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Special Collections and Archives

The University of Iowa Libraries

Special Collections and University Archives

Finding Aid

Papers of Gertrude M. Carr
MsC 865
Collection Dates: 1947 - 1981

Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research.

Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department.

Copyright: Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials.

Use of Collections: The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement.

Acquisition and Processing Information: The Carr Papers were originally acquired as part of the MIke Horvat collections of fanzines and apazines, received in December 2004.
Guide posted to Internet: November 2007.

Photographs: None









Scope and Contents

The collection consists almost entirely of correspondence to and from Carr, together with a few folders of additional material such as name tags from science fiction conventions, assorted fannish writings from Carr, and miscellaneous ephemera.

The correspondence documents Carr's long and extensive activity as a science fiction fan and fanzine editor. Included are letters between Carr and prominent fannish figures such as Forrest J. Ackerman, Redd Boggs, Terry Carr, Richard Eney, Donald Franson, Lynn Hickman, Ralph Holland, Seth Johnson, Janie Lamb, Vernon McCain, Orville Mosher, Bruce Pelz, Boyd Raeburn, Roy Tackett, Bjo Trimble, Harry Warner, Walter Weber, and Walter Willis. Many of Carr's letters, however, are to and from ordinary fans. Carr's fannish correspondence details her views on science fiction and fantasy media and fandom, convention attendance, the publication of her own fanzines, and her political and administrative involvement with such fan organizations as the National Fantasy Fan Federation (N3F). This portion of the collection contributes much to the understanding of the personalities, issues, and feuds that dotted mid 20th-century SF fandom.

Some of the correspondence consists of so-called "round robins", cyclical communications among a small number of fans.

The collection also contains letters that Carr exchanged with several well-known science fiction writers, including Gregory Benford, Robert Bloch, and Jack Chalker. Of particular interest and depth are three folders of correspondence between Carr and Marion Zimmer Bradley, in which both women discuss at length their religious and philosophical beliefs.

Much of Carr's correspondence concerns her political and social beliefs. Carr was a believing, practicing Roman Catholic and not shy about publicizing her religious views. She was also a deeply conservative Republican, and many of her letters detail her strong and often caustic opinions about U.S. presidents from Dwight D. Eisenhower through Jimmy Carter, Communism, American liberals, the Cold War, the anticommunist crusade of Senator Joseph McCarthy (of whom she was a strong supporter) and other topics. Carr's right-wing views often provoked controversy and lasting arguments between herself and more liberal fans.

Biographical Note

Gertrude Martha Wall Jacobson was born on April 18, 1907, and lived the majority of her life in the Seattle, Washington area. She was married to Frank Carr, also of Seattle. She worked for much of her life as a bookkeeper for the Western Refrigeration Company, although for a time she also operated Gem's Hobby, a used books and collectable shop. She entered fandom in 1949 after attending a mini science fiction convention in Oregon, and then the regional science fiction convention, NORWESCON in 1950, where she was recruited into both the Fantasy Amateur Press Association (FAPA) and the Spectator Amateur Press Society (SAPS). She was one of the charter members, and Secretary, of the Seattle-area fan society The Nameless Ones, where she also co-edited the club fanzine The Cry of the Nameless.

Carr was a member of a number of other fan associations, including the Whimsical Amateur Press Association (WAPA), the British Science-Fiction Association (BSFA), the Little Monsters of America (TLMA), the Seattle SF Club, and the Puget Sound Star Trekkers.. She was most active as a member of the venerable National Fantasy Fan Federation (N3F), in which she served in several administrative capacities.

In addition to Cry, Carr edited or co-edited a number of other fan publications, including Sinisterra, Carrzine, Gemzine, Gem Tones, Epistles and Egoboo, and Unasked Opinions. She submitted a number of stories for professional publication, but apparently only sold one, via Forrest J. Ackerman: in Carr's own words, she could not "recall when, where, or if it was published."

Carr's involvement with fandom ebbed and flowed (she was prone to fits of "gafia" - Getting Away From It All), but never disappeared entirely. In the 1960s and 1970s, for example, she became a fan of the television series Star Trek, which seems to have reignited much of her interest in the fannish world. Carr's fannish and APA activities continued until 2003, and she died on March 6, 2005.


Related Materials

Horvat, M. The M. Horvat Collection of Science Fiction Apazines, 1935-1990, MsC 825.

Horvat, M. The M. Horvat Collection of Science Fiction Fanzines, 1935-1990, MsC 791.


Box Contents List

Box 1

ABC, NBC Television Networks, 1975-1981, undated

Ackerman, Forrest J., 1950-1954, undated

Ackerman, Tom, 1979-1980

Adolf, Lisa, 1980

Alger, Martin, 1951, 1953

Allen, Elsie, 1950-1951, undated

Amlin, Lyle, 1960

Anderson, Charles, 1952

Anderson, Eric, 1975-1976

Appleford, Pearle, 1952-1953

Arnold, Fred W., 1958

Ashe, Ann F., 1964

A, 1952, 1955, 1959, 1965, 1968, undated

Badger, Mitchell, 1952

Baldwin, Lee, 1952

Balint, Larry, 1952-1953

Ballard, Wrai, 1951-1954

Banister, Manly, 1950-1952

Bannon, Sandi, 1975

Barr, Steve, 1964-1965

Bates, Karen, 1978-1980

Beck, Martha, 1961, 1963, 1972-1980, undated

Benford, Gregory, 1957, 1960-1961

Bennett, Ron, 1956-1959, 1962, undated

Bentcliffe, Eric, 1953

Benyo, Richie, 1964-1966

Bergeron, Richard, 1952, 1957-1963, 1968, undated

Bielfeldt, Edward, 1959-1960

Blake, Eric, 1965-1967

Bloch, Robert, 1956-1957, 1959

Boatman, Alan, 1960

Bogert, Jean, 1951, 1956, 1959, 1964, undated

Boggs, Redd, 1951-1957, 1961 (2 folders)

Bradbury, Ray, 1962

Bradley, Marion Zimmer, 1951-1960, undated (3 folders)

Bradley, Robert A., 1950

Brandon, Keith, 1952

Broderick, John, 1958-1960

Brooks, Cuyler Warnell, Jr., 1965, 1971

Brown, Rick, 1979

Bruckner, Alfredo, 1952-1953

Bucklin, Nate, 1963-1964, undated

Bunge, W. Homer, 1952

Burbee, Charles, 1951, 1953

Burbee, Isabel, 1953-1957

Burger, Joanne, 1968-1979

Burgers, Gene, 1952

Burns, Paul, 1978

Burrison, Ginger, 1974-1975

B, 1951-1981, undated

Cameron, Alastair, 1952

Campbell, Dennis, 1952

Cardwell, Len, 1950-1951, 1968, undated

Carr, Frank J., 1947, 1952, 1957, 1961, undated

Carr, Terry, 1952-1957, undated

Carrock, Caroline, 1976

Cantania, A. Charles, 1952

Caughran, Jim, 1955-1959

Chamberlin, Ann, 1957-1964

Chambers, James, 1961

Chauvenet, Russell, 1959-1960

Childers, Caroline, 1952

Clark, Douglas, 1959

Cook, Kevin, 1973-1974

Condit, Tom, 1956, 1958

Cornell, Joni, 1961-1962, undated

Coulson, Bob and Juanita, 1955-1960, 1966

Coulter, Art, 1964-1965

Cox, Marian, 1952

Cox, Paul, 1952

Cox, Roger, 1965

Crawford, George Jay, 1960-1961

Crane, Leyell, 1951-1952

Crites, Susan, 1979-1981

Crouch, Clark, 1950-1952

Crouch, Stan, 1952

Custer, Harry, 1952

C, 1950-1965, undated

Daly, Bob, 1964

Danner, William, 1953

Dard, Roger, 1952

Deckinger, Mike, 1960, 1963

Denton, Frank, 1979-1981, undated

Deretchin, Sheldon, 1952, undated

De Vet, Charles V., 1959

Devore, Howard, 1952-1963, undated

Dietz, Belle, 1958, 1960

Dinwiddie, Isabelle, 1950-1954, undated

Dodge, Mary Louise, 1973-1980

Dollens, Morris, 1958

Dunkelberger, Walter, 1952

Dupree, Tom, 1964-1965

Dyches, Miriam, 1958

D, 1949-1962, undated

Ebel, Henry, 1951-1952

Ellik, Ron, 1956-1959

Ellington, Dick, 1957-1958

Ellis, Georgina, 1956

Ellison, Harlan (to Richard Geis), 1953

Emily, Sharon, 1975-1977

Eney, Richard, 1951-1964, undated

Ettlin, Dave, 1963

Evans, Bill, 1957, 1959

E, 1952-1953, 1957, 1959, 1962, 1966, undated

Faine, Djinn, 1959

Falasca, Nicholas and Noreen, 1952, 1955, 1958

Farnham, Donald, 1951-1953 (2 folders)

Fechti, Robert, 1958

Ferguson, Zoe, 1950-1951, undated

Fields, George W., 1955, 1958, undated

Box 2

Firestone, Eva, 1952-1973, undated

Fish, Leslie, 1979-1980

Fleischman, Martin, 1957-1959

Fleming, Karen, 1975-1979

Folsom, Donald, 1961

Ford, Don, 1955-1959, undated

Ford, Dr. Richard, 1957

Foster, Robert F., 1951-1953

Frahm, W. Richard, 1953, undated

Franson, Donald, 1961-1964, 1979-1981, undated

Fraser, George MacDonald, 1969

F, 1951-1954, 1961-1964, 1979, undated

Gates, Donald, 1953

Geis, Richard, 1952-1956, 1958, undated

Gerding, Nan, 1951-1959, undated

Gilbert, Tom, 1964

Glazer, Mindy, 1979

Goetz, Fred, 1952

Gonser, Wally, 1950-1952

Graham, Peter, 1952-1954, undated

Gran, Judith, 1979

Grande, MIke, 1979

Grayson, Richard, 1956

Greenleaf, Emilie, 1952

Greenwood, Barbara, 1978

Gregor, John, 1952-1953

Grennell, Dean, 1954-1957

G, 1950-1961, 1966, undated

Halkan Council, 1975-1977, undated

Hamlin, Clayton, 1959-1963, undated

Hayes, Arthur, 1957-1965

Herkert, Paul, 1964-1966

Hickman, Lynn, 1952, 1957-1963, 1970-1971

Higgs, Rory, 1953, 1958, 1960

Hill, Alma, 1960-1966

Hills, Greg, 1979

Hirschhorn, Norbert, 1953

Hoffman, Lee, 1951-1952, 1955

Holland, Dora, 1963

Holland, Ralph, 1956-1962

Horrocks, Roger, undated

Howard, Teri, 1977-1980

Hrobleski, Leonard, 1952

Hugo, Michael, 1975-1976

Hulan, David, 1963-1969

Huntley, Chet, 1959

Hydeman, Carol, 1977

H, 1952-1980, undated

Ish, David, 1951-1952

I, 1952, 1963

Jacobs, Sylvia, 1957, undated

Janke, Curtis, 1955-1980

Jenrette, David, 1958-1960

Jennings, Robert, undated

Johnson, Harold, 1958

Johnson, Janey, 1957-1968, undated

Johnson, Kay, 1978

Johnson, Samuel, 1955-1956

Johnson, Seth, 1959-1969 (2 folders)

J, 1952-1954, 1961, 1963, 1969

Kaiser, Dwain, 1965-1966, 1969, undated

Karasek, Donna, 1951

Katz, Arnold, 1963

Knowland, Senator William, 1954

Koch, Irving, 1964, 1979, undated

Kohn, Phil, 1962-1969 (3 folders)

Kolchek, Harriet, 1963-1970, 1974, undated

Kurman, Michael, 1961

Kusske, John, 1964

Kuhn, Clyde, 1964-1965

K, 1951-1952, 1960-1964, 1969, undated

Labowitz, Gary, 1955, 1963

Lamb, Janie, 1952-1966, 1979-1980, undated

Lambeck, Robert, 1960, undated

Leman, Rob, 1956-1958

Letters to the Editor, 1954-1955, undated

Lewis, Al, 1959-1962

Lichtman, Robert, 1959-1961

Linard, Jean and Anie, 1957, 1959, undated

Locke, George, 1960

Lubkin, David, 1978-1979

Ludwig, Ed, 1953, 1961

Luttrell, Hank, 1965
L, 1950-1956, 1963, 1975-1976, undated

MacAlpin, Miles, 1960-1963

Maclean, James, 1959

Magnus, John, 1953-1955, undated

Mallinger, Marion, 1953

Mallory, Lynne, 1978

Manchester, Mary, 1975

McCain, Vernon, 1954-1957

Box 3

McCarthy, Senator Joseph, 1954, 1957

McElroy, James, 1965

McLean, Pat, 1964

Mercer, Archie, 1957-1961

Meskeys, Ed, 1962

Miller, Donald L., 1954, 1979

Miller, Howard, 1955

MInter, Mary, 1978

Moffett, Len, 1957

Morgan, Olive, 1954

Moore, Harry, 1950-1951, 1961

Mooser, Steve, 1966

Morris, Harry, 1971

Morse, Bill, 1957, undated

Mosher, Orville, 1953, 1955, undated

Moskowitz, Henry, 1952

Multog, Raleigh, 1959

Murdock, John W., 1954-1956, undated

M, 1951-1979, undated

Necchi, Sandra, 1979

N, 1952-1961

Olsen, Karl, 1952

Oppenheim, Dave, 1964

Owen, Dixie, 1978-1980

Patten, Fred, 1963, undated

Pauls, Ron, 1959

Pavlat, Bob, 1955-1958

Peatrowsky, Robert, 1956, undated

Pelz, Bruce, 1958-1959

Perkins, George, 1975

Perley, Floyd, 1956

Perry, Thomas, 1955, 1963

Pickles, Derek, 1951-1953

Peterzen, Conrad, 1952, 1959

Piser, Harold, 1965

Plautt, Christine (G.M. Carr's sister), 1959, 1961, undated

Plott, Billy Joe, 1960-1961

Poland, Elinor, 1965, undated

Pournelle, Jerry, 1961

Powlesland, Paul, 1952

Puget Sound Star Trekkers, 1975-1979, undated

P, 1950-1964, undated

Quagliano, John, 1956, undated

Quinn, Mary, 1959

Raeburn, Boyd, 1952-1958, undated

Rapp, Arthur, 1953-1963

Rasch, Phil, 1952

Raybin, George, 1952, 1958

Rehorst, Paul, 1952, 1955, 1959

Rice, Cheryl, 1978

Rickhardt, Bill, 1958

Riddle, Charles Lee, 1952, 1954, 1963-1964, undated

Right of Statement (zine), 1978

Rix, Gordon, 1953

Rock, Kathleen, 1973-1974

Rockeys, Eleanore, 1972-1974

Rondeau, Jim, 1975-1976

Ross, Mary, 1955, undated

Round Robin - DisCon Room, 1963

Round Robin - N3F, 1980-1981

Round Robin - Venable, Wood, Carlson, Higgs, Woolston, 1952-1953, undated

Round Robin #2, 1953-1956

Round Robin #83, 1959-1960

Round Robin #90, 1960-1961

Round Robin #105, 1961-1962

Round Robins (Unidentified), 1953-1955

Ryan, Vic, 1952, 1960

R, 1951-1955, 1958-1959, 1963, 1974, undated

Sample, William, 1960-1961

Scaron, Eduardo, 1952-1953, undated

Schmitz, Harry, 1955

Schoonover, John, 1974

Scott, Pat, 1961, undated

Semenovich, Joseph, 1953

Sephton, Judi, 1964

Share, Nancy, 1952, 1957

Shaw, Becky, 1980

Shepherd, L.L., 1951

Singleton, Peter, 1964-1965

Sisson, R.E., 1966-1967

Slater, K.F., 1951-1953

Smith, Jerry, 1978-1980

Sneary, Rick, 1955, 1958, 1979-1980

Solacon Correspondence, 1958-1960

Solntseff, Nick, 1952

Solon, Ben, 1964

Sorenson, Lee, 1955-1956

Speer, Jack, 1960, undated

Stark, Larry, 1955-1956

Steward, Gerald, 1953-1956, undated

Straub, Walter, 1952-1953

Stricklen, Si, 1957, 1964

Studebaker, Andy, 1954

Susan, Don, 1953-1955, undated

Syrjala, Sally, 1979-1981

S, 1950-1977, undated

Tackett, Roy, 1963-1966, undated

Thompson, Emili, 1954-1955, undated

Thompson, Ray, 1955-1956

Touzinsky, Larry, 1952

Trimble, Bjo, 1959-1966, undated

Trimble, John, 1956-1958

Troetschel, Bob, 1952, 1955

Trout, Richard, 1980

Tucker, Bob, 1956, 1959

Tutihasi, R. Laurraine, 1976, 1979-1980

T, 1950-1962, 1964, 1974, undated

Venable, Bill, 1953

Vick, Shelby, 1952

Viggiano, Michael, 1965

Viola, Jerome, 1952

Walker, Karen, 1973-1976

Warner, Harry, 1956-1957, 1979

Warren, Penny, 1978

Watkins, T.E., 1952, 1955, undated

Watson, Diana and Richard, 1972-1980 (2 folders)

Weber, Walter, 1952-1954, undated

Wells, George, 1980

Wetzel, George, 1956

White, Jim, 1954, undated

White, Tom, 1953

Wilson, Don, 1953

Willis, Walter, 1950-1958, 1961, undated

Wolff, Jurgen, 1964-1965

Wood, Honey, 1952-1953, 1958, 1963, undated

Wood, Loubel, 1960, undated

Wood, Ray, 1962

Wood, Robin, 1964

Woolston, Stan, 1953-1965

W, 1951-1980, undated

Y-Z, 1951-1953, undated

Multiple Senders, 1959

Unidentified, 1949-1970, 1979 (3 folders)

Unidentifed, undated

Box 4

Fannish Ephemera, various dates

Miscellaneous Ephemera, various dates

Name Tags and Membership Cards, various dates

National Fantasy Fan Federation (N3F) Material, 1950-1958, undated

Writings of G.M. Carr, 1951-1973, undated (2 folders)