of Poe's Poems." American Notes and Queries 8:5 (Aug. 1948).

"W.P.Mulchinock, Correspondent of Emerson." (Sept. 11, 1943).

"The Will." [Times, Nov. 24, 1964].

"Writing of Poe's 'The Bells'." American Notes and Queries 2:7 (Oct. 1942).

Nichols, Mary G. "Reminiscences of Edgar Allan Poe." [Reprinted from Six Penny Magazine (Feb.1863), 1931.] [With an introduction by T.O.Mabbott.]

Ostrom, John Ward (ed. ) Edgar Allan Poe. The Letters. Gordian Press, 1966. [Review by] TOM.

Quinn, ArthurH. Edgar Allan Poe, A Critical Biography. Appleton Century. [Review by] TOM.

Stanard, Mary N. (ed.). Edgar Allan Poe Letters Till Now Unpublished. J.B.Lippincott. [Review by] TOM, The Yale Review (Apr. 1936).

Graham's American Monthly Magazine, 1845. 

Box 32

Southern Literary Messenger, 1835 -- 1836.

Booksellers' Catalogs Containing Poe Items. (27 items)

Catalog of Books by and about Poe, 1986. (172 items)

 Box 33

Collected Works of Edgar Allan Poe by TOM

Table of Contents and Outline. Notes and References for the Edition of Letters

1824 -- 1839.

1840 -- 1844.

1845 -- 1847. With numbers corresponding to Ostrom's edition of Poe letters.

1848 -- 1849.

Notes and References for the Edition of Poems.

Discarded Plans. Proposed Introduction.

Illustrations - Used.

Illustrations -Unused.

Corrections for the Galley Proofs.

Page Proofs.


Reviews, 1969 -- 1979.

Paperback Edition.

Box 34


Broadsides. (5 folders)

Box 35




A -- K.
L -- Z.

Galley Proofs -- Corrected.

TOM. "Pasteprints and Sealprints." Metropolitan Museum Studies, [Separate Reprinted from Vol. 4:1 (Feb. 1932)].

"Seal-Prints and a Seal-Paste-Print of the Fifteenth Century." Bulletin of the New York Public Library 32:8 (Aug. 1928).


Box 36

Printed Material, 1890 -- 1943.


Prints -- Photographic Reproductions.

Prints -- Photographs.

Box 37



TOM. "On Greek Coins." 1918.

----. Numismatic Publications, (2 folders).

Mayer, L.A. "Lead Coins of Barquq." [Reprinted from The Quarterly of the Department of Antiquities in Palestine 3:1]

Medals. Meyshan, Joseph. "The Periods of the Jerusalem Coinage."


Thomas Ollive Mabbott Collection. Coins of the Greek World, 1969. Auction Catalogs.

Wood, Howland. The Canadian Blacksmith Coppers. [Reprinted from The Numismatist 23 (Apr. 1910).]

Auction Catalogs

Frankfurter Munzzeitung, 1932.

Munzhandlung Basel, 1936.

Munzen and Medaillen, 1946 -- 1961. 

Box 38

Auction Catalogs (cont.)

Munzen and Medaillen (cont.)

1962 -- April 1967. 

Box 39

Auction Catalogs (cont.)

Munzen and Medaillen (cont.)

June 1967 -- 1968.

Glendining and Co., 1940 -- 1961.

Monnailes et Medailles, 1953 -- 1967.

Box 40



A -- M.

N -- Z.


Published Material.


Clark, Kenneth C. Leonardo da Vinci. Cambridge University Press, 1939.[Review by] Maureen C. Mabbott, Magazine of Art 32:11 (November 1939).




Correspondence between Maureen Mabbott and Ben Fisher.

Mabbott, Maureen C.

"The Green Shade: Memories of a Missouri Farm."  Account . . . written for my grandchildren

"A Book for the Islands." Mississippi Studies in English, 1984-1987, pp. 69-72. Inscribed "For Dale and Mary Gale. Fondly, Maureen." Gift of Dale Bentz.

Box 40a

Catalogue of the Lieb Memorial Collection of Vinciana. Hoboken, New Jersey: Stevens Institute of Technology, 1936. (compiled by)

Crooked Rows. Yellow Springs, Ohio: The Antioch Press, 1934.

A Gravely Imagined Center. Maecenas Press, 1981.

"Mabbott as Poe Scholar: The Early Years." Paper prepared for the Jay B. Hubbell Center for American Literary Historiography at Duke University

"Reading the Raven." TMS with holographic corrections, along with correspondence with Frank Paluka regarding this essay.

Japanese brush painting by Maureen Mabbott. Gift of Dale Bentz

Personal Miscellany


General Miscellany.

"A Devotional Thought," "Sonnet to Homer," and "Sonnet for the Centenary of Thomas Dunn English." Sent in a letter to his mother

New York Weekly Tribune, October 20, 1849. Include Poe's obituary (p.6) and his poem, "The Bells" (p. 1). This is in a portfolio lying loose on the shelf.

"Poe: Summer of 1844." A poem by Frederick Nicklaus

Two Sentiments by Thomas O. Mabbott

Box 41




1839 -- 1840

Aristidean, 1845.

Autography, 1841 -- 1842.

The Balloon Hoax, 1844.

Broadway Journal (5 folders).

Box 42

Burton's (4 folders)

Doings of Gotham

Earliest Critical Essays Essays

Essays on Poetry 

Box 43

Eureka Lectures

Evening Mirror, 1844 -- 1845

Criticisms - Godey's, 1845 -- 1847. (2 folders)


Apr. -- Sept. 1841.

Nov.1841 -- Feb.1842.

Mar.1842 -- Jun.1843.

1842 -- 1849.

Box 44

Graham (cont.)

Apr. -- Sept.1841.

Nov.1841 -- Feb.1842.

Mar.1842 -- Jun.1843.

1842 -- 1849.

Hans Phaal Journal of Julius Rodman, 1840.

Last Reviews of Mrs. Lewis.(2 folders) 

Box 45


Letters to Poe. (2 folders)

Literati. (2 folders) 

Box 46

Literati. (2 folders)

Living Writers.

Marginalia. (4 folders) 

Box 47

Minor Reviews. (2 folders)

Natural History. Pinakidia.

Poe Letters

1824 -- 1839.

1840 -- 1844.

1845 -- 1847.

1848 -- 1849.

Preface and Shakespeare and Milton.


Box 48

(3 folders)

Rationale of Verse.


Sat. Museum, 1843.

Secret Writing.

Southern Literary Messenger:

Reviews -- Intro.

Apr. -- Sept.1835.

Dec. 1835.

Jan. -- Feb. 1836. 

Box 49

Mar. -- May.1836.

Jun. -- Jul.1836.

Aug. -- Sep. 1836

Oct. -- Nov. 1836.

Jan. 1837.

Reviews - Intro.

Apr. -- Sept.1835.

Dec. 1835.

Jan. -- Feb. 1836. 

Box 50

Mar. -- May 1836.

Jun. -- Jul.1836.

Aug. -- Sep.1836.

Oct. -- Nov.1836.

Jan. 1837.

Spy, 1844.

Alexander's Weekly Messenger.


Box 51


Boston Miscellany.

Broadway Journal.

Burtons. (3 folders)


Contributions to Baltimore Republican and Commercial Advertiser.


Box 52

Correspondence (cont.)

. (4 folders)


Doings of Gotham.


Box 53

Graham. (4 folders)


Literati. (7 folders)

Living Writers of America.


Minor Periodicals.

Mrs. Lewis.

Peter Snook.

Philosophy of Composition.

Pittsburgh Literary Examiner.

Poe in France.

Poe's Library 

Box 54

Prefaces and Related Items.


Our Magazine Literature.

Reese, James B.

Southern Literary Messenger. (4 folders)


Street Paving.

English Drawings and Watercolors 1550 -- 1850 In the Mellon Collection.

Selections from the Guggenheim Museum Collection 1900 -- 1970.

Box 55 2001 Addendum

  Research notebooks

Broadway Journal (2 notebooks)

Marginalia (4 notebooks)

Pinakidia. Negatives of copy. (1 notebook)

September 2003 Addendum

This addednum was sent to us by Jeffrey A. Savoye, the Secretary/Treasurer of the Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore. It is comprised of photocopies of materials held by that society, mostly notes created by Thomas Mabbott for his work on the complete works of Edgar Allan Poe. Quoting from Savoye's letter accompanying the donation, this is a "collection of transcripts, photocopies and notes of letters to Edgar Allan Poe begun by Thoma Ollive Mabbott about 1921. (There are also some letters related to Poe, although not directly addressed to him.) Much of the material was added by Joseph V. Ridgely, who made some effort to complete and publish the edition after Mabbott's death. . . . I have been careful in organizing the pages to retain the sequence in which they came to me. First, there are two black notebooks marked 'Letters to Poe.' The rest of the pages are arranged chronologically in folders, sometimes individually and sometimes along with other items in the same numerical range. Many of the pages are little more than blank place holders, often for letters which are known to have existed but for which no text has yet been located."

Contents of black notebook. Entitled "Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe, Edited by Thomas Ollive Mabbott. Correspondence. Appendix of Letters Addressed to Poe 1817 -- 1849." Mix of TMs and holograph documents (2 folders)

Sample pages sent to University of North Carolina Press, along with rejection letter from that press. TMs

Mabbott's notes, introductions, and miscellaneous. Mix of TMs and holographic documents

Notes on the letters, with materials about how the post office functioned in the 1830s and 1840s

Brigham. Clarence. "Edgar Allan Poe's Contributions to Alexander's Weekly Messenger." American Antiquarian Society, April 1942, p.45 -- 125

Box 56

Transcripts and notes on the letters, arranged chronologically. Mixed TMs, holographic documents, and photocopies from books containing mention of the letters (10 folders)

Correspondence between Thomas Ollive Mabbott and Ben Fisher. Under seal until 2025.

2010 Addendum

Wagner, E. J. "The Tell-Tale Murder." Smithsonian Magazine. November 2010


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