Collection Dates: 1955 -- 1997
(Bulk Dates:1970s)
10.5 linear ft.
This document describes a collection of materials held
by the
Special Collections Department
University of Iowa Libraries
Iowa City, Iowa 52242-1420
Phone: 319-335-5921
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Posted to Internet: January 1998
Addendum: 1998, 2005
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Photo by Philip Fantasia |
Note: The
Florida environmental records of Roy E. Bazire were donated to the University
of Iowa Libraries by Mr. Bazire in 1996 and 1998.
and Restrictions:
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Table of Contents
I. Series One -- Sanibel, Florida
Boxes 1 -- 2
II. Series Two -- Environmental Confederation of South West Florida (ECOSWF)
Boxes 2 -- 5
III. Series Three -- Conservation Organizations
Boxes 5 -- 6
IV. Series Four -- Documents
Boxes 6 -- 7
Box 8
Roy E. Bazire (1917--
1998) is a 1939 graduate of the University of Iowa. His conservation work began
in 1959 when he became president of the Sanibel-Captiva Audubon Society. He
helped direct the effort to create a wildlife sanctuary that was later incorporated
into the Jay N. Ding Darling Wildlife Refuge. He was a founding
director and officer of the Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation, serving
as chairman of the board and later executive director. He served for at least
fifteen years on the board of the Florida Nature Conservancy, and was vice-president
for southwestern Florida. Along with Joel Kuperberg, he initiated the Environmental
Confederation of South West Florida (ECOSWF) and was its first President. Roy
E. Bazire was actively involved in numerous other environmental groups in Florida.
Roy Bazire died in Iowa City, Iowa in November, 1998.
and Contents
The Florida environmental records of Roy E. Bazire consist of ten and one half linear feet of manuscripts that date from 1955 to 1997. They are arranged in four separate series: 1) Sanibel, Florida; 2) Environmental Confederation of South West Florida; 3) Conservation Organizations; and 4) Documents. The divisions and folder titles are basically those used by Roy Bazire as he collected and organized these records. Material relating to certain subjects and organizations (such as Sanibel Island, the Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation, the National Audubon Society, etc.) appear in more than one series, as per the donors original arrangement.
The first series relates more or less directly to the conservation efforts on Sanibel Island. The Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation, Inc., was a grassroots organization that set out to preserve the islands and control development. It was the direct successor of the J.N. Ding Darling Memorial Committee that worked with the Sanibel-Captiva Audubon Society as well as the Florida Audubon Society to create the J.N. Ding Darling Wildlife Refuge in the 1960s. The activities of these organizations are well documented with committee minutes and reports, correspondence from such notable people as Marjory Stoneman Douglas, land acquisition records, maps, etc. Roy Bazires personal papers relating to Sanibel are also included here.
The next section concerns the Environmental Confederation of South West Florida (ECOSWF). ECOSWF was organized in 1969 as a five-county coalition to protect the conservation interests in South West Florida. This section makes up the bulk of the collection and traces the coalitions history from the first planning conference, through annual records, by-laws, finances, and membership rolls. Projects, research, and workshops sponsored by ECOSWF are included as well.
The third series documents an amazing number of Conservation organizations that formed in Florida during the 1960s and 1970s. Most were citizen environmental groups, ranging from Florida Defenders of the Environment to the Junior Museum & Planetarium of Lee County.
The materials gathered in the final section under the title Documents consist primarily of published articles, papers, reports, newsletters, etc., documenting the Florida environmental scene. There are also preliminary reports, conference papers, and legislative statements filed in this series. An addendum was added in 1998, which includes a cross section of materials.
Related Materials
Marjory Stoneman Douglas web site
Environmental Confederation of South West Florida (ECOSWF)
Box 1
Roy Bazire -- Personal Files
Conservation award, 1975. Including a letter from Willard L. Boyd.Correspondence, 1956 -- 1997.
Darling Captiva home, 1976 -- 1979.
Hunter Moss correspondence, 1968 -- 1972.
Lee County schools award, 1987 -- 1988.
Marjory Stoneman Douglas correspondence, 1969 -- 1994.
National Audubon Society, 1969 -- 1973.
Jay N. Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge
Pre-Darling committee sanctuary efforts. Sanibel-Captiva Audubon Society and Florida Audubon Society, 1959 -- 1984.Committee, 1962 -- 1969.
Concept plan, 1967.
Dedication, 1977 -- 1978.
Establishment, 1970 -- 1976.
Proposed history project, 1984.
Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation (SCCF)
Annual conservation conference, 1970. Planning.Basic projects, 1969 -- 1972.
Bazire contract and resignation from the Board of Directors, 1970 -- 1973.
Bazire/National Audubon Society, 1970.
Board meetings, agendas, etc., 1972.
Brochures, by-laws, articles, etc., 1972 -- 1992.
Conference - January 1972, 1971 -- 1972. (2 folders)
Early planning
1958 -- 1960.Trailer park issue, 1967.
University of Iowa aid, 1958 -- 1982. Including a letter from Howard Bowen.
Finances, 1968 -- 1973.
Membership reports, 1970 -- 1972.
Planning Board, Inc.
1970 -- 1974. (3 folders)Bridge committee, 1970 -- 1971.
Planning committee, 1968 -- 1970.
Sign committee, 1970 -- 1973.
Sanibel Wetlands -- Land Acquisitions
Overall proposals, 1969 -- 1973.
Box 2
Sanibel Wetlands -- Land Acquisitions (cont.)
Appraisal Report of Certain Lands in the Sanibel Wetlands Recreation Area by Ronald F. Tansill, July 1972.
Bureau of Outdoor Recreation (BOR)
Correspondence, 1969 -- 1974.Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife in Parks, 1971 -- 1973.
Bailey land acquisition, 1970 -- 1973.
Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, 1970 -- 1972.
Dewitt land acquisition, 1970 -- 1973
Federal and Florida agencies, 1972 -- 1973.
Florida Board of Parks and State of Florida Dept. of Natural Resources, 1969 -- 1972.
Grimes/Goebel land acquisition, 1970 -- 1973.
Harper/Bostick/Taylor -- Mariner Properties Inc. land acquisitions, 1970 -- 1974.
Lands omitted from U.S. surveys, 1970 -- 1973.
Lee County Board of County Commissioners, 1970.
Legal issues, 1971.
McClure land acquisition, 1967 -- 1973. (2 folders)
National Audubon Society, 1970 -- 1972.
Nature Conservancy, 1970 -- 1971. (3 folders)
Newman land acquisition, 1968 -- 1973.
Parrish/Sawbridge land acquisition, 1970 -- 1973.
Private land acquisitions - approached/no action, 1968 -- 1975.
Roberts land acquisition, 1969 -- 1973.
Sanibel Gardens Development land acquisition, 1968 -- 1973. (2 folders)
Sanibel Properties Inc. land acquisition, 1970 -- 1972.
Maps of wetlands area with proposed and actual purchases, 1972 -- 1978.
Survey plats of individual
tracts of land on Sanibel Island, 1962 -- 1973.
II: Environmental Confederation of South West Florida (ECOSWF)
History of the organization, 1970 -- 1995.
Annual records
1971. (2 folders)
Annual records (cont.)
1972. (3 folders)1973. (2 folders)
1974. (2 folders)
1972 -- 1974. Newspaper clippings.
1975. (2 folders)
1976. (2 folders)
1977. (3 folders)
1978. (3 folders)
Annual records (cont.)
1979. (2 folders)1980.
1982 -- 1996.
Bazire -- conflict of interest, 1975.
By-laws, 1972 -- 1986.
Communications proposal, 1977.
Grants and correspondence, 1975 -- 1979.Receipts and correspondence
Membership correspondence, 1974 -- 1979. (3 folders)
Membership rolls, 1971 -- 1981.
Charlotte Harbor seaport, 1974 -- 1976.Coastal zone management, 1974 -- 1977.
Critical area nomination
1975 -- 1976. (2 folders)
Projects (cont.)
Critical area nomination (cont.)Charlotte Harbor resourcePlanning and management committee, 1978 -- 1981.Cruise, 1977.
ENFO Newsletter and Planning progress through citizen action document, 1978.
Summary of status to October 1977.
Developments of regional interest
Estuaries, Lee County, 1975 -- 1977.Marco Island, 1975.
Myakka estates, 1975.
Punta Gordo Isles, 1975 -- 1976.
South Gulf Cove, 1975 -- 1977.
Environmental inventory
Five county packet, 1969 -- 1978.Revision, 1975.
Sarasota revision, 1975.
Land protection
Barefoot Beach, Matanzas Pass, Six Mile Cypress, and Flatford Swamp, 1975 -- 1978.Cayo Costa Island plan, 1974 -- 1978.
Environmentally endangered lands program, 1975.
Myakka River, 1975 -- 1980.
Marine protection programs
Aquatic preserves, 1979.Marine sanctuaries, 1975.
Wild and scenic rivers, 1978.
Regional planning conference (November 1974)
Agenda, panels, reservations, etc.Art Marshalls paper.
Panels and panelists.
Post-conference analysis.
J.N. Ding Darling environmental research fund, 1978 -- 1980.New College (Sarasota, FL), 1975 -- 1977.
University of Florida -- boat, 1972.
Special workshops
Barrier Islands, 1976.Energy systems, 1975.
Environmental fair, 1977 -- 1978.
Private property, 1976.
Regional airport, 1977.
Florida Audubon Society, 1975 -- 1978.
Florida Conservation Foundation. Environmental information center, 1976 -- 1979.
Florida Defenders of the Environment, 1978.
Florida Nature Conservancy, 1976 -- 1980.
Junior Museum and Planetarium of Lee County, 1973 -- 1978. (2 folders)
Box 6
Miscellaneous organizations, 1968 -- 1979.
Pioneer Education Foundation and Koreshan University, 1973 -- 1981.
Sanibel-Captiva Audubon Society, 1960 -- 1975.
Sanibel-Captiva Chamber of Commerce, 1967 -- 1968.
Sanibel Island Land Investment Corporation, 1968 -- 1969.
Sanibel Rocks. Property owners association, 1962.
Sanibel Think
Tank, 1969 -- 1970.
IV: Documents
About the state comprehensive plan, 1976.
The American Eagle for the Wise Use of Natural Resources, 1970 -- 1981. (8 folders)
Aquatic preserve. Proposed and existing legislation, 1975.
Atlas of environmental jurisdictions in Florida, 1976 -- 1977.
Barrier Islands: an endangered resource, 1977.
Beach processes and inlet dynamics in a barrier island chain by Judson Harvey, 1979.
Botanical, geological, and sociological factors affecting the management of the Barrier Islands adjacent to Stump Pass by William Reynolds, 1976.
Charlotte Harbor: a Florida resource.
Charlotte Harbor aquatic preserve, 1979.
The climate of Floridas deep water ports by Shepley Cleaves, 1975.
Coastal zone management in Florida, 1971.
Development of regional impact assessment for The Estuaries, 1976.
The effects of natural forces on the development and maintenance of the Everglades by Frank Craighead, 1973.
Energy analysis as a common basis for optimally combining mans activities and nature, 1974.
ENFO Newsletter, 1973 -- 1978.
An environmental assessment of North Captiva Island by Sandy Morrill and Judson Harvey, 1980.
The environmental control jungle by F.A. Eidsness, 1971.
Environmental studies program. New College of the University of Southern Florida, 1977 -- 1978.
Everglades wilderness study, 1974.
Florida aquatic preserve rules, 1979.
The Florida coastal management program workshop, 1977.
Florida energy policy statement.
Florida environmentally endangered lands plan.
Florida Keys area of critical state concern, 1974 -- 1975.
Florida resources,
Fourth annual conference on the restoration of coastal vegetation in Florida, 1977.
General energy systems basis theories and concepts, 1974.
Governor Grahams legislative program: transportation, 1980.
Guide to written and graphic information of the Charlotte Harbor estuarine region, 1975.
An introduction to the natural systems: Coastal Southwest Florida by Bob Mack, 1978.
Jay N. Ding Darling, 1972 -- 1974. Articles about Darling.
Lee County comprehensive plan, 1979.
Management of the national wildlife refuge system, 1978.
Native plants of Sanibel and Captiva Islands, 1960.
Native trees and shrubs for Sanibel-Captiva landscaping by Mada M. Harrison, 1973.
Natural areas of necessary components of mans total environment by Odum and Odum.
The natural history of Cayo-Costa Island, by Stanley Herwitz, 1977.
Newspaper clippings, 1970 -- 1988.
Optimum land use for individuals and communities through general energy systems concepts, 1975.
Patterns of succession on Spoil Islands by Paul Carlson, 1972.
Proposal for declaration of Sanibel-Captiva as critical state area.
A proposal for the study of tidal creeks of Southwest Florida, 1976.
A proposed system of aquatic preserves, 1968.
Recreation in the coastal zone, 1975.
Review of major Barrier Islands of the United States, 1977.
Rules of the Florida department of pollution control, 1972.
Six Mile Cypress Swamp.
Statement for management of the Big Cypress National Preserve, 1976.
A statement to Reubin OD. Askew, 1973.
Suggested state policy and criteria for coastal management in Florida, 1976.
A survey of the springidae of Sanibel Island, Florida by C. Hugh Brown, 1976.
Thoughts on energy, energetics, and energize, 1974.
Undeveloped coastal barriers: definitions and delineation criteria, 1982.
The vegetation of Sanibel Island, Lee County, Florida by George R. Cooley, 1955.
Box 8
Documents and papers
Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation, Inc. Initial program and basic goals, 1968 -- 1978.Sanibel land acquisition program, 1969 -- 1977.
Sanibel planning, 1958 -- 1975.
Douglas, Marjory Stoneman. Correspondence, 1972 -- 1993, includes the obituary of Mrs. Douglas.
Environmental Confederation of South West Florida (ECOSWF). Annual records, 1970 -- 1980. (5 folders)
Biscayne Bay Aquatic Preserve, 1979 -- 1980.Cape Coral water quality investigation Preliminary draft.
ENFO Newsletter, 1972 -- 1980.
Epiphytic lichens as biological indicators of atmospheric pollution Research proposal by Carol Ann Sirko.
Florida Coastal Coordinating Council. Coastal Zone Management in Florida -- 1971.
Florida Power & Light Company
Atlas of Environmental Jurisdictions in Florida.Ten Year Power Plant Site Plan, 1979 -- 1988.
J.N. Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge. A prospectus.
The J.N. Ding Darling Foundation, Inc. A Report on Activities.
The National Heritage Policy Act.
The regulatory needs of Floridas aquatic preserves.
Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation, Inc.
Animal drawings by Ann Winterbotham.Reports, bylaws, etc.
Sanibel Island property development plan. Vines & Associates, Inc.
Sasaki, Dawson, DeMay Associates, Inc. Brochures.
Florida Conservation Organizations
Caretta research, 1974 -- 1975.Environmental Information Center, 1973 -- 1975.
Florida Audubon Society, 1974 -- 1979.
Florida Defenders of the Environment, 1980 -- 1981.
Florida Nature Conservancy
Bylaws, brochures, etc., 1976 -- 1980.Correspondence, 1973 -- 1981. (3 folders)
Land preservation projects
Big Smokehouse Key, 1977 -- 1978.Cayo Costa Eagles Nest, 1978.
Estuaries, 1977.
MacArthur -- Sarasota, 1978.
Matanzas Pass, 1974 -- 1982.
Osborne tract, 1979.
Perico Island, 1972 -- 1978.
Six Mile Cypress, 1975 -- 1979.
The Junior Museum and Planetarium of Lee County
Bylaws, site evaluation, etc., 1971 -- 1977.Correspondence, 1975 -- 1980. (2 folders)
Obituary for Mr. Bazire, 1998.
Box 9
Account book
October 1935 -- December 1936
1937 -- 1944
Photograph of Bazire. One CD with the image at the top of this guide saved in .jpg and .tif formats
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