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Finding Aid

José Donoso Papers
MsC 340
Collection Dates: 1951-1967

Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research.

Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department.

Copyright: Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials.

Use of Collections: The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement.

Acquisition and Processing Information: Purchase and gift from José Donoso in 1966 and 1967.

Photographs: 1, 13

Jose Donoso about 1966

Donoso at the time of writing Coronacion

Scope and Contents

José Donoso's publishing history is well documented and thoroughly discussed in many venues. This collection provides notebooks, correspondence and typescripts that detail the development of some of Donoso's most significant works. Among the titles for which there are related materials are Coronacion, El Obsceno Pajaro de la Noche, Este Domingo, Paula Mancheno, El Lugar sin Limites, and several short stories. This material is organized in Series I and II. 

The materials relating to El Obsceno Pajaro de la Noche have been given particular attention.  Those associated with manuscript drafts (Box 3 folders 1-6) were closely inventoried by Gonzalo Campos-Dintrans in July 2007. Notebooks 15-32 are key documentation for Donoso's development of this novel; they were examined carefully by Maria Laura Bocaz in 2007-2008 and she used the results in her doctoral dissertation (2010).  Her detailed notes, lightly edited, appear on the Notebooks inventory while a brief summary appears below.  Bocaz also compiled the notes on the other notebooks recorded here.

The collection also includes significant correspondence from numerous writers to Donoso -- Series III. This correspondence is primarily arranged alphabetically by surname of correspondent. Letters to, and some other papers from, his wife, Maria Pilar Serrano, constitute Series IV, which also includes a collection of lettters to Mercedes Valdivieso acquired in 2010. 

Literary rights to Donoso's work is held by his estate and administered by his daughter, Pilar Donoso.

Biographical Note

Chilean author José Donoso Yanez was born October 5, 1924, to José Donoso and Alicia Yanez. His largely middle class upbringing included ten years of schooling at The Grange, a private school in Santiago, and a private English teacher. After initially leaving high school to travel in the south of Chile and Buenos Aires, Donoso returned to Santiago to complete his studies and entered the Universidad de Chile to study English language and literature. He was awarded a scholarship from the Doherty Foundation in 1949, which enabled him to continue his studies at Princeton University, where he and others founded a literary magazine, MSS.

Donoso returned to Santiago in 1952, where he was a journalist for five years and acted briefly as literary critic for Ercilla. Moving to Buenos Aires in 1958, Donoso met Maria del Pilar Serrano, a painter and translator, whom he married in 1961.  The couple adopted a daughter, Pilar. The Donosos went to Mexico in 1964 to participate in a writers' congress sponsored by the American Foundation. During his time in Mexico, Donoso wrote literary criticism for Siempre.

After leaving Mexico, Donoso and his wife traveled between the United States and Spain. Donoso taught writing at the University of Iowa in 1965-1966, and the family eventually settled in Spain until returning to Chile in the early 1980's. He spent the remainder of his life writing in Chile until his death on December 7, 1996.  His wife followed him in death on February 16, 1997.

Related Materials

Donoso (Yanez), José. "José Donoso (Yanez)" in Contemporary Authors.

"José Donoso," in Dictionary of Literary Biography, Volume 113: Modern Latin-American Fiction Writers, First Series. A Bruccoli Clark Layman Book. Edited by William Luis, Vanderbilt University. The Gale Group, 1992, p. 134-149.

Donoso's later papers are held by Princeton University Library: Finding aid.

Box Contents List


Series I: Writings

Boxes 1-2:   Coronacion

Boxes 3:      El Obsceno Pájaro de la Noche

Boxes 4-5:   Stories & Miscellaneous Work

Series II: Notebooks

Boxes 5-9

Brief description follows below;  for full description, see Notebooks inventory.

Series III: Donoso Correspondence

Boxes 10-12

Series IV:  Maria Pilar Serrano Papers

Boxes 13-14



Series I: Writings

Box 1, Folder:

1: Coronacion. Typescript, pages numbered 3 to 88. There are minor corrections in this complete draft which preceded the final version. The final version is owned by Sra. Martha Orrego de Parra, of Santiago, Chile.


2: ----. Pages 89-158.

3. ----. Pages 159-249

4: ----. Clipped reviews.


5: ----. Dramatic adaptation by José Pineda; 65 leaves mimeographed, [1966]. With five photographs of the production and a program


6:----. Contracts and royalties statements for both the Spanish and foreign editions. The contracts included are from Zig-Zag (14 October 1960, Spanish edition), Brandt & Brandt (12 December 1962, English translation, for North America), The Bodley Head (26 August 1963, English translation, for Great Britain), Dall'Oglio (17 June 1965, Italian translation), and Editions des Belles-Lettres (14 October 1965, Czech translation). Royalties statements are from Zig-Zag, Brandt & Brandt, Dilia, and The Bodley Head. Also included are two hand-drawn cover designs for the English translation of Coronacion.


7: ----. "Tiempo entre dos veranos"; 22 p. holograph, dated 29 May [1956]. This is preliminary material later incorporated into the novel. Together with 5 p. holograph, dated 6 April 1956; 11 p. holograph, dated 7 April 1956; and 6 p. typescript, all of chapter 1, with corrections.


8: ----. Typescript of a letter to Donoso from Juan de Dios Vial Larrain, dated 27 January 1958. The letter contains Dios' s comments on Coronacion.


9: ----. Printer's copy for New York, Knopf, 1965, edition. The mss. itself bears the date 18 June 1964. About 330 pages, a mix of photocopied, retyped (25 pages), and dittoed, pages, extensively copyedited. Pages numbered 1-150.


10. ----. Pages numbered 151-257.

11: ----. Another version of the printer's copy, primarily photocopy and less heavily edited. Pages numbered 1-110.

12: ----. Pages numbered 111-207.

Box 2:

1. ----. "The Gift." Typescript, 17 p. with corrections. Together with another version, typescript, 16 p. Part of chapter 1 of the novel.


2:----. Galley proofs dated October 1964  of the English translation by Jocasta Goodwin.


3: ----. Galley proofs dated 1965.

4: ----. Revised galley proof dated October 14 [1964?]

Box 3:

El Obsceno Pajaro de la Noche.

Folders 1-6 contain material regarding The Obscene Bird of the Night. Donoso briefly described each folder as to its content, and these notes are transcribed here and shown in italic. The folders contain typescripts, some with comments and/or corrections. Donoso worked by clipping pieces from copied versions and incorporating them in later drafts. These pieces are referred to here “clipped fragments”. Within each folder, the material has been organized by chronological and thematic criteria by Gonzalo Campos-Dintrans in July 2007.  See also detailed descriptions of Notebooks 15-32.

Folder 1. The Olivetti version. The Olivetti version. 1st typed version of the Bird. Then called El Ultimo Azcoitia. Written mostly in our little Santana house. It was the version I showed my analyst Ruth Rilema? […] and she made no comments on it.


1.1: El Ultimo Azcoitia (also labeled first draft). 10 sheets, numbered 1-10.


1.2: Capitulo Uno (strikethrough and labeled second draft). 7 sheets, numbered 1-7.


1.3: Capitulo Uno (also labeled third draft). 9 sheets, numbered 1-9.


1.4: Capitulo Uno (also labeled final first draft). 9 sheets, numbered 5-13.

1.5: Capitulo Dos (also labeled 1st draft, 2nd cap completo). 17 sheets, numbered 14-30.


1.6: Capitulo Tres (also labeled 1st draft). 9 sheets, numbered 29-37.


1.7: Capitulo Cuatro (also labeled 1st draft). 8 sheets, numbered 38-45.


1.8: Capitulo Cuatro. 10 sheets, numbered 38-47


Folder 2. The Perforated version. Also quite a late version. I can’t be very precise about this, but it also brings a lot of things into it. But not yet, I think La Casa de Ejercicios.


2.1:  Capitulo Dos. 20 sheets, numbered 27-46; Capitulo Tres (narration in first person, about a notebook that the narrator is writing). 9 sheets, numbered 47- 55; Capitulo cuatro. 20 sheets, numbered 56-75.  49 sheets total.  

2.2: [ Untitled]. 15 sheets, numbered 78-90; Capitulo Cinco (“cinco” inked out by the author, “seis” written instead).

13 sheets, numbered 91-103; Capitulo Seis (totally inked out by the author). 12 sheets, numbred 104-115; [untitled]. 1 sheet, unnumbered; [untitled]. 1 sheet, numbered 16. 42 sheets total.


Folder 3. The Purple version. This is quite a late draft and quite a sophisticated one, Humberto already added and the Casa de Ejercicios. I think this was written late, in Los Dominicos, just before coming to Mexico & USA.

It’s the one I worked on that wonderful last winter at home.


3.1: Capitulo Uno. 11 sheets, numbered 5-15; Capitulo Dos. 10 sheets, numbered 16- 25 (NOTE: p. 23 torn);

Capitulo Cuatro. 4 sheets, numbered 32- 35.  25 sheets total.  

3.2: [ Untitled] 6 fragments, paper clipped, which begin:

1. “La noche esta clara y fría…”

2. “Si me viera mi padre, limpiando el colchon…”

3. “Si. Que deseaba?”

4. “Eran escasa las funciones estables…”

5. “Ellos no saben pero tuve un padre”

6. “dos dias me anadaba buscando. Yo me hinchaba de orgullo...”

 Libro Segundo: Ejercicios espirituales. 34 sheets, numbered 36-42 and 44-70. Page 48, fragment that continues "Eran escasas…”; p.50 fragment continues “Si.  ¿Qué deseaba?”; p.59 fragment continues “La noche esta clara y fria” and then with “Ellos no saben pero tuve un padre.” Page 62 torn.


3.3: [ Untitled] 4 sheets, numbered 76-79 (p. 79 torn); Capitulo Once (also labeled Capitulo 12). 4 sheets, numbered 88-91 (p. 91 torn); Tercera Parte: La perra amarilla (also labeled “Cap 12”). 36 sheets, numbred 109-144.


Folder 4. The Eclectic version. Quite complete and late, with pieces from here and there. It has no precise characters as a version, and I have used most of this later. Note: page 76 missing, apparently discarded by the author.


4.1: Capitulo Uno. 12 sheets, numbered 1-12; Capitulo Dos. 10 sheets, numbered 13-22; Capitulo Tres. 12 sheets, numbered 23-34; Capitulo Cuatro; 2 sheets, numbered 35-36.  36 sheets total.

4.2: Otra version de lo mismo. 111 sheets, numbered 1-111. (Note: An unnumbered clipped fragment that fits in to the narrative is attached to page 68). Capitulo Uno. 12 sheets, numbered1-12;  Capitulo Dos. 10 sheets, numbered13-22; Capitulo tres. 12 sheets, numbered 23-34; Capitulo Cuatro; 8 sheets, numbered 35-42; Capitulo Cinco. 9 sheets, 43-55; Capitulo Seis. 12 sheets, numbered 56-67; [ Unlabeled, probably chapter 7]. 8 sheets, numbered 68-75; Capitulo Ocho. 7 sheets, numbered 77-83; Capitulo Nueve. 10 sheets, numbered 84-93; Segunda Parte: Charla de vagabundos. 18 sheets, numbered 94-111.

4.3: Capitulo Uno. 9 sheets, numbered 5-13.


Folder 5: Humberto Penaloza. Copious materials on Humberto Penaloza. Some in sequence, some cut up, some discarded, some used.


5.1: Capitulo Once. 8 sheets, numbered 112-119. 10 sheets total.

5.2: Segunda Parte: Charla de vagabundos. 27 sheets, numbered 94-120. 27 sheets total.

5.3: Capitulo Diez. 4 sheets, numbered 95-98; [untitled]. 1 sheet, numbered 10. 5 sheets total. 

5.4: Segunda parte: Confabulacion. 28 sheets, numbered 94-121. 28 sheets total.

5.5: El Obsceno Pajaro de la Noche. 33 sheets, numbered 1-33; [untitled]. 35 sheets, numbered 95-129. 68 sheets total.


Folder 6: Odds and ends from the Bird.


6.1: Capitulo Dos. 15 sheets, numbered 14-28; [untitled]. 6 sheets, first page unnumbered and then numbered 2-6;

Capitulo Siete; 4 sheets, numbered 77-80.  25 sheets total.


6.2: [ Untitled, but marked as “Mas material para dialogo de viejas, cap 5 segunda parte). 4 sheets, numbered 66-70; Capitulo Seis. 4 sheets, numbered 74-77; Capitulo Siete (also labeled “Para Cap 8”). 2 sheets, numbered 81-82; Capitulo Siete. 1 sheet, numbered. 81; Capitulo Uno. 6 sheets, unnumbered (except for first page, numbred 24); [untitled]. 1 sheet, numbered 25; [untitled]. 3 clipped fragments.


Folder 7: This is 3 Metros de Cuerda 1957.

Cap 1. The narrator waits for don Tom to kill him and writes about it. 4 sheets, numbered 1-3 (and 4th page unnumbered); [ untitled]. 1 sheet; [untitled] JD’s notes for the second chapter. 2 sheets; Author’s notes and ideas (probably for Tres Metros de Cuerda as well).  7 sheets total.


Folder 8:  Ronald Christ review clipped form The National Observer, June 16, 1973.  Contract with Guillermo Canals Salles for edition of Tres Metros de Cuerda, 14 October 1960; carbon copy.

Box 4:

Short Stories & Miscellaneous Writings

1: "La Mujer Azul." Typescript with corrections, 9 p. Published in English under the title "The Blue Woman" (1951).

2: "La(s) Barba(s) del Maldito." Typescript heavily corrected, 10 p., dated November 1958. Another version: typescript, 11 p., dated November 1958

3: "Casa Particular." Typescript with corrections, 10 p., dated November 1958

4: "Charleston." Typescript with corrections, 7 p., dated November 1958

5: 'El Charleston." Carbon typescript, 7 p.

6: "China." Carbon typescript, 4 p.

7: "Dinamarquero." Carbon typescript with corrections, 10 p.

8: "Denmarker." English translation by the author's wife; carbon typescript, 6 p.

9: "Dos Cartas." Original typescript with minor revisions, 7 p., dated February 1954


10: "Futbol por Radio." Original typescript, 5 p., dated May 1954


11: "El Guero." Original typescript with minor revisions, 17 p.

12: "El Guero." English translation by Lorraine Freeman; 20 p., typescript with corrections. Together with a photocopy of the Spanish text, 14 p.

13: "El Hombrecito." Original typescript, 2 p. (incomplete)

14: "Maundy Thursday." Original typescript with corrections, 15 p., dated Princeton, December 1950

15: "Paseo"." Holograph draft, 9 p., dated February 1952. Together with a typescript draft, 7 p.

16: "Paseo." Typescript, 1 p. (incomplete)

17: "Going for a Walk." English translation of "Paseo" by the author's wife; typescript with corrections, 3 p.

18: "Pasos en la noche." Original typescript, 3 p., dated Buenos Aires, August 1958


19: "Los Pasteles Envenenados." Carbon typescript, 9 p., dated Princeton, 1951

20: "La Pieza Redonda." Typescript, 13 p., dated November 1958

21: "La Pieza Redonda." Revised draft; typescript, 18 p., dated November 1958

22: "El Portero." Original typescript, 10 p.

23: "La Puerta Cerrada" (3 folders)

A. Original typescript with corrections, 17 p., dated November 1958

B. Carbon typescript with corrections, 17 p., dated November 1958, with titled changed to "El Sueno"

C. Carbon typescript with minor corrections of the English translation by the author's wife, titled "The Closed Door," 23 p.

24: "Los Rabanos." Typescript, 1 p.

25: "El Reloj." Typescript with corrections, 10 p.

26: "Una Senora." Original typescript, 5 p.

27: "Tea." Typescript with corrections, 7 p., dated Princeton, 17 October 1950


28: "Tocayos." Typescript with corrections, 5 p.

29:  [Contents of this folder moved to Series II Box 5 Folder 14a].

30: "Un Vaso de Agua." Typescript, 14 p.

31: "Veraneo." Original typescript with corrections, 13 p. (incomplete)

32: "Summering." English translation of "Veraneo" by Lorraine Freeman; typescript with corrections, 16 p.


33: Aurelio Malcondado U., review of "Los Mejores Cuentos." Clipping.

34: Contract with Zig-Zag for the publication of the collection of short stories titled Veraneo, dated 15 January 1964

35: El Tio Gregorio (play). Ribbon typescript with corrections, 54 p. dated Buenos Aires, 16, 17, 18 April 1959

36: English translation of "En la redoma," from Este Domingo. Corrected typescript, 21 sheets, numbered 5 to 25

37: Untitled short story; typescript, 6 p., dated 1954

38: Preliminary notes and drafts of an early untitled and unfinished short story or novel; 23 p. holograph and 8 p. typescript

39: Draft of an unpublished short story; holograph, 4 p.


40: Untitled short story; typescript with corrections, 8 p.

41: Poems; 13 p. holograph and 1 p. typescript

42: La Pension Soto (play); typescript, 14p

43: Untitled play about the Spanish emigres to Latin America during the Spanish Civil War; ribbon typescript, 20 p., numbered 5 to 24 (incomplete)

44: Los Personajes. Spanish translation of the novel by Francoise Mallet-Joris, Les Personnages; translated by Donoso and his wife Maria del Pilar Serrano (published by Zig-Zag in 1963); carbon typescript, 246 p.


45: "La Estaca." Outline of a libretto; typescript, 5 p.

Box 5

1: Rie el Eterno Lacayo (title later changed to El Lugar sin Limites. Photocopy of typescript, 132 p., numbered 4 through 136. The original mss. is owned by the Boston University Library.


2: Contract with Editorial Joaquin Mortiz for the publication of Rie el Eterno Lacayo (i.e., El Lugar sin Limites), dated 3 March 1965. Carbon copy.

3: "Los Guantes Blancos."

A. Synopsis of the plot for a play which later developed into the novel Este Domingo. Typescript, 8 p.

B. Typescript and some carbons, with corrections, 62 p. Drafts of act I of the play. Dated March 1962

C. Typescript, 27 p. Drafts of act II

4: Este Domingo. Typescript, 14 p., numbered 1 and 13 through 25. The leaf numbered 1 is headed "Capitulo 1," and the remaining leaves are from chapter 2.

5: ----. Reviews

6: Contracts for the publication of Este Domingo: with Zig-Zag (15 April 1966) and Editorial Joaquan Mortiz (10 September 1966)

7: Materials for an unfinished novel. Two drafts of chapter 1, typescript with corrections, 15 p. and 19 p. Together with thirty-six 3x5 inch index cards containing holograph notes and outline for this same work

8: Draft of chapter 1 of an unknown novel; typescript, 12 p.

9: Draft of chapter 3 of an unknown novel; typescript, 11 p.

10: Outline of a projected novel; typescript, 3 p.

11. Reviews and articles mentioning JD, clipped from newspapers.


12: Articles and interviews about JD; Ford Times (September 1968) with JD's article, "A Foreigners View of Iowa".

13. Non-Donoso mss., ["Tuly"], n.d. Typescript.

14: "Calvetti," no author, n.d. Typescript.


Series II: Notebooks

Brief desciptions of each volume appear below; for detailed descriptions of the content, see Notebooks page.

14a. "Useless the Forgery." Holograph notes, 45 p., dated June 1951.  This appears to be JD's earliest notes on story ideas, begun while still a student at Princeton.

15: Notebook A, dated Princeton, 1950-1951, ca. 100 leaves. Notes and ideas for "The Poisoned Pastries," "The Blue Woman," and first ideas for Este Domingo.

16: Notebook B, dated February 1952-February 1953, 122 pages. Notes on the then novel "Paseo" and notes on a trip to Mexico.

17: Notebook C, dated Puerto Saavedra, ca. 1954, ca. 50 pages holograph. Notes and ideas for the following short stories: "Veraneo" (then also titled "El Nino que cantaba" ), "Dos Cartas," "La Animita" (later incorporated into "Paseo" ), "Las Brasas, " "Siete Muertes, " "Por Vez Primera," "La Muerte de un Dandy," "La Excursion por el Budi," "Tea," "Antes y Despues," and " El Muerto."

18: Notebook D, dated September 1954-October 1954, 80 p. holograph. Notes and ideas for stories and novellas, some later incorporated into Coronacion, Este Domingo, and El Obsceno Pajaro de la Noche. Included are the following titles: "Zoila Blanca Rosa" (later part of El Obsceno Pajaro de la Noche) , ideas for the beginning of Coronacion, "Tocayos," "Martas" (later the final chapter of Este Domingo), preliminary notes for Este Domingo, "La Pieza Redonda," "Futbol por Radio," and "Dientes."

19: Notebook E, dated 13 October 1954-28 February 1955, 66 p. holograph. Preliminary notes on the plot and characters for Coronacion. Notes and ideas for the following short stories: "El Charleston," "Violeta," "La Muerte," "Accidente," "Ida y Vuelta." Notes on a trip to Europe in 1955. Notes on a projected opera titled La Estaca. Notes for "Las Brasas" (now as a play), and "Beau Gheste" (a projected novella). Impressions of Buenos Aires. Miscellaneous notes and ideas for various untitled short stories.

20: Notebook F, dated 7 April 1955-29 July 1955, 13 p. holograph. Notes and ideas for short stories and novellas, some later incorporated into Coronacion, including the following titles: "Futbol por Radio, "Primer Dia de Clases," "Coronacion" (then as a novella), "Zoila," "Los Tres Denarios."

Box 6

1: Notebook 1, dated November 1955-15 July 1956, ca. 50 pages holograph. Notes and drafts for a projected novel titled Pisagua. Preliminary notes for Coronacion (then a play). A poem.

2: Notebook 2, dated 24 May 1956-6 June 1956, ca. 70 pages holograph. Initial drafts of chapters 5 and 6 of Coronacion; notes on other chapters. Poems.

3: Notebook 3, dated 17 June 1956-20 September 1956, 198 pages holograph. Notes and drafts for the first half of Coronacion. A draft of "El Hombrecito," dated 16 September. A draft of an article titled "Recuerdos de Toynbee," dated 17 September (accompanying note indicates the article was published in El Mercurio, 7 October 1956). Draft of an article titled "Dos Visitas a Juan Ramon Jimenez," dated 20 September.

4: Notebook 4, dated 21 September 1956-22 November 1956, 160 pages holograph. Notes for Coronacion. Preliminary notes for La Pension Soto (a play). Notes and a draft of "Ana Maria." Notes on plot and characters for El Hercules (a play). Ideas and notes for magazine and/or newspaper articles, including the following titles:"El Budi," "Marseille-Buenos Aires en Tercera Clase," "Notas de un Viaje por Mejico," "Chapela: el Rayo," "La Casa de Jesus Reyes," "Gabriela Mistral en Mejico," "R.P. Blackman y el 'new criticism,'" "Atmosfera de 'Las Palmas' de la Gran Canaria," "Los 'foyer' en Paris," "El Bar Fun-Fun en Montevideo," "El Mundo Esquizofrenico de 'Los Mandarines,'" "Algo sobre la Prosodia Espanola Contemporanea," "Frankfurt am Main Bombardeado," "El Espectrco de D. H. Lawrence." Notes and draft for "Hedda Gabler del Teatro Experimental," dated 15 October 1956.

5: Notebook 5, dated 23 November 1956-11 February 1957, 167 pages holograph. Later drafts of "Ana Maria." Poems. Notes and drafts of later chapters of Coronacion. Notes for the short story "La Delmond." Notes for an article on the wife of Juan Ramon Jimenez titled "Zenobia." Notes and drafts for an article titled "La Mujer del Poeta." Notes for an article titled "Dos Bares Legendarios." Notes for an article titled "Fisonomi a de Gabriela [Mistral]."


6: Notebook 6, dated 11 February 1957-20 April 1957, 203 pages holograph. Drafts of chapters 26 through 36 of Coronacion.

7: Notebook 7, dated 22 April 1957-25 June 1957, 91 pages holograph. Notes for the revision of Coronacion. Notes for a short story titled "Las Invitaciones." Preliminary notes for an untitled play. Miscellaneous jottings.

8: Notebook 8, dated 25 July 1957-24 October 1957, ca. 300 pages holograph. Notes, plot outline and drafts of some dialogue for El Viaje de los Sandoval (a play). Notes and drafts for a projected novel, Paula Mancheno. Numerous drafts of the beginning of the short story "La Casa." Notes and plot outline for El Viaje de los Aguine (a play). Miscellaneous jottings.

9: Notebook 9, dated November 1957, 175 p. holograph. Preliminary draft of the novel Paula Mancheno.

10: Notebook 10, dated 14 December 1957-16 June 1958, 170 pages holograph. Outline of Paula Mancheno; a list of characters, and several drafts of the "Prologo." Preliminary notes on the play titled Los Leones y las Lilas. Preliminary notes and character sketches for a play titled El Exilado. Preliminary notes and character sketches for a projected novel titled Fin de Semana.

Box 7

1: Notebook 11, dated 5 August 1958-2 September 1958, ca. 80 p. holograph. Drafts of the short stories "Un Silbido en la Noche" and "Pasos en la Noche." An untitled television script. Notes for another untitled short story. Notes for another untitled television script. Miscellaneous notes for untitled stories and novels.

2: Notebook 12, dated 4 September 1958-8 October 1958, ca. 145 pages holograph. Preliminary notes and various drafts of chapters 1 and 2 of the projected novel Relleno de paja. Notes for an interview with Jorge Luis Borges.

3: Notebook 13A, dated 17 October 1958-14 November 1958, 165 pages holograph. Notes and drafts for several untitled short stories. A draft of "El Portero," ca. 30 pages. A draft of "La(s) Barba(s) del Maldito," 28 pages. A draft of "Temporada en el Limbo," 14 pages.

4: Notebook 13B, dated Spring 1958-September-November 1958, 71 p. holograph. Another draft of Relleno de Paja, 16 pages. More notes on an interview with Jorge Luis Borges. Various drafts of an article titled "Conversaciones con Borges." Miscellaneous jottings. Notes on "El Espectro de Hernandez." Notes and drafts on an article titled "Carta de Buenos Aires."

5: Notebook 14, dated 15 November 1958-28 November 1958, 349 pages holograph. Various drafts of "Temporada en el Limbo." 28 pages and 38 pages. Various drafts of "Casa Particular," 34 pages. Notes on other novelists. Notes for a short story titled "La Casa del Gringo." Notes and ideas for new stories. Drafts of "El Charleston," 35 pages. A draft of "La Pieza Redonda," 49 pages. Various drafts of "Las Viboras," 13 pages and 38 pages. Notes and the beginning of "El Mentiroso." Several drafts of "El la Otra Casa" (later titled
"La Puerta Cerrada"), 27 pages.

Notebooks 15-32 document the composition of El Obsceno Pajaro de la Noche; see detailed content descriptions on the Notebooks Inventory.

6: Notebook 15, dated 29 November 1958-9 February 1959, ca. 340 pages holograph. A draft of "La Puerta [Cerrada]," 66 pages. Draft of "La Pelirroja." Notes on a collection of short stories. An outline of the short story "Mil Pesos." Several drafts of the short story "Quinientos Pesos," ca. 50 pages. Notes and drafts for a novel to consist of "La Casa," "El Parque, " "La Muerte, " and "El Entreacto." Beginning of a draft of "Las Casas de los Poetas." Miscellaneous notes. Preliminary notes for "El Nino en el Parque." Outline of "El Tio Gregorio," 6 pages. Preliminary notes for "Pasatiempos para Jubilados."

7: Notebook 16, dated 14 March 1959-10 June 1959, 291 pages holograph. Notes, outline, and drafts of chapter 1 of the projected novel Tigre, Tigre. Initial ideas for El Obsceno Pajaro de la Noche. Notes for "El Ultimo Azcotia." Notes and plot outline for El Tio Gregorio (a play), ca. 30 pages. Notes for "La Primera Linea de Fuego" and "Pasatiempo para Gente Civilizada." Preliminary notes for a projected novel titled Fin de Semana en la Quinta. Notes and plot outline for a play titled Las Virgenes Necias.

8: Notebook 17, dated 10 June 1959-10 August 1959, 195 pages holograph. Plot outline for Las Argenes Necias, 28 pages. Notes and various drafts for "Paseo," ca. 75 pages. Material for Las Virgenes Necias (now as novel), 12 pages. Notes for the short story "Pasatiempo para Gente Clivilizada." Notes for "El Ultimo Azcoitia," a short story which later developed into El Obsceno Pajaro de la Noche.

Box 8:

1: Notebook 18, dated 11 August 1959-10 January 1960, 178 pages holograph. Various drafts of "El Ultimo Azcoitia," 33 pages and 20 pages. Preliminary notes and drafts of the beginning of a short "El Tunel" Preliminary notes and two drafts of the beginning of a short story titled "Mi Gran Amiga." Preliminary notes for an untitled novel. Various drafts of the beginning of a short story titled "Los Gatos" (titled later changed to "Santelices"), 15 pages. Drafts of the beginning of a short story titled "El Asilo de los Feos." Miscellaneous notes.

2: Notebook 19A, dated 22 March 1960-22 May 1960, ca. 260 pages holograph. Notes and drafts of Tres Metros de Cuerda, a novel which later became El Obsceno Pajaro de de la Noche. Miscellaneous notes. "Notas periodisticas" " for the newspaper Ercilla.


3: Notebook 19B, dated April 1960-24 September 1960, ca. 50 pages holograph. Notes and various drafts of Tres Metros de Cuerda (later El Obsceno Pajaro de la Noche).

4: Notebook 20, dated November 1960-July 1961, ca. 150 pages holograph. Notes on Donoso' s travels in Italy. Notes for some untitled short stories.

5: Notebook 21, dated 22 August 1961-25 September 1961, 66 pages holograph. Miscellaneous notes for an untitled novel.


6: Notebook 21A, date 25 November 1961-21 January 1962, 90 pages holograph. Notes and character sketches for "Los Guantes Blancos" a story which later developed into Este Domingo.

7: Notebook 21B, dated 6 February 1962-22 March 1962, ca. 145 pages holograph. Notes for El Ultimo Azcoitia (later El Obsceno Pajaro de la Noche). Notes for "Los Guantes Blancos" (later "Este Domingo").

8: Notebook 21C, dated 5 January-26 March (year not indicated), 31 pages holograph. Notes for "El Ultimo Azcoitia."

9: Notebook 22, dated 22 March 1962-10 August 1962, 184 pages holograph. Initial drafts of early chapters of "Los Guantes Blancos" (i.e., "Este Domingo"). Notes for "El Ultimo Azcoitia" (i.e. El Obsceno Pajaro). Miscellaneous notes and jottings.

10: Notebook 23

11: Notebook 24


Box 9:

1: Notebook 25

2: Notebook 26, dated 27 June-10 July

3: Notebook 27, 11 July-14 December

4: Notebook 28, 6 May-25 May, 1964

5: Notebook 29, 26 May-3 August, 1964. Los Dominicos

6: Notebook 30, 3 August-28 August, 1964. Los Dominicos

7: Notebook 31, 28 August-17 December, 1964. Los Dominicos

8: Notebook 32, dated 17 December 1964-29 June 1965, ca. 196 pages holograph. Notes and outline for chapter 2 of Rie el Eterno Lacayo, later became El Lugar sin Limites. Preliminary notes for "Este Domingo."

9: Notebook 33, dated 30 June 1965-5 December 1965, ca. 102 pages holograph. Notes for "Este Domingo."

Series III: Correspondence

Box 10:

III A. Family (for letters to and from MPS (wife), see Series IV). Donoso and Serrano family correspondence, by names, in III B as well as Series IV.

1. From parents and family, 1945-1962 (34 folders);
2. ----. 1964-1965 (21)
3. ----. 1966 (13)
4. ----. 1965-1967 (14)

III B: Other correspondents. The number preceding the colon refers to the box; the number following the colon indicates the folder in that box. When more than one letter is contained in a given folder, the number of items is indicated in parentheses.

Acosta M., Zenaido 10:5

Adams, Hazard 10:5

Agencia Vitoria -- see Cabral da Silva

Agenja Autorska 10:5

Agosti, Hector P. 10:5

Aguirre, Margarita 10:6 (23)

Alcalde, Alfonso 10:7 (6)

Alegria, Fernando 14:11

Alliot, Jacques 10:5

Alvarez, Sofia 10:5

Americas 10:5 (2) -- see also Phelps, Flora

Andrade G., Alberto 10:5 (2)

Anderson, Curtiss, Mr. and Mrs. 10:5 (3)

Andrews, David H. 10:5

Antunez, Nemesio 10:5 (2)

Arana Freire, Elsa 10:8 (5)

Arauz Alfaro, Margarita A. -- see Aguirre, Margarita

Araya, Enrique 10:5

Arias Ahumada, Pedro 10:5

Arosemena, Olga Elena Mattei de 10:5

Arteche, Miguel 10:5

Avaria, Antonio 11:5 (9)

Babie, Albina 10:10 (3)

Balmaceda, Fernando 10:11 (6)

Basombrío, Luis Ignacio 10:12 (9)

Bastos, Maria Luisa 10:13 (7)

Beeche, George 10:10 (4)

Belknap, Robert L. 10:10

Benedetti, Mario 10:10 (4)

Bergman, Charles C. 10:10 (3)

Bernau, Gustav -- see Dilia

Bianco, Adriana 11:6

Blaise, Clark and Bharati (Mukherjee) 10:10 (4)

Bleechwood, William 10:10

Bluhob, E. 10:10

The Bodley Head 10:14 (5)

Boston University -- see Gotlieb, Howard

Boston University Library -- see Gotlieb, Howard

Boyd, Willard L. and Susan 10:10 (2)

Boyle, Daniel 10:10 (3)

Bowen, Howard R. 10:10

Brady, Bob 10:10

Brandt & Brandt (including Carl and Claire Brandt) 10:15 (132)

Briano, Magdelena 10:10

Brigden, Madeline Tracy -- see Mademoiselle

Britcoun, Paget: 10:10

Brown, Harry and June 10:16 (8)

Brown, John L. 10:10

Bryan, C. (Courty) 10:10 (5)

Bryan, Kit 10:10 (2)

Bush, Alfred L. 10:10

Cabral da Silva, 10:17 (2)

Calo, Vicenzo 10:17

Cameron, Angus 10:18 (33) -- see also Knopf Inc.

Campbell, Mary 10:17 (2)

Camponeschi, Philip A. 10:17 (2)

Campuzano, Claudio 10:17 (5)

Canel, James B. 10:17 (3)

Capone, Alfredo 10:19 (11)

Cardillo, 10:17

Cariola de Murillo, 10:17 (2)

Casselman, Barry A. 10:20 (18)

Castelli, Eugenio 10:17

Castillo, Jose Guillermo 10:17 (2)

Castillo D., Miguel 10:17 (2)

Celina, Maria Constancia 10:17

Chase, Paul 10:17

Chocron, Isaac 10:17; 13:8

Chodkiewicz, Michel 10:17 (2) -- see also Editions Du Seuil

Cibeira, Herminia 10:17

Cid, Enrique 10:17

Cohen, John M. 10:21 (19)

Conal, Nestor 10:17

Cornejo, Carlos Alberto 10:22 (7)

Cornell College 10:17

Correia, Armando Pacheco 10:17

Cortes, Hugo Roland 10:17

Costa, Nicolas -- see International Editors' Co.

Craig, W. Bradford 10:17

Crome, Nicolas and Nancy 10:23 (13)

Cruz-Coke de Lagos, Marta 10:17 (4)

Cuesta, Maria Laurie 10:17 (3)

Czollek, W. 10:17

Dakin, Allin W. 10:24

dall'Oglio, Editore - Milan 10:24 (2)

Darling, John L.10:24

Dawson, P.E. 10:24

Delano, Poli 10:24

Del Rio, 10:24 (2)

Demorest, Jean-Jacques 10:24

Dial Press 10:24

Diaz, Hernan 10:25 (11)

Diez-Canedo, Joaquín 10:26 (6) -- see also Editorial Joaquín Mortiz

Dilia 10:27 (13)

Donoso, Claudia 10:24 (4)

Donoso, Gonzalo and Gabriela 10:28 (6)

Donoso, Jose 10:24

Donoso, Maria 10:24

Donoso, Martin 10:24

Donoso, Maria Pilar -- see Serrano, Maria Pilar

Donoso, Pascuela 10:24

Dorfman, Ariel 10:24

Dowling, John C. 10:24

Downar, Richard (Dick) 10:29 (8)

Droguett, Carlos 10:30 (7)

Duran, Gustavo 10:24

Duran-Cerda, Julio 10:24

Durand, Claude 10:24

Ediciones Prometeo 11:1 (2)

Editions du Seuil 11:1 (4) -- see also Chodkiewicz, Michel

Editorial Joaquín Mortiz 11:2 (8) -- see also Diez-Canedo, Joaquín

Editorial Seix-Barral 11:1

Editorial Universitaria de Buenos Aires 11:1

Edwards, Techy 12:3 (10)

Ehrmann, Hans 11:4 (9)

Elliot, John and Ellen 11:5 (36)

Empresa Ercilla 11:6 (7) -- see also Taufic, Camilo

Engle, Paul 11:7 (28)

Ennis, Jean 11:1 (5) -- see also Random House; Knopf, Inc.

Etigny, 11:1

Eyzaguirre-Cruz, Alberto 11:1 (3)

Feger, Franz C. 11:8

Ferro, Gae 11:8 (2), 13:9

Ferro, Robert 11:9 (7)

Flores, Angel 11:8 (2)

Fondo de Cultura Economica 11:8

Foriyes, Katheryn 11:8

Freeman, Chap and Lorraine 11:10 (30)

Friedova, Dagmar 11:8

Fuentes, Carlos 11:11 (21). A set of lightly marked galley and page proofs (190 leaves) for Fuentes' Cantar de ciegos  (Mexico: Joaquin Moritz, 1964) has been removed from the Donoso papers and is cataloged for the "x" collection (oblong folio xPQ7297.F793C6 1964).

Garcia, Leon Roberto 11:12

Garland, G.T. 11:12

Gayo, Juan Garcia 11:12

George, Michael 11:12 (2)

Gervasi, Eugene 11:12

Giaconi, 11:12 (2)

Gibert, Martha 11:13 (10)

Giner de los Rios, Francisco and Díez-Canedo, Maria Luisa 11:13 (8)

Girson, Rochelle -- see Saturday Review

Gogluska, Stanislaw -- see Agenja Autorska

Gotlieb, Howard 11:15 (13)

Greco, Arnold del 12:12

Gross, Leonard 11:12 (2)

Guasta, Eugenio 11:16 (7)

Guggenheim Memorial Foundation 11:12 (5)

Gutierrez, Guillermo 13:9

Guzman, Eugenio 11:12 (2)

Guzman, Maria Salome 11:12

Guzman, Patricio 11:12 (2)

Harlow, Robert 12:16 (2)

Harper and Row 12:16 (3)

Hart, Shulman, Phelan, and Tucker, 12:16

Hayman, David 12:16 (2)

Hays, H.R. 12:16 (4)

Heiser, M.F. 12:16

Helm, Sallie 12:16 (3)

Henkin, William A. 12:16 (3)

Hernandez, Martin 12:16

Hersey, John and Barbara 12:16 (3)

Heymann, R.E. 12:16

Hocker, Woodson F. 12:16

Holmes, John Clellon 12:16

Howland, Ann 11:18 (25)

Huerta, Rigoberto 12:16 (2)

Huidobro, Ignacio 12:16 (2), 13:11

Huneeus, Cristian 11:19 (8)

Iancu, Traian 11:20

Ibáñes, Vicente Blasco 11:20

Ibargüengoitia, Jorge 11:20 (4)

Inter-American Foundation for the Arts -- see Campuzano, Claudio and Castillo, Jose Guillermo

International Editors' Co. 12:9 (2)

International Who's Who 11:20

Iowa Book & Supply Co. 11:20 (3)

Joaquín Mortiz -- see Editorial Joaquín Mortiz

John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation -- see Guggenheim Memorial Foundation

Jones, Warning 11:20

Jugoslovenska Autorka Agencija 11:20

Karbowska, Jadriga 11:21 (3)

Karchmer, Sylvan 11:21

Keeley, Robert and Louise 11:22 (18)

Keiler, Bernard 13:11

Kerine, Asc 11:21

Kizer, Carolyn 11:21

Klein, Roger -- see Harper and Row

Knopf, Blanche 13:11

Knopf, Carl -- see Knopf Inc.

Knopf Inc. 11:23 (33) -- see also Cameron, Angus, and Gervasi, Eugene

Krasting de Rivero Haedo, Elsie -- see Rivero Haedo, Elsie Krasting de

Lafourcade, Enrique 11:25 (8), 13:11

Lamarca, Carmen 11:24

Laso, Jaime 11:24

Laughlin, James 11:24 (2)

Lawrence, Seymour -- see Seymour Lawrence Inc.

Laval M., Enrique 11:24

Lechay, Rose (ICPL) 11:24

Lehfeldt, Martin C., 11:24

Leigh, W. Colston 11:24 (4)

Leighton de Sanchez, Ines Maria 11:24 (3)

Lemay, Harding 11:24 (3) -- see also Knopf Inc.

Lencastre de Veiga, Alexandre 11:24

Liberia Stadium 11:24

Linde, Jed 11:24 (2)

Lomnitz, C. 11:24

Lopez, Enrique P. 11:24

Lorca, Beatriz 11:24

Loveland, Juan 11:24 (3)

Lozano Dana, Carlos 11:24 (2)

McClendon, B.A. 11:26 (4)

McCulloch, Samuel C. 11:26 (2)

MacDonald and Co. -- see George, Michael

Maciuca, C. 11:26

Macnaghten, A.I. 11:26 (3)

Mademoiselle 11:26 (3)

Maguey -- see Linde, Jed

Mahlstedt, Paul 11:26

Malkas, Mark 11:27 (7)

Maner, W. Wallace 11:26 (2)

Manfred, Ernest F. 11:26

Marin, Onan Carrasco11:26

Mardonez, Jose Bissig11:26

Martinez, Sergio Cheix 11:26 (2)

Martinez, Carlos Moreno11:26 (2)

Martinez, Laura de Perez Pena 11:26

Mascolo, Dionys 11:26

Mansueto, Gasbarri (?) 11:26

Medina, Alba 11:28 (8)

Mejia, Jorge 11:26

Mello, Thiago de 11:26

Merino, Luis Reyes11:26

Mieres, ? 11:26

Mismos de Noisvander (Pepe) 11:29 (6)

Monegal, Emir Rodriguez -- see Rodriguez Monegal, Emir

Monterroso, Augusto 11:26

Morgenroth, R.L. 11:26

Mortiz - see Editorial Joaquín Mortiz

Mundo Nuevo 11:30 (8) -- see also Rodriguez Monegal, Emir

Munn, Bill and Carol 11:31 (6)

Murena, Hector A. 11:26 (3)

National Foundation for the Arts and Humanities -- see Kizer, Carolyn

New York Times
-- see Walker, Gerald

The New Yorker

Newell, Dorothy 12:1

Newman, C.M. -- see The New Yorker

Noguera, Rosario 12:1

O'Brien, Sheila 12:3 (7)

Olasa, Ezequiel 12:4 (9)

Olivos, Sergio Gutierrez 12:2

Onis, Harriet de 12:2

Orenstein, A. 12:2

Orfila, Arnaldo Reynal 12:2

Orphee, Elvira 12:2 (2)

Orrego, Juan Salas 12:2 (3)

Ostria, Alberto Gutierrez 12:2 (5) -- see also Zip-Zag

Pacheco, José Emilio 12:5

Palacios, Edmundo 12:5

Palazuelos, Juan-Agustine 12:6 (5)

Pan American Union -- see Phelps, Flora; Americas; and Correia, Armando Pacheco

Parot, Armando 12:5

Parra, Nicanor 12:5 (3)

Peace Corps 12:5

Penguin Books Ltd. 12:5 (2)

Penner da Cunha, Pedro E. 12:5 (5)

Pepper, George 12:5

Pepper, Janette 12:5

Percas, Helena Ponsetti 12:5 (2)

Perez, Alberto 12:7 (9)

Pezzoni, Enrique 12:5 (3)

Pfeifer de Perez, Herta 13:13

Phelps, Flora L. -- see Americas

Phillips, Allen W. 13:5

Phiologe, Vacek Jiri 12:5

Pimstein, Valentin 12:8 (5)

Pineda, Jose 12:9 (8)

Pirchedda, Juan 12:5

Portales de Guilisasti, Sylvia 12:5 (3)

Presa, Rafael de la 12:5

Priestly, Ivan 12:5 (2)

Prieto, L. 12:5

Princeton Alumni Weekly 12:5

Princeton University Library -- see Bush, Alfred L.

Puelma, Max Bunster 12:5 (3)

Quhagavia, Jose Miguel L. (?) 12:5 (2)

Rama, Angel 12:10 (4)

Ramos, B. 13:10

Rath, Roger and Ann 12:10 (3)

Reassi (?), Luis Alvarez 12:10

Riva, Franco 12:10

Rivas, Fernando Novoa 12:10

Rivero, Elsie Krasting de Haedo 12:10, 13:14

Rocco, Cuco (?) 12:10

Rodriguez, Antonio 13:14

Rodriguez Monegal, Emir 12:11 (15)

Rojas, Gonzalo 12:10

Roth, George 12:12 (23)

Rozas, Rebeca Reyes12:10

Salter, Jim 12:13

Sanchez, Vicente and Maria 12:14 (6)

Sastras, Pedro 12:13

Saturday Review
12:13 (5) -- see also Girson, Rochelle

Scarpa, Roque Esteban 12:13 (5)

Schlesinger, Stephen L. -- see Guggenheim Memorial Foundation

Schraibman, Joseph 12:15 (6)

Schulman, Ivan A. 12:13

Seix Barral -- see Editorial Seix Barral

Serrano, Juan Enrique and Graciela 12:16 (20), 14:1

Serrano, Miguel 12:13 (4)

Seuil, Editions du -- see Editions du Seuil

Seymour Lawrence Inc. 12:13

Silva, Carmen da 12:13

[Silva, Maria Ines Villa, (Silva de Maggi, Marinés)] 12:17 (7)

Simic, B. -- see Jugoslovenska Autorka Agencija

Simon, W. -- see International Who's Who

Simpson, Jacqueline -- see Peace Corps

Skopie 12:13

Smith, C. (Ralph) 12:13

Sociedad de Autores Teatrales de Chile 12:13

Soto, Laura Allende de 12:13

Southern, Richard 12:13 (2)

Sponar, Rudolf 12:13 -- see also Dilia

Spriestersbach, D.C. 12:13 (2)

Starbuck, George 14:1

Stein, Marianne 12:13 (2)

Stepanova, S. 12:13 (2)

Straus, Roger W., Jr. 12:13 (3)

Swank, Tim 12:13

Swanson, H.N. 12:13 -- see also Thompson, Frank

Swinton, Stanley W. 14:1

Tattana, Saenz 12:18

Taufic, Camilo 12:18 -- see also Empresa Ercilla

Teeling, A.C. 12:18 (4)

Tessier, Domingo 13:18

Telas Plan 12:18

Teleki, Tibor 12:18

Thompson, Frank 12:18

Tocigi-Sega, Boris 13:18

Tomasini, Kossia 13:18

Trader Vic's 12:18

Troyer, Howard -- Cornell College

Tuffree, Charles 12:18 (3)

Turner, Philip A. 13:18

Ulcigrai, Carlo 13:19

Ulloa, Tuly 13:19 (4)

Urbistondo, Vicente 13:19

Uribe, Armando Arce 12:19

Valdivieso, Jaime 14:3

Valdivieso, Mercedes 12:20; see also Maria Pilar correspondence below.

Vallejo-Najera, Juan Antonio 14:3

Van Dyke, Vernon 12:20

Vargas Llosa, Mario 12:21 (2)

Vekemans, Roger 14:3

Vergaria, Ana Maria 12:20 (4)

Vicuña de Guzman, Marcela and Jorse 12:22 (7)

Viry, Ami de 11:23 (8)

Vitale, Ida 12:20

Verlag Volk und Velt -- see Czollek, W

Vonnegut, Jane 14:3

Wacquez, Mauricio Arellano  12:24 (5)

Walker, Gerald 12:24

Weinstock, Herbert 12:24 -- see also Knopf, Inc.

Whendon, Roger Anthony 12:24

Whistler, C.H. 12:24 (3)

White Barbara M. 12:24

Whiting, Mrs. Nate 12:24

Who's Who, The International -- see International Who's Who

Wideman, John and Judy 12:24

Will, Frederic 12:24

William Faulkner Foundation -- see Greco, Arnold del

Williams, John A. 12:24 (2)

Williams, Miller 12:24 (4)

Woodrow Wilson Foundation -- see Lehfeldt, Martin C.

Wool, Robert M. 12:25 (7) -- see also Inter-American Foundation for the Arts

Wybert, Jose Maria 12:24

Xirau, Ramon 12:25 (4)

Yanez, Laura 12:26

Yates, Donald 12:26 (2)

Zig-Zag 12:28 (29)

Unidentified 12:30-12:31


Series IV: Maria Pilar Serrano Papers

Box 13:

1. JD letters to MPS during courtship, 1958-1961 ("about 25")

2. MPS to JD, 1960-1961 (39)

3. [?], Renán to MPS, 1949-1952 (97; 2 photographs)

4. [?], Donald to MPS, 1953-1956 (35)

5. Letters to MPS, 1948-1959 (41), with some miscellaneous materials. Letters are filed chronologically within folders.

6. ----, 1961 -- 1964 (27). Miscellaneous and/or unknown correspondents

Letters to MPS, 1964-1967, ca. 290 items (arranged alphabetically)

7: A -- B (47)

8. C (18)
Chocron, Isaac

9. D (25)

10. E -- F -- G (20)

Ferro, Gae
Gutierrez, Guillermo

11. H -- I -- J -- K -- L (13)

Huidobro, Ignacio
Keiler, Bernard
Knopf, Blanche
Lafourcade, Enrique

12. M -- N (9)

13. O -- P (13)

Pfeifer de Perez, Herta

14. R (12)

Rivero Haedo, Elsie Krasting de
Rodriguez, Antonio

Box 14

1. S -- T (60)
Serrano, Juan Enrique (and other family members )
Starbuck, George
Swinton, Stanley W.

2. S -- T continued (41). Undated; most appear to be from family members

3. U -- V (10)

Valdivieso, Jaime (attached to a letter from Fernando Alegria); also MPS and JD correspondence (1965-1981) with Mercedes Valdivieiso, 26 items as follows:   

1/27/1965. MPS (Mexico City). TLS.  Relates becoming good friends with Sergio Pitol and Luis Prieto. Living in a cabin within Carlos Fuentes home in Mexico. JD has been invitated to Cuba. Book of short Stories by Fuentes. Met Rosario Castellanos. Conflict of Jose Donoso with Manuel Rojas.

6/8/1965. MPS (Mexico City) TLS. Relates success of Coronacion and translations to English and Italian. JD future work at the Writer’s Workshop at the University of Iowa. Provides a list of people whom Mercedes and Jaime Valdivieso should contact in Mexico and U.S. Suggests that María Elena Gertner contacts these people also. Conflict with Manuel Rojas.

2/3/1966. JD/MPS (Iowa City). TLS. Talks about JD’s recently completed novel Este Domingo to be published by Zigzag. Comments on Emir Rodriguez Monegal’s support to JD regarding this nove. Experience at the Writer’s Workshop rewarding.  Harper’s interest in Latin American literature. Her rewarding experience at the University of Iowa.

3/7/1966. MPS (Iowa City). TLS. MPS and JD´s attempt to obtain a teaching position for Jaime Valdivieso in South Bend.  Knopf’s interest in Este Domingo. Future publication of Rie el eterno lacayo (El lugar sin limites) by Joaquin Mortiz.

3/12/1966. MPS (Iowa City). TLS. Teaching position vacancy at the University of Iowa; recommends contacting Professor Homero Castillo at the Department of Romance Languages.

3/14/1966. MPS (Iowa City). TLS. Further advice to Jaime, encourages him to contact Department as soon as possible to let them know his interest in the position.

3/28/1966. MPS (Iowa City). TLS. Advises Jaime to contact chair of the Spanish Department, Edmund de Chasca, and to write to Antonio Avaria.

4/3/1966. MPS (Iowa City). TLS 3/12/1966. MP (Iowa City). TLS. Advises Jaime to contact Professor Julio Duran at the University of Arizona to communicate his interest in the position Duran is leaving.

4/24/1966. MPS (Iowa City). TLS. Further advice to help Jaime to obtain a teaching position.

4/28/1966. JD and MPS (Iowa City). TLS with autograph note). MPD´s continuing efforts to help Jaime secure a teaching position at a U.S. university.

2/1/1968. MPS (Pollensa). TLS. MPS describes their life in the past couple of months. JD’s participation in MLA in Fort Collins, Colorado. Future plans.

2/11/1968. MPS (Pollensa). TLS with autograph note. Thanks Mercedes for accompanying JD during his recovery in Fort Collins.

9/16/1969. MPS (Vallvidrera, Barcelona). TLS with autograph note. Offers MV the possibility of renting their house in Barcelona.  Advantages of living in this city.

12/1/1970. MPS (Vallvidrera, Barcelona). TLS.  Details on launch of The Obscene Bird of Night and expresses her opinion about the consequences of the cancelation of the Premio Biblioteca Breve Award.  Film director Luis Buñuel efforts to make a movie of El Lugar sin Límites.

3/27/1971. MPS (Vallvidrera, Barcelona). TLS. Forwards the Spanish announcement of the publication of MV’s Las Noches y Un Día and solicits dates of MV’s visit to Spain.

4/22/1971. MPS (Vallvidrera, Barcelona). TLS. Replies to MV’s announced visit to Spain and offers their home in Caleceite. Mentions that Spanish critic Juan Ferrate announced MV’s book as the first novelty for "Book Day" celebrations. Details of the “Dia del libro” in Barcelona as well as JD’s participation in other local activities.

7/8/1971. MPS (Calaceite). TLS. Issues regarding MV’s visit to the Donoso´s home in Caleceite.

8/8/1971. MPS (Calaceite). TLS. MV’s pending stay in the Donoso house.

8/21/1971. JD (Vallvidrera, Barcelona).Telegram. JD tells MV that his parents-in-law will arrive at Calaceite on September 1st.

8/25/1971. MPS (Calaceite). ALS. Informs MV her parents are delayed in arriving at Caleceite.

10/19/1971. MPS (Calaceite). TLS.  Informs MV of some charges during their stay in the Donoso house in Calaceite.

10/19/1971. MPS (Calaceite). APCS. Thanks Mercedes for the gift she sent to her daughter.

8/19/1981. JD (Santiago). TLS. His interest in giving talks in different U.S. universities during March; asks for her help.

10/2/1981. JD (Santiago). TLS. Comments on his recent pneumonia, hospital and home reclusion. Mentions his planned trip to Puerto Rico and asks MV’s help in securing well-paid conferences.

10/26/1981. Maria Teres Leal (Rice University). Photocopy TLS with JD note. Rice’s interest in JD’s participation in the “University Lectures Series;” asks for specific information.

1/15/1982. JD (Santiago). TLS with autograph note. Probably written to Jaime Valdivieso.  JD’s decision to cancel his trip to U.S. and reasons.

Vallejo-Najera, Juan Antonio
Vekemans, Roger
Vonnegut, Jane

4. W -- X -- Y -- Z (20)

5. Undated letters (23)

6. Miscellaneous materials from the MPS papers: Letter Helen to Hester, 21 March 1949, 4 pages holograph.

----. "Manifiesto del jefe de la junta de ex-restores, Don Carlos Manning Trigo y su secretario ascesor Don Enrique Aparicio Chopitea, a la Federacion Ludovica Boliviana." Carbon typescript, 2 p., dated March 1944

----. "El Problema Racial." Carbon typescript, 4 p., unsigned, undated

----. "El Araguaney." Carbon typescript, 2 p., unsigned, undated

----. "Unas Palabras." Carbon typescript, 3 p., unsigned, undated

----. "Latino-America." Carbon typescript, 6 p., unsigned, undated

----. Poems. Holograph, 20 p., some signed "Jorge"

----. Poems. Typescript, 14 p., unsigned

----. Poems. Carbon typescript, 2 p., unsigned

----. Poems. Mimeographed, 4 p., by Abelardo Grille

----. Description of Maria del Pilar Peller Serrano [from the society pages of a newspaper?], carbon typescript, 2 p.