Collection Dates: 1897 - 1996
32.5 linear ft.
This document describes a collection of materials held
by the
Special Collections Department
University of Iowa Libraries
Iowa City, Iowa 52242-1420
Phone: 319-335-5921
Fax: 319-335-5900
Posted to Internet: July 2006
Acquisition Note: These papers were donated to the University of Iowa Libraries on and after September 10, 1997 by Homer Calkin's widow, Mary K. Calkin. Several children's books were removed from these papers and cataloged separately for the rare book collection of the Special Collections Department. Printed ephemera was removed and organized as a separate manuscript collection, MsC 505, The Homer L. Calkin Collection of Printed Ephemera.
Access and Restrictions:
Photographs: Series I, Box 2, folders 14-15; Series I, Box 10, folder 8; Series IV, Box 3, folder 14; Series IV, Box 4, folders 5-7; Series V, Boxes 1-3; Series VII Box 5-6 (oversized).
Color Slides: Series VI.
Audio: Series III, Box 6, folder 13 (audio tape); and Series IV, Box 10, folder 7 (7” reel to reel tape); audio cassettes of Homer's memorial service, Series III, Box 10.5
Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but
does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection.
Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department.
Copyright: Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on "Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials"
Use of Collections: The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement.
Table of Contents
I. Series One-Career Files
Career Papers (Boxes 1-2)
Career Publications (Boxes 3-10)
II. Series Two-Publications
General Publications, all related research, drafts, and reviews. Includes cross-listed career-related and Methodist-related publications (Boxes 1-7).
Correspondence for publications and Year Files (Boxes 7-9).
General research file (Box 10).
III. Series Three-Methodist Church files
Foundry Methodist Church materials (Boxes 1-7).
National and International Methodist Church materials (Boxes 7-11).
Methodist correspondence (Box 11).
IV. Series Four-Personal Papers
Scrapbook binders (Boxes 1-2)
Personal papers (Boxes 3-6)
Appointment and annual diaries (Boxes 6-7)
Personal correspondence (Boxes 7-9)
Genealogy (Boxes 10-12)
Miscellaneous (Box 12)
V. Series Five-Photographs
VI. Series Six-- Slides
VII. Series Seven--Personal Objects/Oversized Materials
Personal objects (Boxes 1-4)
Oversized materials (Boxes 5-6) (cross-listed with other series)
VIII: Series Eight - Mary Calkin
Homer Leonard Calkin was born on May 5, 1912, in Clearfield, Iowa. He attended Simpson College for two years (1931-1933) before transferring to the University of Iowa. He finished his education at Iowa, earning a B.A. in history in 1935 and later both an M.A. (1936) and a Ph.D. (1939) in British history. On July 2, 1938, Homer Calkin married Corrine Reynolds (who died July 9, 1969). He married Mary Katherine Ferriss Calkin in 1971.
During World War
II, Calkin served as a military intelligence officer with the War Department
General Staff in Washington, D.C. After the war he worked for the National
Archives and Records Service. His career in the State Department began in
1950 when he was hired as chief of the records management staff. Over
the next 27 years he held a number of positions within
the department, serving as a member of the planning staff for
the State Department building and as a management analyst. He was
deputy director of the research and reference division of the State Department
historian's office when he retired in 1977, but he continued to work after
retirement as a consultant preparing histories of women and minorities in
the Department of State and the Foreign Service.
Calkin published more than fifty articles, numerous book reviews, several hundred abstracts of historical articles, and compiled catalogues of Methodist Church archives. He wrote two books, Women in the Department of State: Their Role in American Foreign Affairs and Castings from the Foundry Mold, and contributed chapters to Those Incredible Methodists. Calkin was published in the United States, France, and Ireland.
Homer Calkin was active in a number of organizations, most of which were focused on history, archives, libraries, and manuscripts. He belonged to the American Historical Association, the Cosmos Club, the Organization of American Historians, the Society of American Archivists, the Wesley Historical Society, and the World Methodist Historical Society. Calkin kept close ties to the University of Iowa. He was a member of the President's Club and served on the board of the Friends of the University of Iowa Libraries. In 1984, he was awarded the Distinguished Alumni Award. He was also very active in the United Methodist Church on local, national and international fronts. His history of Foundry Chuch on its sesquicentenary anniversary, Castings from the Foundry Mold, serves as a model for historical church writing.
Homer L. Calkin died on June 5, 1995, of a heart attack at his home in Arlington, Virginia. He was 83 years old.
The papers of Homer L. Calkin consist of 21 linear feet of manuscripts, dating from 1897-1996. The collection is organized into seven major divisions: 1) Career, 2) Publications, 3) Methodist Church files, 4) Personal papers, 5) Photographs, 6) Slides, and 7) Personal Objects/Oversized material. Within each series the material is arranged chronologically unless otherwise indicated.
Notation: VII:1:2 = Series VII, Box 1, Folder 2. This is a cross-listed item and indicates its actual location in the collection.
Series I consists of career items, mainly related to his time spent in the military and working for the Department of State, including his book Women in the State Department: Their Role in American Foreign Affairs. All publications included in this series are cross-listed with Series II.
Series II contains all of HLC’s publications and related materials, including cross-listed publications located in Series I and III. Correspondence concerning publications and a general research file are also included in this series.
Series III is comprised of Methodist materials, divided into two subseries. The first contains Foundry Methodist Church materials including HLC’s book Castings from the Foundry Mold. The second subseries consists of National/International Methodist materials, including the NEH grant for HLC’s project on cataloguing Methodist manuscripts worldwide. The final product, Methodist archival and manuscript collections, is available in Special Collections but is not housed with this collection (x-collection Z6611.M55 C2). All publications included in this series are cross-listed with Series II.
Series IV consists of HLC’s personal papers, divided into three subseries: personal papers, correspondence, and genealogical materials. The first two boxes of his personal papers contain scrapbook binders, which provide a general overview of his life from 1930-1985 as they include personal, Department of State, and Methodist items. Genealogical items are arranged alphabetically at the end of the series.
Series V is made up of photographs: one box of family photos and one box of travel photos.
Series VI contains more than 15,000 color slides taken by HLC from 1948-1983. Most are slides of historic or tourist attractions as HLC traveled frequently within New England and Canada. There is also a large quantity of international slides, taken when he traveled for the State Department or for his Methodist research projects. Please see the separate slide finding aid, which includes a geographically-indexed list. Detailed slide lists written by HLC for the first seven boxes and boxes 22-23 can be found at the beginning of Series VII, Box 1, folders 1-2. All other slides were unlabeled and have been determined as specifically as possible.
Series VII comprises both oversized materials, which have been cross-listed within their proper series, and a few personal objects: his childhood alphabet blocks and a handmade ark, a pencil box from grade school, and his high school class ring; military dogtags, ribbons, and arm bands.; Methodist Church convention badges; and lapel pins representing organizations to which he belonged.
Series VIII is comprised of materials from Mary Calkin
revised 2006 N.D.
Box 1, folder
1. Curriculum Vitae, HLC.
2. Employment Correspondence (Teaching), 1939.
3. ---- 1940.
4. ---- 1941.
5. ---- 1942 (Lyons Township HS, IL).
6. ---- March 1942 - September 1942.
7. Employment Correspondence (Government), June 1942-September 1942.
VII:5:Oversize: Photo of Company F, 29 th Military Police Training Battalion.
8. Military Records, November 1942 – April 1946.
9. Correspondence between HLC and Corrine Calkin during the war, 1943-1944, vol I.
10. ---- 1943-1944, vol II.
11. Employment Correspondence (Teaching), 1943 -1948.
12. Military Intelligence Reserve Records, 1946 -1951.
13. Civil Service Records, 1947 - 1961.
14. Discharge Papers (from Reserves), 1953.
15. HLC’s night course, “English History Since 1485,” 1947.
16. National Archives: Records and Quarterly Reports, 1948 -1950.
Box 2, folder
1. State Department Travel Records 1950 -1961.
VII:5:Oversize: State Department scrapbook.
IV:1-2: Scrapbook binders.
2. State Department Memos and Miscellaneous, 1950 -1970.
3. HLC sited as source in Public Management, 1951.
4. Committee on Unofficial Publications, 1951 -1966.
5. Classes on Records Management, 1954 -1955.
6. Visa Survey Team, regulations and speeches, 1956 -1960.
7. Cornerstone laying at Department of State, 1957.
8. Employee Bulletins and News, 1958 -1959.
9. Civil Service Records, 1962 -1974.
10. Department of State Historical Office Assessments, 1969 -1976.
11. Foreign Service Day, 1978.
VII:1:3: Identification and membership cards, 1943-1987.
12. State Department Awards/Certificates 1945-1992.
13. State Department Commendations 1945-1970.
14. Career photos.
15. Duplicate career photos.
16. State Department Retirement photos.
17. Retirement cards, 1977.
Box 3, folder
Publications relating to HLC’s State Department work (arranged chronologically with HLC’s book Women in the Department of State at end of series):
1. Federal Records of World War II. Volume I Civilian Agencies. Washington, D.C.: National Archive publication, 51-7, 1950. HLC contributed to this work.
----. Volume II Military Agencies . Washington, D.C.: National Archive publication, 51-8, 1951. HLC contributed to this work.
2. Records of the Office of War Mobilization and Reconversion . Preliminary Inventory Number 25. Washington, D.C.: The National Archives of the United States, 1951.
3. "Inventorying Files," Public Administration Review 11:4 (1951): 242-252.
4. “American foreign Policy: Current Documents,” Department of State Publication 8495, 1969. HLC contributed to this work.
Box 4, folder
1. "Documents on Germany, 1944-1970." Selected and annotated by HLC and Warren H. Reynolds. Printed for the use of the Committee on Foreign Relations. May 15, 1971.
2. Department of State Newsletters (concerning HLC) 1976, 1979.
3. “Celebrating the Centennial around the world.” Department of State Newsletter 181 (July 1976): 38-40.
4. Wharton, Clifton, research materials, correspondence, and article: “ A Reminiscence: Being Black in the Foreign Service.” Department of State Newsletter 198 (February 1978): 25-28.
5.“Early Blacks in the State Department” notes and draft.
6. “Early appointments of blacks to the Foreign Service: They served in posts around the world.” Department of State Newsletter 209 (Feb 1979): 30-32.
7. “A 1900 Look at Foreign Relations of the U.S.” The Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations Newsletter 10:3 (September 1979): 9-12.
8. “History of Hispanic Americans in the Department,” first gleanings.
9. "Hispanic-Americans in the Diplomatic Service." Department of State Newsletter 216 (October 1979): 52-55.
10. Hispanics and The Consular Service 1790-1830, typescript draft.
11. “First black U.S. diplomat was consul general in Haiti: The story of Ebenezer Don Carlos Bassett” Department of State Newsletter 220 (Feb 1980): 42-45.
12. State Department Correspondence Re: “History of Minorities in the State Department, “ 1981 - 1988.
13. Notes for “Minorities in the State Department.”
14. “Beginnings of Minorities in the State Department” draft.
15. Review of chapters 1 & 4 of “Beginnings of Minorities in the State Department.”
Box 5, folder
1. Chapter 4, "Joseph Heco, First Asian in the Foreign Service," drafts and research notes.
2. ---- typed transcript.
3. ---- typed transcript and research notes.
4. “Celebrating Blacks in Foreign affairs.” State Magazine 411 (February 1998): 16-17.
Women in the Department of State: Their Role in American Foreign Affairs materials:
5. Correspondence, 1976-1977. Proposing book project.
6. Women's applications and employment records, Research for Women in the Department of State .
7. Research notes and materials, Chapters I and II.
8. ---- Chapter III.
9. ---- Chapter IV.
10. ---- Chapter V.
11. ---- Chapter VI.
12. ---- Chapter VIII.
Box 6, folder
1. ---- Chapter IX, folder 1.
2. ---- Chapter IX, folder 2.
3. ---- Chapter X.
4. ---- Chapter XI.
5. ---- Chapter XII.
6. ---- Chapter XIII.
7. General research.
8. Charts, tables, statistics, folder 1.
Box 7, folder
1. ---- folder 2.
2. Correspondence, including a letter from President Jimmy Carter.
3. Backup file.
4. Holograph draft: Chapters 1-4.
5. ---- Chapters 5-9.
6. ---- Chapters 10-13.
7. Typescript draft with holograph corrections, Foreword and Chapter 1.
8. ---- Chapter 2.
9. ---- Chapter 3.
10. ---- Chapter 4.
11. ---- Chapter 5-6.
Box 8, folder
1. ---- Chapter 7-8.
2. ---- Chapter 9.
3. ---- Chapter 10.
4. ---- Chapter 11.
5. ---- Chapter 12.
6. ---- Chapter 13.
7. Copy reviewed by Mary M. Brandt, Chapters 2-8.
8. ---- Chapters 9-13.
9. Copy reviewed by Lee Burke, Chapters 1-8.
10. ---- Chapters 9-13.
11. Copy reviewed by ad hoc committee, Chapters 1-6.
12. ---- Chapters 7-13.
13. Copies used in considering various suggestions, Chapters 1-4.
Box 9, folder
1. ---- Chapters 5-10.
2. ---- Chapters 11-14.
3. Printer's copy, Chapters 1-7.
4. ----. Chapters 8-Index
5. Extra copies of HLC’s biography and Chapters 3, 6, 8.
6. Extra copies of Appendix, Chapter 1, Table of Contents.
7. Galley proof
8. Page proof, folder 1.
Box 10, folder
1. ---- folder 2.
2. Bound typescript with separate holographic corrections.
3. Advance copy.
4. References to book before publication and mailing list.
5. Correspondence, reactions, 1977-1978.
6. Later edition, order forms and correspondence.
7. Women in the Department of State: Their Role in American Foreign Affairs. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1978. Published copy.
8. Publicity and photographs, including presentation of the finished book to Secretary of State Cyrus Vance, 1979.
Box 1, folder
1. Notes on Iowa History Demographic Changes, 1930.
2. Notes on 1810-1820 Manufacturers.
3. British - Irish Relations in the Revolution of 1688. HLC's M.A. thesis, 1936.
4. The Irish Union of 1800. HLC's Ph.D. thesis, 1939.
5. "Pamphlets and Public Opinion During the American Revolution." The Pennsylvania Magazine 64:1 (January 1940): 22-42.
6. "A Grand Rally." The Palimpsest 22:3 (March 1941): 89-96.
7. "A Slaveowner in Iowa." The Palimpsest, 1941, notes.
8. ---- The Palimpsest 22:11 (November 1941): 344-346.
Box 2, folder
1. "What Would Your Family Map Reveal?" Social Education 5:7 (November 1941): 500-502.
2. "The Union of 1800." In Abstracts of History, IV, ed. W. Ross Livingston, XI: 3 (1941): 51-58. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1941.
3. "Life in the Army." The Palimpsest 22:1 (January 1942): 1-15.
4. "Local History: A Means of Better Understanding United States History." The School Review 50:1 (January 1942): 53-60.
5. "Internal Irish Organizations During the Eighteenth Century." The Southwestern Social Science Quarterly. Part I: 24:3 (December 1943): 197-213; Part II: 24:4 (March 1944): 303-318.
6. "The American Revolution in Ireland." National Historical Magazine 79:622 (June 1945): 299-301.
7. "Changes in Providing for Army Enlisted Men (1846-1946)." Military Affairs 11:4 (Winter 1947): 241-244.
8. "American Influence in Ireland, 1760-1800." The Pennsylvania Magazine 71:2 (April 1947): 103-120.
9. Book Reviews, 1947-1982.
10. British Imperial Expansion: Selected Documents on British Imperial Expansion. Correspondence regarding the book, 1949-1954.
I:3:1: Federal Records of World War II. Volume I Civilian Agencies. Washington, D.C.: National Archive publication, 51-7, 1950. HLC contributed to this work.
I:3:1: ----. Volume II Military Agencies. Washington, D.C.: National Archive publication, 51-8, 1951. HLC contributed to this work.
I:3:2: Records of the Office of War Mobilization and Reconversion . Preliminary Inventory Number 25. Washington, D.C.: The National Archives of the United States, 1951.
I:3:3: "Inventorying Files," Public Administration Review 11:4 (1951): 242-252.
11. "Military Police Replacements in World War II." Social Sciences 27:1 (January 1952): 17-22.
12. "The United States Government and the Irish…." Irish Historical Studies 9:33 (March 1954): 28-52.
13. "Les Invasions d'Irlande Pendant la Révolution Française." Carnet de la Sabretache 4:413 (1955): 60-80.
14. "La Propagation en Irlande des Idées de la Révolution Française." Annales Historiques de la Révolution Française 139 (April-June 1955): 141-160.
15. "Iowans in the State Department and in the Foreign Service." The Palimpsest 37:2 (February 1956).
16. “Elk Horn to Vicksburg,” Civil War History, 1956, maps.
17. ---- Civil War History, 1956, correspondence.
18. ---- Overhead slides.
Box 3, folder
1. ---- A Quarterly Journal of Studies in Civilian History 2:1 (March 1956): 7-43.
2. "Irish in the U.S. Engineers." The Irish Sword 3:2 (Winter 1957): 124-125.
3. Mobil Travel Guide. Correspondence with Simon and Schuster, Inc. regarding HLC's research and writing for the first edition, 1957-1961.
4. "A Tourist's Guide to America at Work," article and correspondence, 1957-1958.
5. “Visitors and Tour Information,” 1958, book idea.
6. "James Leander Cathcart and the United States Navy." The Irish Sword 3:12 (Summer 1958): 145-152.
7. "The Coming of theForeigners." The Palimpsest 43:4 (April 1962).
8. "The Spread of French Revolutionary Ideas in Ireland." Problems in European Civilization: The Eighteenth-Century Revolution. French or Western? Boston: D.C. Heath and Company (1963), 26-31.
9. Quotes from diplomats and dignitaries on the occasion of Lincoln's death, folder 1.
10. ---- folder 2.
11. Lincoln newspaper clippings and research materials.
12. “The Ingenious Lincoln,” Speech delivered at Ford's Theater by HLC on April 12, 1964.
13. “ St. Albans in Reverse: The Fenian Raid of 1866,” correspondence, 1966.
14. ---- correspondence over Sir John Macdonald, 1966.
15. ---- Vermont History 35:1 (January 1967): 19-34.
Box 4, folder
III:1:5: "Henry Foxall, Foundryman and Friend of Asbury." Methodist History 6:1 (October 1967): 36-49.
III:7:1: Castings from the Foundry Mold: a History of Foundry Church, Washington, D.C., 1814-1964 . Nashville: Parthenon Press, 1968.
I:3:4: “American foreign Policy: Current Documents.” Department of State Publication 8495, 1969. HLC contributed to this work.
1. " Iowa Inventors and Inventions." The Palimpsest. Part I: 50:7 (July 1969); Part II: 50:8 (August 1969).
I:4:1: "Documents on Germany, 1944-1970." Selected and annotated by HLC and Warren H. Reynolds. Printed for the use of the Committee on Foreign Relations. May 15, 1971.
2. "Federal Government and Iowa Agriculture-1840-1860." The Palimpsest 52:12 (December 1971).
III:9:2: Those Incredible Methodists , ed. Gordon Pratt Baker. Baltimore: Commission on Archives and History, The Baltimore Conference, 1972. Chapters 7 and 8 by HLC.
3. " Vermont and the Centennial of American Independence, 1876,” correspondence, 1975.
4. ---- Vermont History 43:4 (Fall 1975): 248-265.
5. " Iowa Celebrates the Centennial of American Independence." Annals of Iowa 43:3 (Winter 1976): 161-180.
III: 9:6: “Methodists and the Centennial of 1876.” Methodist History 14:2 (January 1976): 93-110.
I:4:3: “Celebrating the Centennial around the world.” Department of State Newsletter 181 (July 1976): 38-40.
6. "Music During the Centennial of American Independence," research material on music during 1876, folder 1.
7. ---- folder 2.
8. ---- The Pennsylvania Magazine 100:3 (July 1976): 374-389.
9. "The Centennial of American Independence 'Round the World." The Historian 38:4 (August 1976): 613-628.
10. " Iowa and the Centennial Exhibition of 1876." Annals of Iowa 43:6 (Fall 1976): 443-458.
Box 5, folder
“A Reminiscence: Being Black in the Foreign Service.” Department of State Newsletter 198 (February 1978): 25-28. Correspondence and research materials. In Series I, Box 4, folder 4.
1. Irish study, notes.
2. "For and Against an Union." Éire-Ireland 13:4 (1978): 22-33.
I:10:7: Women in the Department of State: Their Role in American Foreign Affairs. Washington , D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1978.
I:4:6: “Early appointments of blacks to the Foreign Service: They served in posts around the world.” Department of State Newsletter 209 (Feb 1979): 30-32.
I:4:7: “A 1900 Look at Foreign Relations of the U.S.” The Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations Newsletter 10:3 (September 1979): 9-12.
I:4:9: "Hispanic-Americans in the Diplomatic Service." Department of State Newsletter 216 (October 1979): 52-55.
I:4:11: “First black U.S. diplomat was consul general in Haiti: The story of Ebenezer Don Carlos Bassett” Department of State Newsletter 220 (Feb 1980): 42-45.
3. "Charles Mason Comments on Candidates for Iowa's Governorship, 1845," Annals of Iowa 46:1 (Summer 1981): 3-8.
4. “W. Ross Livingston, Curator of British Documents,” typescript draft.
5. ---- Books at Iowa 35 (November 1981): 34-52.
6. Palimpsest in Retrospect, number of articles contributed by HLC (no date)
Special Collections x-collection Z6611.M55 C2: Methodist archival and manuscript collections. Compiled by HLC for the World Methodist Historical Society. 7 vols. 1982.
III:1:7: “Foundry Methodist Church and Abraham Lincoln.” The Lincolnian 2:5 (May –June 1984).
I:5:4: “Celebrating Blacks in Foreign affairs.” State Magazine 411 (February 1998): 16-17. Information from previous work by HLC.
Proposed articles and publications:
7. Drafts of articles by HLC and lists of planned articles.
8. Edward Hand, Notes taken for proposed manuscript.
9. ---- Research material for proposed manuscript, folder 1.
10. ---- folder 2.
Box 6, folder
1. ---- folder 3.
2. ---- folder 4.
3. ---- folder 5.
4. ---- folder 6.
5. ---- folder 7.
Box 7, folder
1. ---- folder 8.
2. ---- folder 9.
Publications Correspondence:
3. A, 1940-1986.
4. American National Biography.
5. B, 1944-1945, 1978.
6. C, 1941-1982.
7. D, 1943-1978.
8. E, 1953-1978.
9. F, 1941-1988.
10. G, 1941-1980
11. H, 1940-1982
12. I, 1941-1989
13. J, 1940-1959
14. K, 1942-1962
15. L, 1940-1982
Box 8, folder
1. M, 1940-1985
2. N, 1940-1985
3. O, 1940-1948, 1977-1979
4. P, 1938-1976
5. Q, 1946
6. R, 1948-1980
7. S, 1940-1987
8. T, 1940-1941
9. U, 1940-1980
10. V, 1946-1978
11. W, 1951-1980
12. Y, 1940-1959
Box 9, folder
Year files (containing personal and professional items):
1. Pre-1957
2. 1957-1960
3. 1961-1965
4. 1966-1968
5. 1969
6. 1970-1973
7. 1974-1976
8. 1977-1979
9. 1980-1982
10. 1983-1984
11. 1985-1991
Box 10
Research notes, general
Series III--Methodist Church files
Box 1, folder
Foundry Methodist church and related materials:
IV:1-2: Scrapbook binders, 1930-1985.
1. Foundry Church Bulletins, 1956-1976, 1985.
2. Foundry Corner Stone Laying Event Photos 1960.
3. Foundry Church Board Minutes, 1961, 1964.
4. Buy-a-Year Plan, Foundry Church's 150th anniversary fund raiser year, 1964.
VII:6:Oversize: Foundry scrapbook on Foundry’s 150 th anniversary.
5. "Henry Foxall, Foundryman and Friend of Asbury." Methodist History 6:1 (October 1967): 36-49. Article by HLC.
6. Articles about the Foundry Church.
7. Lincoln and Methodism materials, including article by HLC: “Foundry Methodist Church and Abraham Lincoln.” The Lincolnian 2:5 (May –June 1984).
8. Lincoln and Meth(odism?) handwritten research notes.
9. Foundry Counseling Services.
10. Foundry Focus, 1992 recognizing HLC, and copy of Forge newsletter from Foundry with report on “Castings”, 1999.
Castings from the Foundry Mold related materials. [In the weeks leading to the 150th Anniversary Celebrations, HLC wrote a series of Chronological Supplements for publication with the weekly bulletin; these texts are digtized in the linked document.]
11. Notes taken for Castings, folder 1.
12. ---- folder 2.
13. ---- folder 3.
14. ---- folder 4.
Box 2, folder
1. ---- folder 5.
2. ---- folder 6.
3. ---- folder 7.
4. ---- folder 8.
5. ---- folder 9.
6. ---- folder 10.
Box 3, folder
1. ---- folder 11.
2. ---- folder 12.
3. ---- folder 13.
4. ---- folder 14.
5. ---- folder 15.
Box 4, folder
1. Diaries used for Castings from the Foundry Mold, folder 1.
2. ---- folder 2.
3. "Church Was Thanks for Survival." Potomac. The Washington Post, Sunday, November 15, 1964, pp. 10-14.
4. Holograph notes.
5. Holograph drafts of various chapters, folder 1.
6. ---- folder 2.
7. ---- folder 3.
8. Footnotes.
9. Typescript draft with holograph corrections, folder 1.
Box 5, folder
1. ---- folder 2.
2. ---- folder 3.
3. ---- folder 4.
4. Illustrations, folder 1.
5. ---- folder 2.
6. Correspondence, 1965-1969
7. Carbon typescript, pp. 1-197.
Box 6, folder
1. ---- pp. 198-368, and unpaginated.
2. Carbon typescript, folder 1.
3. ---- folder 2.
4. Galley proof
5. Page proof, folder 1.
6. ---- folder 2.
7. Price quotation for printing and sample cover cloth.
8. Certificate of copyright.
9. Castings from the Foundry Mold, reviews.
10. "In Grateful Appreciation to Homer Calkin, author of Castings From the Foundry Mold". Letters of thanks from readers.
11. Foundry Church, 1814-1965. Chronology and Historical Narratives of Foundry's 150 years, 1814-1965. Accompanied by an audio cassette A Celebration of 180 Years: Foundry Methodist Church, October 2, 1994
Box 7, folder
1. Castings from the Foundry Mold: a History of Foundry Church, Washington, D.C., 1814-1964. Nashville: Parthenon Press, 1968. Published book.
National and International Methodist church materials:
2. Address Book, Methodist Research Contacts
3. Snowden, Rita F. Such a Woman: The Story of Susanna Wesley. Nashville, TN: The Upper Room, 1962.
VII:1:6: Methodist church badges, 1966, 1980, 1981, 1984, 1989.
4. Commission on Archives and History, General
5. ---- 1966-1969.
6. ---- 1970-1974.
7. ---- 1974-1975.
Box 8, folder
1. ---- 1975-1984.
2. Baltimore annual conferences, 1967-1994.
3. Board of Missions, United Methodist Church, 1968-1969.
4. Northeastern jurisdiction, 1968-1984. Newsletters and annual meetings.
5. Workshop on Methodist Records and History, 1968-1969.
6. World Methodist Historical Society, General Folder.
7. ---- 1971-1994. Including newsletters, correspondence, annual conferences.
8. ---- Pacific Northwest Conference.
Box 9, folder
1. ---- Bulletins, 1971-1991.
2. Those Incredible Methodists, ed. Gordon Pratt Baker. Baltimore: Commission on Archives and History, The Baltimore Conference, 1972. Chapters 7 and 8 by HLC. Published work and pre-publication advertisement.
3. The Historians Digest, HSUMC, 1972-1991.
4. Northeastern and southeastern jurisdictional meeting, Shenandoah College Winchester, VA, July 9-11, 1974.
5. Asbury Theological Seminary Archives, Wilmore, Kentucky, 1976-1984
6. “Methodists and the Centennial of 1876.” Methodist History 14:2 (January 1976): 93-110. Article by HLC.
7. Methodist Hospital, Philadelphia, PA, 1976-1985.
8. ---- Report on Archival Records Survey, 1985.
9. Board of Church and Society. Records Survey, UMC, 1977
10. Board of Pensions. Records Survey, UMC, 1977
11. United Methodist Communications. Records survey, UMC, 1977.
12. "Methodist Minorities and Methodists in the Majority," conference Westhill College,Shelly Oak, Birmingham, July 25-28, 1978.
13. Opening of Wesley Chapel, Nov. 1978, including audio tape.
Box 10, folder
1. Notes on Wesley and Cathedrals.
2. The Washington Theological Consortium, 1979-1981.
3. Committee on Personnel Policies. Employment benefits, salaries and equal employment opportunities, 1979-1980.
4. Methodist Concerns, World Parish Newsletter, 1979-1983.
5. ---- 1984-1996.
6. Catalog of World Methodist Manuscript Collection, National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Grant , Application.
7. ---- NEH grant, general material, folder 1.
8. ---- NEH grant, general material, folder 2.
9. ---- NEH grant, Project Description.
10. ---- NEH Project Reports; NEH grant
11. ----. Letter of Introduction of HLC, Written by John H. Ness (World Methodist Historical Society).
12. ----. "Dig or Die," Report on Union Catalogue of World Methodist Manuscript Collections by HLC, 1980; “In search of Methodist Records,” Foundry Flame Newsletter, vol. 15, no. 5 (Dec 1980), insert about HLC’s trip to South Pacific and East Asia for manuscript project.
13. ----. Correspondence, 1980-1995, relating to the project.
14. ----. Correspondence, 19791981, relating to Hawaii, Indiana, Nebraska, and West Virginia.
15. ----. Report of Accomplishment.
16. ---- Certificate of Appreciation, UMC Archives and History; includes photo.
Special Collections x-collection Z6611.M55 C2: Methodist archival and manuscript collections. Compiled by HLC for the World Methodist Historical Society. 7 vols. 1982.
17. "Methodist History, Sources and Methods," conference Southlands College, Wimbledon, April 21-24, 1981.
Box 11, folder
1. World Methodist Fourteenth Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 21-28, 1981.
2. Methodist Librarians' Fellowship, 1982-1983.
3. Southeast Jurisdiction Historical Society, 1983. Conference.
4. Applicant for Assistant General Secretary of the General Commission on Archives and History for the United Methodist Church - Donald S. Stewart, 1985.
5. Southlands Conference, 1991.
6. The United Methodist Newscope , 1991-1995.
7. Action memo for church history leaders, 1995
Methodist Correspondence (arranged alphabetically):
8. Methodist Church correspondence, general, 1941-1992.
9. ---- Palmquist, Dr. and Mrs. Ted.
10. ---- Wesley Theological Seminary, 1978-1994.
11. Relating to HLC’s World Methodist Catalog Project, general.
12. ---- Gifford, Carolyn, Methodist Church Women's History Project, 1983.
13. ---- Graham, Dorothy, Methodist Church Archives and History Committee, 1978-1992.
14. ---- Hale, Joe, World Methodist Museum, World Methodist Council, 1983.
15. ---- Krummel, John, Tokyo ( Japan) Union Theological Seminary, 1980-1987.
16. ---- Leary, Rev. William, Birmingham ( England).
17. ---- Riley, David, John Rylands University Library, Manchester ( England), 1978-1984.
18. ---- Rowe, Kenneth, Drew University Library.
19. ---- Vickers, John. Includes letters to Mary after Homer's death.
20. ---- Welch, Edward.
21. ---- Yrigoyen, Charles.
Box 1, folder
1. Scrapbook binders (containing personal, State Department, and Methodist church related items), 1930-1940.
2. ---- 1940-1942.
3. ---- 1943-1959.
Box 2, folder
1. ---- 1960-1969.
2. ---- 1970-1984.
3. ---- 1984-1985.
Box 3, folder
1. Journal of expenses, 1915-1970.
2. “The Magnet.” Clearfield High School Annual, 1926-1930.
3. Pershing Rifles Crack Squad, rules, 1929.
4. High School diploma, 1930.
5. Awards and certificates given to HLC, 1930-1978.
6. Simpson College - yearbook, 1932, 1933 with a questionnaire for past students.
7. Cafeteria Experiences in 1933.
8. Field House Dormitory Experience, 1933-1935.
9. Diplomas from the University of Iowa, BA 1935, MA 1936.
10. University of Iowa, Miscellaneous, 1935-1990.
11. Passports and vaccination certificates, 1938-1985.
12. Examination program and PhD Diploma from the University of Iowa, 1939.
13. University of Iowa, History department correspondence,1940-1950.
14. Scrapbook, 1941.
15. Hobbies of HLC.
16. Music assignment and address book.
17. Homer's prayer books
Box 4, folder
1. Tabular Yearbook, Lyons Township High School, 1942.
2. Visual aids for teaching.
3. “Names on the Land,” by George R. Stewart, 1945.
4. University of Iowa Foundation, Loren Hickerson, Correspondence, 1950-1966.
5. Scrapbook, Corrine and HLC’s trip to New England and Canada, 1949, folder 1. (Slides of this trip also in slide collection.)
6. ---- folder 2.
7. ---- folder 3.
8. Scrapbook, Corrine and HLC’s trip to Florida, 1952. (Slides of this trip also in slide collection.)
9. World's Fair Programs from Brussels, 1958.
10. Lincoln Group of Washington, D.C., 1959-1984.
Lincoln Group, Emancipation Proclamation dinner photo. In Series VII, Box 5 oversize.
11. National Genealogical Society, 1960. Address given by HLC.
Box 5, folder
1. Casa Materna Orphanage, correspondence 1961-1997 & Infomation Book. HLC supported this Italian orphanage. Slides of this orphanage in slide collection.
VII:5:The United States Capitol Historical Society membership certificate, 1963.
2. University of Iowa Libraries 1965, 1978-1995.
3. National Citizen Committee for Educational T.V.
4. University of Iowa, The Friends of the Libraries Membership, 1970.
5. International Biographical Center, letter concerning HLC’s entry in International Authors and Writers Who’s Who.
6. Lapp, Dr. Claude. Eulogy prepared by HLC 1973.
7. University of Iowa , The Friends of the Libraries, Patron Award, 1974.
8. University of Iowa, History Department Newsletter, 1974.
9. American Historical Print Collectors Society, 1976-1988.
10. Old Capitol Dedication, July 3, 1976.
11. F.W. Kent interviews, excerpts from “University Years,” 1979.
12. University of Iowa Foundation, 1979-1995.
13. Cosmos Club, 1978-1999.
VII:5:Oversize: Cosmos Club Board of Management photos, 1979-1980, 1983-1990.
14. Life Membership Certificate. The United Methodist Historical Society of the Baltimore Annual Conference. HLC, 1980.
15. WWII Oral History, interview of HLC, 1982.
Box 6, folder
1. Biography of W.J. McGee, 1982.
2. Iowa Hall Campaign, 1982-1983.
3. University of Iowa Distinguished Alumni Award, 1984.
VII:1:8: ---- plaque.
4. University of Iowa Alumni Association luncheon, June 2, 1984.
5. Personal computing, review by HLC on “The Push for Telecommuting,” Michael Antonoff, 1985.
6. American Historical Association, Fifty year membership award, 1988.
7. University of Iowa Libraries, Three Millionth Volume, Speech Notes, 1989.
8. University of Iowa Gifts. Class of 1935, Jefferson Letter, Museum of Art, 1992.
9. ABC-CLIO Award, June 17, 1992.
10. "Homer Calkin: Waving the Flag for Iowa." Dividends (Publication of the UI Foundation ), Fall 1993: 12-13.
11. Obituaries and funeral service bulletins, June 1995.
12. Appointment Diaries, 1959, 1961, 1963-1965, expense book (undated).
13. ---- 1966-1974.
14. ---- 1976-1981.
Box 7, folder
1. ---- 1982-1989.
2. Annual Diaries, 1933, 1950-1951, 1954-1955, 1957, 1959-1961.
3. ---- 1963, 1965-1968, 1972.
4 . ---- 1973-1976.
5. ---- 1977-1978.
6. ---- 1979-1981.
7. ---- 1982-1984.
8. ---- 1985-1986, 1988.
9. ---- 1989-1991.
Box 8, folder
Personal Correspondence:
1. Miscellaneous to Homer and Corrine Reynolds Calkin, 1925-1969.
2. Family, May 1942 and December 1943.
3. Correspondence between HLC and Corrine Calkin, 1932-1950, transcript.
4. ---- 1943-1944, transcript (vol. 1).
5. 1943-1944, transcript (vol. 2).
6. Corrine Calkin to HLC, 1941-March 1944.
7. ---- March 1944 – May 1944.
8. ---- May 1944 – July 1944.
9. ---- July 1944 - July 1951.
10. ---- July 1951-1962.
Box 9, folder
1. HLC to Corrine Reynolds Calkin, 1933-1938.
2. ---- 1942-1944.
3. ---- 1944-1962.
4. Condolence cards and letters for the death of Corrine Calkin, 1969, A-H.
5. ---- J-Z.
6. HLC to Mary Calkin, 1980-1983.
7. Mary Calkin to HLC, 1980-1981.
8. Correspondence between HLC and Mary Calkin, 1980-1983.
9. Personal Correspondence, HLC, 1929-1949.
Box 10, folder
1. ---- 1949-1992, including a letter from William Boyd.
2. Correspondence between HLC and W. Ross Livingston, 1938-1976.
3. Correspondence to HLC from Randolph S. Beall, 1940-1941.
3.5 Cards to Homer on the occasion of his illness, summer 1991
NOTE: Folders 3.6-3.14 are in Box 10.5
3.6 Homer's death and memorial service. Includes audio cassettes of Homer's memorial service at Clearfield on June 15, 1995 and "In Celebration of the Life of Homer L. Calkin"
3.7 Funeral expenses and inheritance issues
3.8-3.10 Cards received at Homer's death
3.11 Card from Mary Gail and Dale Bentz on Homer's book
3.12 Letters from family congratulating Homer on his marriage
3.13 Correspondence with Nancy Baker
3.14 Correspondence with Sid Huttner
Genealogy (arranged alphabetically):
4. Aldridge, Bertha B. Descendents of Hugh Calkin. Typescript pages generated by a genealogy program, with family names; typescript carbon copy.
5. Birthday Book, 1946.
6. Calkin, Corrine, memorial book and cards, 1969.
7. ---- Memorial service, July 11, 1969, 7” reel to reel tape.
8. ---- Ode for Corrine, music composed by HLC.
9. Calkin, Ina, memorial book and cards, 1984.
Box 10.5 See NOTE in Box 10
Box 11, folder
1. ---- papers concerning the death of Ina Calkin.
1.5 Ina Calkin information
2. Calkin Geneaology. Holograph and typescript letters.
3. Clearfield Community Centennial, 1982.
4. Clippings and memorial cards from family scrapbook.
5. Genealogy, miscellaneous, folder 1.
6. ---- folder 2.
VII:6:Oversize: Genealogical Scrapbook.
7. Griest, Evelyn Leonard. The Family History Record. Holograph records, newspaper clippings, cards. Photocopies. Some holograph letters.
8. Guest book of Homer and Corinne Calkin , 1938.
9. Guest book of Homer and Mary Calkin, 1971.
10. Memorial book, Homer L. Calkin, 1995
Box 12, folder
1. History of the Leonards. Mixed holograph and typescript.
2. Leonard Cemetery. Typescript.
3. Notebooks with family history information.
4. Sargent, Winthrop. Early Sargents of New England.
5. History of the Sargent Family.Typescript and photocopies, folder 1.
6. ---- folder 2.
7. Trust Agreement. Residents of Clearfield and Paul L. Vaners and Richard C. Routh, who undertake to build a nursing home with money pledged by the signers. nd. Carbon copy with holograph signatures.
8. Will of Robert B. Gillespie. Certified copy.
9. Clippings about HLC
10. Miscellaneous
Box 1, folder
1. Photos of HLC.
2. Photos of Corrine Reynolds Calkin.
3. Photos of Homer and Corrine Calkin.
4. Photos of Homer and Mary Calkin.
5. Family photos, miscellaneous.
6. ---- Early Calkins.
7. ---- Leonards and Sargents.
8. ---- Orlando and Ina (Leonard) Calkin, Elva and Homer.
9. ---- Clifford and Elva (Calkin) Vestal, Leroy, Margaret, and Nancy.
10. ---- Leroy Vestal family, Margaret (Vestal) Buell family, Nancy (Vestal) Vandenboom family.
Box 2 , folder
1. General Photos: Arlington, Virginia snowfalls.
2. --- Camden, Maine and Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
3. ---- University of Iowa 1976 Celebration and view of campus.
4. ---- Williamsburg, Virginia.
5. ---- Misc.
6. Travel photos: American Samoa.
7. ---- Australia and New Zealand.
8. ---- Bermuda.
9. ---- Canada.
10. ---- Hawaii.
11. ---- England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland.
12. ---- England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, folder 2.
13. ---- The Netherlands, photo album.
Box 3, folder
1. Callkin genealogy
2. Calkin home where Homer grew up
3. Celebration of 10th Wedding Anniversary: Mary and Homer Calkin
4. Corinne Reynolds Calkin. Home, School House, with Homer in Virginia
5. Clifford and Elva Vestal
6. Clifford and Elva Vestal 50th Wedding Anniversary
7. Donald Stewart Family
8. Family: Nancy and Jim Vandenboom
9. Great Grandmother Ina Calkin
10. Homer and Corinne Reynolds Calkin
11. Homer and Mary Calkin as delegates to Conference in Hawaii
12. Homer and Mary Calkin kissing the Blarney Stone on trip to Ireland
13. Homer and Mary Calkin supported a child in Italy (portrait of the child)
14. Homer at Administrative Award at UI
15. Homer's mother in her casket
16. Jim and Nancy Vestal Vandenboom
17. Jurisdictional meeting
18. Margaret Calkin Buell and John Buell and family
19. Mike and Meredith Vestal and family
20. Miscellaneous pictures
21. Momahara family - Julie and Tracy
22. Roy and Orla Mae Vestal and family
23. Scenes from New Zealand they Homer and Mary researched Methodist project and toured
24. Three millionth book (University of Iowa Lilbraries)
25. Williamsberg Christmas
26. Negatives
VII:1:1: Handwritten slide list, Boxes 1-7.
VII:1:2: ---- Boxes 22-23, and purchased Hawaiian slides list.
VII:1:3: Handwritten notes on slide locations.
VII:1:4: Misc travel articles about places HLC visited.
Series VII. Personal Objects/Oversized Materials
Box 1 , folder
1. Slide list, Boxes 1-7 from Series VI.
2. Slide list, Boxes 22-23 from Series VI.
3. Notes on slide locations from Series VI.
4. Misc travel articles about places HLC visited from Series VI.
5. Buttons and badges.
6. High school letter and ring.
7. Identification and membership cards, 1943-1991.
8. Iowa Music Festival badges, 1938-1939.
9. Lapel pins, including 25 and 30 year pins from the State Department
10. Methodist Church badges, 1966-1989.
11. Military items: dog tags, ribbons, insignia, etc.
12. University of Iowa Alumni Association, Distinguished Service Award plaque, 1984.
Box 2 , folder
1. Lettering sets (2).
2. Library seal.
3. Souvenir letter opener.
4. Stencils.
5. Universal spelling board.
Box 3
Wooden blocks.
Box 4
Wooden boat.
Box 5 (Oversize)
Company “F”, 29 th Military Police Training Battalion, photo.
Cosmos Club, Board of Management photos, 1979-1980, 1983-1990.
Draw knife
Herwiga recorder.
The Lincoln Group of the District of Columbia, Emancipation Proclamation Centennial Dinner photo, February 10, 1962.
Pencil case from grammar school.
State Department scrapbook recording trips taken.
The United States Capitol Historical Society membership certificate, 1963.
Box 6 (Oversize)
Composer baton.
Foundry scrapbook: Foundry Church 150th Anniversary.
Genealogical scrapbook: obituaries, birth announcements, weddings, and anniversary events.
Lettering set.
Framed picture of Homer as a boy
Architects triangular scale
Candle snuffer
Lapel pin
Box 1
Correspondence: UI Libraries
---. Sheila Creth
---. Dave Diercks
---. General
---. Bob McCown
Correspondence: Other
---. Farm in Ringgold County, Iowa
---. Miscellaneous
----. Dr. Charles Yrigoyen

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