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Special Collections and University Archives
Finding Aid
Papers of Willard L. ('Sandy') Boyd Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research. Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department. Copyright: Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials. Use of Collections: The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement. Acquisition and Processing Information: These materials were transferred to the University Archives from the Office of the President at various times. Partial inventory by Xuefan Sun, July 16, 1996. Guide posted to the Internet December 2006. Photographs: |
Biographical Note
Willard Lee ('Sandy') Boyd served as the fifteenth president of the University of Iowa, from 1969 to 1981.
In 1969, at age 42, Boyd became one of the youngest University of Iowa presidents to assume office. He did so during one of the most tumultuous periods of student unrest in the history of the school.
Boyd received the Bachelor of Science degree in law from the University of Minnesota in 1949 and the L.L.B. in 1951. He received the L.L.M. from the University of Michigan in 1952 and the S.J.D. in 1962. After practicing law in Minneapolis, he became a professor of law at Iowa in 1954, serving on the faculty until 1964, at which time he was named vice president for academic affairs. As president of the university, Boyd supported increased funding for the institution, including higher faculty salaries. During the student unrest of the early 1970s, Boyd was credited with maintaining dialogue between the administration and student leaders. An advocate of human rights, he was appointed in 1962 as the first chair of the university’s Human Rights Committee.
From 1981 to 1996, Boyd was president of the Field Museum in Chicago. In 1996, he returned to Iowa to teach law. Among his many honors, he was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2000. In 2002, he was named acting president of the university following the resignation of Mary Sue Coleman, who accepted the presidency of the University of Michigan. In 2003, he received the Rawlings-Miller professorship, the highest honor for a University of Iowa faculty member.
Boyd was born in St. Paul, Minnesota, on March 29, 1927. He married Susan Kuehn on August 28, 1954, and they have three children.
Related Materials
Green, Judith, and Roxanne T. Mueller. "A Portrait of the Artist--and the Subject." Iowa Alumni Review 35, no. 2 (February-March 1982): 10-12, illus. Portraits of Willard L. Boyd and other UI presidents.
Boyd, Willard. "Oral History Interview." Iowa City, 1981. 16 pp. Concerns Iowa Child Welfare Research Station. Oral History Collection, University Archives.
Biographical file in Faculty and Staff Vertical Files, University Archives
Boyd is the author of numerous monographs and articles. Subjects include legal responsibilities and management of non-profit organizations, and museum administration.
Box Contents List
Since the Walter Jessup administration in 1916, the President's Office has maintained an index of Presidential Correspondence in the form of a Kardex file to which name and subject entries are posted. A new alphabetical sequence is begun approximately each fiscal year. These cards files have been photocopied and a bound copy is available in the University Archives; these primary files are not yet available on-line. They are, clearly, essential to tracing correspondence on specific subjects.
The Kardex entries consist of the name or subject and reference to a folder number (which may change from year to year for a particular subject although in a short span of years it often remains the same). To find the current physical location of the referenced folder, readers must consult the photocopied Kardex entries, note the number of any folder they wish to review, and then determine from the list which follows the number of the storage box in which the folder has been placed.
Box / Folders
1 1-4B
2 4B-6E
3 6E-6P
4 6P-9
5 9
6 9-9C
7 9C-12
Unnumbered folder in box 7:
8 12A-16
9 17-26
10 26-30B
11 31-37C
112 38-42
13 42-48
14 48-54
15 55-60N
16 60O-60Y
Unnumbered folder in box 16:
Athletic letters
17 60Z-64
Unnumbered folder in box 17:
18 65-73
19 74-80C
20 80D-81
Unnumbered folders in box 20:
Postage stamps
General stores
Iowa Memorial Union food service
Car pool
21 82-91
22 92-93
Unnumbered folders in box 22:
"Strike" letters [W.L. Boys, 1964-1970]
----. [1964-1968]
23 93-93
Unnumbered folders in box 23:
May demonstrations (2 folders)
24 93B-105A
25 105A-200
26 1-5
27 6-6C
28 6D-6M
29 6N-10
30 10A-11
31 11A-23
32 24-27A
33 28-32
34 33-38
35 38-43
36 43-49
37 49A-57
38 60-60P
39 60P-60T
40 60U-64
41 64-74
42 75-78N
43 79-85
44 86-93A
45 93A-97B
46 98-113
47 2-4B
48 4B-6H
49 61-6Q
50 6R-6U
51 7-10A
52 10A-10B
53 11-16
54 17-25
55 26-28B
56 29-30
57 31-35
58 37-41
59 41A-46
60 47-49F
61 49G-60I
62 60J-60V
63 60X-64
64 64-73
65 74 -78G
66 78H-86
67 87-93C
68 94-106
69 108-112
70 1-3B
71 3B1-6J
72 6J1 -6P3
73 6Q-10
74 10A-10C
75 10C-16
76 17-27
77 27-29
78 29-32
79 33-40
80 41-42D
81 43-49B
82 49C-54
83 55-60A
84 60B-60V
85 60W-64
86 64Z
87 66-79
88 79-84
Unnumbered folder in box 88:
Activity fee
89 86-93A
90 93A-102
91 102-106
92 106-111
93 2-3B2
94 4-6B
95 6C-6E
96 6G-6L3
97 6M-9B
98 10-10A
99 10A1-11
100 12-23
101 24-28
102 28-31A
103 33-41
104 41-47
105 48-49K
106 49L
107 50-57J
108 57K-57ZD
109 57ZE-60I
110 60J-70D
111 70E-71A
112 71A-81
113 82-82D
114 82E-93B
115 93C-97
116 1-2D
117 2D-7B
118 8-8H
Unnumbered folder in box 118:
American Bar Association
119 8I-8M
120 9A-10A
121 10A-11
122 12-22
Unnumbered folder in box 122:
123 22-24D
124 24E-28
125 28-34
126 34A-37E
127 37F-55
128 57-57W
129 57Y-60
130 60-70
131 70B-78
132 78-80B
133 80B-84
134 1-2
135 2A-3A
136 4-8
137 8-8C
138 8D-8M
139 8N-9B
140 9C-10A
141 10B-16
142 17-22
143 22-22E
144 22G-23
145 24-31
146 31-32E
147 33-37I
148 37J-41
149 41-42O
150 42P-42.9
151 42.10-44.6
152 44.7-49
153 50J-54D
154 54E-60
Unnumbered folders in box 154:
Personnel (2 folders)
155 61-62K
156 62L-64D
157 65C
158 66-68
Boxes 1-7
Senate Commission
Boxes 1-6
Papers on the Arts
Box 7
Letters to others
Box 8
Correspondence as Interim President, 2002 -- 2003
Box 9
Box 10
Boxes 1-3
The Hague Conference
Box 1
1966-October 22, 1970
Box 2
October 24, 1970-June 17, 1972
Box 3
July, 1972-June 16, 1973
Box 4
January 28, 1973-June, 1974
Box 5
July, 1974-August 20, 1975
Box 6
August 28, 1975-December 1975
Box 7
January, 1976-September, 1976
Box 8
Fall, 1976-December, 1976
Box 9
January, 1977-June, 1977
Box 10
July, 1977-March, 1978
Box 11
April, 1978-August 23, 1978
Box 12
January, 1979-