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Finding Aid

José Donoso Papers
MsC 340 - Series II - Notebooks


Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research.

Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department.

Copyright: Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials.

Use of Collections: The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement.

Acquisition and Processing Information: Purchase and gift from José Donoso in 1966 and 1967.

Photographs: None









Scope and Contents

For description of the José Donoso Papers in full, see our finding aid for the collection.

An extensive description of José Donoso's early notebooks — those numbered A-F, 1-14, and 33 and housed in boxes 5-7 and 9 — was compiled by Maria Laura Bocaz in July 2007 and, lightly edited, appears below. 

Notebooks numbered 15-32 primarily detail the composition of El Obsceno Pájaro de la Noche. They were investigated by Bocaz in summer 2008, with the results used in her doctoral disseration (2010) and, again lightly edited, appear below.

Literary rights to Donoso's work is held by his estate and administered by his daughter, Pilar Donoso.



The José Donoso Papers contain 45 notebooks which provide access to the author’s drafts, writing plans, literary critiques, reflections, reading lists, and a wide array of other noteworthy materials. They range in date from 1924 to 1966 and are primarily in Spanish, with occasional comments, ideas, quotes, and reflections in English. They are relatively small pads, mostly spiral-bound, generally about 6 x 8 inches but varying somewhat in size and more widely in thickness. In a few cases, the spiral bindings have been removed.

The different sections in the descriptions of each Notebook have been created to facilitate identification of both their general and specific content. Judgements, inevitably, are both selective and subjective.  Nonetheless, each entry provides a description of the content; a list of named characters; works in progress as described by JD; and references he makes to writers, artists, and other personalities, as well as to literary and artistic works. The miscellaneous category provides access to more varied materials, among them: lists of books JD had read or planned to read, sketches and small drawings, phone numbers, lists of people's names, and draft letters.

Numbers at the end of descriptive phrase always refer to a notebook page with that number.


More specifically:

Physical description: Information on the number of leaves and/or pages and other facts about the physical items. These notes indicate any conflicts between the dates JD sets forth in the index card and the dates in the notebooks themselves. Where the notebook leaves or pages were unnumbered, the date JD specified is given here as a reference. Other information related to page numbers and how to read the notebook is also noted here.

The index cards:  At the time JD transferred his early papers, including these notebooks, to The University of Iowa Libraries, he made notes on index cards associated with each of them. These notes have been transcribed and included (in italics) in this index.  Question marks signal letters or words difficult to interpret.

Content: A brief general characterization of the primary content of the notebook.

Work in progress: Each work-in-progress in this notebook, under a title assigned by JD, is noted. A list of characters named in the work is appended, in parenthesis, to the titles. For example, in Notebook A the story “The Poisoned Pastries" includes characters  referred to as "sister, father, mother."  The list of characters has reference only to this piece: the names of many characters change in the course of the creative process recorded in the notebooks. These changes, however, are not explored systematically in this index.

Work plans: JD's notes for plot, character, scene and other possible developments of a work in progress.

Secondary Projects: Pieces not titled and mentioned in passing (or, occasionally, worked up in detail) are briefly described here.

Miscellaneous:  Drawings (e.g. portraits of characters or other people), notes on phone numbers, addresses, lists, poems, and isolated comments (related or not to JD's published or in-progress works) are indexed in this section.

References: When the "References" section is closed with “et al,” one or more references were omitted from the list because of insufficient information. Uncertainty about the date(s) of a reference is indicated with bracketed question marks.


Box Contents List

Box 5 Folder

15: Notebook A. 38 leaves, spiral-bound, with leaves, then pages, numbered [1-2], 3-17, 20-71. Not dated (but JD added "1950" later in red ink). Though only one side of the sheet has a number until page 16, both sides of the sheet are generally written. In those pages that are numbered only in one side, the page number stands for the front and back. This notebook is mainly written in English.

Index Card: 1950 [i.e.,1951?]. PRINCETON. Ideas for: The Poisoned Pastries (MSS, 1951). Ideas for: The Blue Woman (MSS, 1951). Preoccupations with Pandamus of “Trailus and Cressida”. My brother Pablo, my cousins and grandfather’s house: first [???di?g] of a theme realized in This Sunday.


Content: Several ideas for stories.


Works In Progress: “The Poisoned Pastries”: p68-71 (Characters: sister, father, mother).

Work Plans: 23

Secondary Projects: Transcription of two different texts dated February 1950 and January 1950. They are probably ideas rescued from previous notebooks: 2; Ideas for a short story centered on a platonic love: 3; Ideas for a short story of a man who goes back home: 4; Different ideas for future texts: 4; 7-10; 12 - 23, 25-44; 46-7; Ideas for a novel: 5-6; Ideas for changing a text titled “La rosa blanca o crema”: 6-7; Ideas for improving a text titled “The Theft”: 8; Ideas for improving the text “Borracho”:10-11; Ideas for a story titled “The young cousin”: 12; Ideas for a story: 31-34; Ideas for a story about an American Minister: 44-46; Ideas for a story or play: 48-60; Ideas for a story about Mr. Kalajian: 61-64; Ideas for a story about a 48 year-old man: 64-67.

Miscellaneous: Quotes (source not specified): verso of page 3; 4; Notes on a musical concept and the term “Bondieuserie”: 2; Ideas on Maine de Biran: 5


References: Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin  (1755-1826) 2; Rene Jules Lalique (1860-1945) 2; Victor Massé (1822-1884) 2; Julien Green (1900-1998) 3; Norman Douglas (1868-1952) 3; Stella Bowen (1893-1947) 3; Roger Fry (1866-1934) 3; Francis Carco (1886-1958) 3; Jesus-la-Caille (novel by Francis Carco, 1914) 3; Marcel Proust (1871-1922) 3- 4; George Melies (1861-1938) 3; Fernande Olivier (1881-1966) 3; Picasso et ses amis ( Fernande Olivier, 1930) 3; Clive Bell (1881-1964) 4; Maine de Biran (1766-1824) 4; Joris Karl Huysmans (1848 -1907) 9; Delphine Couturier Dellamare, (1822-1848) 9; Madame Bovary, (Gustav Flaubert, 1856) 9; Pere Tanguy (?-? ) 9; Paul Cezanne (1839-1906) 9; Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890) 9;  Jean Baptiste Armand Guillaumin (1841-1927) 9; Monet (1840-1926) 9; Renoir (1841-1919) 9; Camille Pisarro (1830-1903) 9; The Nightingale and the Rose (Oscar Wilde, 1888) 10; Nemesio Antúnez (1918-1993) 11; Archaeopteryx Lythographica, 12; Lions and Shadows (novel by Christopher Isherwood, 1938) 12; Christopher Isherwood (1904 -1986) 12; D. H. Lawrence (1885-1930) 12; Francis Bacon (1561-1626) 13; Matthew Arnold (1822-1888) 14; Federico García Lorca (1898-1936) 24; Jaime Huguet (1415-1492) 28; Carmen Laforet, 28 (1921-2004); Nada (novel by Carmen Laforet, 1944) 28; Francis Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940) 33; John Elliot (?-?) 39; Thomas Hardy (1840-1928) 41; Elizabeth Bowen (1899-1973) 41; et al.


16: Notebook B.  Disbound signatures, 6.5 x 8 inches, 122 leaves numbered rectos only. JD may have later recorded February 1 as the first date in this notebook. The first date recorded in blue ink is February 8, 1952. Holograph text on rectos only except versos of 36 and 37 which have notes.


Index Card: Proyecto de novela que se llamaría PASEO. Contiene sublimado y destruido? mi noviazgo con Marcela Vicuña (de Jorge Guzmán F?) y recuerdos de mi viaje a Mexico [sic]. 1 Feb 1952 – 1 Feb 1953. Penultimo entry: 30 de Julio 1952. Esta fué [sic] una época muy caótica y desgraciada para mi [sic], sobre todo hacia el final, cuando mi rompimiento con Marcela me dejó solo, y cuando estuve en análisis con Arturo Prab?.


Content: Ideas, notes, drafts and comments for a work entitled “Paseo”.


Works In Progress: “Paseo” (novel): 3-122 (Characters: Raymond Bailey, Lía Reyes, Laura, Rafael Fuentevieja, Carlos Mujica, sacerdote, sirviente, Delfina Reyes, Lia’s parents, señora gringa, Manuelito, Florence Biggs, el Conejo, Chucho Reyes, Manuelito Muñoz, Francisco Reyes, doña Carmen, Adela).

Work Plans: 1-2; 122


References: Fiodor M. Dostoevsky (1821-1881) 36; Chucho Reyes (1882-1977) 44; Brighton Rock (novel by Graham Greene, 1938) 48; Pinkie Brown (fictional character in Brighton Rock) 48; Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) 65; Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) 86; Gérard Philipe (1922-1959) 96; La Cartuja de Parma (1948, film where Gérard Philipe acted) 97; Tito (Luis Alberto ) Heiremans (1928-1964) 106; Ovidio (43 BC-17 AD) 110;

Homero (?-?) 110; Charles Dickens (1812-1870) 110; Julio Verne (1828-1905) 110; Jane Austen (1775-1817) 110; John Milton (1608-1674) 111.


17: Notebook C.  Disbound column-ruled signatures 4 x 6 inches, 39 leaves, some with sequentially numbered pages, plus one blank leaf and a blank endsheet. Most pages written in pencil. The first recorded date is February 12. "1953-1954" in red ink probably added later. The short story “Dos cartas” has the pages numbered.


Index Card: 1953-1954. I think this is a more like summer (January, February, March) 1954: Because most of this things were written in Puerto Saavedra in the summer of that year. The year before I had started working (teaching at the Kent Scholl and the Kensington School) and there were the first holidays in my life I paid for. The year before (1953) I wrote China and read it in the ‘Jornadas del Cuento- [sic] later included in the first of Lafourcade’s anthologies. In this little notebook: Ideas for: Veraneo (El niño que cantaba) written in Pto. Saavedra. 2 Cartas (Pto. Saavedra). La animita (unpublished and lost).


Content: Ideas and comments for different short stories


Works In Progress: “Los últimos seis días de Francisco Elquea” (Characters: Francisco Elquea); “Brasas” (Characters: Carlos Ortega, Doña Fel, Helia); “Siete muertes en Puerto Saavedra” (Characters: Don Augusto Winter, Doña Felicita); “El niño que cantaba” (later “Veraneo”) (Characters: Raúl, Jorge, mamá de Jorge, mamá de Raúl, profesoras de Jorge y Raúl, empleada de la casa de Raúl, padre de Raúl); “Dos cartas”: 12 numbered pages (Characters: Chileno, Joe King, Jaime Martínez); " Por vez primera” (Characters: Juan Estrada, Tía Peta, mamá, papá, niño, Cecilia); “La muerte de un Dandy”; “La excursión por el Budi”; “La animita” (Characters: Capitán Kidd); “Té” (Characters: Tío Paco, niño, madre, abuelo); “El cura” (Characters: Hunt, dos hombres, mapuche); “El hombre de antes y después” (Characters: Manuel Pozo); “El muerto”.

Work Plans: “Siete muertes en Puerto Saavedra”: Unnumbered pages; “El niño que cantaba” (later “Veraneo”): Unnumbered pages.

Secondary Projects: Ideas for a character named Doña Felicita, empleada, sobrina de la empleada; Ideas for a short story based on a man that went crazy after reading the Bible; Ideas for a story where three characters hold a conversation; Ideas for a short story about a poor circus in Santiago de Chile; Ideas for a story about an ill child; Ideas for a short story about a post office; Ideas for a novel with love as its main topic.

References:  Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961); Nemesio Antúnez (1918-1993).

18: Notebook D. Sprial-bound, 3.5 x 6 inches, 80 numbered leaves, holograph text in ink on rectos only. September 7, 1954 (no place recorded); October 13, 1954 (no place recorded).


Index Card: Several ideas for stories and nouvelles. None finished. “Zoila Blanca Rosa” antecedent for the convent scene in ‘The O. Bird’. First mention of CORONACION. Reference to TOCAYOS. First mention of “Martas” -- final chapter of THIS SUNDAY. Beginning of CORONACION written down here –the Lourdes in the country chapter.


Content: Several ideas for short stories and nouvelles.

Works In Progress: Zoila Blanca Rosa (short story): 1-10 ; 18-20 ; 35-45 ; 47 (Characters: Zoila, Rosita, doña Palmira, Dionisio Arévalo, Señora Elvira, Don Carlos Mellado, Doña Palmira Varas de Azócar, Dina); « Una Leyenda » (nouvelle): 11-16; Ideas for two texts about an old poor woman: 16-18; Ideas for a short story “Retrato de un Dandy”: 21-23; “Dientes” (short story): 24-35; 36 (Characters: Pancho el bueno, main character, main character’s father, Rosario, Rodrigo, Pablito); “La pieza redonda” (short story): 49-52; 56-57 (Characters: Two children, children’s uncle, mother of one of the children, taxi driver); Coronación: 46-7; 72-75 (Characters: Nena (later Estela), Lourdes, primo de Lourdes, señora Elisa, Mercedes); “Luto”: 52- 56 (Characters: Braulio,  Señora Leonor, maids, boy scouts, priest, Magali, Flora); “Historia de una casa”: 60-66 (Characters: Marcela Vicuña, Antonio Escobar, Old Maid, “marica”, politician, mother, “almacenero”, “obreros”, young doctor,  boticario, Doña Sol, empleado de correos y telégrafos, Doña Pancha, et al.); “Fútbol por radio”: 76-80 (Characters: “Viajar”: 69-71).


Work Plans: Zoila Blanca Rosa: 1-7; « Una Leyenda »: 16-18; “Historia de una casa”: 61-66.

Secondary Projects: Ideas for a short story based on a married couple in crisis: 45- 48; 66-68; Ideas for a short story based on a rich woman that visits a shanty town: 58; Ideas for a short story about a woman that ends up imagining she does have a grandchild: 59; Somebody else’s comment that the author would like to transform into a story: 76.

Miscellaneous: Words probably written by a child: verso of page 24; verso of page 79; Notes (names, phone numbers): back page.


References: Anton Tchejov (1860- 1904) 8, 37; Carlos Faz (1931- 1953) 11-15; Carmen Silva (1924) 11-15; George Meredith (1828-1909) 27;  William Saroyan, (1908-1981) 37; Virginia Woolf (1862-1941) 60; Eugenie Grandet  (novel by Honoré de Balzac, 1833) 68; Honoré de Balzac (1799- 1850) 68, 71; Manuel Gutiérrez Nájera (1859-1895) 71; W. H. Hudson (1841-1922) 76, 80.

19: Notebook E.  Spiral-bound, 5 x 8 inches, 66 leaves numbered rectos only, holograph text in ink on rectos only. October 13, 1954 (no place recorded); February 28, 1955 (no place recorded).


Index Card: CORONATION begins to grow. EL CHARLESTON complete story idea. LAS BRASAS fue durante un tiempo, una idea para un opera que yo iba a hacer con Juan Orrego Salas: LA ESTACA. Many story ideas

My first trip to Europe in summer of 1955, with my savings. My life gradually getting more and more ordered, I worked, was relatively happy with my teaching jobs.

Content: Several ideas for different texts, some of them published.


Works In Progress: “La Pieza redonda”: 1; “Estudio Biográfico de Don Gabriel Pando, escritor chileno de 1890-1950”(novel): 2-6; 12-14 (Characters: Don Gabriel Pando Pardo; cura); Coronación: 6-9; 10-11 (Characters: Andrés, Estela, abuela, médico, Lourdes, abuelo Ramón); "Violeta”: 17-18; "Charleston”: 18-20 (Characters: hombres, hombre gordo; cantinera); “Bean Gheste: 20, 23-24; “La muerte”: 20 (Characters: Carlos Núñez, Antonio, Hermano, asistentes al entierro);“Las Brasas” (play): 24-42 (Characters: Gabriela, doña Gertrudis, Renato, Memo, Gustavo, Doña Ester); Ideas for a novel: 42-47 (Characters: Familia Cruz, Gonzalo, Anibal); Pieza redonda”: 48; “Ida y vuelta”: 59-60 (Characters: Gordo, Rudi, et al.);“Accidente”: 60-63: (Characters: señora gorda y vieja, perro, pareja de jóvenes, mujer de 35 años, muchachos).

Work Plans: “Estudio Biográfico de Don Gabriel Pando, escritor chileno de 1890-1950”: 5;  64-63.

Secondary Projects: Ideas for a short story: 9-10; Ideas for a short story: 10; Ideas for a short story based on a n ugly young man: 11-12; Ideas for a short story based on a painter: 14-15; Ideas for a short story based on a writer: 15; Ideas for a long story or nouvelle: 16-17; Random ideas: 17, 50; Ideas for a novel based on W. H. Hudson: 47-48; Ideas for a short story: 48-50; Ideas for a short story: 63-66.

Miscellaneous: Impressions during a trip: 50.


References: W. H. Hudson (1841-1922) 1, 47; John Addington Symonds (1840-1893) 3; Return of the Native (novel by Thomas Hardy, 1878) 5; André Gide (1869-1951) 5; El inmoralista (novel by André Gide, 1902) 5; Rubén Darío (1867-1916) 6; Nemesio Antúnez (1918-1993) 14;  Teresa Bortagaray (?-?) 56, 59; Margarita Aguirre (1920-2003) 59; Hormiguita (Delia del Carril, 1885-1989) 59; Pablo Neruda ( 1904-1973) 59.

20: Notebook F.  Line-ruled sheets from dis-bound spiral notebook, 5 x 8 inches, 15 leaves number [1]-15, holograph text in ink on rectos only, plus 9 unnumbered leaves, only the first and last of which bear text: a note on the recto and a bit of childish scrawl on the verso of the first and scrawl on the verso of the last. April 7, 1955 (Lo Gallardo); June 29, 1955 (El Canelo).


Index card:  Cuaderno muy importante. Entre mi periodo de amores con Carmen Orrego Montes, mi regreso de Europa lleno de cosas, el sentirme firme en un trabajo, y la dedicación de escribir un volumen de cuentos y publicarlos antes de cumplir 31 años. Los publico en Setiembre de este año “VERANEO y otros cuentos”. Quizás la época mas decisiva de mi vida. Terminé con Carmen Orrego en el verano (Marzo) del año siguiente.

Idea del hombre y los bastones, aún no asimilada para CORONACION.

Content: Ideas for stories and plans for publishing a volume of short stories.


Works In Progress: "Fútbol por radio”: 1-3 (Characters: Héctor, María, Mariela); “Primer día de clases”: 4 (Characters: Profesor, Gómez Ugarte, mujer del profesor); “Los Perros”: 7-8.

Work Plans: 5-6.

Secondary Projects: Ideas for a short story: 8 -11; Ideas for a sequence of three Biblical stories: 11-15.

Miscellaneous: Will to publish a volume with 4 nouvelles: 7; Notes: final pages, unnumbered; Words written by a child: unnumbered pages; Notes and numbers: final unnumbered page.


References: Anton Chekhov (1860-1904) 5; Ernst Hemingway (1899-1961) 5; et al.

Box 6 Folder

1: Notebook 1. 55 holograph pages unnumbered by JD. November 23 (place not noted); July 15-23 (place not noted). Most sheets are written on both sides. Notes in red ink were probably made at the time the Papers were transferred to the University of Iowa Libraries. The first date noted is November 23.

Index Card: “Noviembre 1955 A 15 de Julio 1956. Cubre mi mejor tiempo con Carmen Orrego y luego, nuestra separación. Contiene: 1 Bosquejo de una novela que jamás hice PISAGUA; 2. Primeros estudios serios y borradores de CORONACION; Trabajo en el Kent School y en la U. Católica”.


Content: Preliminary drafts, notes, comments and ideas for “La casa”, later Coronación. Notes and drafts for a project novel titled Pisagua. Poems.


Works In Progress: “Pisagua” (Novel) (Characters: Juan José Arcaya (profesor), mujer del profesor, Adriana Vargas, Inés Figueroa); “La casa” (later Coronación) (Characters: Rosa, Lourdes, Misiá Elisita, Adela, Zoila, Carlos, Don Jaime, Ambrosio, Andrés Adela, Zelmira, Lidia, Doctor Sander, Evaristo Soto, Segundo Soto, Lydia, Mario, René, Dora, “Cara de pescado”, Pascual, Estefanía González, Margarita).

Work Plans: Different chapters for “La casa”, list of characters and plot.

Secondary Projects: Ideas for future stories.

Miscellaneous: Drawing in blue ink of a woman in a long, tight dress; girl with a dog, girl, profile of a woman; face of a man; nose; woman with a handkerchief on her head; calculations; woman with a big hat, profile of a woman in black ink, eye of a woman in pencil and black ink; Short notes on different subjects; Stage sketch for the play for “La casa”; List of people organized in two columns; List of people.


References: Gabriel González Videla (1898-1980); Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821-1881); José Santos González Vera (1897-1970); Alejandro Jodorowsky (1929); Alberto Orrego Luco (1854-1931; Lev N. Tolstoy (1828-1910); Hernán Díaz Arrieta (Alone) (1891-1984); Nemesio Antúnez (1918-1993); Camilo Mori (1896-1973); Carmen Silva (1929).

2: Notebook 2.  42 numbered leaves plus 33 unnumbered pages towards the end of the notebook. There are only two recorded dates: May 24, 1956 and June 4. Notes on red ink were probably done later, when organizing the material to be sold. The reverse side of the beginning of the notebook constitutes a different set of ideas, drafts and notes.

Index Card: Partly dated: 24 May 1956 to June 6 1956. Partly is the actual writing of the beginning of CORONACION. It overlaps in dates with the preceding notebook.


Content: Drafts and notes for different chapters of Coronación.

Works In Progress: Coronación: 1- 42 and unnumbered pages towards the end of the notebook (Characters: Lourdes, Estela’s father, Estela, Moisés, Misiá Elisita, Andrés Arévalos, Rosario, Don Ramón, Carlos Gros, Don Segundo, Don Fornino, Dora, Mario); Poems towards the end of the notebook.

Work Plans: Planning notes are often interrupted by drafts. For example, the notes on page 100 do not continue on leaf 101 but jump to 119 and then continue to leaf 122. Notes for Coronación: 80, 97-100, 110 (continuation of sketch in page 100) 119-121 (continuation of sketch in page 110) 124; 129-131; 149-153; 162-3

Miscellaneous: Drawings: male face in blue ink; profile portrait of a woman with a small hat, boy; List of friends and relatives

References: Saint Simmon (1607-1693)  32-33; Luis XIII (1601-1643) 32, et al.

3: Notebook 3. 189 numbered leaves plus 8 unnumbered leaves toward the end of the notebook. June 17, 1956 (Santiago); September 20, 1956 (Santiago). From leaves 31 to 39 the pages written in blue ink record JD's comments, notes and thoughts regarding the work in progress, while the pages written in pencil are drafts of Coronación. Comments on leaf 66 continue in leaf 76; on leaf 100 continues in 110 and 119

Index Card: Toda la primera mitad de CORONACION. Escrita, básicamente en mi cuarto en Bellavista. Hermana Díaz Arrieta tomó el cuarto contiguo. Gran amistad con Hernán Díaz. Largas temporadas juntos en la Rinconada de San Fernando, fundo de Dolores Echeverría Carvallo, ahora expropiado por el Gobierno de Frei, época de gran movilidad y libertad. Trabajo en la Universidad Católica y en Kent School.

Content: Notes, ideas, several drafts for Coronación; Ideas for two short stories; drafts of two newspaper articles.


Works In Progress: Coronación :1-95; 97-unnumbered page towards the end of the notebook (Characters: René, Mario, Estela, Andrés Abalos, Misiá Elisita, Dora, Moisés, Tenda, Carlos, Rosario, Carlos Gros, Adrianita (mujer de Carlos Gros), anticuario,  Lourdes, Felipe Andoegui, Tenchita, Lorenzo, Vicente Castillo, Donaldo, taxista, don Fornino, Zoila);  Hors de Texte (ideas for a short story): 96; El hombrecito (short story): 164-176 (Characters: madre, padre, María Salinas, Luz Vergara, hermano menor, Rosa, Cucho, Ambrosio, Juan, Juan Vizacarra, Teresa Barriga, empleada); Recuerdos de Toynbee (a JD note indicates this text was published in the Sunday literary supplement of the Chilean Newspaper “El Mercurio,” October 7, 1956): 177-183; “Dos visitas a Juan Ramón Jiménez” (newspaper article): 184-188; Idea for a possible novel “El día”: 188-[190]; Future plan

Miscellaneous: List of books (on unnumbered page towards the end of the notebook); List of last names divided into different categories (on unnumbered page towards the end of his notebook); Drawings on reverse side of page 178; List of possible future newspaper articles: 183


References: Carmen Orrego Montes (1925); Julieta (character in William Shakespeare's tragedy Romeo and Juliet) 66; Eva (Adam's wife) 66. Last page: Mark Twain (1835-1910); Jane Austen (1775-1817); Jane Eyre (novel by Charlotte Brontë, 1847); Irving Stone (1903-1989); Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894), and his The Master of Ballantrae (1889); John Dos Passos (1896-1970) and his Adventures of a young man (1939); Sloan Wilson (1920-2003) an his The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit (1955); Elizabeth Bowen (1899-1973) and her The Death of the Heart (1936); Stephen Crane (1871-1900) and his The Red Badge of Courage (1895).

4: Notebook 4. 160 numbered leaves; September, 21 1956 (La Rinconada de San Fernando)

November 22, 1956 (Santiago).

Index Card: Largas temporadas en La Rinconada, con Hernan, Lolito y Fernando Vargas-Bello.

Le estoy sacando el cuerpo a terminar CORONACION y juego con otras ideas; ANA MARIA.

Content: Drafts for possible newspaper articles. Ideas for a play and prospective short stories. Continues work in Coronación.


Works In Progress: Draft articles1-13, 15-127: El Budi: 1; Marsella-Buenos Aires en tercera clase: 2; Notas de un viaje por México: 3; Chapala: 4; La casa de Jesús Reyes: 5; Gabriela Mistral en México: 5-6; 34-43; 45-46; R. P. Blackman y el “New Criticism”: 6, 29-30; Atmósfera de “Las Palmas” de la Gran Canaria: 7; Los Foyer en París: 8

El Bar Fun Fun en Montevideo: 9; El mundo esquizofrénico de “los Mandarines”: 10-13; Algo sobre la prosodia española contemporánea: 15-24; Francfort a/m Main Bombardeado: 24; Buenos Aires. Margarita Aguirre con sombrero: 25; Los Vagabundos: 25-26; “Hedda Gabler” del teatro experimental: 71-74; El Espectro de D. H. Lawrence: 124-127.

El Hércules” (ideas for a play):47-70; 75-78 (Characters: Rojas Jiménez, madre, Blanquita, Javier Echevarría Vial, Keke Sanhueza, Lola Falcón, boxeador, Juan Pérez, pintor, Alesssandri, J. Edwards, Alberto Arce Rodríguez, Luz Ibarra, Felipe, El Negro elegante, Pedro, Lola, Gertrudis, Ricardo Reyes, Yoyo, Esteban, Belisario, Néstor, Felisa, Pedro Pablo Pérez Pereira, Aniceto Díaz, Pipo); Ideas for a text based on the Chilean upper class (The Hercules bar is involved in this new text): 79-94 (Characters: Tío Eliodoro, Tía Rosalia, abuela Herminia, Manuel Yañez, Tía Flora, Blanca Echeverría, Carlos Yañez, Tía Mina, Tío César, Luz Yañez, Victor Yañez, Tío Enrique, Ricardo Yañez, Carmen Yañez, Lila Yañez, Manuel III, Fernando, Luis, Lucía, Inés Figueroa, Ambrosio, Gloria Yañez); “La Pensión Soto”(play):95-121 (Characters: Magdalena Soto, Marta Soto Gómez, Don Alejandro de Urrutia, Feliciano Ortega, cura, estudiantes, empleada, Sra. de Moraya, Fidelia, Víctor, Carlos María); Coronación 122-124; 148-153; 155-160 (Characters: Estela, Andrés, Tenchita, Mario, René, Dora, hijos de Dora); Ana María: 128-144; 154 (Characters: Ana María, madre, padre, empleadas, hombre Viejo y pobre, señora del hombre viejo y pobre)


Secondary Projects: Ideas for a future story: 144-148

Work Plans: List of possible articles in order: 14-15; El Hércules”: 57-66; Ideas for a text based on the Chilean upper class: 82-7, 90

Miscellaneous: Topics for a future novel: 26-28; Plans sale of his work and future travel plans: 31-33; A Childhood memory: 94; List of titles of short stories with their possible number of pages. Drawing of their possible front cover and title.

References: Pablo Neruda (1904-1973) 1, 90; Diego de Rosales (1601-1677) 2; Franz Kafka (1883-1924) 4 ; Diaries (by Franz Kafka) 4; Jesús “Chucho” Reyes (1882-1977) 5, 24; Tennessee Williams (1911-1983) 5; A Streetcar Named Desire (play by Tennessee Williams, 1948) 5; Luis Barragán Morfin (1902-1988) 5; Gabriela Mistral (1889-1957) 5, 34-46; Guillén, Palma (1893-1975) 6; Doris Dana (1920-2006) 6; Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) 6; Jacques Maritain (1882-1973) 6; Allen Tate (1899-1979) 6; Edmund Wilson (1895-1972) 6; Moby-Dick (novel by Herman Melville, 1851) 7; Alejandro Jodorowsky (1929) 8; Carmen Silva (1929) 8, 31; Simone de Beauvoir (1908-1986) 8, 12-13, 24, 26; Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980) 8, 13; La Belle et la Bête (short story by Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve, 1740) 9; Hamlet (play by William Shakespeare, 1601) 12; Albert Camus (1913-1960) 13; Ramón Pérez de Ayala (1881-1962) 15, 20, 23; José Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955) 15-7, 19; Pío Baroja (1872-1956)15, 18-20; Henri-Louis Bergson (1859-1941) 18;  Margarita Aguirre (1920-2003) 25, 32; Marcel Proust (1871-1922) 18; Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821-1881) 18; Hernán Díaz Arrieta (1891-1984) 19-20; Max Müller (1823-1900) 20; La Montaña Mágica (novel by Thomas Mann, 1924) 21; Belarmino y Apolonio (novel by Ramón Pérez de Ayala, 1921) 21-23; Françoise Sagan (1935-2004) 24; Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749 -1832) 24; Juan Domingo Perón (1895-1974) 25; W. H. Davies (1871-1940)25; George Orwell (1903-1950) 25; Jack London (1876-1916) 25; Nemesio Antúnez (1918-1993) 26; Diego Portales (June 1793-1837) 33; Alberto Rojas Jiménez (1900-1934) 52, 75-76; Hedda Gabler (play by Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen, 1890) 71, 73; Fuente Ovejuna (play by Lope de Vega, 1619) 71, 73; Henrik Ibsen (1828-1906) 74; Eliodoro Yáñez (Santiago, 1860-1933) 80, 92-94; José Manuel Balmaceda (1838-1891) 87-88, 93; Vicente Huidobro (1893-1948) 92; D. H. Lawrence (1885-1930) 124, 126; Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864) 124; William Faulkner (1897-1962) 124; Philippe de Champaigne (1602-1674) 125.

5: Notebook 5. 167 numbered leaves. November 23, 1956 (Lo Gallardo); February 11, 1957 (Isla Negra).

"1956" and "1957" in red ink, dates estimated by JD who took into account his age (see p. 163)

Index Card: Terminacion de Ana María. Articulo para El Mercurio sobre Juan Ramon y Zenobia Camprubi

Epoca de mi gran pelea con Fernanado Balmaceda. Amistad con Jose Miguel Ochavarria?, con Hernan Diaz, con los Portales. Hasta que me retiro a Isla Negra, desde comienzos de Enero.

Content:  Continued work in “Ana María” and Coronación. Drafts articles for publication in El Mercurio. Ideas for short stories. Poems.

Works In Progress: Ana María: 1-21; 59-67 (Characters: Ana María, hombre, mujer, padre, madre); 4 future articles: “Lawrence en Ajijic”: 21-2; “Zenobia” (JD notes he submitted to El Mercurio, November 28, 1956): 47-56; “Dos bares legendarios”: 69-71; “Fisonomía de Gabriela”: 79-83. “La Delmond” (short story): 23: (Characters: Don Antonio Escobar, Don Salvador Sanfuentes); “Virginita”: 27-40: (Characters: Doña Momo, Señoritas Soto Aguilar, Virginita, Tías Prieto del Río, Gálvez, Clérigo,  Tía Carmelita, Tío Luis Francisco,Tata Pancho, empleadas de las Tías Prieto, maestro sastre, Ciequicito Madre de Ciquicito, La Chipono, Arturito Alessandri, Rosita); Coronación: 72-8; 87-133; 135-149: (Characters: Mario, Misiá Elisita, Dora, hijos de Dora, René, Estela, Don Andrés, Adrianita, Doctor Carlos Gros, Don Segundo, Rosario, Lourdes, Don Emiliano); Hors de Texte: 134; 149;

Poems: 84-86.

Work Plans: Coronación: 96 – 98; 104-107; 112; Hors de Texte: 149.


Secondary Projects: List of observations and strategies to follow in works in progress (Ana Maria, La Delmond) as well as for future volume of short stories that will include them: 26-27; Draft (possibly part of Virginita): 40; Ideas for a possible short story: 40-3; Ideas for future possible stories and for Coronación: 43; Ideas for another short story: 44-6; Ideas for a short story: 57-8.

Miscellaneous: Plans (staying at a Franciscan convent for a while): 58-9; Plans, List of friends, address: 67-8; Reflections on Isla Negra: 150-167.

References: W. H. Hudson (1841-1922) 21; W. H. Davies (1871-1940) 21; D. H. Lawrence (1885-1930) 21-22; C S. Lewis (1898-1963) 22; Julio Escamez (1925) 24; Juan Ramón Jiménez (1881-1958) 47, 49-56; Zenobia Camprubí Aymar (1887-1956) 47, 49-51, 54-56; Pablo Neruda (1904-1973) 47, 53-54; Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941) 47; José Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955) 47, 50, 55; Platero y Yo (by Juan Ramón Jiménez,1914) 49, 54; María Elena Walsh (1930) 52, 55; Margarita Aguirre (1920-2003) 52; (1893-1921) 53; Américo Castro y Quesada (1885-1972) 53; Ezra Pound (1885-1972) 54; Antonio Machado (1875-1939) 54, Federico García Lorca (1898-1936) 54; Carmen Silva (1924) 58; Gabriela Mistral (1889-1957) 79-83; Palma Guillén (?-?) 82; Doris Dana (1920-2006) 82-83; González Vera (?-?) 82-83; Jorge Hübner Bezanilla (1892-1964) 82; Filomena Salas (?-?) 82; Laura Rodig (1901-1972) 83;  Waldo Villa (1897-1979) 152; Domingo Santa Cruz (1899-1987) 152; Juan Orrego Salas (1919) 152; Acario Cotapos (1889-1969) 152; Hans Cartorp (main character of The Magic Mountain, 1924) 159; Carmen Orrego (1925) 159; John Elliott (1930) 161; Hernán del Solar (1901-1985) 161; et al.

6: Notebook 6. 200 numbered leaves numbered by JD plus seven unnumbered pages, one at the beginning and 6 at the end. February 11, 1957 (Isla Negra); April 20, 1957 (Isla Negra).

Index Card: Puro trabajo de CORONACION, a diario, aumento horas y horas, en la casa de la senora Grisela en la Isla Negra. Fin de CORONACION. El dia después de terminarla, tome un autobús y me fui a Cartagena, y durante todo el dia, sin parar, se la lei en voz alta a Luis Enrique Delano, a su hijo Poli y la mad??e.


Content: Continues working in Coronación. Drafts of different chapters, reflections on what he wants to improve, obtain, remove.

Works In Progress Coronación: 2-10; 17-152; 154-end of the notebook (Characers: Carlos Gros, Misiá Elisita, Andrés, Estela, Lourdes, Tía Mina, abuela Hermiania, Rosa, Pelusa, Adriana, Elenita , Chepa, Carmen Estévez, Mari Isabel, René, Mario, Esteban).

Work Plans: 41- 51; 94-96; 105-107; 115.

Miscellaneous: Draws different coats of arms: Yañez, Donoso, Portal Luppis and Machuca: First page, (unnumbered); Reflections on Isla Negra: 1-2 (page 2 is unnumbered); Ideas for a possible novel with Isla Negra as its setting: 10-6; List of four conferences: 153


References: South Wind (novel by George Norman Douglas, 1917) 10, 15; Evelyn Waugh (1903-1966) 10; Sherwood Anderson (1876-1941) 10; Winesburg, Ohio (collection of short stories by Sherwood Anderson, 1919) 10; Pablo Neruda (1904-1973) 11, 13-14, 153; Carmen Orrego (1925) 13; Acario Cotapos (1889-1969) 13; Ester Matte (1920-1997) 14; Inés Figueroa (?-?) 14; Hernán Díaz Arrieta (1891-1984) 16, 153; José Santos González Vera (1897-1970) 153; Gabriela Mistral (1889-1957) 153; et al.


7: Notebook 7. 74 numbered leaves plus 19 unnumbered pages, 2 at the beginning and 17 at the end. April 22, 1957 (Isla Negra); June 27, 1957  (Guardia Vieja).

Index Card: Fiddling about with many things, with nothing. At the end I begin the revision of CORONACION.

I was working in the house of Nemesio Antunez and Ines Figueroa. At this point, when I return to Santiago, I’m out of a job, since both jobs I had I gave up to be able to write CORONACION.

Content: Ideas, comments, some drafts for texts he would like to write once Coronación is finished. Changes he needs to make and literary aspects he needs to improve.

Works In Progress: Ideas for a nouvelle titled “Las invitaciones”: 1-5 (Characters: Marcela, Nano, Memo); Ideas for a text based on his old house in Calle Ejército: 5; 12-18; 21-24; 64; Ideas for the next novel: 6-11; Crónica Familiar: 68-[75]; Coronación: unnumbered pages towards the end of the notebook about the changes he needs to make and literary aspects he needs to improve.

Work Plans: Crónica Familiar: 66, 67, 68, 74 and in an unnumbered page towards the end of the notebook

Miscellaneous: Drawing in blue ink of the face of a woman: front page; Answer to the question: por que escribo recuerdos de infancia: 19-24; Plans writing a play as soon as he finishes Coronación: 27-64; 66-67; Drafts of a letter addressed to Senor Boggiano introducing himself in order to be hired: unnumbered pages towards the end of the notebook.

References: Alfonso Bulnes (1799-1866) 5; José Santos González Vera (1897-1970) 5; Julio Garrido (?-?) 5; South Wind (novel by George Norman Douglas, 1917) 6; Matías Errázuriz (?-?) 8; Auguste Rodin (1840-1917) 8; Pablo Neruda (1904-1973) 9; Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) 9; Carmen Silva (1924) 9; Inés Figueroa (?-?) 10; Gabriel Miró (1879-1930) 12; El humo dormido (poetic prose by Gabriel Miró, 1919) 12; Valentin Louis Georges Marcel Proust (1871-1922) 23; Luis Alberto Heiremans (1928-1964) 57, 63; John Galsworthy (1867-1933) 69; The Forsyte Saga (series of novels by John Galsworthy, 1906-1921) 69;  Eliodoro Yáñez  (1860-1932) 70-71; Hernán Díaz Arrieta (1891-1984) unnumbered pages towards the end of the notebook; et al.     


8: Notebook 8. 245 numbered leaves plus 85 unnumbered pages, 2 at the beginning and 83 at the end.

July 25, 1957 (El Canelo); October 24, 1957 (Santiago). Last date in this notebook is May 9; nevertheless JD drew a red interrogation mark around it for the introductory card he made for this notebook and estimated that the last date was October 24.

Index card: I have no job, no money, no publishers for CORONACION (turned down by Alejandro Maguet and José Manuel Vegara in Ed. Del Pacífico). So I go with Pepe Zañartu, and María Elena Gertner, to live in El Canelo, in the same little house I lived before.  I wrote a list of hard things here, none of which came to anything. I go back to Santiago, still no job. But Nascimiento accepted my novel and I begun to sell it before publication. Projects for Paula Mancheño.

Content: Continues work on project based in his childhood and family story. Ideas, sketches and drafts for three different plays. Ideas, drafts for a book about the novel and the process of writing Coronación.

Works In Progress: “Niñez en la calle Ejército”: 1-48;  “El viaje de los Aguirre” later “El viaje de los Sandoval” (play): 49-172 (Characters: Alirio Aguirre (later Carlos Alberto Sandoval) Marta, hija de Alirio, Francisca, Manuel, Claudio, nieto de Sandoval y su señora, Renato, Paco Ureta,  Antonia y María Patricia; Sara, Jeremías); “La historia de Magdalena Barros” (later Paula Mancheño) (novel): 189-230 (Characters: Magadalena, nieto, Gastón Canziani, Angel, Nicolás Varas Garcés, Alicia); “Tres encuentros”(play): 236-237; “Conferencia de Marta Brunet. Historia de una novela”: unnumbered pages, dated “9 de Mayo” (towards the end of  the notebook).

Work Plans: “El viaje de los Aguirre”: 68, 71, 75-76, 79, 82, 227, 236-237, unnumbered pages towards the end of the notebook “9 de Mayo”; unnumbered pages towards the end of the notebook.

Secondary Projects:Ideas for a future study on Henry James’s work focused on the characters: 182-185. List of Chilean Novels on which he would like to write a set of essays: 186-188; 230-235. A dialogue between two characters: 243-245.

Miscellaneous: Stage design for a play: 70; Thoughts and reflections on his present life: 173-181; Thoughts and reflections on Martín Rivas by Alberto Blest Gana: 230-235; Thoughts and reflections on “Casa Grande” by Orrego Luco: 238-242; Thoughts and reflections on the relationship between the writer and his/her production, characters et al: unnumbered pages towards the end of the notebook; Ideas, notes and drafts on the writing process of Coronación: unnumbered pages towards the end of the notebook.

References: Tarzan 9; Jules Verne (1828-1905) 9 ; El Peneca (1908-1960) 9; Pinocchio (by Carlo Collodi, 1883) 9; Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980) 61; Françoise Sagan (1935-2004) 61, 104; Juliette Gréco (1927) 104; Al filo de la navaja (novel by Somerset Maugham,1944) 121; Henry James (1843-1916) 182, 184-185, unnumbered pages towards the end of the notebook; The Wings of the Dove (novel by Henry James, 1902) 183, 185; The Ambassadors (novel by Henry James, 1903) 183; Merton, Milly, Lowder, Densher, Kate (characters in The Wings of the Dove) 183; Chad, Lambert Strether (characters in The Ambassadors) 184-185; The Portrait of a Lady (novel by Henry James, 1880-1881) 184; Isabel Archer (characters in The Portrait of a Lady, 1881) 184-185; Lionel Trilling (1905-1975) 186; Martín Rivas (1862) by Alberto Blest Gana (1830-1920) 186-188, 230, 232-235, 241; Casa Grande (1908) by Luis Orrego Luco (1866-1948) 186-187, 238, 241-242; Pasión y muerte del Cura Deusto (1924 ) by Augusto D'Halmar (1882-1950) 186; El hermano asno (1922) by Eduardo Barrios (1884-1963) 186; Montaña Adentro (1923) by Marta Brunet (1897-1967) 186, “9 de Mayo”; Valparaíso, la ciudad del viento (1931) by Joaquín Edwards Bello (1887-1968); La última niebla (1935) by María Luisa Bombal (1910-1980) 186; Hijo de Ladrón (1951) by Manuel Rojas (1896-1973) 186, 235; Honoré de Balzac (1799-1850) 187, 233; Eliodoro Yañez (1860-1933) 201; Hans Arp (1886-1966) 216; Fernand Léger (1881-1955) 216; André Lhote (1885-1962); Nemesio Antúnez (1918-1993) 218; Vicki Baum (1888-1960) 218; Carmen Silva (1924) 218; Enrique Zañartu (1921) 218; Stendhal (1783-1842) 230, 233, “9 de Mayo”; Jean Racine (1639-1699) 231; Hernán Díaz Arrieta (1891-1984) 239; Agustín Encina (character in Martin Rivas) 241.

References in unnumbered pages: Jane Austen (1775-1817); James Gould Cozzens (1903-1978); William Cuthbert; Faulkner (1897-1962); Albert Camus (1913-1960); Isak Dinesen (1885-1962); Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (by Lewis Carroll, 1865); Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910); Aldous Huxley (1894-1963) ; Evelyn Waugh (1903-1966); Virginia Woolf (January 1882-1941); Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821-1881); Thomas Edward Lawrence (1888-1935); Sigismund Freud (1856-1939); Carl Jung (1875-1961); Henry Graham Greene (1904-1991); et al.

9:  Notebook 9. 175 numbered leaves for a two-hole binder. Most text on rectos only. Notes in red ink are later. The first recordd date is November 15, [1957].


Index Card: ‘PAULA MANCHEÑO’. No job, living at my parents. Great friendship with Inés Figueroa. My book is nearly ready. I get my first ulcer attack. PAULA MANCHEÑO is mostly written in bed.

Content: Preliminary draft of a novel Paula Mancheño.


Works In Progress: “Paula Mancheño”: 1-175 (Characters: Paula Mancheño, Virginia, Rojas, Raúl, Carlos Varas, Arcadio Yantén, Pedro, Elisa, Los Rodrigañez, Ramón, Emilio Mancheño, Adelaida, Virginia Mancheño).


Miscellaneous: Drawing on recto of 110.

References: Jean-Gabriel Domergue (1889-1962) 35; Fermand Leger (1881-1955) 42; Henri Matisse (1869-1954) 42; Marcel Duchamp (1887-1968) 42; Vicente Huidobro (1893-1948) 43; Leonard Tsuguharu Foujita (1886-1968) 43, Juan Gris (1887-1927) 43; Luis XVI  (1754-1793) 62; Inés Echeverría (1868-1949) 67; Alberto Blest Gana (1830-1920) 82.

10: Notebook  10. 170 numbered leaves. 14 diciembre (Santiago); 3 de Julio (Santiago). Most of the pages are written on both sides. Pages 159 to 170 are not bound to the notebook; the notebook is incomplete. Notes on red ink done later. The last recorded date is July 3, not June 16 as registered in JD's introductory note. There are two leaves numbered 113.

Index Card: 14 Diciembre 1957 a 16 Junio 1958. Época caótica y confusa. Mis amores con Marta Rivas de Gumicio a raíz del triunfo de CORONACION. Y con la Mary Orrego. FIN DE SEMANA, proyecto de novela, todavía interesante. Obra de teatro: PRIMERA LINEA DE FUEGO, sobre los refugiados españoles.

Content: Preliminary drafts, notes, comments and ideas for “Paula Mancheño”; Preliminary notes on the play titled “Los Leones y Las Lilas”; Preliminary notes, drafts, comments, ideas and character sketches for a play titled “El Exilado”; Preliminary notes, comments, ideas character sketches for a projected novel titled “Fin de Semana”


Works In Progress:

Paula Mancheño (novel): 3-38; 50; 166-170 (Characters: Paula Mancheño Varas, Victoria Mancheño Varas, Rafael Mancheño Varas , Alejandro Mancheño , Victor Manuel de Vergara, Sara Rivas de Vergara, Toribio, Eusebia, Nina, Miguel Sánchez, Tía Luz Mancheño, Tía Dominga Mancheño, Rosa, Tía Cecilia Mancheño,Tomás Vergara Rivas, Paulo, Victoria Sánchez Mancheño, Vicente Salas); “Los leones con las lilas” (Comedy): 38-47 (Characters: Pancho, Isabel); “El exiliado”(drama): 51- 125 (Characters: Ricardo Quiñones, Marisela Alonso de Quiñones, Soledad Lara de Quiñones, Carlucho Benavides, Domingo Edwards, Augusto Pearson, Amelia Quiñones Lara, Alonso Quiñones, Cristóbal Bermúdez, Ramón de la Puente, Ana Rivas); “Fin de semana”: 127-165 (Characters: Alcalde, Chita Ortúzar, italiano, La geisha, Doña Matilde, amante de Margarita, Don Ludo Parraguéz).

Work Plans: Paula Mancheño 25-26; 47 - 48; 61-62; 101-104; “El exiliado”: 1.3 113-114; “Fin de semana”: 136-140; 157, 164, 165.

Secondary Projects: Ideas for an essay: 47-49; Ideas for an El Mercurio article: 124-125


References: Virginia Wolf (1882-1941) 10; Juan Orrego Salas (1919) 38; Nemesio Antúnez (1918-1993) 38; Patricio Bunster (1924 -2006) 38; Franz Kafka (1883-1924) 47; Thomas Mann (1875-1955) 47; Joseph Conrad (1857-1924) 48; Henry James (1843-1916) 49, 125; Herman Melville (1819-1891) 49; Vicente Huidobro (1893-1948) 49; Doña Bárbara (novel by Rómulo Gallegos, 1929) 49; Don Segundo Sombra (novel by Ricardo Güiraldes, 1926) 49; Dom Casmurro (novel by Machado de Assis, 1899) 49; Martín Rivas (novel by Alberto Blest Gana, 1862) 49; Francisco Franco (1892-1975) 75; José Carlos Mariátegui (1894-1930) 106; “La emoción de nuestro tiempo” (essay by José Carlos Mariátegui) 106; Luisa Carnés (1905-?)106; Lorenzo Varela Vázquez (1917-1978) 106; James Gould Cozzens (1903-1978) 119, 124-125; Marcel Proust (1871-1922) 125; Ernest Hemingway, (1899-1961) 125; C. S. Lewis (1898-1963) 125; William Faulkner (1897-1962) 125; Brighton Rock (novel by Graham Greene, 1938); Albert Camus (1913-1960) 153; et al.

Box 7

1: Notebook 11. 112 leaves (70 numbered). August, 5, 1958 (Buenos Aires); September 2, 1958 (Buenos Aires)

Index Card: 5 de Agosto 1958. 2 de Setiembre [sic] 1958. Viaje a Baires [sic] los últimos días de Julio: conozco a M. Pilar Serrano el 31 de Julio. Tres años más tarde me caso con ella PASOS EN LA NOCHE (revista Americana) television Script. Sigo con idea de balneario off season.

Content: Preliminary drafts, notes, comments and ideas for "Pasos en la Noche" (short story); Preliminary drafts, and notes for an untitled television script and for a television show. Miscellaneous notes for possible short stories and novels.

Works in progress: “Pasos en la noche” (short story, first titled “un silbido en la noche”): unnumbered pages at the beginning of the notebook, 5 de Agosto; 57 (Characters: narrator, woman); Untitled novel: unnumbered pages, 6de Agosto (Characters: Chita, Margarita, Kecho); 1.3 Television Script: unnumbered pages, 17de Agosto; 1-31 (Characters: Pablo Vera, Anita, Tía Andrea, Tía Marta, Bebé, Inspector Méndez, ayudante, Pablo, Detective); Ideas for an untitled short story: 32- 36 (Characters: indio, narrator); Ideas for a television show: 54-58 (Characters: hombre, dos hermanas, detective); Other ideas for a novel: 59 - unnumbered pages at the end of the notebook (Characters: Marta Rivas, Manuela, Rafael).

Work Plans: Unnumbered pages at the first half of the notebook; 39, 51, 58, unnumbered pages at the end of the notebook.

Secondary Projects: Ideas for different short stories: unnumbered pages at the beginning of the notebook, 5 de Agosto; 32-35; Comments and reflections on the topics for his second novel: 36-53; Ideas for “Fin de semana”; Ideas he would like to incorporate in a novel: 36-53; 59-unnumbered pages towards the end of the notebook.

References: Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986) unnumbered page towards the beginning of the notebook, 57; “Las ruinas circulares” (short story by Jorge Luis Borges, 1941) unnumbered pages towards the beginning of the notebook; T. S Eliot (1888-1965) 45; “The Hollow Man” (poem by  T.S. Eliot, 1925) 45; Carmen Silva (1929) 48; Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821-1881) 57; Henry James  (1843-1916) 57; Carlos Ibañez del Campo (1877-1960) 67; F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940) unnumbered page at the end of the notebook which should have been 68; The Great Gatsby (novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald, 1925) unnumbered page [68].

2: Notebook 12. 73 leaves, 17 numbered plus 56 unnumbered. September 4, 1958 (Belgrano); October 8, 1958 (Belgrano). Some pages numerated by JD: the first set goes from page 1 through 39; the second set from 1 through 18. The author left 88 pages unnumbered. Most of the pages are written on both sides. Notes in red ink are later.

Index Card: 4 Setiembre [sic] 58. 8 Octubre 58. Buenos Aires, viviendo en la pensión de las Viejas inglesas en Belgrano. Entrevista a Borges. Comienzo RELLENO DE PAJA después LAS VIRGENES NECIAS.

Content:  Preliminary drafts, notes, comments, ideas and various drafts of chapters 1 and 2 for the prospective novel “Relleno de paja”. Questions for an interview with Jorge Luis Borges. Notes taken probably during the interview.

Works In Progress: “El relleno de paja” (novel): 1-unnumbered pages, “11 Setiembre” (Characters: Ernesto Reyes, Beatriz Echagüe de Reyes, Pablo Serrano, Hijos Reyes Echagüe, Francisco, Adela, Padres de Pablo Serrano, Amigos de Pablo Serrano, Marta Rivas, Pablo Reyes, Pancha, Eduardo Sáenz, Patricio,  Marisa, Mario, Pablo Sánchez, Mario Paz, Marta Flores, Alberto); “Los poetas y sus casas”: (probably a draft newspaper article) unnumbered pages, “11 de setiembre”; “El limbo”: unnumbered pages towards the end of the notebook, dated “2 de Octubre”.

Work Plans: 1-3; 6, unumbered pages, dated “23 Setiembre”.

Secondary Projects: Thoughts on Fellini, film and novel: unnumbered pages, dated “19 Setiembre”; Topics to address in an article: unnumbered pages, dated “23 Setiembre”; Draft of questions for an interview with Jorge Luis Borges: on unnumbered pages dated “23 Setiembre” and “26 Sept”; Notes probably taken while interviewing Jorge Luis Borges: unnumbered pages, dated “27 Sept”; Notes: unnumbered page, dated “23 Setiembre”; Observations on the celebration of Spring in Buenos Aires: unnumbered page, dated “23 Setiembre”; Ideas for a short story: unnumbered pages towards the end of the notebook, dated “8 de Octubre”

Miscellaneous: Phone number: unnumbered page; Week plans for meeting with people: unnumbered page, dated “11 de Setiembre”; Comments on the impossibility of writing and some films recently viewed, dated “19 Setiembre”; List of people and objects: unnumbered page, dated“23 Setiembre”


References:  “The Hollow Man” (poem by T.S. Eliot, 1925) 14; Albert Camus (1913-1960) 35; On unnumbered Pages: Federico García Lorca (1898-1936); Rafael Alberti (1902-1999); Carmen Silva (1929); Vicente Huidobro (1893-1948); Mío Cid Campeador, (novel by Vicente Huidobro, 1929); Federico Fellini (1920-1993) “19 Setiembre”; Las noches de Cabiria (film by Federico Fellini, 1957) “19 Setiembre”; Giulietta Masina (1921-1994) “19 Setiembre”; La strada (film by Fellini, 1954) “19 Setiembre”; Alberto Evaristo Ginastera (1916-1983) “19 Setiembre; Paul Klee (1879-1940) “19 de Setiembre”; “23 Setiembre”; Rita Streich (1920-1987) “23 Setiembre”; En attendant Godot (play by Samuel Beckett ) “23 Setiembre”; El Pan de la locura (play by Carlos Gorostiza, 1958) “23 Setiembre”; Una libra de carne (play by Agustin Cuzzani, 1954) “23 Setiembre”; Susana Bombal (1910-1990) “23 Setiembre”; Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986)“23 Setiembre”, “26 Sept”, “3 de Octubre”; Rita Streich (1920-1987) “23 Setiembre”; José Antonio Fernández-Muro (1920) “23 Setiembre”; Héctor Basaldúa (1895-1976) “23 Setiembre”; Horacio Butler (1897-1983) “23 Setiembre”; Raquel Forner (1902-1988) “23 Setiembre”; Sarah Grilo (1920) “23 Setiembre”; Pedro Domínguez Neira (1894-1970) “23 Setiembre”; Leopoldo Torres Agüero (1924-1996) “23 Setiembre”; Azucena Maizani (1902-1970) “23 Septiembre”; Rubén Dario (1867- 1916) “27 Sept”; Paul- Verlaine (1844-1896) “27 Sept”; Victor Hugo (1802-1885) “27 Sept”; Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616) “27 Sept”; Sancho (character in Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes,1602) “27 Sept”; José Hernández (1834-1886) and Martin Fierro “27 Sept”; Américo Castro y Quesada (1885-1972) “27 Sept”; Leopoldo Lugones (1874-1938) “27 Sept”; Enrique Amorim (1900-1960) and El paisano Aguilar (1934)  “27 Sept”; Adolfo Bioy Casares (1914-1999) ) and El sueño de los héroes (1954) “27 Sept”; Ernest Miller Hemingway (1899-1961) “27 Sept”; Silvina Ocampo (1903-1994) “27 Sept”; Juan Rodolfo Wilcock (1919-1978) ; Carlos Mastronardi (1901-1976) “27 Sept”; Marcel Proust (1871-1922) “27 Sept”; G. K. Chesterton (1874-1936) “27 Sept”; Aldous Huxley (1894-1963) “27 Sept”; Franz Kafka (1883-1924) “27 Sept”; Hugh Seymour Walpole (1884-1941) and Portrait of a Man with Red Hair (1925)  “27 Sept”; William Faulkner (1897-1962) “27 Sept”; Roberto Arlt (1900-1942) and El juguete rabioso (1926)  “27 Sept”; Ricardo Güiraldes (1886-1927) and Don Segundo Sombra (1926) “27 Sept”; Juan Domingo Perón (1895-1974) “27 Sept”; James Joyce (1882-1941) “27 Sept”; Henry James (1843-1916) “27 Sept”; Hilario Ascasubi (1807-1875) “27 Sept”; William Somerset Maugham (1874-1965) “8 de Octubre”; Max Ernst (1891-1976) “8 de Octubre”; et al.


3: Notebook 13A. 165 numbered pages. October 17, 1958 (Belgrano, Buenos Aires); November 14, 1958 (Totoral, Cordoba). Pages are numbered on recto and verso. Most are written on recto and verso.


Index Card: 17 de Octubre, 1958. 14 de Noviembre 1958. Totoral hasta Navidad (Cordoba) [sic], la estancia de Margarita Aguirre. LAS BARBAS DEL MALDITO EL PORTERO TEMPORADA EN EL LIMBO.


Content: Notes for several untitled short stories. Preliminary drafts, notes, comments and ideas for "El Portero", "Las Barbas del Maldito", "Temporada en el Limbo" and “Adiós Buenos Aires”.

Works In Progress:  “La mujer cliché” (ideas for a short story): 43-45; “¡Adiós!”: 54-55; “Las negras propanesas”: 55; “El portero” (short story): 34-39, 67-96, 96-102 (Characters: Don Carlos Balcarce, Claudio Vélez, Embajador, Dino Agliotti); “La Barba del maldito”: 103-134 (Characters: Andrés, Carmen Rivas, Andrés Pérez, padres de Carmen); “Temporada en le limbo”: 135; 144-158; “Adiós Buenos Aires”: 135-143 (Characters: Alberto, Gigi Ríos); “La pieza redonda”: 165.

Work Plans: “Temporada en le limbo”: 136-142.

Secondary Projects: Novel based on a newspaper article: 1-16; Ideas for a short story: 31-32; Ideas for a nouvelle: 33-34; Idea for a short story: 40; Ideas for a short story: 46-50; Ideas for a short story: 58-60; Thoughts about a movie whose script was written by Faulkner: 41; “Carta a Buenos Aires”: 50-52; Ideas for a short story “Los Endomingados”: 134; Ideas for a short story: 134-143; Draft: 165.

Miscellaneous: Draft of a letter addressed to “Carlos”, some comments on Coronacion: 17-30; Drawing of a woman: 30; List of 11 prospective tittles for short stories: 30; List of 11 authors and a published work from each: 53; Notes on a trip: 56-57; Draft of a letter addressed to “Señora Graciela”: 61-64; Notes of what he did during the day: 64; Plans: 65-66; Plan for the following 10 weeks: 158-159; List of 10 titles for short stories and their possible number of pages: 159; Thoughts and comments on his future plans: 160-162; Words he would like to incorporate in his works in progress: 162; Possible people he could dedicate his future work to: 163-164.

References: Arthur Evelyn Waugh (1903-1966) 2, 9; María Eva Duarte (1919-1952) 3; Federico García Lorca (1898-1936) 21; Carlos Morla Lynch (1885-1969) 21; Dino Buzzati (1906-1972) 31, 41; William Somerset Maugham (1874-1965) 35; William Faulkner (1897-1962) 41; Franz Kafka (1883-1924) 41; Leo Tolstoi (1828-1910) 53; Anna Karenina (novel by Leo Tolstoy, 1873) 53; Alberto Moravia (1907-1990) 53; Cuentos Romanos (volumes of short stories by Alberto Moravia, 1954) 53; William Faulkner (1897-1962) 53; Gambito de Caballo (volume of short stories by William Faulkner 1949) 53; José Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955) 53; Miguel Ángel Asturias (1899-1974) 53; El señor Presidente (novel by Miguel Ángel Asturias, 1946) 53; Alejo Carpentier (1904 -1980) 53; Los pasos perdidos (novel by Alejo Carpentier, 1953) 53; Francois Mauriac (1885-1970) 53; El Mico (novel by Francois Mauriac, 1952) 53; Julio Cortázar (1914-1984) 53; Bestiario (volume of short stories by Julio Cortázar, 1951) 53; William Somerset Maugham (1874-1965) 53; Albert Camus (1913-1960) 33, 110; Franz Kafka (1883-1924) 53; La Metamorfosis (novel by Franz Kafka, 1915) 53; Voltaire in Love (by  Nancy Mitford, 1957) 56, 64 ; Nancy Mitford (1904-1973) 56; Martin Heidegger (1889-1976) 102; Shirley Temple (1932-1961) 104; Dorothy Parker (1893-1967) 104; Anton Chekhov (1860-1904) 110; Julien Gracq (1910)110; Christopher Isherwood (1904-1986) 136.


4: Notebook 13B. 71 leaves. Most leaves are written recto only. Notes in red ink are later. The only date recorded in the notebook is October 7. Some pages unnumbered.

Index Card: Primavera 1958. November 1958. Very little. In Buenos Aires.

Content: :Notes on an interview with Jorge Luis Borges and various drafts of an article titled "Conversaciones con Borges". Miscellaneous notes on "El Espectro de Hernández". Notes and drafts on an article titled "Carta de Buenos Aires". Drafts of letters.


Works in progress: Conversaciones con Borges: unnumbered pages.


Secondary Projects: Notes for a text titled  “El espectro de Hernández”, dated october 7; Several drafts of an article about the 1958 Argentinean educational crisis, titled “Carta de Buenos Aires”; Draft for an untitled short story (it is ‘El Relleno de Paja’): only the first 5 pages are numbered.

Miscellanous: Draft of a letter addressed to Alberto: 3-4 (incomplete); Draft of a letter addressed to “Señor Suares dos Santos”; Notes on some Argentinean historical events; Draft of a letter addressed to “Pancho”; Drawings.

References: Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986) ; Enrique Zuleta (1923); Federico de Onís Sánchez (1885-1966) 3; Leopoldo Lugones (1874-1938) 4; La guerra gaucha, (short stories by Leopoldo Lugones, 1905) 4; Juan Domingo Perón (1895-1974); Arturo Frondizi (1908-1995); Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874-1936); Herbert George Wells (1866-1946); La Chanson de Roland; Domingo Faustino Sarmiento (1811-1888);  et al.

5: Notebook 14. 334 numbered pages plus 15 unnumbered pages towards the end of the notebook. November 15 (Totoral, Córdoba); November 29 (Totoral, Córdoba). Most of the pages written recto and verso. Notes in red ink are later.

Index Card: 15 de Noviembre 1958. 28 de Noviembre 1958. Me pongo de novio por primera vez con M Pilar, por teléfono y carta. Escribo mucho cuento malo LA PUERTA CERRADA (La otra casa) comienza aquí.


Content: Drafts notes and comments of "Temporada en el Limbo"; Drafts of "Casa Particular"; Notes on other novelists; Notes for "La Casa del Gringo"; Ideas, notes and drafts for "El Charleston"; A draft and some notes for "La Pieza Redonda"; Drafts notes and comments for "Las Víboras"; Notes for a story titled "El Mentiroso"; Ideas, notes, comments and several drafts for "En la Otra Casa" (later titled "La Puerta Cerrada"); Notes and ideas for prospective short stories.


Works in progress: “Temporada en el Limbo”: 3-28; 176-206 (Characters: Extraño, anciana, Señora Anderson, Agatha, jefe de Sebastián, médico, policías); “Casa Particular”: 31-63 (Characters: Erminda Araya, Patricio, Martita Cienfuegos de Rodríguez, Florentino Madrid, Beatriz Echagüe, Rosa Mendez, Teófilo Ramos, Lucinda Renjifo); “La casa del Gringo”: 82-83; “Charleston”: 79-80; 85-120 (Characters: Jaime, Sócrates, Lucy, Haydée, Chinchulín, Jaime); “La pieza redonda”: 120-169; 227 (Characters: Jorge Elizalde (later Felipe Sáenz), padre, madre, hermanos, Tío Eduardo (later Tío Gregorio), novia de Gregorio, Catalina Rosa, Alicia, Aggie, Miguel,  Claus); “Las víboras”: 208-266; 272-277 (Characters: Bonifacio Vera, Ernestina Valdés, Ignacio de la Peña, Marta, mayordomo, Ricardo Vera, Farias, Néstor, Cortes);   “El mentiroso”: 278-288; “En la otra casa”: 289- end of the notebook (Characters: Adela Rengifo, Sebastián, vecina del cuarto, médico joven, jefe de Sebastián, hijas del jefe).

Work Plans: "El mentiroso”: 29 -31; 277-288; "En la otra casa”: 327-332.

Secondary Projects: Ideas for a short story: 29-30; Ideas for a short story: 79; Ideas for a short story: 83-84; Notes and ideas: 171 ; Ideas for a novel: 266-271.

Miscellaneous: List of titles for different short stories and their probable number of pages: 1, 170; Review of the activities during the day. Thoughts on “Temporada en el limbo” and comments on books recently read: 64-78; Thoughts: 81-82; Working plans for the following weeks: 172-174; “Bitacora”: 174-175; Drawing and dedicatory: unnumbered pages; “El mundo de mis hijos”: list of names; List of visitors: notebook’s last page.

References: Jack London (1876-1916) 22; Thomas Wolfe (1900-1938) 22; Fidel Castro (1926) 65; Voltaire in Love (novel by Nancy Mitford, 1957) 67; Nancy Mitford (1904-1973) 67; François Mauriac (1885-1970) 68, 70, 78; Génitrix (novel by François Mauriac, 1923) 68; Albert Camus (1913-1960) 68, 70; Marcel Proust (1871-1922) 70; Julien Green (1900-1998) 72; Charles Dickens (1812-1870) 75; Honoré de Balzac (1799-1850) 75; Alberto Moravia (1907-1990) 76; Cuentos Romanos (volumes of short stories by Alberto Moravia, 1954) 76; Dino Buzzati (1906-1972) 78; Pío Baroja (1872-1956) 78; El mundo es ansi (novel by Pio Baroja, 1912 ) 78; William Faulkner (1897-1962) 78, 266; Las palmeras salvajes, (novel by William Faulkner, 1939) 78; Somerset Maugham (1874-1965) 78, 83; Joseph Conrad (1857-1924) 83; Lauren Bacall (1924) 100; Marilyn Monroe (1926-1962) 100; Jane Russell (1921) 100; Julio Verne (1828-1905) 132; Alicia en el país de las maravillas (Lewis Carroll, 1865) 182; Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) 187; Lord Byron (1788-1824) 197; Juan Domingo Perón (1895-1974) 200; Arturo Frondizi (1908-1995) 201; Pablo Neruda (1904-1973) 267, 268; Anton Chekhov (1860-1904) 326; et al.

6. Notebook 15. 260 pages numbered by JD plus 33 unnumbered pages towards the end of the notebook. November 29, 1958 (Totoral, Cordoba, 1-238; Buenos Aires 239-unnumbered page). February 9, 1959 (Los Toldos, unnumbered page).

Index card: “Despues de rompimiento con M.P., una de las epocas mas siniestras de mi vida. Y mas ricas. Amistades: Jorge y Elena Miches; Eugenio Guante?; Pana Guante? (Murio el año pasado) mi gran y queridisima amiga,  tierna y adorada, madre de Eugenio. Todo el asunto con familia M. Pilar. Pobreza. Nouvelle: En el Parque. “El tio Gregorio”.

Content: broad and detailed outlines, drafts and thoughts on different stories planned to be grouped under the title “Pasatiempos para jubilados”. Thoughts on the attitude of the reader towards a novel. List of friends and guests to his wedding. Drawing of female figures.

Works in progress: “La Puerta” (later “La puerta cerrada”): 3- 68; Untitled story  (probably “quinientos pesos”): 69; “La pelirroja”: 70-75, 80-81; “Quinientos pesos”: 88-101; 107-113; 114-128, 129-147; “El parque” later “El tio Gregrio”: 148-238 252-260; “La casa de los poetas”: 239-241; “El anticuario”: 248; “Pasatiempos para jubilados”; 1.9 Play (28 unnumbered pages)

Characters: 1.1 Adela Rengijo, Sebastian, señora Menche, Aquiles Marambio, doctor, sirvienta, señora de Marambio, dos hijos ( Maria Isabel, Maria Patricia). 1.2 Margarita, unnamed character. 1.3 Borges, Isabel Penderigact?, Demetrio Roa, Beatriz Mansilla, Lia de Largilliere, Rita. 1.4 Manuel Vera (also Manuel Rios, Manuel Vega, Pablo Aniaran?), chofer, ayudante, muchacha india. 1.5 Felipe (later Felipe Saenz), Abuela, madre, sirvienta (Marta), padre, tio Gregorio, Adriana (novia de Felipe). 1.9 Tio Gregorio, Adriana.

Sketches: 1.4 93-96; 1 unnumbered page; 1.5 162-165; 175-181; 186-188; 210-221; 1.7 248; 1.8 6 unnumbered pages; 1.9 9 unnumbered pages.

Thoughts and reflections on: texts in progress: 75-79; “El Mentiroso” 82-84; 1.3 82 “Pasatiempos para gente civilizada”: 85; 1.5 222-225, 228-235, 235-238, 249-251; 257-260; unnumbered pages, notes in pencil January 3; 1.9 On the play (unnumbered pages); Unnumbered pages related to the appreciation of a novel by the public.

 References: Arturo López-Willshaw, 243; Pablo Picasso, 246, 248; Renoir, 246; Eugenio Guasta; Jorge Luis Borges; D.H. Lawrence; Eduardo Mallea, “posesion”; Juan José Hernández, “Calridad vencida”; Martinez Estrada; Ricardo Moliner; Dalmiro Sáenz “Setenta veces siete”; William Faulkner; ErnestoSabato, “El Tunel”; Sara Gallardo, “ Enero”; Benito Lynch; “Los hermanos Karamazov”, (Fiodor Dostoyevski); Cervantes; Carlos Gorostiza, “El pan de la locura”; Marcelo Lavalle; Tennessee Williams; James Joyce; Osvaldo Bonet; unnumbered pages;

List of short stories with their possible title: 1-2; Newspaper article: “a child’s world”; Prospective short stories planning: 85-87; Ideas for a short story “Cuento de Puerto Saavedra,” later as “Mil pesos”, and lastly as  “Quinientos pesos”: 88-92; Ideas for a nouvelle: 101-106; List of questions: 242; Notes taken in English: 243-247; Notes and comments in pencil, taken in Buenos Aires related to cinema, painting, politics, literature, music, drama, economy and education (pages unnumbered) in 1958; Notes in green ink (3 unnumbered pages); List of ten stories under the title “Pasatiempos para jubilados”; Drawings of female faces; List of names and objects (probably presents); List of guests to his wedding (220); List of friends

7. Notebook 16.  Two bound notebooks, the first numbered pages 1-150, the second pages 151-191 (with pages following 256 misnumbered by JD; i.e., page 191 should be 291. The misnumbered pages are indicated an (*) asterisk). 291 pages numbered by JD, March 14, 1959 (Buenos Aires), June 10, 1959 (unspecified)

Index card: “Aparece tema de “El obsceno pajaro” bajo “idea para cuento”, pag 11, despues “El ultimo Azcoitia”; Aparece tema de El lugar sin limites; “Tigre, Tigre” novela con buen tema, me parece; El tio Gregorio; Amores con ?; Otra vez:  Primera linea de Fuego; Muerte de ? (Pienso escribir este cuento en Navidad, 1966) pp 220 ?; Comienza “Las virgenes necias.”

Content: continue working in “Tiger, Tiger” taking into consideration the previous work in notebook 13. Ideas for possible works and works previously developed in notebook 13. Thoughts on death, God, his life and needs. Impossibility of writing. The possibility of writing drama instead of narrative. Different critics to his work published in the Latin American media.

Works in progress: 1.1 “Tigre, Tigre” 1-11, 14-113; 1.2 “El Ultimo Azcoitia”: 11-14, 222; 1.3 “El tio Gregorio”, Comedy in three acts: 113- 154; 1.4 “Pasatiempos de gente civilizada”: 164-172; 1.5 “La primera linea de fuego”: 180-221; 1.6 “Madame Gabrielle”: 207-208; 223-228, 238-240; 1.7 Idea for a novel: 241-247; 1.8 Idea for a play 248-251; 1.9 “Las virgenes necias” 252-165*

Characters: 1.1 Felipe, Marta, abuela, madre, padre, chofer, tigre, Silvia; 1.2 niño deforme, madre, chofer; 1.3 Beatriz, Carlos Echague, Felipe Alvarado, Fernando Alvarado, Elena Mendez, Gregorio Rivas o “tio Gregorio”, Adrinana, Catalina Roa; 1.4 Carlos Balcarce, Dino, Raul Mendez, Justo Oyanedel, Alfredo Benitez,; 1.5 Amalia, Carlucho, Quinones, Ramonete, Ana; 1.6 Mdm. Gabrielle

Sketches: 1.1 49, 62-63, 66-67; 1.3 113; 1.5 198-201; 1.6 226-228.

Thoughts and reflections: 1.1 Reflections and outlines taking into account the work done in previous notebook: 1-11; 70 -100; 109-113; 1.2 “El utlimo Azcoitia”: 13-14; 1.3 127, 133, 141, 143-154; the stories the author planned for inclusion in a volume: 154-156; “La puerta cerrada”. Planning for the following days: 156-158; Needs and desires. Planning: 159-164; 1.4 “Pasatiempos de gente civilizada”: 164; Thoughts on his present life, possibilities: 172-175; Expresses his discontent with Tigre, plans a play175-180 later entitled “Primera linea de fuego”; 1.5 180-182; 184-188; 192-197; 209-221; 202-206 After Mme Jeanne’s death: the possibility of life after death, the existence of God, Simone Weil’s view of death vs. his view; 188-191; what is important when writing, on realism in literature, on the possibility of writing drama instead of narrative; 208 The impossibility of writing; 222-223 His life and the need of a partner; 1.6 223-226; 228-299; 228-232 Idea for a short story. “500 pesos”; 232-234 a prospective fantastic short story; 234 An idea for a possible short story based on the differences between men and women; 235-236 impressions about a wide array of topics; 237-238 His new job as a translator and the positive impact on his daily writing; 247- The need to write a play

8. Notebook 17. 194 pages numbered by JD plus 2 unnumbered pages towards the end of the notebook. June 10, 1959 (no place specified).  August 10, 1959 (no place specified)

No index card.

Content: Character, content, sequence analyses and drafts of works started in notebooks 15 and 16. Broad outlines for “El Ultimo Azcoitia.”

Works in progress: 1.1 “Virgenes necias”: 1-28; 1.2 “Paseos” (later “Paseo”): 29-98, 121-131, 133-138* (page unnumbered by JD) 139-156; 1.3 “Las virgenes necias” 98-120; 1.4 “Pasatiempos para gente civilizada” 162-180; 1.5 “El ultimo Azcoitia”: 181-194

Characters: Alicia Diaz Pastor, Rita, Tessie, Ricardo Quinones, Marcelo Diaz Pastor, Ana Maria Rocha, Daniel Riquelme, Angelina; Tia Matilde, tio Armando (later Gustavo); Alicia, Tessie, Marcelo, Rita; 1.4 Don Carlos Balcarce, Dino; 1.5 Jeronimo Azcoitia, Dela (later Ines de Azcotia), Boy, el polaco.

Sketches: 1-2; 1.3 99, 101-2; 1.4 167-172; 1.5 183-185, 189-191.

Thoughts and reflections: 1.1 3; 1.2 35-37, 77-78, 98, 100, 102-3, 159; 1.3 109, 118-120; 1.4 162, 166, 167, 173-180; 1.5 185-189, 192-194.

References I: Azorin (José Augusto Trinidad Martínez Ruiz) 160; Inés Figueroa, 160; Carmen Orrego Montes, 181; Gide, 119; Jorge Luis Borges, 173; 132 10 titles for a future volume; 156-158 excitement after finishing “Paseo”, writing plans; 158 Idea for a short story based on Flaubert and Louise Colet; 159 need of writing; 160-161 Commented list of finished short stories; 194 List of 7 titles of short stories, drawing. Expresses the will of continuing in a new notebook; Unnumbered page: three verses in pencil; Unnumbered page: Drawings of 2 female faces.

References II: Buzzati, 4; “El sermón de la montaña”, 73, 86; Boris Pasternak, 79; Gauthama Budha, 86; Georges Bernanos, “Dialogue des Carmelites”, 86; “Before Philosophy”(Henri Frankfort et al), 93-4; Eliot (First name unspecified) 93; Elvira Orpheé, 151, 159, 160, 172, 173, 174; María Rosa Oliver, 151, 173; Inés Figueroa, 155; Elsie Rivero Haedo, 156; Pio Baroja, 157; Enrique  Lafourcade, 158; Carlos George Nascimento, 158; Miguel Ocampo, 159; Josefina Robirosa, 159, 173; Victoria Ocampo, 159; Rosa Chacel, 173; Andersen, 174; Anton Chejov, 176, 181, 188; Tennessee Williams, “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof “,176, 181; Bertolt Brecht, 184; Jean Genet “Las criadas “, 188; “Hamlet”, 188; “El tiempo y los Conway”, 188; Christopher Isherwood, 207; Perico Muller, 234;  Impressions after sightseeing from a streetcar; 183 impressions on a play titled “Alemania, Tercer Reich”; 206-7 Plans for the coming week; 228 Idea for a nouvelle; 166* Donoso’s transcription of what Ricardo Latchman (1903-1965) comments on his work in an article published in “Noticias de ultima hora”, on December, 29, 1957; 167-168* Donoso’s transcription of  what Juan de Luigi comments on his work, in an article published in ”La Gaceta”, on March 9, 1958; 169* Donoso’s transcription of  what Mario Benedetti comments on his work, in an article published in “Marcha” (Uruguay) on May 20, 1958; 169- 173* Donoso’s transcription of  what Rosa Chacel comments on “Coronacion” and “Veraneo”, in an article published in “Sur” (Buenos Aires) on May-June, 1957; 174- 175 Donoso’s transcription Raul Silva Castro’s comments on “Coronacion”, in an article published in “El Mercurio” (Santiago) on January, 4, 1958; 176* Donoso’s transcription of  Alone’s comments, in “El Mercurio” (Santiago) on January, 19, 1958; 177* Donoso’s transcription of a comment on his work. Author, date and place of publication is omitted; 178* list of 9 names set in pairs; 179* list of 15 names set in pairs; 180 Drawings of 3 female faces and a list of 10 people, in which the first name is Maria Pilar Serrano; 181* list of 8 people he plans to call on the phone or who are supposed to call him; Drawings of a lady; 182* drawing of a female and 2 male figures; list of people he needs to call; 183* numbers, probably points scored in a game or amounts of money; 184* Notes, drawings. “Doña Abajo Chiangkai Chek Rutherford de Chiung Lo”; 187-184*  “Contra J.I. Huhmes?; 188* Drawings of a female face; numbers; 189-190* Drawings of a woman and a female face; thoughts on a character; 191* List of books to be read; an address; drawing of a face.  

Box 8:

1. Notebook 18. 103 pages numbered by JD plus 76 unnumbered pages towards the end of the notebook. August 11, 1959 (from September 28, Santiago); January 10, 1960 (no place specified)

Index card: “11 de Agosto de 1959 a 10 de Enero de 1960. El Ultimo Azcoitia. Comienza Santelices”

Content: Drafts for “El Ultimo Azcoitia” and “El asilo de los feos”. Ideas for “El Tunel”. Beginning of “Santelices” first written under the title “Los gatos”.

Works in progress: “El Ultimo Azcoitia”: 1-32, unnumbered page (it should have been 37) 44-69; “El Tunel” 38, 40-43; “Mi gran amiga” 75-78; Untitled novel 72-105; 1.5 “Los gatos”: Unnumbered pages (should have been 106-112). Later “Santelices”; 1.6 "Santelices”; Unnumbered pages (should have been 113-120). 1.7 “El asilo de los feos”: Unnumbered pages (should have been 121-126).

Characters: 1.1 Jeronimo Azcoitia, Boy, Adela (later Adela Santillana, later Ines); 1.3 mme. Gabrielle, Donoso, Maria del Pilar; 1.4 Gustvo rebolledo, Felipe Vera, Maya, Patricio Santos, Panchita Berenguer, Magdalena Berenguer, Eduardo Orrego, Ester Padilla; 1.5 Jorge Santelices, señ or Puyo; 1.6 Jorge Santelices, don Eustagio, don Norberto?; 1.7 Leonor, Mimi, Beatriz, Elena.

Thoughts and reflections: 4-5, 12-14, unnumbered page (it should have been 37-38; 33-35 the need of writing a story based on the impossibility of going back home; 1.4 72-75, 72-87.

Miscellaneous: References: “Chocalates for breakfast”, (Pamela Moore), 38, 39; Dorothy Parker, "Big Blonde”, 72; Inés Figueroa, 74; 36 idea for another short story based on the futility of life and ephemeral of memory; 39 Idea for a short story; 70 Ideas for previous works; 71-72 ideas for a short story; 72-73 reflections on the earlier short story ““Madame Jeanne”; 74 Short stories the author would like to include in a volume; Unnumbered page (should have been 105) text in quotations marks; 24 Unnumbered: pages are difficult to decipher, written in blue ink; 16 Unnumbered: pages are difficult to decipher, written in pencil and green ink; 10 Unnumbered: pages are difficult to decipher, written in blue ink, crossed-out by JD; Drawing of a female face; Drawing of a portrait; Drawing of a stage.

2. Notebook 19A: 64 pages numbered by JD. The rest are unnumbered. March 22, 1960 (Santiago, Av. Holanda); May 15, 1960 (unspecified).

Index card: “22 de Marzo de 1960 A 5 de Mayo 1960. TRES METROS DE CUERDA. Estoy de regreso en Chile y trabajando, ya, en Ercilla. Notas periodisticas”

Content: Drafts of “Tres metros de cuerda”. Miscellaneous notes. “Notas periodisticas” for Ercilla magazine.

Works in progress: 1.1 Untitled novel 1-22 later “Tres metros de cuerda”; 1.2 “Tres metros de cuerda” 23-?; 1.3 Notes: pages not numbered, most crossed-out by JD.

Characters: 1.1 don Tom, dueño de altinbanqui, soldado; 1.2 Tom.

Sketches: 12-13. 14-22. 43. Chilean artists organized by their place of birth

Thoughts and reflections: Authors JD determines he must read.

Miscellaneous: Biographical notes of different Chilean personalities: Manuel Concha, Oscar Castro, Pedro Prado, Lautaro Yankas, Baldomero Lillo, Marta Brunet, Perez Rosales, etc.; Medical notes

3. Notebook 19B. 31 pages numbered by JD (JD only uses one side of each page). The rest are unnumbered. Towards the end of the notebook some pages are written in both sides. April, 1960 (Santiago); September 24, 1960 (Isla Negra).

Index card: “Abril 1960; 24 Septiembre 1960. Amistad con las Yañez, El Arrayan. 3 METROS DE CUERDA. Aparece EL CHARLESTON”.

Content: Notes and drafts on “Tres Metros de Cuerda” and another untitled story.

Works in progress: “Tres Metros de cuerda”: 1-24; untitled story: 25- ? (pages unnumbered by JD)

Characters: 1.1 don Tom, due;o de la libreria, Sabrina, Manuela, Erika Rojas, Irma, Nelly, Juanita; 1.2 Fernando, Carmen Orrego, marido de Carmen, Juan Saralegui?, Lya Mendez, Renato Velez, don Augusto, Vicente Tapia, Anita Figueroa.

Sketches: 1.1 15-16; 1.2 29-30, unnumbered pages (23 de agosto), unnumbered pages (31 de agosto).

Thoughts and reflections: 1.1 25 author wants to abandon the novel because he feels it does not fit him; 25 ideas for another story: a 35 year-old who is waiting for a medical opinion on a possible cancer; Unnumbred pages (Augus 31) discusses the existence of a middle class in Chile; 1.2 Unnumbred pages (September 1) critical comments and new possibilities to improve the plot taking into account the use of language, time and specificity of each character. Unnumbred pages (September 24) critical comments and new possibilities to improve the plot working on the main characters.

Miscellaneous: First page: a plan of an intersection of two streets in downtown Santiago; Drawing of a woman.

4. Notebook 20: pages unnumbered by JD. November 27, 1960 (). December 22, 1960 (?).

Index card:"27 de Noviembre 1960. 22 de Diciembre 1960. Viaje a europa. Nov 1960-julio 1961. Me comprometo por carta de nuevo con M. Pilar y ella me va a esperar a Santos”.

Content: Observations and notes about people met during his trip around Europe. Ideas for “El Ultimo Azcoitia”. Ideas for 4 short stories.

Works in progress: 1.1  “El Ultimo Azcoitia” (later “El obsceno pajaro de la noche”); 1.2 “Santelices”; 1.3 “El hogar”; 1.4 “Los nombres de Claudina Ortiz”; 1.5 “Historia de un refinado”.

Characters: 1.2 Digna, don Norbuerto, Santelices.

Miscellaneous: Impressions of the day spent in Santa Croce.

References: Elsa Morante, Jorge Luis Borges, Pablo Neruda.

5. Notebook 21: 19 pages numbered by JD plus 48 unnumbered pages towards the end of the notebook. August 22, 1961 (no place specified); September 25, 1961 (no place specified).

Index card: "22 de Agosto 1961. 25 de Septiembre 1961. Este año me case con M. Pilar Serrano, el 14 de Octubre de 1961. My thoughts weren’t literary”.

Content: Notes, ideas, sketches for an untitled novel.

  • Miscellaneous: Critical view of Chilean society.

References: Fidel Castro; List of guest to a dinner

5. Notebook 21 A. 89 pages numbered by JD plus 44 unnumbered pages towards the end of the notebook. November 25, 1961 (Ismael Valdes , Santiago). January 21, 1962 (Concepcion).

  • No index card.

Content: Drafts, sketches, notes for an untitled novel

Works in progress: untitled novel: 9- unnumbered page towards the end of the notebook.

Characters: Clemente Rioseco, Angelica Mendez, Maya, Victor Arriague, Marisa Blanco, Chita Spencer, Lucha (Rodriguez/ Mendizabal), Fanny Boetger de Rioseco, Paco Mendez, Pito Blanco, don Lisimaco Blanco, Blanca Valdes Mendez, Chepa Rodriguez de Arriague, Carlos Arriegaue, Bernardo Arriague, Bernardo, Nelli, E? Cid, Delfina/ Cecilia, Rodrigo.

Sketches: 12, 14, 19, 71-72.

Thoughts and reflections: 1.1 5- unnumbered page towards the end of the notebook.

References: Camilo Jose Cela, “La colmena”, 3; John Steinbeck, 3; Christopher Isherwood, 15; Carlos Fuentes, “La region mas transparente”, 70; Fidel Castro, 85.

Miscellaneous: 1- 3 Personal impressions towards writing a novel of social concerns; 4 List of indispensable elements in a novel of his; Unnumbered page: Draft of a letter to Alejo Carpentier.

7. Notebook 21B: 139 pages numbered by JD plus 14 unnumbered pages towards the end of the notebook. Februry 6, 1962 (Av Ismael Valdes Vergara 436, Santiago). March 22, 1962 (unspecified).

Index card: No card. JD wrote “Casado1” on the front page.

Content: Drafts, sketches, critic evaluation for “El Ultimo Azcoitia” (later “El obsceno pajaro de la noche”). Drafts, notes and sketches for “Los guantes blancos”. Latin American and Spanish authors read recently.

Works in progress: 1.1 “El ultimo Azcoitia”: 2-26; 1.2 “Los guantes balncos” (play): 37- 139.

8. Notebook 21C: 31 pages numbered by JD plus 1 page unnumbered at the beginning of the notebook. January 5. Year not indicated (Los Dominicos, Santiago). March 26, 1962 (Los Dominicos, Santiago).

Index card: none.

Content: Drafts, sketches, notes for “El Ultimo Azcoitia” (later “El obsceno pajaro de la noche”).

Works in progress: 1.1 “El ultimo Azcoitia”: 1* (page unnumbered by JD)-31.

Characters: 1.1 Humberto, Jeronimo, Peta, Boy.

Sketches: 1.1 4, 9-10, 12-15, 19, 21, 30

Thoughts and reflections: 1.1 1*-4, 5-6, 8-9, 11-12, 15-19, 20-31

Characters: 1.1 Jeronimo de Azcoitia, Boy, Emperatriz, Ines Santillana, bruja, Maya, Angelica, Clemente, Renato Cardenas; 1.2 Blanca, Ramon, Antonio, Rita, Maya, Garay, Felipe.

Sketches: 1.1 15-19, 27-29; 1.2 106-107, 109-112, 117-124, 125-136.

Thoughts and reflections: 1 satisfaction for the way he finished “Santelices” and “Paseo”. Desire to publish a volume of 5 short stories under the title “Cuentos perversos”; 1.1 Summarizes the plot: 2-13. Expresses dissatisfaction on how he has developed the story: 13-14. Expresses fear and anxiety: 26-27 and  29-30; 31- 31*(JD misnumbered pages, this page should have been 33) List of books he has recently read with comments; 35- New  ideas for “El ultimo Azcoitia”; 1.2 41-109,113-118,124—125, 136-139.

References: Max Frisch: 30; Mario Benedettti: 31; Carlos Fuentes: 31, 33; Juan Garcia Hortelano: 31; Luis Goytisolo: 31; Ana Maria Matute: 31; Elvira Orphee: 31; Juan Rulfo: 31; Julio Cortazar: 31, 33; Augusto Roa Bastos: 32; Thomas Mann: 32; Angel Rama: 33.

Miscellaneous Unnumbered pages: “notas para feria”; 4 last unnumbered pages: transcription of a dream; Lists of people (probably guests for dinner); Back page: address in Viña del Mar. Phone number

9. Notebook 22: 169 pages numbered by JD plus 15 unnumbered pages towards the end of the notebook. March 22, 1962 (unspecified). August 10, 1962 (unspecified).

Index card: “22 marzo 1962. 10 Agosto 1962. Aqui comienzo “Los guantes Blancos”, que se transformo en obra de teatro (?Quien la tendra ahora?) y fue el embrion de Este Domingo. La obra de teatro no creo que pasara de medio acto. Despues, tomamos nuestra casita en Sta Ana y comienzo con El Ultimo Azcoitia, embrion de EL OBSCENO PAJARO DE LA NOCHE”.

Content: Notes, dafts, sketches, critic evaluation of “Los gunates blancos”, “El ultimo Azcoitia” (later “El obsceno pajaro de la noche”) and “Funeral para un angel”.

Works in progress: 1.1 “Los guantes blancos”: 1-117; 1.2 “El ultimo Azcoitia”: 117-125, 160-169; 1.3 “Funeral para un angel”: 125-156, 158-160.

Characters: Chita, Leonidas Vera, Milena Rusic, Ludovina, Matilde, Toribio Alvarez, Valenzuela, Polla, Monica y Mario Mendez, Antonio, Ramon, los Irrisari, Embajador Aldunate, Minsitro de Justicia, Isidoro Huneus, don Julio Zegers; Jeronimo, Ines, Peta, Boy, la Geisha, la Manuela, Paula Mancheno, Victor Mancheno, maria Olga Mancheno, Lastenia Parraguez, Inesita Urrutia, Carlos Mendez, Vicente Mendea mancheno, Angelica Vergara de Mendez, Olga Mendez Mancheno, Rosa Lederma, Leoncio Ponce, Vicente, Alejandro.

Sketches: 4-5, 17-18, 22-23, 27-8, 32, 39-40,45, 47-49, 58-60, 70, 76-86, 90-91, 93, 104, 106-107, 123-124, 119*(page unnumbered by JD)-120; 168; 126-128, 140-141, 143

Thoughts and reflections: 1.1 1-2, 5-6, 20-21, 23-36, 38, 40, 41-58, 60-70,72-76, 81, 83, 85-110, 112-118; 1.2 119-125, 160-169; 1.3 125-157, 158-160.

References: Halldor Laxness, 5; Juan Agustín Palazuelos, 87; Goytisolo, 87; Juan Goytisolo Gay, 87; Juan García Hortelano, 87; Nemesio Antunez, 98; Thomas Mann (Los Buddenbroock), 104; Jorge Luis Borges, 111, 121; Cortazar, 121; Kafka, 121; Carlos Fuentes, 121; Herman Hesse; Eduardo Vilches, 123; Fortunato San Martin, Miguel Arteche, Jorge Teillier, Armando Uribe, Efrain Barquero, unnumbered pages.

Miscellaneous: 111 Idea for a short story for the “Cuentos perversos” volume; 117-118 letter from Henry James pere to Williams James; 157-8 Author asks himself why he writes; Unnumbered page towards the end of the notebook: drawings, lists; Biographical notes on Fortunato San Martin; List of 90 postcards from Europe.

10. Notebook 23: 145 pages numbered by JD plus 50 unnumbered pages towards the end of the notebook. August 28, 1962 (Santiago). October 27, 1962 (unspecified).

Index card: none.

Content: Notes, dafts, sketches, critic evaluation of “El ultimo Azcoitia” (later “El obsceno pajaro de la noche”).

Works in progress: “El ultimo Azcoitia”: 1-145.

Characters: 1.1 Ines, Jeronimo, Peta Ponce, Boy, perro or Pique, Geisha, tio cura, Pedro de Azcoitia.

Sketches: 1-6, 32-33, 80-82, 123-125, 136-139, 141-142.

Thoughts and reflections: 1.1 1-44,  50-2, 64-77, 82-84, 94-96, 103-105, 113-116, 121-136, 139-140, 143-145.

References: George Meredith, 13; Simone de Bevoir, 95; Thomas Mann 121* (page unnumbered by JD), Miguel Arteche, Jorge Teillier, David Roserman, Efrain Barquero, Armando Uribe (last page of the notebook)

Miscellaneous notes taken in English and Spanish towards the end of the notebook; Drawing of a woman, female body

11. Notebook 24: 125 pages numbered by JD plus 24 unnumbered pages towards the end of the notebook. November 24, Santa Ana (year unspecified). Last date specified April 23 (year and location unspecified).

Index card: None.

Content: Notes, dafts, sketches, critical evaluation of “El ultimo Azcoitia” (later “El obsceno pajaro de la noche”). Ideas for a story titled “La carta de San Ignacio”.

Works in progress: “El ultimo Azcoitia”: 1-24, 26-125; Idea for a new story, “La carta de San Ignacio”: 25-26

Characters: 1.1 Ines, Peta, Violeta, Jeronimo, Boy, perra, tio Pedro, don Clemente, medico, Geisha, Manuela o La Japonesa; 1.2 Mr and Mrs Gomez.

Sketches: 1.1 2, 8-15, 17-23, 48-49, 57-58, 60, 91-96.

Thoughts and reflections: 3-8, 15-16, 23-33, 36-48, 50-57, 58-60, 61*-64, 65-66, 68-92, 96, 103-104, 106, 113,115-125.

References: Pablo Neruda, 36,38; Alberto Edwards, 70; “The tin drum”(Gunter Grass), 83; Jorge Luis Borges, 84, 125, unnumbered page; 61* (page unnumbered by JD) transcription of a piece of George Eliot’s.

  • Miscellaneous: Page unnumbered by JD: list of 23 names, most of them those of Chilean writers; Page unnumbered by JD: financial considerations; Page unnumbered by JD: notes about Borges taken in English; Page unnumbered by JD: linguistic note; Unnumbered last page of the notebook: Female face and addition of hours, last page

Box  9

1. Notebook 25: 128 pages numbered by JD. April 24, 1963 (Santiago). June 25, 1963 (Los Dominicos, Santiago).

Index card: none.

  • Content: Notes, drafts, sketches, critic evaluation of “El ultimo Azcoitia” (later “El obsceno pajaro de la noche”).

Works in progress: “El ultimo Azcoitia”: 1-128

Characters: 1.1 Ines, Peta, Jeronimo, Boy, Japonesa, Manuela, perros negros, peon, don Clemente, Juana Benitez, Violeta, Margarita, Rosa, Lila, Hortencia, Azucena, Malva, Flora Videla

Sketches: 24-25, 31, 36-37, 52-54, 75-76, 125-126.

Thoughts and reflections: 1-6, 14, 22-23, 28-30, 31-32, 35-36, 37-38, 45-48, 54-56, 66, 71-75, 76-98, 102-107, 110-112, 114-125, 127.

References: Virginia Woolf, 77.

2. Notebook 26: 114 pages numbered by JD. June 27 (year unspecified by JD) Los Dominicos, Santiago. July 10 (year unspecified by JD) Los Dominicos, Santiago.

Index card: none.

Content: Notes, drafts, sketches, critic evaluation of “El ultimo Azcoitia” (later “El obsceno pajaro de la noche”).

Works in progress: “El ultimo Azcoitia”: 1.

Characters: Jeronimo, Boy, vagabundos, Humberto Penaloza, Peta, doña Matilde,

  • Sketches: 3-5, 17-20, 29, 60-63, 66-67.
  • Thoughts and reflections: 1-3, 5-14, 15-17, 20-24, 26-32, 34-37, 41-44, 53-54, 55-58, 63-66, 78-81, 87-91, 111-113.

References: Carlos Fuentes (“La muerte de Artemio Cruz”) 87.

  • Miscellaneous: List of fruits and their price; list of fruit trees and other trees (last page of the notebook).

3. Notebook 27: 92 pages numbered by JD plus 26 unused unnumbered pages. July 11 (year unspecified by JD) Los Dominicos, Santiago. December 14 (year unspecified by JD) Los Dominicos, Santiago.

Index card: none.

Content: Notes, drafts, sketches, critic evaluation of “El ultimo Azcoitia” (later “El obsceno pajaro de la noche”) Ideas for a new novel “Dos mundos”.

Works in progress: "El ultimo Azcoitia”: 1 ;  idea for a new novel “Dos mundos”: 43.

Characters: Jeronimo, Matilde, Bohemia, Humberto, Ines, Peta, vagabundos, Geisha, Manuela.

Sketches:1.1 3-11, 19, 21-25, 27-28, 31-32, 34-35, 66, 72-75, 77-78, 81-85.

Thoughts and reflections: 1.1 1-3, 8, 10-14, 18-19, 20-21, 25-27, 30, 32-35, 49-55, 62-66, 67-72, 75-77, 78-81, 85-88, 89-91.

Reference: Julio Cortazar, 64.

Miscellaneous: 44-45 Feelings and reflections towards his present life and the novel as a narrative genre; 91-91 Feelings and reflections on the novel, and his work being translated.

4. Notebook 28: 143 pages numbered by JD. May 6, 1964 (Los Dominicos, Santiago). May 25 1964 (Los Dominicos, Santiago).

Index card: none.

  • Content: Notes, drafts, sketches, critic evaluation for “El ultimo Azcoitia” (later “El obsceno pajaro de la noche”). Ideas for a novel he described to Carlos Fuentes.

Works in progress: “El ultimo Azcoitia”: 1-141

Characters: Humberto, Jeronimo, Boy, Ines, Maya, Peta, emepleada, mendigo, Maya, Arzobispo, grupo de ninas, madre superiora, dos señoras, Iris, capellan, Humberto Peñaloza padre, madre y hermana de Humberto Peñaloza, Clemente.

Sketches: 1, 46-48, 74, 75-76, 77, 97-98, 104-105, 121.

Thoughts and reflections: 1-45, 47,48, 51-74, 75, 76, 77-97, 93-95, 96-97, 98-99, 101-104, 109-114, 115-118, 119-121, 121-133, 136-138, 140-142.

  • References: Charles Dickens, 1,51; “The Ordeal of Richard Feverel” (George Meredith), 51; “King Lear” (William Shakespeare) 51; Melanie Klein, 65; “Sobre heroes y tumbas” (Ernesto Sabato), 65; Carlos Fuentes, 114; Jorge Luis Borges, 141.
  • Miscellaneous: 118 Notes on an observation from Maria Pilar; 114 Idea for a novel commented to Carlos Fuentes

5. Notebook 29: 139 pages numbered by JD plus 12 unnumbered pages at the end of the notebook. May 26, 1964 (Los Dominicos, Santiago). August 3 1964 ( Los Dominicos, Santiago).

Index card: none.

  • Content:  Notes, drafts, sketches, critic evaluation and planning for “El ultimo Azcoitia” (later “El obsceno pajaro de la noche”), mainly  related to “Casa de ejercicios espirituales de la Encarnacion de la Chimba”. Ideas for a Hispano-American novel class syllabus.

Works in progress: El ultimo Azcoitia (later “El obsceno pajaro de la noche”): 1-139.

Characters: 1.1 Humberto, Jeronimo, Regina, Peta, Boy, Ines, señora Eulalia, Iris, Madre Superiora, monja portera, huerfanas, el mudo, giganton o Tito, secretario Arzobispo, padre de iris, padre, senora Irarrazaval, Martin Pescador, Rita, Dora, perra amrilla, don Clemente, Japonesa, Manuela.

Sketches: 3, 5,9-11, 16-23, 35, 59-60, 73,76, 90-93, 102-103, 104-107, 110-111, 120-122, 126-128, 131, 132, 135.

Thoughts and reflections: 1.1 1-9, 11-28, 31-73, 75-77, 82-100, 103, 107-110, 112-113, 114-120, 122-126, 128-135, 136-139.

References: Alberto Ostria Gutierrez: 14; Fedor Dostoievski, 56, 58; Joseph Conrad, 56; “La guerra y la paz” (León Tolstoi), 74; Angel Rama 75, Mario Vargas Llosa, 75, 77, 79; Mauricio Wacquez, 77; William Styron, 77; Reynolds Price, 77; Updike, 77; Carlos Fuentes, 77, 78; Alejo Carpentier, 77; Julio Cortazar, 77, 78; Ernesto Sabato, 77, 78; Robbe Grillet, 77; Eduardo Mallea, 78; Jorge Luis Borges, 78; Mario Benedetti, 79; Elisa Serrano, 79; Juan Agustín Palazuelos, 79; Vicuña Cifuentes, 129.

Miscellaneous: 28-31 notes on his visit to downtown Santiago; 38 location casa de Ejercicios; 74-75 personal reflections; 77-80 design for a class on the Hispano-American novel; 80-82: writing plans for the coming months; 100 planning for the following months; 113 plans for the following weeks; Unnumbered page: plano de un huerto; Last page (unnumbered): Drawing of a masculine face and a woman, bills.

6. Notebook 30: 152 pages numbered by JD. August 3, 1964 (Los Dominicos, Santiago). August 28, 1964 ( Los Dominicos, Santiago).

Index card: none.

  • Content: Notes, drafts, detailed sketches, critic evaluation and planning for “El ultimo Azcoitia” (later “El obsceno pajaro de la noche”), mainly  related to Casa de ejercicios espirituales de la Encarnacion de la Chimba.

Works in progress: “El ultimo Azcoitia”: 1-152.

Characters: Iris Mateluna, Martin Pescador, Humberto Penaloza, Madre Superiora or Providencia, Peta Ponce, Jeronimo, Ines, perra amarilla, Boy, la Geisha, carabineros, viejas, Rita, Juana, Blanquita, Dora, Madre Maria de la luz, Ines Vergara, Brigida, Sara Rivas, Anita, Rafaela, Rosa, Juana Rojas, señor Azocar, Domingo, Fernando, Padre Santillana, Madre Santillana, Tio clemente, doña Lucila, Las niñas, Padre Azcoitia, Abuelo Azcoitia, Madre Azcoitia, escultor en marmol, hombres de bar, duena de la pension, organillero, senora elegante, dos muchachos elegenates, muchacho elegante, Elvira Mendez, Amelia, Madre Benita, Ambrosia, Rosa, Olga, Rosalba.

Sketches: 6-7, 17-28, 30-31, 37-79, 81-83, 88-89, 112-113, 116-118, 120, 134-135, 144-145, 148-150.

Thoughts and reflections: 1.1 1-17, 29-30, 32-36, 38, 39* (page unnumbered by JD), 67, 80-81, 83-88, 89-112, 113-116, 118-119, 121-133, 135-144, 145-148, 151-152.

References: Cozzens, James Gould, “By love possessed”, 109.

6. Notebook 31: 142 pages numbered by JD plus 9 unnumbered pages (the last page is cut in half) at the end of the notebook. August 28, 1964 (Los Dominicos, Santiago). December 17 1964 ( Los Dominicos, Santiago).

Index card: none.

Content: Notes, drafts, detailed sketches, critic evaluation and planning for “El ultimo Azcoitia” (later “El obsceno pajaro de la noche”), mainly  related to “Casa de ejercicios espirituales de la Encarnacion de la Chimba”. Ideas for 5 short stories. Notes, drafts, detailed sketches, critic evaluation and planning for “La Manuela” (later “La Apuesta” finally, “El lugar sin limites”).

Works in progress: “El ultimo Azcoitia”: 1-64; 1.2 “La Nana”: 65-66; 1.3 untitled: 66-68; 1.4 “Brisca” short story: 68-70; 1.5 “Vaso de agua” (short story) : 73-83; 1.6 “Miss lonely hearts” (short story): 83-85; 1.7 “La Manuela”: 87-142.

  • Characters: 1.1 Dora, Madre Benita, Iris, Mudo,  Rosa, Peta, Rita,  Humberto, señor Azocar, Amalia, perra amarilla, tio Clemente, Ines, Peta, la Manuela, Brigida; 1.7 La Manuela, Japonesita, las chiquillas, don Dionisio, Japonesa grande, don Alejandro, Cloty, Nelly, Pancho Vega, chonchon, notario de San Clemente.

Sketches: 1.1 7-8, 20-22, 24-25, 35-41, 43, 50, 94-95, 96-97,132.

Thoughts and reflections: 1.1 1-6, 8-20, 22-24, 25-50, 51-64; 1.2 86-87, 101, 111; 1.5 73-83, 91; 1.6 85-86; 1.7 87-91, 92-93, 95, 97-131, 132-142.

References: Margarita Aguirre, 15; “The wings of the dove” (Henry James), 15; Carlos Fuentes, 53, 68, 69, 71, 112; “El principe idiota” (Fedor Dostoievski) 61; Julio Vicuña Cifuentes, 64; Henry James, 67; Eduardo Mallea, “Cuentos para una inglesa desesperada”, 69; Hector Agosti, 72; H. A. Murena, 72; Carlos Martínez Moreno, 72; Emir Rodriguez Monegal, 72; Mario Benedetti, 72; Angel Rama, 72; Alone, 72; Raul Silva Castro, 72; Mario Vargas Llosa,72;  Elsa Arana, 72; Sebastian Salazar Bondy, 72; Gabriel Garcia Marquez, “El coronel no tiene quien le escriba”, 89, 102; Raquel Meller, 106.

  • Miscellaneous: 70 Six titles for short stories for a volume entitled “Un vaso de Agua” dedicated to Rita and Carlos Fuentes; 72 List of editorials, critics and writers organized by countries of origin; Unnumbered pages: reflections written in red ink towards the end of the notebook; Unnumbered last page of the notebook: drawing of a woman.

8. Notebook 32: 178 pages numbered by JD plus 20 unnumbered pages (the last page is cut in half). December 17, 1964 (San Angel, Mexico). June 29, 1965 ( Cuernavaca, Mexico).

Index card: “(Mexico, San Angel) Diciembre 17, 1964. (Cuernavaca) Junio 9, 1965. Termino “RIE EL ETERNO LACAYO’, que Joaquin Diez-Canedo publico en 1966 Noviembre, con el nombre de EL LUGAR SIN LIMITES. Viajo a New York a la publicacion de CORONATION en ingles. Paul Engle me contrata. Cuernavaca con los suegros. Comienzo, y caso termino ESTE DOMINGO. Tengo un derrame de ulcera antes de terminar”.

  • Content: Notes, drafts, detailed sketches, critic evaluation and planning for “La Manuela” (later “La apuesta,” finally “El lugar sin limites”). Ideas for prospective short stories. Preliminary ideas and notes for what finally became “Este Domingo”.

Works in progress: “La Manuela” (later “La apuesta,” finally “El lugar sin limites): 1* (page unnumbered by JD) -118; 1.2 untitled short story: 119-121; 1.3 short story “El paraiso”: 121-127; 1.4 “La nana”: 53, 131- ; 1. 5 “Este Domingo”: 141-178.

Characters: La Manuela, Nelly, Japonesita, Pancho Vega, don Alejandro or Don Alejo, senora Blanca, Ludo, Acevedo, perros, Octavio, Japonesa Grande, boticario, jefe de estacion, jefe de carabineros, don Cespedes, perrros, la Lucy, La Cloty, Octavio, La Ludovina, Misia Blanca. Dr. Gonzalez Ulloa. Actriz nortemaericana o Bella Star, ninita, marido,  Margarita, Mrs. Manjo?, doctor Porter. Maya, nana, Berta, Violeta, Adriana Rodriguez de Vives, Alfonso Vives, Violeta, Diego, Gonzalo, Ana, Beatriz, Olga, Julio, Tito, Alfredo.

Sketches: 28-29, 46-49, 80, 82-83, 91-93, unnumbered page towards the end of the notebook. 1.5 148-149, 167.

Thoughts and reflections: 1.1 1-7, 14-18, 20-27, 30, 32-38, 39-45, 50-5, 54-69, 70-75, 76-79, 81-82, 83-91, 93-114; 1.4 131-135, 140; 1.5 141-147, 149-178.

References: “El coronel no tiene quien le escriba” (Gabriel Garcia Marquez), 30; Joaquín Díez-Canedo, 31, 114; Ernest Hemingway, 33; Vicente Leñero , “Los albañiles”, 75; “Pedro Paramo”, Juan Rulfo, 88. 113; Carlos Fuentes, 88, 96, 114, unnumbered page towards the end of the notebook; Robert Graves, “The White Goddess”, 95; Henry James, 129; Katherine Mansfield, 143; Jorge Luis Borges, Miguel Angel Asturias, unnumbered pages towards the end of the notebook.

Miscellaneous: 18 writing plans for the following days; 31-32 weekly writing plan; 49 weekly writing plan; 53 Ideas for “La nana”; 75 Ideas for articles published in Ercilla; 100 Expectations for his next creation; 110 Main theme for a future novel; 114 Critics from Carlos Fuentes to the novel; 115-116 idea for a short story; 117 willingness to write, rescue some old short stories written in previous notebooks; 118 list of short stories under the title “Brisca”. List of words in capital letters; 119 Ideas for a short story; 127 List and comments on a possible volume of 12 short stories; Unnumbered page: drawing in blue ink; Unnumbered page: notes, male profile; Unnumbered last page of the notebook: list and the titles “Bolivia” and “El Cairo”.

9: Notebook 33. 101 numbered leaves plus 45 unnumbered pages towards the end of the notebook.

June, 30 (Cuernavaca); January, 5 (Iowa). Pages numbered and written on both rectos and versos. Two blank pages between pages 9 and 11.

Index Card:  (Cuernavaca) Junio 30 1965. (Iowa) Diciembre 5, 1966. Termino completamente el envío a Carl Brandt, mi ESTE DOMINGO.

Content:  Notes, ideas, drafts for Este Domingo.


Works In Progress: “Este Domingo”: 1-11; 14-21; 24-45; 47-53; 54-74; 78-86; 94 – unnumbered pages, dated “5 Enero” (Characters: Abuelo, Fernando, Maya, Violeta, Dora, Jacqueline, Álvaro, Misiá Sofía, Fanny,  Fernando Sánchez, Mirella, Armando, Rosalía, Marujita); “Los juegos legítimos”: 45-47; 49; 53 (Characters: Abuela, primos, papá, mamá).

Work Plans: “Este Domingo”: Different parts in which the novel could be divided: 8; Different topics to develop in several chapters: 30-33; 37-38; 54-55; 58-63; 71-72; 88; Topics to develop in chapter 4: 40-43; Topics to develop in chapter 5: 50-53; Topics to develop in chapter 7: 66 -67; Topics to develop in chapter 8: 68 -71; Topics to develop in chapter 10: 72 –73; 87; Summary of topics, actions: 96-100

Secondary Projects: Comment on “El Lacayo”: 31; Comment on ideas he would like to use from “La animita”: 10

Comments on his present life: 11-14; Ideas for two short stories: 21; Ideas for an intermission entitled “Los juegos legítimos”: 38-39; Ideas for a text based on a Latin American student in the USA, based on R. V Cassil: 89-94.

Miscellaneous: Expenses estimations for different countries: 22; Desires and feelings: 23; Work schedule for the following day: 29; List of 22 writers and a work of each: 74-77; Idea for “el Pájaro” (later, El Obsceno Pájaro de la Noche): 102 (page unnumbered by JD).

References: James R. Agee (1909-1955) 10; A Death in the Family (novel by James R. Agee, 1957) 10; Carlos Fuentes (1928)13; Vicente Leñero (1933) 14; Lord Jim (novel by Joseph Conrad,1899) 30; Joaquín Mortiz 65; Benito Pérez Galdós (1843-1920) 74, 76-77; Miguel de Unamuno (1864-1936) 74-75,77; Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis (1839-1908) 74; Eça de Queirós (1845-1900) 74: Robert Musil (1880-1942) 74-75,77; Young Törless (novel by Robert Musil, 1906) 74-75; Cesare Pavese (1908-1950) 74-75, 77; Il Compagno (novel by Cesare Pavese,1947) 75; Isak Dinesen (1885-1962) 74-75, 77; Seven Gothic tales (by Isak Dinesen, 1934) 74; Alain-Fournier (1886-1914) 74-75, 77 ; Le Grand Meaulnes (novel by Alain-Fournier,1913) 74-75; Jacques de Lacretelle (1888-1985) 74-75; Silbermann (novel by Jacques de Lacretelle, 1922) 74-75; Fermina Márquez (novel by Valery Larbaud, 1911) 74, 76-77; Italo Calvino (1923-1985) 74-75; Il barone rampante (novel by Italo Calvino, 1957) 74-75; Ronald Firbank (1886-1926) 74, 76-77; Prancing Nigger (novel by Ronald Firbank, 1925) 74-75; Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986) 74-75, 77; Baron Corvo  (1860-1913) 74; The Quest for Corvo (by A. J. A. Symons, 1934) 74; The Tale of Genji (novel by Murasaki Shikibu) 74-75;  Murasaki Shikibu (c.973-c.1014 or 1025) 74-75, 77; Camilo José Cela (1916-2002) 74, 77; La Familia de Pascual Duarte (novel by Camilo José Cela, 1942) The Hive (novel by Camilo José Cela, 1951) 74 ; Hermann Broch (1886 –1951) 74, 76-77; The Death of Virgil (novel by Hermann Broch, 1945) 74, 76; Maxim Gorky (1868-1936) 74-75, 77; Childhood (autobiography by Maxim Gorky, 1913-1914) 74-75; Dino Buzzati Traverso (1906-1972) 75, 77; André Gide (1869-1951) 75, 77; Marcel Proust (1871-1922) 76-77; Du côté de chez Swann (novel by Marcel Proust, 1913) 76;  Hermann Hesse (1877-1962) 76-77; El juego de abalorios ( novel by Herman Hesse, 1943) 76; Dame Ivy Compton-Burnett (1884-1969) 76-77; Juan Rulfo (1917/8-1986) 76-77; Pedro Páramo (novel by Juan Rulfo,1955) 76; Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa (1896-1957) 76-77; Il Gattopardo (novel by Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa, 1958) 76; Yukio Mishima (1925-1970) 76-77; The Temple of the Golden Pavilion (novel by Yukio Mishima, 1956); Babel 77; Jacques de Lacretelle (1888-1985) 77; Johan August Strindberg (1849-1912) 77; André Malraux (1901-1976) 77; Miodrag Bulatović (1930-1991) 77; Ronald Vernil Cassil (1919-2002) 89; et al.