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The John Murray Letters Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research. Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department. Copyright: Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials. Use of Collections: The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement. Acquisition and Processing Information: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nullam nunc justo, rutrum eget, tristique sed, facilisis quis, enim. Pellentesque adipiscing accumsan lacus. Quisque quis dolor. Photographs: |
Scope and Contents
Almost certainly from the collection of John Wilson Croker, these letters are probably those not used by Louis J. Jennings in writing Croker's Correspondence and Diaries (London: John Murray, 1884). They are almost exclusively from Murray to Croker. Many are addressed to Croker, and those that are not may be assumed, from their contents and presence in the collection, to be from Murray to Croker. They cover the years between 1809 and 1842. The core of the collection, 318 letters was sold by a London bookseller to Dr. Walter E. Peck in 1925. These were sold to Luther Brewer of Cedar Rapids sometime in 1928. Brewer later sold the collection to Special Collections at University of Iowa Libraries. One of the owners added some items because the collection now consists of 342 pieces. Some letters are missing, with an annotation that they were returned to Dr. Peck. In most such cases, the transcription is still in the collection. This collection is part of the Leigh Hunt Collection and has a classification number, MsL M9826c.
The letters are inlaid in folios, with front and back visible. The folios were assigned numbers, probably by Dr. Peck. They are not in chronological order, and most of them are undated, or marked only with the day of the week. Andrew J. Green, a student at Washington State College in the late twenties, wrote a Master's thesis on the letters, and several copies of this thesis are part of the collection. He also transcribed the letters and annotated the folios with the primary subjects of the letters. These transcriptions are part of the collection, as well. The numbering system created by Dr. Peck has been used to organize these letters, and Green's annotations have been retained and, in some cases, augmented.
Biographical Note
John Murray II (1778-1843), was the second proprietor of John Murray publishing house. It had been founded by his father in 1768. When his father died in 1793, John was still a minor attending school. While still at school, his writing master slipped while repairing his pen and drove his penknife into young John's right eye, destroying the sight in that eye. His mother inherited the business and Samuel Highley was named to carry on the business. When his mother remarried in 1795, John went into partnership with Highley. In 1804, John dissolved the partnership with Highley.
Whereas Highley had concentrated on stock, Murray concentrated upon publishing. Under his leadership, such authors as Walter Scott, Jane Austen, John Wilson Croker, Leigh Hunt, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Madame de Stael, Thomas Moore, Sir John Franklin (the explorer), Washington Irving, Isaac Disraeli, and Thomas Robert Malthus were published by the Murray publishing house. He also published the first cookbook for domestic cookery rather than institutional cookery.
It is Murray's association with George Gordon, Lord Bryon, for which he is primarily remembered as a publishser. Murray published Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, which was very successful, and other of Byron's works. The relationship between Murray and Byron was rocky, with Murray sometimes refusing to publish items submitted by Bryon, and Bryon writing abusive letters to Murray. It was Murray who, after paying two thousand pounds for Byron's autobiography, to be published posthumously, deemed that it would damage Byron's reputation, and burned it in the fireplace of the drawing room at the publishing house at 50 Albemarle Street on May 17, 1824.
Murray, who was a conservative and a Tory, decided that the conservatives needed a journal to answer the liberal Edinburgh Review. The first edition of the Quarterly Review appeared in 1809. It championed English morality, the aristocracy, and the Anglican church, and had strong ties to the Tory party. John Wilson Croker, secretary of the Admiralty and a literary man, was a prime contributor. Croker was known for venomous attacks on currently published material, especially that of Shelley and Keats, and it has been said that his attack on Keats's "Endymion" hastened that author's death. The Quarterly Review published its last number in 1968.
Murray hosted literary and political discussions in the drawing room of the publishing house, and the Athenaeum Club grew out of these gatherings.
Murray was known "the prince of booksellers" and his books were known to be elegant and discerning. During Murray's time at the helm of John Murray publishing house, the pattern of patronage of an author by a wealthy benefactor gradually gave way to a relationship between an author and his commercial publisher. Murray's relationship with his authors contributed a great deal to that movement.
As of this writing (Fall 2001), the John Murray publishing house is still publishing and still has its offices at 50 Albemarle Street, London.
Box Contents List
Series I - The Letters
Series II - Green, Andrew J. The Murray-Croker Correspondence. Master's Thesis
Items are described with fields in the following order: Folio (i.e., item #); from/to; date (if available); subject(s); format. Since nearly all of the items are autograph letters signed (i.e., ALS), this description is omitted and “ALS” can be assumed. The few non-letter items are positively described.
“JM” indicates “John Murrray II;” JWC indicates “John Wilson Croker.”
While many of the items in this collection have not been dated precisely (or even to year), we have created an index of those that have been dated by year (or more precisely).
0. JM to ?. Tuesday. Shelley, Revolt of Islam (1818), Queen Mab (1813).
1&2. [January 1821?]. "Statement of Lockhart's request for satisfaction for a series of three articles in the London Magazine containing personal allusions to him as the writer of scandal in Blackwood's and connected with the management." Reprint from [London Magazine?].
3&4. February 2, 1821. "A statement by Scott replying to Lockhart's.” Reprint from [London Magazine?]
5. "Statement by Lockhart.” Reprint from [Blackwood’s?].
6. JM to JWC. Friday. Pamphlet.
7. JM to JWC. Thursday. Lady Caroline Lamb.
8. JM to JWC. Thursday, July 30. Frankenstein, Scott's Tales of My Landlord.
9. JM to JWC. Wednesday. Frankenstein.
10. R.L. Edgeworth (for Maria Edgeworth) to Gentlemen. [February 13]. A note explaining a previous note on the magazine's generally favorable treatment of Mrs. Edgeworth's work.
11. JM to ?. Wednesday. Wordsworth, Godwin, Beloe.
12. JM to ?. Friday. Hervey's letters, the Lockhart-Scott controversy.
13. JM to ?. Sunday. JM proposes a monthly journal, Wilson, Hobhouse, Kinnaird, Holland. AL.
14. JM to ?. [September 1817?]. The death of Marshal Ney laid at Wellington's door, Southey, The Marchioness of
Abercour, Mathurin.
15. August 1809. Endorses Frere's view of Spanish affairs; the relative advantage of hope and despondency. Portion of the Quarterly.
16. November 1824. List of JM's books reviewed in the Quarterly Review. List.
17. ----.
18. From back of list: "Number of all books, tracts, and pamphlets reviewed in the sixty numbers of the QR." List.
20. JM to JWC. n.d. Lockhart.
21. JM to JWC. Sunday, [October 1837?]. Charles Wynn.
22. JM to ?. Friday [October 1837?]. Lockhart.
23. Jm to ?. Monday [August 21, 1837]. A Learned Theban.
24. JM to JWC. August 6, 1837. Cooper, Fullerton, Hume, Miss Pardoe, Earl Howe.
25. JM to JWC. July 13, 1837. Lockhart, Gifford, first issue of Quarterly Review, Swift.
26. JM to ?. Tuesday [November 1836?]. Hay.
27. JM to JWC. January 12, 1836. Lockhart, Quarterly Review.
28. JM to ?. July 14, 1835. Captain Glasscock, Captain Badcock.
29. JM to JWC. January 3, 1836. John Shepherd, Morritt, Captain Mundy, Conservatives, Radicals.
30. JM to JWC. December 30, 1833. Mr. Locker, Sir Edward Sudgen, Mr. Sotheby.
31. JM to E.H. Locker. December 31, 1833.
32. JM to JWC. December 8, 1833. The Free and Candid Discussion, The National Monument.
33. JM to JWC. December 2, 1833. Joseph Stockdale, Woodhouse's (Woodchouse's) petition, Sir Robert
Wilson, Mr. B---'s trial.
34. JM to JWC. December 17, 1832. Memoirs of Louis XVIII, Sarrans, Encore des Hommes et des Choses de Juillet, Lord John Russell and his work on the French Revolution, Lewis and LaFayette.
35.JM to ?. August 9. Chatham correspondence.
36. JM to ?. n.d. Code de la Conscription, Faber.
37. JM to ?. Monday. Article for review.
38. JM to ?. April 10. Laborde Translation, woodcuts for the Quarterly.
39. JM to ?. Thursday [June 1823?]. Royal Memoirs, Marchmont (Marchmon? Marchment?) papers.
40. JM to JWC. n.d. Possibility of selling some copies of Quarterly Review through the East India Company, Mr. Dundas.
41. JM to ?. n.d. Edinburgh Review, Mr. Swift, Taylor, Mr. Arbuthnot, Southey. AL.
42. JM to ?. Saturday. Maria Edgeworth review, Mr. Gifford.
43. JM to ?. December 1839. Mr. Day, Socialism, Fixan guns, Talford (Talfourd?), Rebels at Newport.
44. JM to ?. n.d. Mrs. Barbauld, Sir Bertrand, Folly of Inconsistent Expectations, On Education, the writings of
45. JM to ?. Monday, May 17 [1813?]. Key to the Orders.
46. JM to JWC. Tuesday. Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Knight, astronomy, observatory.
47. JM to JWC. September 20, 1838. Clarendon, Cheltenham, Lockhart.
48. JM to ?. September 9, 1838. Robert Cooke, Clarendon, Cheltenham.
49. JM to ?. January 27, 1838. Printing of article.
50. JM to ?. January 20, 1838. Political article by Tappis, Brougham, Mirror of Parliament, Graham, Lockhart, Mr. G (Gifford?).
51. JM to ?. January 2, 1838. Christianized version of Gibbon, measles.
52. JM to ?. Thursday. Lockhart, The Quarterly Review.
53. JM to JWC. Friday. Lord Burghurst's narrative of the Duke of Wellington's campaigns, Lady Mackintosh.
54. JM to JWC. Saturday. Dangeau.
55. JM to ?. Sunday Evening. Wraxall, Edinburgh Review, Sir William Hamilton.
56. JM to ?. Tuesday. Archdeacon Nares, Watts, Bowles.
57. JM to JWC. May 28, 1841. Longmans and JM find bookselling bad in 1841.
58. JM to JWC. August 28, 1841. The Wilkie Monument, Peel, Lord Mahon, Lord John Russell.
59. JM to ?. Friday. Beloe, (Archdeacon?) Nares, Dr. Parr, Gifford.
60. JM to ?. December 19, 1839. Annual sale to booksellers, Progressive Geography (?), Stories from the History of England (?).
61. JM to ?. November 30, 1842. Article on the "disturbed districts" for the Quarterly.
62. JM to ?. Thursday. Clowes, Conservatives, Lord John (Russell?).
63. JM to JWC. November 2, 1838. JWC's Letters Upon Shakespeare, Mr. Herbert, Douce's Illustrations of Shakespeare, pamphlets on political topics.
64. JM to ?. Wednesday. Lord John Russell's conversation with Lord Ashley on the passage of a bill.
65. JM to ?. Thursday. Letters from John Bull, Bowles, Annals of the Parish.
66. JM to ?. Monday. Baptismal article by Mr. Davison of Oriel. letters of the king, Life of Pitt.
67. JM to ?. Wednesday. Sir Richard Phillips, Monthly Magazine, Mr. Coleman, asks for criticism of "Horace in London" and "Remorse."
68. JM to JWC. Saturday. New tragedy at Covent Garden, Lady Hervey.
69. JM to ?. Saturday at dinner. JWC’s illness.
70. JM to JWC. Tuesday. Dangeau, Mr. Crofton.
71. JM to ?. Monday N. Gifford's illness.
72. JM to JWC. Monday. Sends ptarmigans to JWC.
73. JM to JWC. Wednesday Nt. A speech.
74. JM to JWC. Friday. Rejected Addresses.
75. [not used].
76. JM to JWC. Monday. Theodore Cook, Washington Irving.
77. JM to ?. Saturday, 9 o'clock. Suggesting revision of manuscript.
78. JM to ?. October 17, 1832. Lockhart, Sidney Smith, Clergy reform bill.
79. JM to JWC. Sunday, 10 o'clock. Lord Aberdeen, S.R. Peel, Lord Francis Egerton, Duke of Wellington, "the
whole correspondence public and private of the great Lord Chathan and his son Mr. Pitt".
80. JM to ?. Friday. Napoleon.
81. JM to ?. Friday. Lockhart on Corker's interpretation of Shakespeare.
82. JM to JWC. Sunday. Lockhart, Dr. Hawtrey, Mrs. Sommerville, Sir W. Milman, Mrs. Austin, Mr. Mircheson, the Duke [of Wellington?], Coll. [Colonel?] Girwood.
83. JM to ?. Thursday, 4 o'clock. Dr. Keith, Josephus in Greek, election, "Goldschmidt and the Jews," Hume, Sir. G. JM.
84. JM to JWC. Sunday. manuscript of letters of Lord Charlemont [Charlement?].
85. JM to JWC. Friday. JM states his desire to manage the printing of the Quarterly Review.
86. JM to JWC. Friday. Thursday. Gifford's health.
87. JM to ?. Monday. JM apologizes for the misuse of some franks by a banker friend in Edinburgh.
88. JM to JWC. Sunday. Mr. Philips, A Garland for the Grave of Sheridan, Chateaubriand, "Conversations with Buonaparte," Sir Cochrane, "The Opposition Guide".
89. JM to ?. Friday. Anti-corn law meeting.
90. JM to ?. Monday. Southey, Lockhart, Lord Ashley, Rev. H. Rose, Mr. Rickman.
91. JM to JWC. Thursday. Congratulates JWC on the birth of a son.
92. JM to JWC. Wednesday. Works of the campaigns, Las Casas, Lord Ebrington’s Conversations with Buonaparte, Jaffa, Gifford, O. Reagan
92a. Mr. Croly?]. [September 5?]. “Paris”.
93. WG to JM. n.d. About revisions and correction of errata.
94. Gifford to JM. Postmark: August 18, 1817. Mr. Owen, Mr. Frere, Lady Morgan, Literary Gazette, Tuckey's papers, Mr. Barrow.
95. Gifford to JM. Postmark: July 26, 1819. Ryde, Montrose, proofs of The Black Dwarf, [Scott?].
96. [Gifford to JM?]. n.d. Returning manuscript to press.
97. W.G. [Gifford?[ to [JM?]. Friday evening, 7 o'clock, March 23 [1821?]. JWC objects to omissions in manuscript, tries to reach Howarth [the printer?] in time to stop them. Asks for advice.
98. JM to JWC. Friday, 1820. Letters of John Bull, Bennet, letter to Byron, series of memoirs, Walpole's Reminiscences, Parry.
99. JM to JWC. Wednesday. JWC's speech, Walter Scott, Sir John Malcolm.
100. JM to JWC. Good Friday [March 28, 1823?]. Bracebridge [Irving's Bracebridge Hall?], Witchcraft [Scott's Demonology & Witchcraft?], Peninsular War [Southey's Peninsular War?], description of Gifford at the age of 67.
101. [JM?] to ? [letter incomplete]. Saturday. Tweddell, Lord Elgin, Edingurgh Review, [Scott's?] Paul's Letters, French Letters, Waterloo and Buonaparte, Scott's Paris.
102. JM to JWC. Wednesday. Paris [Paris in 1815 by Rev. George Croly?], Lady Morgan's France.
103. JM to ?. n.d. Miss Edgeworth, Walter Scott, Mr. G [Gifford?] Fatal Revenge, Brougham's speech, "tediousness of metaphysical & polemic divinity and of Religious subjects generally," Sir Robert Wilson, Captain Pasley, The Key to the Orders.
104. JM to JWC. October 20, 1815. Scott's Waterloo, important article in Review.
105. JM to JWC. October 30, 1815. Scott's Waterloo.
106. JM to ? November 2, 1815. Thanks recipient for the appointment of his (JM's) brother to Malta, Mr. Hay, Gifford, Southey, "letters from the surgeon who is gone out with Buonaparte," Field of Waterloo, Talavera, requesting permission to reprint Talavera in octavo, Sir H. Davy and his "invaluable discovery of a certain means for preventing all accident from the Air in collieries”.
107. JM to ?. n.d. Gifford, [JWC?] "disarming the Navy," requesting "two copious articles on Buonaparte and the French People," Campbell, "The Embassy of Warsaw" by Archbishop of Malines, the Courier, Mr. Alexander, Carnot, Lafayette, Edinburgh Review, Wraxall, Mackintosh, The Rise and Fall of Murat
108. JM to ?. Monday, April 6. Buonaparte, Talavera set in the "fashionable form," the Hon. J.W. Ward, Miss William's book.
109. E. Grahame to JM. January 8. Thanks for a present, asks how the poem is going on.
110. JM to ?. April, Monday. Additions to Talavera, Mr. Heber's Palestine, Europe, Mr. Canning's Ulm and Trafalgar, increase in circulation of the Quarterly Review, Sidney Smith, Sir James Burgess.
111. JM to JWC. Monday, October 30. Poem sent by JWC shown to Scott.
112. JM to ?. Tuesday. Lord Wellington's papers.
113. JM to JWC. [1812?]. Portugal by Lord George Grenville, The Bust of Lord Wellington.
114. JM to JWC. Saturday. L'Allemagne, Marquis of Lansdowne, Talavera in foolscap octavo.
115. JM to ?. Saturday [January 27?]. "Journal of an Officer Who Served Under Lord Wellington," Grahamer on Talavera, proof copy of the bust of Wellington for insertion into copies of Talavera, three editions of Talavera sold.
116. JM to ?. Friday. Proofs of Talavera.
117. JM to ?. Thursday. Talavera, Halliday's "stupid little book," Edgeworth review.
118. JM to ?. n.d. Missing manuscript pages, Mr. Gifford.
119. JM to ?. Saturday. Faber, "Notices sur l'Interieur de la France," American Review, a new edition of Talavera.
120. JM to ?. Thursday. Asks for drawings, engravings, etc for illustrating a new small edition of Talavera.
121. JM to JWC. Friday, 11 o'clock. Proof copies of Talavera, Mr. Gifford.
122. JM to ?. Saturday, March 7 [1809?]. Talavera, JM will send copies to Gifford, Southey, Canning, and perhaps
to Mr. Perceval.
123. JM to JWC. Tuesday. Fifth and sixth editions of Talavera, "Lord Oxford," "Walopliana," Mr. Gifford.
124. JM to ?. Wednesday. Talavera.
125. JM to ?. Thursday. Drawings for Talavera, Scott's Marmion, "Campaigns of the Portuguese Army," Wharton "Poetical Romances," Faber manuscript, article on Sarazin.
126. JM to ?. Saturday. Copy of bust for Talavera.
127. JM to ?. n.d. Southey, Mr. Barrow, Mr. Freeling, Brougham's Colonial Policy.Typescript transcription with note: "This Folio returned by request to Dr. Peck, April 27, 1927."
128. JM to JWC. Monday. Mrs. Plumtree, a work which he would like JWC to review and "to annihilate the fellow with ridicule & contempt," the author of this work was accused to setting fire to his house, and jailed In Leicester for circulating Paine's "Rights of Man,” Quarterly Review.
129. JM to JWC. Saturday [1816, late March or early April?]. JWC's success, DeProdt's Memoires sur l'Espagne, Hobhouse and Kinnaird, Gifford, two new poems.
130. JM to ?. Saturday [probably April or May 1820?]. Hobhouse, Mr. Hay, French politics, Quarterly Review.
131. JM to JWC. August 18, 1816. Proofs for "our history," Mr. W.W. [Wordsworth?], Mr. B., Southey, Scott, the article on the poor, they have sold 7500 (of Talavera?), Tracts of the Society for the Poor, The Life of Fouche, the king of Hayti, the Catholics, Webster, Mr. B.
132. G.E. [George Ellis?] (editor of Old English Romances, etc) to ?. n.d. Attesting to the genuineness of an item, saying he doesn't have time to go into the matter and recommending that they contact Sir Francis.
133. JM to JWC. Thursday. Gifford, Hobhouse, Kinnaird.
134. JM, Jr. to ?. July 7, [1873?]. Wordsworth, Lockhart, article on etiquette, the Queen, Mirror of Parliament, an unpublished pamphlet by Sidney Smith on the Duties of the Queen.
135. JM to ?. Tuesday. Southey's letter to Smith, Gifford, Buonaparte, Brougham's speech.
136. Wm. Pople to ?. April 14, 1817. Proofs of Southey's Letter of Wm. Smith, Mr. Bedford, General Count Foy, "Manuscrit venu de St. Helene," Count Las Casas. Typescript transcription.
137. Wm. Pople. April 15, 1817. Count Foy, De Las Casas, Mr. Southey's letter, St. Helene manuscript. Typescript transcription.
138. JM to Lockhart. Friday, May 19, 1837. Consolatory packet [on the occasion of Mrs. Lockhart's death?].
139. JM to JWC. May 19, 1837. Mrs. Lockhart's death, Lockhart, Times, M[orning?] Post.
140. JM to ?. Saturday. Funeral [of Mrs. Lockhart?], Mr. Christie, Mr. H. Ellis, Dr. Ferguson.
141. JM to ?. September 25, 1837. JM trying to arrange for his wife to care for Lockhart's children.
142. [Gifford?] to ?. n.d. A note, apparently in Gifford's handwriting, and apparently cut from a longer letter, regarding a review of Lady Morgan first volume.
143. JM to ?. Wednesday. Encloses a note from Disraeli (probably Isaac Disraeli) which states that Lord Hervey had written a memoir which was not to be published until the King's death and stating that the memoir is in the hands of Hervey's son, General Hervey.
144. JM to ?. Thursday. Peel, Rose's letter, Byron's works, Disraeli.
145. JM to JWC. Thursday. Bonnonpierre, "Stoned to Life", I. Disraeli.
146. JM to JWC. Saturday N[night?]. I. Disraeli, Brockett Hall, Mrs. JM.
147. JM to [Walter Scott?]. Wednesday. Proofs for "Marmion." Faber, Lucien Buonaparte, Miss Holford.
148. JM to ?. Saturday, November, 1832. Scott, the state of the property of Abbotsford, Lord John, Earl Grey, Moore, Lord Brougham, Mr. Hay, George Ellis, Sir Coutes Trotter, Report on Dramatic Literature, Lockhart.
149. JM to ?. September 30, 1831. Sir Walter [Scott?], the Lawrence portrait.
150. JM to ?. August 16, 1830. The Warburton poets, Dr. Parr, Bp [Bishop?] Hurd, John's election to the Atheneaum, Sir Walter Scott's birthday, Abbottsford, the Quarterly Review, Mrs. JM and the Misses JM, Johnson, Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh.
151. JM [to Walter Scott?]. Monday. proofs of "Marmion".
152. JM to ?. November 23, 1830. Scott, Memoirs of the late Minister of State, Hardenberg.
153. JM to ?. October 22, 1831. Walter Scott, Lockhart, "Chit chat of each day," Lord Ashley.
154. JM to ?. October 4, 1832. Marquis de Choiseul, Baron de Cappel, Mr. Hay, Tallyrand, Lockhart, Sir Walter and his brother, Mrs. Scott, Abbotsford, Mr. Coutes Trotter.
155. JM to ?. [July 3, 1819?]. Scott's son.
156. J.L. [Lockhart?] to JM, Sr. Sunday, December 1, 1839. Defends the Quarterly Review, and himself and JM, against the attack of R. Peel, JWC, Lord Durham, Catiline, Fabian Policy, Sir F. Head, the Duke.
157. J.L. [Lockhart?] to JM , Sr. Sunday, December 1, 1839. Continuation of letter 156.
158. JGL [Lockhart?] [to JM?]. August 25. About stealing a trifle and leaving Lockhart[?] to apologize.
159. JM to JWC. August 26, 1841. Lockhart and his daughter, JM does not think as Lockhart does of the "trifle." Theodore Hook, Dr. Ferguson, Hay.
160. JM to JWC. Friday, January 1824. Mrs. Herman's tragedy.
161-169. [missing].
170. JM to JWC. Saturday. Mr. Marsh.
171. JM to JWC. Tuesday. Miss Norey's little volume, Biographical Dictionary, Peerage.
172. JM to ?. Sunday, September 21 [1823?]. Isle of Wight, Fonthill, Gifford, the Marquis of Hertford, History of
173. JM to ?. Wednesday. Mr. Wilmot Horton.
174. JM to ?. December 8 [1825?]. Sir Roger de Coverley, Quarterly Review.
175. JM to ?. October 20, 1827. General Fry's work.
176. JM to ?. February 18, 1839. Sends sheets for review, his daughters are reading them, which apparently deal a blow to the Ministers.
177. JM to ?. Monday, September 26. Barrow.
178. JM to ?. Saturday, December 11. DeBerenger's work, "Ode to the Chateau," Budget of Annuals of 1832.
179. JM to ?. Sunday, January 4, 1811. Lockhart, Fullerton.
180. JM to ?, Saturday. Malton, Buonaparte, Miss Williams [Helen Maria Williams?].
181. JM to ?. Friday N[ight?]. Regarding a pamphlet.
182. JM to ?. Tuesday. Lancaster, lectures, Quarterly Review.
183. JM to ?. May 26. Tenant, Clowes, M[orning?] Chronicle.
184. JM to ?. Tuesday. Lockhart, printing error, Mr. Palmer, Black Boy story.
185. JM to ?. Saturday Nt. [Night?]. Prophecies, paper of church reform.
186. JM to JWC. Saturday. Life of James Mackintosh.
187. JM to JWC. Friday. French novel sent to Mrs. JWC written by Count Flahaut's brother.
188. JM to JWC. March 2. Fullerton, debate on the Reform Question.
189. JM to JWC. Thursday. Asks JWC, in his position at the Admiralty, to approve the transportation of a relative's (Captain Alfred Thompson) furniture to Gibraltar where he will join his regiment.
190. JM to JWC. Friday. Publication of a calendar of pensions and salaries of public officers.
191. JM to JWC. Thursday. "The Intercepted Letters," Parodies, in which JM is parodied by Horace Twiss, who had submitted two pieces to the Quarterly which were rejected.
192. JM to ?. Friday, March 25, nearly 10. Gifford, "Rights and Practice".
193. JM, JJM to ?. Friday Evening and Saturday morning. JWC's father dies, Benvenuto Cellini, Gifford, passage respecting Mr. Anker will be omitted from a pamphlet.
194. JM to JWC. Saturday. Mr. Shee's [Sheil's?] poem for the Prince Regent, Galt's Tragedies.
195. JM to ?. n.d. Early editions of Keith.
196. JM to ?, Monday. Montague's letters, Lady Hervey, Finleyson, Gents Mag [Gentleman's Magazine?], Belzoni.
197. JM to JWC. Sunday. A letter misdirected to JM that should have gone to JWC.
198. JM to ?. Wednesday. A note from Lockhart.
199. JM to JWC. Tuesday. Papers of JWC’s.
200. JM to JWC. Tuesday. Packet sent to printers.
201. JM to JWC. Friday. Mr. Scott's sketch of the Duke of Wellington, Sheridan, Canning.
202. JM to JWC. November 26. "Travels in Russia," Venus di Medici.
203. JM to ?. Thursday. Sir H. Gifford, "French Memoirs," "Essay on French Manners" copy of Waldegrave, Delphous.
204. JM to ?. Sunday. Mrs. JWC's ill health.
205. JM to JWC. Friday. JM enquired if JWC knows the whereabouts of Captain Bastard, as he is need as a
witness in a libel case brought against JM by [Maceroni], the Duke of Wellington, Copley, Arbuthnot, Fleury's Memoirs of Napoleon.
206. JM to ?. Sunday. Lord Elgin, the Elgin Pamphlets, Southey.
207. JM to ?. Saturday, November 3 [1810?]. Mr. Mulock's manuscript, "A Sketch of the State of Ireland".
208. JM to JWC. Friday, August [30?] [1814?]. Wilmot about his papers, Nares about French Revolution [This is written at the head of the letter in a different hand than JM's].
209. JM to ?. Monday, June 3. Mr. Barrow, Tarleton, Faber.
210. JM to ?. Tuesday Nt. Gents. Mag., Lord Sackville, Junius, Captain Smith, Lord Chatham
211. JM to ?. n.d. Gifford, Edinburgh Review.
212. JM to JMC. January 8. JWC's Boswell, new volumes of Malmsburg, Mr. Pitt, the Brunswick Diary, George III, Repeal article, Mr. Pierce Mahony.
213. JM to JMC. Saturday, June 4. Pope, Molesy.
214. JM to JMC. Monday. JWC's Pope.
215. JM to JMC. July 21. Terms of payment for JWC's Pope, and proposal for the addition of letters to this book.
216. JM to JMC. April 16, 1831. Hume, Pope, Wright.
217. JM to JMC. June 8, 1831. Payment for Pope, bookselling business bad (1831).
218. JM to JMC. January 22, 1835. Lockhart, Spankey's address, political situation in England, Mr. Hallam, Sir R. Peel, Canning.
219. JM to ?. Saturday past 3 [February 1815?]. Mr. Falding, Miller (American bookseller), Mr. [Washington?] Irving.
220. JM to JWC. Tuesday, July 28 [1818?]. Mr. Davison (Printer), letter to Brougham, Ridgway (Bookseller), Las Cassias, and Buonaparte, Blacked. New Tales of My Landlord, The Letter of Manners to Brougham.
221. JM to JWC. n.d. Miss [Maria?] Edgeworth.
222-223. JM to JWC. November 9. JWC's Description of Dublin, Miss [Helen Marie?] Williams. Pellet or Pollet, Buonaparte's Intercepted Letters, Miss [Maria?]Edgeworth.
224. JM to JWC. Wednesday. Tableau de la Revolution, Truttel & Wurtz [French Booksellers], The New Tales of My Landlord.
225. JM to ?. July 18, 1820. Lord Lewther, Mr., Howarth (printer), Dr. Lushington, [Queen Caroline?].
226. JM to ?. June 29, 1840. Handbook for Travelers in England, Sr. Robert Pee, Chatham Paper, Mr. Taylor (publisher), Lord Temple's letters, Thackeray.
227-228. JM to JWC. Saturday. Mrs. JWC's mental health, Queen Caroline, Southey, Seward's Life of Darwin, Gifford, examination of the Queen's defense, Courier, New Times, Lord Ellenborough, Lord Holland, Lord Lauderdale, Millman, Mr. Hallam, Gifford.
229. JM to JWC. Monday. James Rae, Dr. Black.
230. JM to ?. December 2, 1839. Lord Brougham's daughter's death.
231. JM to ?. Tuesday [July 1837?]. Article on Greece, [Christopher?] Wordsworth, Mitchell, Milman, Gifford.
232. JM to ?. July 20, 1837. Political article, Lord John Russell, Advice to the Queen, Theodore Hook, John Bull,
Col. Shaw, Dr. Granville, manuscript on Turkish manners, Miss Pardoe, Cooper the American.
233.JM to ?. June 28, 1837. [Christopher? Wordsworth], Moxon, the State and Prospects of the Country.
234. ?. January 12, 1835 [AL in different hand?]. Speeches of Bulwer, Wakley, DW, Hervey, Lushington; Mr. Peel's address.
235. JM to ?. April 19, 1833. Lockhart objects to a tract published by JM, Mr. Markland, the Literary Society.
236. JM to ?. December 11, 1832. Richard Gurney, Lord [Shoremont?], Lord Scarlite, article on the bank charter.
237. JM to ?. June 3. Anecdote of Lord Chatham, Carlyle.
238. JM to ?. n.d. Chatham article.
239. JM to ?. June 6. Revision.
240. JM to JWC. Friday. Article on Antiquary, Russia Shavings, the removal of Mr. Charles Ellis's books, Mr. Blackwood [bookseller].
241. JM to ?. n.d. Article of Greece, Sidney Smith, Jeffrey.
242. JM to JWC. April 14, 1828. The Geography, asking JWC if he is planning to become feature editor of the Edinburgh Review as rumor has it.
243. JM to JWC. Saturday. Edgeworth's Life, Queen Caroline, Brougham.
244. JM to ?. Friday Evg. Difference between JWC and Gifford.
245. JM to JWC. Tuesday, [December 30, 1817 in a different hand]. JM sends JWC a bill for books and thanks him for his services to the Quarterly Review, Chateaubriand, Wellington's Monument, Angouline, stories.
246. JM to JWC. Monday [August 17, 1817]. Mr. Howarth (printer), Lady Morgan, Gifford.
247. JM to JWC. Sunday, May 1817. [Croly's?] poem, Phillips, Sheil, Clowes.
248. JM to ?. 4 o’clock. [Croly's?] poem.
249. JM to JWC. Thursday. Sir Robert Wilson, materials for a volume on the Campaigns in Russia, Gifford, article on Russia.
250. JM to ?. Thursday Nt. Key to Orders in Council, Bulletin Wellington, Russian Bulletin, Wellingtons.
251. JM to ?. Thursday Evg. Ellis, Faber, Sir Francis D'Ivernois, Tarleton.
252. JM to JWC. June 14. Lord Arthur Hervey, portrait of Lord Hervey, Mary Lady Hervey, Lord Jermyn, Lord Bristol.
253. JM to ?. August 5, 1825. Paul Jones.
254. JM to JWC. [January 5?]. John JM [III?] defends Louis Napoleon, Junius, Lockhart.
255. JM to JWC. April 13. Barrow, Mr. Wild, Davy's Diary, Life of Dr. Young, Ashendum Library, Times, Chron[icle?], Sir George Barrows, Pope, Scott, Byron, Crabbe, Southey, Cowper, Moore, Milton Burns, Addison, Gent's Magazine, Monthly Obituary.
256. JM to JWC. May 15. Belgian railways, woodcuts, Anderson's Recreations, British Museum.
257. JM to JWC. n.d. Lord Hervey, Lady Oxford's memoirs, Lord Holland.
258. JM to ?. Monday. Compliments the recipient of the letter.
259. JM to ?. Tuesday. Mannings History of Surry, Kit Kat club, Mr. Penn.
260. JM to JWC. Monday. Mannings Surry, Kit Kat Club.
261. JM to ?. Wednesday. Morellet, Sketch of Ireland, Gents Mag.
262. JM to JWC. Monday. Captain Parry's Journal of the Late Voyage of Discovery.
263. JM to ?. Sunday. Thanks for congratulations.
264. JM to JWC. November 30, 1842.
265. JM to Lockhart/Lockhart to JWC. September [1?] 1842. JM sent a note to Lockhart, which Lockhart sent, amended, to JWC.
266. JM to JWC. Friday. Emerson Tenant, Clowes, Morning Chronicle, Times.
267. JM to ?. Sunday. General Lewe.
268. JM to ?. November 13, 1839. Article on post office reform, Bp [Bishop?] Whateley's Remarks on Shakespeare, "The Personal Character of Shakespeare," Courtney's Remarks, "Beatson's Political Index".
269. JM to ?. December 13, 1839. JWC's proofs.
270. JM to ?. July 24, 1840. Invitation to dine with Lockhart, Milman, Sir John Macneil , and himself.
271. JM to ?. n.d.. George III, Lord Chatham, Walpole.
272.JM to ?. Wednesday. Mad. [Madame?] Manson's Memoirs, Beloe, the Archdeacon's letter, Rennel.
273. JM to JWC. Tuesday [1820 or 1821?]. Lord Hervey's Memoirs, The Duke of Grafton's Memoirs, Lord
274. JM to ?. n.d. "I don't know what to do about the enclosed notes?"
275. JM to JWC. Monday. Article of Mad[ame?} de Graffeyney, "The Fall of Jerusalem," "Diary of an Invalid".
276. JM to ?. Sunday Night. Mr. Bloomfield, Gifford, Dr. Clarke.
277. JM to ?. Friday. Article by the Duchess D'Angouleme, Madame Campan.
278. JM to ?. Thursday. Mr. Paine's letter [Tom Paine?],Colburns.
279. JM to ?. Tuesday [March 1823?]. Letter to Lord Liverpool, Gifford's ill health forces him to leave the Quarterly
280. JM to ?. Saturday, Spring 1823. Southey.
281. JM to JWC. Saturday. The Suffolk papers, portraits, "Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Howard, Swift's letters,
Lady Suffolk.
282. JM to ?. Wednesday. Las Casas, Gifford's health, Napoleon.
283. JM to ?. n.d. [November 1822 in different hand]. Lord Holland, letters of Lady Suffolk, Mr. Rose, Letters of
Lord Oxford.
284. JM to ?. Wednesday [July 1822 in different hand]. Mr. Davis [printer],
285. JM to ?. Friday. Lady Besborough, Mr. Vincent, Marsh, Mr. Windham.
286. JM to JWC. Friday. The first four volumes of Grimm, the Sketch Book.
287. JM to ?. Friday. Sir George Warrender, Lockhart.
288. JM to JWC. Monday, [March 28?]. Mr. Blackwood.
289. JM to JWC. n.d. [November or December, 1813?]. Life of Mr. Perceval, Bevington, Miss Edgeworth, Jeffrey, Edgeworth's Tales.
290. JM to JWC. Wednesday. Elba manuscript, the Princess of Wales Journal, New Times, Colburn, The Guardian, Ward's speech, Bentham, Riley's narrative, Dr. Chalmers, Canning.
291. JM to JWC. December 4, 1842. Wharburton meeting.
292. JM to JWC. November 25, 1842. Lockhart, Clowes.
293. JM to ?. Wednesday. Clowes, Lockhart.
294. JM to JWC. October 27, 1841. The Letters of John Adams, Biographies Contemre des grands Hommes par un Homme de rien," illustrations for Stories from the History of England, rival Navy list, Lieut. Harts.
295. JM to JWC. Wednesday. Parnell, New Times, Morning Chronicle, Mr. Day, Giraldus, the Cathedrals of Ireland, Walsh's appeal, Edinburgh Review.
296. JM to JWC. Wednesday [1816?]. Mr. Frere, Memoirs of Col. Hutchinson, Mrs. Fanshaw's manuscript, Seward, Mr. Hamilton, Carleton House Library, Beau Brummel, Whig meeting, Evans [the book auctioneer], Maxwell.
297. JM to ?. Wednesday. The Review.
298. JM to JWC. November 30, 1839. Letter from Sir Robert Peel.
299. JM to ?. April 10, 1841. Colman's Random Records, the Garrick correspondence, Swinburne's correspondence.
300. JM to ?. Thursday. Lockhart, Mr. Hay.
301. JM to ?. Wednesday. Lady Morgan, Paylaye, Granger quarto.
302. C. Marsh to JM. Thursday [Postmarked February 23, 1821]. Asks for money. JM apparently sends fifteen pounds.
303. Marion JM to ?. Monday. Declines an invitation due to a previous engagement.
304. JM to ?. Saturday, August [1823?]. The American, Lady Suffolk, Gifford, Faulden, Mr. Howarth.
305. JM to JWC. Friday [October, 1823?]. "The Underwoods," Gifford, Ragley, Letters of James and Buckingham, Dalyrimple's Memorials of Brit. Affairs.
306. JM to ?. April 20, 1824. Court of Chancery, "Article on America" by Southey.
307. JM to ?. Thursday, January 20, 1825. The "villain" La Fayette.
308. JM to JWC. Monday February 6 [1825?]. Junius manuscript, Sir James Mackintosh, Chas. Butler, manuscript from India written by Sir Charles Grey, Horace Walpole.
309. JM to ?. Monday [April 1825?]. Lord Sackville, Sir Charles Grey's proofs that Horace Walpole is Junius, Mr. Heber.
310. JM to JWC. January 3, 1827. Gifford's funeral.
311. JM to JWC. January 24, 1830. Colburn, Campbell, a Life of Sir Thomas Lawrence, Mr. Sotheby, criticism of early poems of Sotheby's.
312. JM to JWC. January 22, 1830. Rev. Bloxham, Sir Thomas Sister's diary, letters from Waty, Miss Croft.
313. JM to ?. November 17, 1830. Quarto copy of Military Events, the Quarterly Review, Whig victory of 1830.
314. JM to ?. June 6, 1831. Declines JWC's invitation to attend the Hampton races, the life of Sir Thomas Lawrence, Campbell, Mr. Fullerton, "Friendly Advice to the Lords," Lord Brougham, four volumes of Boswell, pays for Boswell, Bp. Tims, princess Victoria.
315. JM to ?. June 18, 1831. JWC in an accident, Life of Johnson, Lockhart, Bishop of Exeter.
316. JM to ?. Friday Nt. August 26, 1821. Pamphlet on the "poor laws of Ireland," Lord Howick, the Quarterly, Mr. Fullerton, Paulett Scrope, Paulet Thomson, "On Reform in Europe," Mr. Everett, Mr. Irving.
317. JM to ?. November 15, 1831. Lord Dudley, Lord and Lady Lyndhurst, Sergeant Shephard, Captain and Mrs. Hall, the Lockharts.
318. JM to JWC. December 19, 1831. JWC's birthday is the following day.
319. JM to JWC. January 13, 1832. Business "looks up" owing to JWC's article.
320. JM to JWC. May 24, 1832. Lockhart, "Letter to a Noble Lord".
321. JM to JWC. Thursday. Gifford, Mr. Moore, Lockhart.
322. JM to ?. June 26, 1837. The Times attack upon the mother of the infant queen, Spanish article.
323. JM to ?. January 24, 1837. Southey, Mr. Clarke.
324. JM to ?. December 12, 1836. Wellesley, Lord Mahon, Boswell.
325. [G?] JM to ?. November 15, 1832. Attack upon the Quarterly, Foy.
326. JM to JWC. November 3, 1836. Article on Wraxhall, Mr. Gifford's journal, Sir H. Halford.
327. JM to JWC. February 6, 1836. A difference between JM and JWC.
328. JM to JWC. January 26, 1836. Difference between JM and JWC, Mr. Fullerton, asks JWC to write a political
article for the Quarterly, as an organ of the conservative party.
329. JM to JWC. January 25, 1836. Difference between JM and JWC.
330. JM to ?. June 12, 1835. Mrs. Butler's book, Sir R. Peel, Lady Dace, Mr. Calcite.
331. JM to JWC. May 21, 1835. Bolinbroke's Works, Mr. Day, Goldsmith's Life of Bolinbroke, Brougham, Barbour Beaumont, Wallace, Macvay Napier, Tompkins Jenkins.
332. JM to JWC. April 1, 1835. Sir Robert Wilson, Sir Robert Peel, pro-Protestant, anti-Catholic feelings.
333. JM to JWC. January 17, 1835. Article on Keith, Lockhart, Lt. Burns, Jacquemot, Humboldt.
334. JM to ?. January 7, 1835. Sir John Walsh.
335. JM to Lockhart. August 16, 1834. Eton and other public schools, the Quarterly loses business because of its conservatism, which yet the Conservatives do not appreciate.
336. JM to JWC. September 26, 1834. The Times, "The Wandering Jew," "Paroles d'un Croyant," "Memoirs du Pere Lenfant," the Lockharts, John Barrow, Birmingham Musical Meeting, Liverpool Rail.
337. JM to JWC. September 1, 1834. The Quarterly does well.
338. JM to ?. July 9, 1834. Stanley, "Pea & Thimble," Campbell, Mrs. Siddons, The History of the Stage, Revd. Genest of Bath, Colliers "Annals of the Stage," Whigs, the Irish Coercion Bill.
339. JM to Lockhart. March 18. Article on Mr. Beren's letter to the Editor of the Quarterly, which JM does not want printed in the Quarterly.
340. JM to ?. Monday [March 31, 1823?]. Article on the poor laws, Mr. Wilmot, O'Meara.
341. JM to JWC. Thursday [1820?]. Life of Hervey.
342. JM to JWC. Wednesday [1820?]. Asks JWC to "give the author of the wicked novel the castigation which he merits."
Microfilms of the letters
Silver Duplicate
NOTE: In 2008, microfilm of the letters was cataloged and moved to Main Media Services. It can be found in the library's online catalog with the call number Film 30018 and the tile "The Murray-Croker correspondence [microform] : 318 letters, 301 written, all probably to John Wilson Croker."
Page from catalog advertising the sale of the letters
Andrew J. Green letters to Luther Brewer concerning the collection and Green's thesis. TLS.
Note: Green's son has posted a biography of his father to the web.
Green Andrew. J. The Murray-Croker Correspondence. Masters Thesis. TMS. ccTMS.
Green, Andrew J. The Murray-Croker Correspondence. Masters Thesis. ccTMS.
Andrew J. Green. Assigned dates for the Murray letters. TMS.
Green, Andrew J. Notes. TMS.
Green, Andrew J. Notes on the watermarks of the letters. TMS.
Green, Andrew J. List of doubtful readings in the transcriptions of the Murray letters. TMS.
Green, Andrew J. Leigh Hunt. Four pages of a manuscript. TMS, ccTMS.
Green, Andrew. J. Transcriptions of the Murray letters. TMS.
Schmidt, Barbara Quinn. "John Murray." In The British Literary Book Trade, 1700-1820. (The Dictionary of
Literary Biography, no.154.) Detroit: Gale Resesarch, 1995, pp. 203-215. PC.
This index is constructed as YEAR. Month. Day. Item #. Note that many letters in the collections have not been dated and consequently are not reflected in this index.
March 7 [1809?]. 122,
August. 15.
November 3 [1810?]. 207.
January 4. 179.
[1812?]. 113.
May 17? 45.
[November or December, 1813?]. 289,
August [30?] [1814?]. 208.
[February]. 19.
October 20.104.
October 30 105.
November 2. 106.
[1816?]. 296.
[late March or early April?]. 129.
August 18. 131.
April 14, 1817. 136.
April 15, 1817. 137.
May 1817. 247.
[August 17, 1817]. 246.
[September 17.] 14.
[December 30, 1817 in a different hand]. 245.
July 28 [1818?]. 220.
[July 3, 1819?]. 155.
[1820?]. 341.
[1820?]. 342.
[Probably April or May 1820?]. 130.
July 18, 1820. 225.
[January?]. 1&2.
February 2. 3&4.
[Postmarked February 23, 1821]. 302.
March 23 [1821?]. 97.
August 26, 1821. 316.
Spring 1823. 280.
[March 1823?]. 279.
[March 31, 1823?]. 340.
Good Friday [March 28, 1823?]. 100.
Thursday [June 1823?]. 39.
Saturday, August [1823?]. 304.
September 21 [1823]. 172.
Friday [October, 1823?]. 305.
January. 160.
April 20. 306.
November. 16 & 17.
January 20. 307.
February 6 [1825?]. 308.
[April 1825?]. 309.
August 5. 253.
December 8 [1825?]. 174.
January 3. 310.
October 20. 175.
April 14. 242.
August 16. 150.
January 24. 311.
January 22. 312.
November 17. 313.
November 23. 152.
April 16. 216.
June 6. 314.
June 8. 217.
June 18. 315.
September 30. 149.
October 22. 153.
November 15. 317.
December 19. 318.
January 13. 319.
May 24. 320.
October 4. 154.
October 17. 78.
November. 148.
November 15. 325.
December 11. 236.
December 17. 34.
April 19. 235.
December 2. 33.
December 8. 32.
December 30. 30.
December 31. 31.
July 9. 338.
August 16. 335.
September 1. 337.
September 26. 336.
January 7. 334
January 12. 234.
January 17. 333
January 22. 218.
April 1. 332.
May 21. 331.
June 12. 330.
July 14. 28.
January 3. 29.
January 12. 27.
January 25. 329.
January 26. 328.
February 6. 327.
[November?]. 26.
November 3. 326.
December 12. 324.
January 24. 323.
May 19. 138.
May 19. 139.
June 28. 233.
June 26. 322.
Tuesday [July 1837?]. 231.
July 13. 25.
July 20. 232.
August 6. 24.
[August 21, 1837]. 23.
September 25. 141.
[October?]. 21.
[October?]. 22.
January 2. 51
January 20. 50.
January 27. 49
September 9. 48.
September 20. 47.
November 2, 1838. 63.
February 18. 176.
November 13. 268.
November 30. 298.
December. 43.
December 1. 156.
December 1. 157.
December 2. 230.
December 13. 269.
December 19. 60.
June 29. 226.
July 24. 270.
April 10. 299.
May 28. 57.
August 26. 159.
August 28. 58.
October 27. 294.
November 25. 292.
November 30. 61.
November 30. 264.
December 4. 291.
July 7, [1873?]. 134.