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Records of the New Wave Party Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research. Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department. Copyright: Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials. Use of Collections: The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement. Acquisition and Processing Information: The bulk of the records of the New Wave Party were donated to the University Archives by Linda Yanney in 2002. Additional material (series VIII: Progressive Student Network) was donated by Stephanie Weiner and Joe Iosbaker in 2007. The collection was processed by Jared Burkholder in 2006 and David McCartney in 2007. Guide posted to the Internet July 2006; revised February 2007. Photographs: |
Scope and Contents
The records of the New Wave Party date from its founding in 1980 to its dissolution in 1992 and measure about 10 linear feet, some of which is housed in oversized boxes. The files were initially arranged by topic. This existing structure was followed as much as possible; however, the majority of file categories and the general order of the collection that now exists were created during processing. An initial assessment of the collection and its condition was done in the spring of 2005 and processing was completed in the summer of 2006. The collection is arranged in eight series: Administration, Organizations, Topics and Concerns, Publications, Events and Activism, Ephemera, Ephemera - oversized, and Progressive Student Network.
Organizational History
In the spring of 1979, concerned students at the University of Iowa believed they were poised to help initiate a fresh movement of political activism on campus. Capturing this idea by calling themselves “New Wave,” these students organized a progressive party within the university student government and entered the election campaign for seats in the Student Senate the following year. Since 1980, when they won 8 of the 21 seats, they enlarged their support base and solidified an aggressive platform built around their support of a wide range of social causes.
New Wave soon formally disengaged from the Student Senate, but continued to advocate for a number of concerns including reproductive rights, racial and gender equality, peace, women’s empowerment, and opposition to Apartheid. In this pursuit, New Wave opposed anti-abortion activity in the Iowa City area and worked against the conservative efforts of what they called the “New Right.” Throughout the 1980s, they opposed US foreign policy under the Reagan and Bush (Sr.) administrations and promoted “solidarity” with the people they considered victims of US “militarism,” especially in Central America. New Wave offered public forums, film showings and rallies in addition to organizing local demonstrations and protest activities.
Organizationally, New Wave was a single party, but networked with many other organizations; its members were often active in a variety of committees and associations. Members of New Wave conceived of themselves as uniting the efforts of numerous progressive groups that would have otherwise remained uncoordinated. The party was affiliated with the Progressive Student Network (PSN), a national organization, but more significantly, worked along side local bodies including the Student Coalition Against Registration and the Draft (SCARD), the Iowa Coalition against Apartheid (ICAA), the Central America Solidarity Committee (CASA), and CIA Off campus to name just a few. New Wave also worked closely with numerous organizations on the University of Iowa campus including the Women’s Caucus and the Women’s Resource and Action Committee.
New Wave’s political influence waned in the early 1990s. The party’s last efforts can be seen in its opposition to US involvement in the Persian Gulf Conflict. New Wave’s activities, which lasted for more than a decade, however, represent a significant contribution to student activism on the University of Iowa campus. The party’s efforts essentially spanned the period between the post-Viet Nam era and the beginning of the Clinton years.
[J. Burkholder; 7/2006]
Series Description
Series I: Administration includes files related to the administrative activity of New Wave including constitutional descriptions, meeting agendas and related financial documents. Correspondence is filed in a sub-series labeled as such.
Series II: Organizations contains files related to the many committees and associations with which New Wave members worked and/or supported. These files especially represent New Wave's extensive networking endeavors. Series II includes the following sub-series: Rape Victims Advocacy Program (RVAP), Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES), Central American Solidarity Committee (CASC), Women's Caucus, Iowa Coalition Against Apartheid (ICAA), and CIA Off Campus.
Series III: Topics and Concerns includes topical files that represent the many issues and concerns on which New Wave focused. These files represent well the platform and social issues which motivated the New Wave membership. This series contains four sub-series: People, Women's Issues, International Issues, and Reproductive Rights.
Series IV: Publications pertain to New Wave concerns, both domestic and foreign. Both well-known publications and those of a more alternative nature are included. Many of these publications served as sources of information, on both domestic and international current events, for New Wave members.
Series V: Events and Activism relates specifically to New Wave sponsored events, rallies and demonstrations. It includes promotional posters, protocol for demonstration events and activity lists.
Series VI: Ephemera consists of a variety of materials including the contents of numerous scrapbooks, photographs, press clippings and media. It contains two sub-series: Scrapbooks and VHS Media.
Series VII: Ephemera - oversize contains those materials housed in oversized boxes including large scrapbooks, textiles, bumper stickers and buttons. It includes the following sub-series: Artifacts/Oversized Scrapbooks and Textiles.
Series VIII: Progressive Student Network contains newsletters and records of activity of a national organization whose members included those from such local groups as New Wave. The PSN Newsletter was published in Iowa City for about four years of its 12-year run.
Box Contents List
Box 1
Budget Forms (intermittent from 1984 to 1991)
Business Meetings (intermittent from 1980 to 1989)
Constitution and Organizational Structure
Contact Information
Daily Ledger (1985-86)
Financial Allocation Forms (intermittent from 1985 to 1992)
Financial Statements (intermittent from 1984 to 1991)
History, member notes by Linda Yanney (1980)
History, Strategy and Proposals (1980-1983)
Promotional Literature
Receipts and Invoices (1982-1988)
Student Elections
Suspension of Jackie Majerus (1984)
UI Student Senate (1980-1986)
Sub-series: Correspondence
Campus Mail (1985-1989)
Ellis, Dorsey – UI Vice President for Finance and University Services (1985)
[related to business activities in South Africa, see also “Divestment” and “Sullivan Statement” in Series II]
Form letters from various organizations (1981-1985)
Grassley, Charles -- US Senate (1985)
Hagemann, Bruce and Lynne Adrian (1981-1983)
Hillel House/Foundation (1981-1988)
Iosbaker, Joe (1983-1986)
Mann, Tom and Charles Bruner -- Iowa Senate (1985)
Nestor, Bruce (1981-1986)
Perrin, Craig - UISS Committee for a Free South Africa (1984-1985)
[Includes correspondence with various state and federal officials including Cooper Evans, Tom Harkin,
Charles Grassley, Jim Lightfoot, Jean Lloyd-Jones, Tom Tauke and Iowa Governor Terry Branstad.]
Student Activities Board (1988-1989)
Various persons (1981-1986)
Voice, The (1984) [See also “The Voice” in Series IV]
Box 2
Africa Fund
All People’s Congress
American Committee on Africa
Committees of Solidarity: Central America
Frente Farabundo marti Para La Liberacion Nacional
Global Community Network
Iowa Public Interest Research Group
Liberal Arts Student Association
New El Salvador Today
Nicaragua Interfaith Committee for Action
US out of Central America
National Network in Solidarity with the Nicaraguan people
No Business as Usual Action Network
Progressive Student Network
Radical Women/Mujeres Radicales
Religious Student Organization
River City Housing Coop
Salvadorian Woman’s Association
Socialist Party
Society for International Development
Student Coalition Against the Draft (SCARD)
Students Against Reaganism
Students for Reproductive Rights
Those United to Fight Fascism
Union of International Students
UI Veterans Association
War Resistors League
Sub-series: Rape Victims Advocacy Program (RVAP)
Dormitory Graffiti Incident, March 1989
General Information
Men Stopping Rape/Men’s Anti-Rape Resource Center
Public Awareness Literature
Sexual Harassment Literature
“Through Women’s Eyes”
University of Iowa Rape Statistics (1985-89
Sub-series: Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES)
Midwest Regional Chapter
National Office
National Convention (1985)
Box 3
Sub-series: Central America Solidarity Committee (CASC)
Budget/Financial (1990-1991)
Internal Documents/Correspondence (1982-1986)
Promotional Literature
Sub-series: Women’s Caucus
Budget Forms (1985-1986)
Constitution and Self-Definition
Contact Information
Financial Statements and Receipts (1985-1989)
Internal Documents and correspondence (1985-1988)
Lenora Fulani/New Alliance Party
Promotional Literature
Reproductive Rights
Sexism/Violence Against Women
Take Back the Night (See artifacts in series VII]
“Tight Spaces”
Women’s Art Event
Women’s Resource and Action Center
Women in the Work Place
Box 4
Sub-series: Iowa Coalition Against Apartheid (ICAA)
Activity Literature
Divestment [see also “Jessup Hall sit-in” in series V and Banner (“Divest!”) in Series VII]
Internal Documents (1985-1986)
“Sell the Stock . . .” [See also “Divestment”]
Sullivan Statement [See also “Dorsey Ellis” in Series I]
UN Center Against Apartheid
Sub-series: CIA Off Campus [see also: scrapbook in Series VI]
Administrative/Internal documents
“Anti-CIA Organizing Manual”
Bill of Rights Foundation
CIA Literature
Promotional Literature
Box 5
Series III: Topics and concerns
Affirmative Action
African American Issues
CARP (Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles; Unification Church)
Campus Security
Child Care
Department of Defense Research
FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation)
GLBT concerns (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender)
Human Rights/Amnesty International
Intifada USA; “Not the Daily Iowan”
KKK (Ku Klux Klan)
Latin American Studies
Native American Issues
Persian Gulf Conflict
Prison system
Selective Service/Draft
Star Wars/SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative)
University Budget Cuts
US Air Force Research
Sub-series: People
Bork, Judge Robert
Farrakhan, Louis
Fishman, Tina
Hampton, Fred
Horner, Charles
Schlafly, Phyllis
Stockwell, John
Box 6
Sub-series: Women’s Issues
Judith Mentzer Poetry Project
Title IX
Sexual Harassment
Women and Peace
Women’s Oral History
Women’s Rights
Sub-series: International Issues
El Salvador
Israel and the West Bank, folder one (Booklets)
Israel and the West Bank, folder two (Booklets)
Israel and the West Bank, folder three (Booklets)
South Africa, Apartheid
Box 7
Sub-series: Reproductive Rights
Abortion Rights Action League
Emma Goldman Clinic
Iowa Reproductive Rights Coalition
Legal debates concerning abortion
Newsprint sources (1979-1984)
Planned Parenthood Literature
Pro-Life Movement
Promotional Literature
Public Statements
UI Right to Life vs. UI Student Senate (Student Judicial Court)
Box 8
Series IV: Publications
AZANIA (Africa, March and June 1985)
CISPES (Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador, 1984-1991)
CALC (Clergy and Laity Concerned, March 1984)
C.R.P.E.A.G. (April 1986)
KAR International (Iranian Peoples Fedaii Guerrillas, Feb 1981-Jan 1982)
Barricada (Sandinista National Liberation Front, August 1983)
Black Liberation Month News (Feb 1985)
Bulletin (Human Rights Commission of El Salvador, 1984-1985)
Campus Review (April 1987)
Central America Alert (US Out of Central America, various from 1984)
Conscience (Pro-Choice Catholics, Sept 1983)
Challenger, The (Feb 1983-May 1984)
Chicago Illini (April 1985)
Daily Iowan (May 1, 3 1985, May 1984)
Emma’s Periodical Rag (fall, winter 1981)
Food First News (spring 1985)
Forward Motion: A Socialist Magazine (Feb, Mar 1989)
Free Palestine (July-August 1976)
Guardian, The (May 1987)
Iran Liberation (Mar 1983-Feb 1984)
Iran Solidarity (One issue, date unknown)
Islamic Unity (March 1982)
National Catholic Register (May 6, 1984)
New Patriot (May-June 1992)
New York Times (March 30, 1987 and May 2, 1992)
Box 9
New Wave Times, The (Southeast Missouri State University, spring 1982)
Nicaragua Libre (Nicaragua Solidarity Committee, May and April 1986)
Nuclear Register, The (#31)
Observer, The (Jan, May, Dec 1982)
Our Sunday Visitor (April, May 1984)
Palestine (March, April 1983)
Palestine Perspectives (May-June 1982, Sept-Oct 1983)
Palestine Congress of North America Newsletter (Sept, Oct 1983)
Palestine Focus (November 29th Committee for Palestine, Aug 1983-Dec 1989)
Palestine Human Rights Bulletin (Aug 1980- fall 1984)
People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (Feb 1980-April 1982)
Progressive Student News (1986-1992)
United States Anti-Apartheid Newsletter (spring 1986, fall 1987)
Via Pacis (Roman Catholic Diocese of Des Moines, 1984-85)
Voice, The (Oct 1984- April 1985) [See also correspondence in series I.]
Washington Peace Letter (August 1986, May 1992)
Witness for Peace (Iowa newspaper, one issue, date unknown)
World Student Times (CARP, Sept 1981-April 1982)
Zenger: The Heartland’s Alternative Journal (May 1987)
Box 10
Series V: Events and Activism [See Scrapbooks, photographs, and newspaper clippings in series VI and VII for media coverage and images related to many of the events listed here.]
Activity Lists
Business College Boycott
Chants and Songs
“Day After” Rally
“Die In” Anti-Military Rally
Disorientation Week
Film Showings
“Flyers” (event posters) for numerous events [Some of these may also be found among subject files throughout the collection. Duplicates may be found in both places.]
“Flyers” (event posters) – various originals
International Woman’s Month (March 1992)
Jessup Hall Sit-In and Fast (April/May 1985) [See “Divestment” in series II]
Lobbying Activity [See also Craig Perrin correspondence in series I]
Night Against the Right
Occupation of the office of Representative Cooper Evans
Omaha Freedom of Choice Days
Pro-Choice demonstration (dramatized deaths from “coat hanger” abortions)
Protest Procedures
Tuition Freeze Rally
U.S. out of Lebanon Rally
Washington D.C. Marches
Box 11
Series VI: Ephemera
Creative Writing
“Introduction to American Politics” (content of student notebook)
“Latin American News Colloquium”
Press clippings (1988-89)
Press clippings, photocopies
Press clippings, random
Sub-series: Scrapbooks
CIA Off Campus
Loose Scrapbook pages
“New Wave 1988”
Box 12
1980-1982 (1 of 5)
1980-1982 (2of 5)
1980-1982 (3 of 5)
1980-1982 (4 of 5)
1980-1982 (5 of 5)
Box 13
Sub-series: VHS Media
1-800-PEACE-NOW (2)
“Out for the Count”
“Wrath of Grapes”
Box 14
Series VII: Ephemera -- Oversize
Sub-series: Artifacts and Oversize Scrapbooks
Archbishop Oscar A. Romero card (2)
Death Squads Pin
“Freedom for . . . “ postcard
How the Other Half Lives picture rolls (2)
Large Scrapbook (Blue)
Large Scrapbook (Red)
Neo-Nazi postcard
“No Blood for Oil” canisters (8)
“Not a Dime for Death Squad Government . . .” bumper sticker
North Dakota KKK postcard
Rape Crisis Line key chain (2) [See RVAP in series II]
“Read my Lips - Dump Bush” bumper sticker
“Students for Jackson” sign
“Stop US Invasion of Nicaragua” postcard (2)
Take Back the Night Pin [See Women’s Caucus in series II]
Take Back the Night small sign [See Women’s Caucus in series II]
“Troops out Now – No Blood for Oil” bumper sticker (3)
Whistle Stop whistle and chain [See RVAP in series II]
“Winds” business card
Box 15
Sub-series: Textiles
Banner - “Divest!”
Banner – “FSLN”
Banner – “New Wave”
Banner – “US Out of Panama”
White sheet
Box 16
Banner – “Sanctions Now”
Banner – Solidarity with the Women of Nicaragua (2)
Shirt - “Steps to Freedom 89”
Box 17
Black fabric
Black robe
Black strips
Box 18
Series VIII: Progressive Student Network
Activity, 1980
----, 1981
----, 1982
----, 1983
----, 1984
----, 1985
----, 1986
----, 1987
----, 1988
Box 19
----, 1989
----, 1990
----, 1991-92
Original brochures, 1988
Newsletters, 1981-92