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Special Collections and University Archives

Finding Aid

Brent Johnson Iowa Killed Buddy Holly Small Press and Zine Shop Collection
MsC 319
Collection Dates: 1990-2007

Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research.

Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department.

Copyright: Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials.

Use of Collections: The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement.

Acquisition and Processing Information: This collection was donated by Brent Johnson in July 2009. It was processed in July-August 2009..

Photographs: None









Scope and Contents

This collection consists of numerous zines assembled by Iowa City native Brent Johnson, who with Leah Galey founded the Iowa Killed Buddy Holly Small Press and Zine Shop at the Hall Mall on College Steet in Iowa City, in May of 2002. The store was closed in 2009.

The zines in this collection involve a wide variety of subjects, including music, art, literary expression and personal expression. The collection is particularly notable for its local flavor, in that it holds many zines produced by residents of Iowa City and elsewhere in Iowa.

Box 7 holds a zine, Chihuahua and Pit Bull, that is contained inside a corked bottle. The bottle itself has never been opened, but is interesting as an aesthetic curiosity.

Historical Note

Zines (originally called fanzines) are amateur, DIY (Do-It-Yourself) publications produced non-commercially, designed to circulate among a small number of people sharing similar cultural or social interests. Generally speaking, zines are produced by a single individual - in a cut-and-paste fashion and photocopied - and distributed informally by hand or at concerts, zine fests, bookstores, music stores and other locations, or sent through the mail at low cost.

Zines are important methods of communication among members of distinct subcultures or social communities traditionally underrepresented by the societal mainstream. In the modern era, zines became popular during the emergence of science fiction fandom starting in the 1930s. SF fans created zines, which evolved out of the letter columns from SF literary magazines such as Astounding Stories, in order to communicate with each other and provide forums in which fans could express their own personal opinions about the genre and its media products. Zines fairly quickly became a distinct feature of SF fandom and remain so to this day.

Zines were taken up by other distinct cultural movements, including beat literature in the 1950s, underground comics in the 1960, punk music in the 1970s, and the feminist riot grrl movement in the 1990s. As methods of cheap photocopying and, later, the personal computer, became more widely available in the 1980s and 1990s the number and variations of zines exploded. With the advent of the Internet and the introduction of blogging as a tool of personal and creative expression, the number of print zines began declining, although the zine remains popular among particular subcultures as a tool of personal and creative expression and as a way of exchanging thoughts, ideas and opinions.


Related Materials

ATCA Periodicals and Zines Collection. Bulk dates: 1960 - 1980. 75+ ft.
This ATCA collection brings together journals, newspapers, zines, and similar formal and informal periodicals that are art-related or have artistic merit. The range of subjects is broad and include political and cultural issues, gender and sexuality questions, as well as music, film, poetry, and religion. MsC779. (Finding Aid)

BERGUS, NICK AND LAURA. Bergus Zine Collection, 1978-2002. 13.5 ft.
Zines collected by Nick and Laura Bergus documenting avant garde and popular music in the 1980s and 1990s. MsC834. (Finding Aid)

PUBLIC SPACE ONE. Public Space ONE Zine Collection, 1977-2008. 2.2. ft.
Collection of zines donated by Iowa City-based art and performance venue Public Space ONE. Many zines relate to anarchist or radical politics, and many zines are from Iowa City-area authors. MsC370. (Finding Aid)

SPECIAL COLLECTIONS. Special Collections Floating Zine Collection, 1998-2010. 1.0 ft

Collection of assorted zines not tied to any particular donor or other collection. MsC331. (Finding Aid)

STEWART, SEAN. Sean Stewart Zine Collection, 1986-2009. 1.0 ft.

Collection of zines dealing with a wide variety of subjects, themes, and creative styles, collected by a Baltimore-based zine writer, editor and reviewer. MsC 353. (Finding Aid)

WOLFE, SARAH AND JEN. Sarah and Jen Wolfe Collection of Riot Grrrl and Underground Music Zines, 1991-1998, 2003. 6 ft.

Collection of amateur publications arising primarily from the feminist riot grrrl movement of the 1990s, together with numerous zines documenting various independent/underground music scenes. MsC 878. (Finding Aid)

ZINE MACHINE. Zine Machine Collection, 2001-2009. 0.8 ft.
Collection of zines taken from the Zine Machine, a repurposed vending machine in the University of Iowa Main Library that distributes zines to interested parties. Many of the zines are local to Iowa City in origin. MsC885. (Finding Aid)

Box Contents List


Box 1


Abaddon #4 (n.d.)

Abort! #7 (October 2001); #14 (n.d.)

                                     [Jonathan Spies, auth.]

Action! Photozine #2 (1999?)

                                     [Icki, auth.]

The Adventures of Sylvia Plath #1 (n.d.)

                                    [Lauren B. Pez, auth.]

Alabama Grrrl #6 (July 1999); #8 (n.d.)

                                     [Ailecia, auth.]

America? #12 (n.d.)

                                    [Travis, auth.]

American Dream: Free Enterprise (2001)

                                    [Seth M. Ferranti, auth.]

American Porn #1 – 9 (July 4, 1998 – September 28, 2006); Annual #1 (July 4, 2001)

                                    [Kerstin Kolbe and Adam Angstead, ed. for #1-4; Angstead for #5-9 and Annual #1]]

Amped: Notes from a Go-Nowhere Punk Band (2001)

                                    [Jon Rush, auth.]

Angry Thoreauian #28: Cannibalization (Easter 2001)

Annualisimo v. 1.0.1 (1991?)

Annzine #3 (n.d.)

                                    [Anngirl McNally, auth.]

Anodyne #4 (n.d.)

Another World Is Possible: Conversations in a Time of Terror (2002)

April Fool’s Day #1 (n.d.)

                                    [Kathleen Hanna, auth]

Aquatulle: A Journey Into Yesterdays’s Pop Culture Madness #5 (2001-2002)

Artex #1 (December 2001)

Armchair Revolution #6 (1999); #10 (n.d.); #13 (n.d.)

The Assassin and the Whiner #11 (1999); #13 – 14 (1999-2000)

                                    [Carrie McNinch, auth.]

Attempted Not Known, no issue # (2002)

                                    [Peter S. Conrad, auth.]

Avow #9 (n.d.); #17 (n.d.)

                                    [Keith Rosson, auth.]

Babel #56 (2002)

Babysue, vol. 8 #3 (“Summer 1950”)

                                    [‘Comfy Don’ W. Seven, ed.]

Back to School Guide 1998-1999 (1998)

Bad Head (n.d.)

                                    [Klon Waldrip, auth.]

The Ballad of the Two-Headed Boy (n.d.)

                                    [Abel Brekhus, auth.]

The Beautiful Mona Luna (n.d.)

                                    [Tyler Corbett, auth.]

Beer Zine (1997)

Best of Temp Slave! (1997)

                                    [Jeff Kelly, auth.]

Big Questions #1 – 5 (1998?-Spring 2002)

                                    [Anders Nilsen, auth.]

Black and Blue #2 (2002?)

                                    [L. Morris, auth.]

Book Your Own Fucking Life #9 (2001)

Brain Food #1 – 8 (n.d. for #1, 1997-2002)

                                    [Michael D. Toft, auth.]

Brainscan #15 – 18 (n.d.)

Bridges With Spirit (1999)

                                    [Adam Voith, auth.]

Burn Collector #3 (n.d.); #10 – 12 (n.d.)

                                    [Al Burian, auth.]

Caboose #2 (June 2002)

                                    [Liz Saidel, auth.]

Capital Art: On the Culture of Punishment (2001)

                                    [Mariana Botey and Pilar Perez, ed.]

Carnival of Chaos: On the Road with the Nomadic Festival (1996)

Celestelle #15 (July/August 2002)

                                    [Yul Tolbert, auth.]

Cheese #8 – 9 (1995)

                                    [Brie Dah, auth.]

Chickpea #3 (n.d.)

Chimps #4/Rockpad #1/Werewolves #3 (1998)

Chumpire #146 (n.d.); #151 (n.d.); #157 (n.d.); #159 (n.d.)

C.H.U.N.K. 666 #3: To Heed The Moronic Dictum (August 2001)

Chunklet #16 – 17 (2001, 2003)

The CIA Makes Science Fiction Unexciting #2 (n.d.)

Cigar Punk #1 (2001?)

Climbing Out (2002)

                                    [Brian Ralph, auth.]

Clip Tart #1 (2004)

                                    [Susan Boren, auth.]

Clowns Make Good Watchdogs (2002)

Cometbus #31 (n.d.); #34 (1995); #37 (n.d.); #40 (n.d.); #42 (n.d.)

Cometbus #45 – 49 (n.d.)

Comixville #1 – 2 (Spring-Summer 2002); #5 (Spring 2003)

Commited to the Custody of the Attorney General (2000)

                                    [Seth M. Ferranti, auth.]

Complete Control #10 (November 2002)

Conditions (n.d.)

                                    [Nate Powell, auth.]

Copper Press #10 – 12 (2002); #14 (2002)


Box 2

Crrrrank! (n.d.)

Crude Noise #1 – 2 (n.d.); #4 (July 2004)

                                   [Meredith Stearn, auth.]

Crush Zine (n.d.)

Curious Constellation (n.d.)

                                    [Alex Wrekk, auth.]

Cut + Paste #1 (2001-2002)

C.Z.A.R. (Chickenhed Zine and Roll) #1 (n.d.)

Damn You, Frida Kahlo (2001)

                                    [Greg Zura, auth.]

A Day in the Air #7 (December 1999); #11 (n.d.); #14 (March 2002)

A Day Mournful and Overcast (March 1999)

Dear Mr. Mackin (2001)

                                    [Rev. Richard J. Mackin, auth.]

Deviance #1 (1999?)

Diary – Keep Out! (January 2002)

                                    [Vivid, auth.]

Dimestore #6 (n.d.)

Dirtbag #5 (December 2001); #7 (2002)

                                    [Dave Kiesh, auth.]

Dirty Gurl Chronicles #1 (n.d.)

                                    [Arrid, auth.]

Dischord Illustrated Catalogue #3 (1998?)

Dishwasher #13 – 15 (n.d.)

                                    [Dishwasher Pete, auth.]

Dissected By Frogs (1994)

                                    [Xan Karn, auth.]

D.I.Y. Guide #2 (n.d.)

Documents #1/2 (Fall/Winter 1992)

Dogprint #12 (1999)

Doris #10 (February 1998); #13 – 14 (n.d.); #16 (n.d.); #18 – 19 (2001?-2002); #22 (n.d.)

                                    [Cindy, auth.]

Drinking Sweat in the Ash Age (n.d.)

                                    [Mike Taylor and Travis Fristoe, auth.]

Driver’s Side Airbag #37 – 40 (n.d.); #42 (n.d.)

                                    [Michael Halchin, ed.]

The Drop (n.d.)

Duhhh #9 (n.d.)

                                    [Anthony P., ed.]

Dunk and Piss #5 – 8 (n.d. for #5; 2001-2002)

Dwan #30 (n.d.)

                                    [Donny Smith, auth.]

The East Village Inky #14 (January 2002); #22 (January 2004)

                                    [Ayun Halliday, auth.]

Eaves of Ass #1 (n.d.)

                                    [Craven Rock, auth.]

Emergency #4: Monsters (n.d.)

                                    [Ammi, auth.]

Empires Fall #1 (2002)

                                    [Rich and Rosie, auth.]

The End (2002)

                                    [Entlund, auth.]

The End of a Perfect Day #7 – 8 (n.d.)

Esta Fue Tu Vida! (2001)

                                    [Jack Chick, auth.]

Evasion (1999)

Everyone in Silico (2002)

                                    [Jim Munroe, auth.]

Everything Matters: Paul Kos – A Retrospective (2003)

Face #5 (1994); #9 (n.d.)

                                    [Aral Griffin, auth.]

Factory Direct #5 (n.d.)

Fairlane (2001)

                                    [Sara Sandberg, auth.]

Fern #10 (May 1995)

“Festival of Sustainability” Untitled Zine (2003)

                                    [Derek Caterwaul, auth.]

Finding A Voice: A Benefit for Humans (2002)

Fish With Legs #6 (n.d.); #8 (n.d.)

                                    [Eric Lyden, auth.]

Fleep (2002)

                                    [Jason Shiga, auth.]

Flying Lesson #5 – 6 (2001); #8 – 9 (2002-?)

                                    [Ali, auth.]

Food Geek #4 (2000)

                                    [Carrie McNinch, auth.]

Food Me #1 (n.d.)

Formula (n.d.)

Found Magazine #1 ¼ (n.d.)

Fragments #2 (2002)

Frank Vs. The Undead #1 (April 2004)

                                    [Samuel Locke-Ward, auth.]

Frankenbones (n.d.)

                                    [Emily Heiple and Nate Powell, auth.]

Freedom and Just U.S. (n.d.)

Fucktooth #14 (1994); #21 (1996); #23 (1998)

                                    [Jen Angel, auth.]

Full Gallop #6 (n.d.); #8 – 10 (n.d. for #8-9, 2002 for #10)

Funky Snuts #4 (March 1995)

                                    [Giovanni and Judd, auth.]

Gabbazine #7 (December 2001)

                                    [Frederic Gagnon, ed.]

Game of the Arseholes #5 (n.d.)

                                    [Stuart Schrader, auth.]

The Garlic Press, vol. 1 #1 (February/March 2001); vol. 2 #2 – 4 (March-April? 2002); #6 (n.d.); #8 (Fall 2002)

Geek Monthly #12 – 13 (April-May 2002)

La Gente Pobre  (2002?)

Glass Houses (2000)

                                    [aRRiel, auth.]

The Glovebox Chronicles #8 (June 2001)

                                    [Davida Gypsy Breier, auth.]

Go Metric #2 (Summer 1995); #12 – 20 (Summer 2000-2006)

                                    [Mike Faloon, ed.]


Box 3


Greenzine #11 (n.d.)

                                    [Christy C. Road, ed.]

The Grey Streets #1 (n.d.)

                                    [Layne, auth.]

Grub #101 (n.d.)

Guinea Pig Zero: An Anthology of the Journal for Human Research Subjects (2002)

                                    [Robert Helms, ed.]

Gullible #13 – 14 (n.d., August 1998); #16 – 18 (December 1998-August 1999); #23 – 24 (January-December 2000)

                                    [Chris Terry, auth.]

Gutless #4 (March 1999)

                                    [Janice Flux, auth.]

Gynomite: Fearless, Feminist Porn (2000)

                                    [Liz Belile, ed.]

Handjive #1 (n.d.); #3 (n.d.)

                                    [Emily Heiple, ed.]

Hanging Like a Hex #16 (n.d.)

                                    [Ryan Canavan, pub.]

Happy Goat #8 (n.d.)

                                    [Jason Simplot, auth.]

Happy Halloween! (n.d.)

                                    [Jack Chick, auth.]

HeartattaCk #31 (August 2001); #36 (November 2002); #39 (August 2003); #41 – 42 (n.d.)

                                    [Lisa Oglesby, ed.]

Heinous #1 – 5 (June 1994-September 1998)

                                    [Steve Mandich, auth.]

Her #5 (n.d.)

Here Be Dragons #5 (May 1999)

                                    [Mike Roth and Eric Meriberger, auth.]

Hey, Punk-Ass (n.d.)

The Home of Roger Luttski (April 2000)

Hi Friend (2001)

                                    [Jess Hilliard, auth.]

Hodgepodge #6 (2000)

                                    [Mike Schade, ed.]

Hopewell #4/Chickenhed Zine and Roll #4 (February 2002)

Horror Garage #2 – 3 (2000-2001)

                                    [Paula Guran, ed.]

i cut these lines (2000)

I Hate This Part of Texas #2 – 4 (n.d.)

ICE (Iowa City Experimental Film Festival) Program (October 2007)

Ideas Is Matches #3 (August 2001)

I’m a Wrekk #1 – 2 (March-June 1999)

                                    [Alex Wrekk, auth.]

I’m Johnny and I Don’t Give a Fuck #5 (n.d.)

In Abandon #3 – 4 (?-1999)

Infiltration #15 (January 2000)

                                    [Ninj, auth.]

The Inner Swine, vol. 8 #1 (March 2002)

                                    [Jeffrey Soames, ed.]

Into The Gravy (2002)

                                    [G.W. Sok, auth.]

Invincible Summer #2 – 4 (March-May 2002)

It’s Raining Truths #4 (n.d.)

                                    [Pytrik Schafraad, ed.]

The ‘Itsie Bitsie, Teenie Weenie, Tucked Inside Another Mini’ Zine #1 (October 2000)

                                    [Lauren B. Pez, ed.]

J. Sunshine Bowler [Alex Wrekk]/Joe Biel Wedding Announcement (2002)

Jarpeople #5 (2001)

                                    [Eric Simplot, ed.]

Jersey Beat #69 – 71 (Spring/Summer 2001-Summer 2002)

                                    [Jim Testa, ed.]

Journalsong #2 (2000); #4 (2002)

King-Cat Comics and Stories #55 (1999)

                                    [John Porcellino, auth.]

Kreme Koders #1 (n.d.)

Kurt Cobain Was Lactose Intolerant Conspiracy Zine (May 1998)

Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet #10 (June 2002)

                                    [Gavin J. Grant and Kelly Link, ed.]

Lamont Stories #44 (n.d.)

                                    [David Lee, auth.]

The Last Hug Magazine #6 – 7 (Fall/Winter 1998-Winter 1999/2000)

                                    [Elbert Chang, auth.]

Law of Inertia #8 (Fall 2000); #11 (Fall 2002)

                                    [Ross Siegel and Jonah Bayer, ed.]

Leeking Ink #22 – 25 (May 2000-February 2002)

                                    [Davida Gypsy Breier, auth.]

Left of the Dial #3 (Summer 2002)

                                    [David Ensminger, ed.]

Lightningbug Zine #8 (January 2002)

                                    [Kirstin M.L. Munro, auth.]

Little Engines #2 – 3 (Fall/Winter 2001-Summer 2002)

Little Grandpa (March 2002)

                                    [Matt Fagan, auth.]

Little Village #12 (February 2002)

                                    [Todd Kinm, ed.]

The Lost Wager (n.d.)

Lunar Shade Press #1 (2004?)

Loved and Lost (January 2001)

                                    [Kimberly Brayton, auth.]

m@b (December 1998)

                                    [Matthew Blackett, auth.]

Major Trancontinental Rail Routes with Crew-Change Points from One Terminus to the Other (2000?)

                                    [Train Doc, auth.]

Man is Vox! Barracudae (2002)

                                    [John Thomas and Carter Allen, auth.]

Mary Veut Un 'Picturebook' "Les Oiseaux" (2001) and "Les Poissons" (2001)

The Match #97 – 98 (Winter 2001/2002-Summer 2002)

                                    [Fred Woolworth, ed.]

Maximum Rock N Roll #217 (June 2001); #220 (September 2001); #235 – 236 (December 2002-January 2003)


Box 4


Maximum Rock N Roll #254 – 255 (July-August 2004); #257 (October 2004)

Mediareader #5 – 6 (February-November 2002)

                                    [Dave Laney, auth.]

Media Whore #1 (n.d.)

                                    [Randie Farmelant, auth.]

Mega Beef #7 (December 2001)

Meltdown #3 (n.d.)

mgrn (1997)

                                    [Icki, auth.]

Mishap #13 – 13 ½ (June-July 2002)

Mixing Weekends and Weekdays

                                    [Kaz Wasilweski, auth.]

Modern Industry: Futurista! #1 (March 2001)

                                    [Shawn Granton, auth.]

Monkey Dust #2 (n.d.)

                                    [D. Caterwaul, ed.]

Monkeyshine #4 – 5 (?-1995)

Monozine #6 (‘Sicksicksix’) – 7 (1999-2000)

                                    [Todd Lesser, ed.]

Moon Rust #1 – 2 (n.d.)

Morgenmuffel #10 (May 2002)

                                    [Isy, auth.]

The Moth #3 (2004)

Mud Fanzine #8 (n.d.)

Mudflap #6 (n.d.)

Mullet #4 (n.d.)

Murder Can Be Fun #12 (1990)

                                    [John Marr, auth.]

My Alphabet #4 (n.d.)

My Fat Irish Ass #-5 (n.d.)

My Life As A Liar

                                    [Caitlin Bailey and Gabrielle Moss, auth.]

The Mystery of She #1 (October 2002)

                                    [Lucia Page and Jennifer Hughes, auth.]

Natural Disasters (2 issues, n.d.)

                                    [Al Burion, auth.]

Neckmonster #1 (n.d.)

                                    [Cheyenne, auth.]

The Nervous Witch (n.d.)

                                    [Jack Chick, auth.]

Newland #2 (n.d.)

9 and A Half Left #9 (January 2004)

                                    [Mike Rodemann, auth.]

Non LP B Side (n.d.)

Nor, I #1 (Mid 1997); #3 (Fall 1998)

                                    [Ron Avalon, auth.]

Nosedive #10 – 11 (2000-2001)

Not My Small Diary #8 (n.d.)

                                    [Delaine Derry, auth.]

Oceans of Your Eyes #1 (n.d.)

                                    [Jared Hueholt, auth.]

Ode to (Sal Mineo) (n.d.)

Off-Line #30 (Summer 2004)

                                    [Claire Cocco and Vincent Romano, auth.]

One Ear to the Ground (n.d.)

                                    [Rosie Healey, auth.]

One Nation in Denial #5 (2003)

Orange Dirt (n.d.)

                                    [Grant Reynolds, auth.]

Our Dogs Shoot Back (2002)

                                    [Sarah P., auth.]

Panopticon #2 (Spring 1999)

Pee (n.d.)

Peepshow (1997/1998)

                                    [Mr. C, auth]

Pigeonanity (1998,2002)

                                    [N. James Novak, auth.]

Pick Your Poison #2 (Winter 2001)

                                    [Nate Gangelhoff, auth.]

Plaid Bastards (1997?)

                                    [Jim Hill, auth.]

Planet Named Desire #7 – 8 (2002-2005)

                                    [Joe Marshall, auth.]

Playthings (2002)

                                    [Karl Koweski, auth.]

The Pleiades #3 – 5 (June-July 2002, n.d.)

                                    [Miranda Celeste, auth.]

The Plot Thickens (2001)

                                    [Gavin Burrows and James Parker, auth.]

Plotz #8 (n.d.)

Pocket Paranoia #2 (n.d.)

                                    [Leroy Jackson, auth.]

The Pornographic Flabbergasted Emus (June 2002)

                                    [Wred Fright, auth.]

Predation #3 (1999)

                                    [Claude, auth.]

Probation Area (February 2002)

                                    [Amanda Huron, auth.]

Profane Existence #31 (Summer 1997); #42 (Spring/Summer 2003)

Proof I Exist #2 (June 2002)

Puke of the Dope Fiend (n.d.)

                                    [Klon Waldorp, auth.]

Quagga #1 – 3 (2001-2002)

                                    [Trevor Alixopulos, auth.]

Quickdraw #3 (1996)

                                    [John Weeks, auth.]

Quickdummies #14 (n.d.)

                                    [Robb Roemershauser, ed.]

Radom (n.d.)

Ramble Right (1997)

                                    [Amber Gayle, auth.]

Rated Rookie vol. 1 #3 (2002); vol. 2 #4

                                    [Joshua Bernstein, ed.]

Ration #3 (n.d.)

Rats In the Hallway #11 (Spring 1999)

READ: A Collective Effort #1 – 2 (2001-2002)

Rebel in Magenta #13 (2000)       

                                    [Melanie, auth.]

Recom (n.d.)

Reinin Today #1 (n.d.)

Rejected Band Names #6 (n.d.)

                                    [Jerianne, auth.]

Relocation, Reconsideration (2002)

Reporter #1 – 4 (n.d.); Little Black (2002)

                                    [Dylan Williams, auth.]

Retail Whore #4 (n.d.); #6 – 8 (n.d.)

                                    [Kat Raz, auth.]

Rev. Richard J. Mackin’s Book of Letters #3 (n.d.); #15 – 16 (2001-?)

                                    [Rich Mackin, auth.]

Rivet #13 (1998?)

                                    [Stacey Case, auth.]

Roadside #666 (March 2002)

                                    [Sarah Oleksyk, auth.]

Rock Star With Words #2/Brainscan #16 – 17 (n.d.)

Rocket Queen #2 (n.d.)

Satanic Paperboy (n.d.)

                                    [Tomix, auth.]

The Schwa Sound #14 (Winter 1998/1999)

                                    [Nate Powell, auth.]

Scram #16 (Fall 2002)

The Second Coming #1 – 3 (2001-2006)

                                    [Adam Angstead, auth.]

Second Guess #11 (n.d.)

Sectioned Stained and Mounted Schematical Walrus Genitals (1999)

The Secret Files of Captain Sissy #4 (2001)

                                    [Andy Cornell, auth.]

Shag Stamp #7 (1998?)

                                    [Jane S. Stamp, auth.]

Shut Your Fucking Mouth #2 (n.d.)

Shutdown #4 – 6 (1999-2001)

Sick to Move, vol. 3 #4 (September 2002)

                                    [Scott Puckett, auth.]


Box 5


The Sisyphus of Fifth Avenue (1998)

                                    [Tim Elder, auth.]

6 x 5 #2 (n.d.)

                                    [Joshua Dumas, auth.]

Skam #3 (Summer 1999); #7 (January 2002)

                                    [Jamie Schweser, auth.]

Skirt #1 (Fall 2002)

Slander #9 (Fall 2000)

Slave #7 (2002)

                                    [John Rash, Zachary Mull and David Coker, ed.]

Sleazy Vowels (2001)

                                    [Tarin Towers, auth.]

Slug and Lettuce #71 (Spring 2002); #79 – 81 (Spring-Autumn 2004)

The Slugger (1998)

                                    [Jack Chick, auth.]

Smile, Hon, You’re in Baltimore! (n.d.)

                                    [William P. Tandy, auth.]

Smith’s Adventures in the Supermundane (1999)

                                    [Farel Dalrymple, auth.]

Snake Pit #1 – 3 (October 2002-July 2003)

                                    [Benjamin Scott White, auth.]

Sobstory # 3 – 4 (2000?-2001)

                                    [Andrew, auth.]

Someidea #4-  5 (June 2001-March 2002)

Souvenir Condensed History of New Orleans for the Tourist (n.d.)

Spank #26 – 27 (?-June 1994)

                                    [Michelle and Doug Daugherty, ed.]

Spectacle (no issue #, n.d.)

Spitpocket #1 (n.d.)

                                    [Bret Van Horn, ed.]

Square Suckers #9/Gullible #15? (n.d.)

                                    [Sera Bilezikian/Chris Terry, auth.]

Star Thirty-eight (2001)

                                    [William P. Tandy, auth.]

Start Anywhere Choose Your Own Path (2002)

                                    [Jyn Birsch, Alissa Garcia and Don Rounsaville, auth.]


Stationary Collisions (2003)

                                    [Kristie Eve Gaul, auth.]

Stircrazy #2 (June 2002)

                                    [Terralogue, auth.]

Stolen Sharpie Revolution (1st and 2nd editions, 2002-2003)

                                    [Alex Wrekk, auth.]

Street Pixie #7 (n.d.)

                                    [Rosie, auth.]

Striving to Be A Novel #4 (n.d.)

                                    [Trish Kelly, auth.]

Sugar Baby Rising #24 (n.d.)

                                    [Tim Welb, ed.]

Smelling Trees (2003/2004)

                                    [Sun Noon, auth.]

‘Sup #11 (n.d.)

Superblackblack #3 (1996)

Swearing at Traffic Keeps Me Sane! #3 (October 2001)

                                    [Lauren B. Paz, auth.]

Swing Set #1 – 2 (2001-2002)

                                    [Steve Lowenthal, Sheila Refael and Howard Wyman, ed.]

Swinj Art #4 ½ (2001)

Taco Cat (n.d.)

                                    [Sarah Pantera, auth.]

Take Me to the Moon (n.d.)

Tales of a Punk Rock Nothing (1998, 2000)

                                    [Abram Shalom Himelstein and Jamie Schweser, auth.]

Tales to Demolish #1 (2003)

                                    [Eric Haven, auth.]

Ten Foot Rule #3 – 4 (August 1998-March 1999)

                                    [Shawn Granton, auth.]

That Girl #7 (June 2000)

                                    [Kelli Williams, auth.]

These Days #1 (n.d.)

                                    [Mike Ott, auth.]

These Hands Make Hearts #1 (2001)

Thoughtworm #5 – 6 (June-September 2001); #8 (June 2002)

                                    [Sean Stewart, auth.]

Three A.M. #6 (Spring 2001)
                                    [Lisa Mancini, auth.]

3.05 Metres: A Ten Foot Rule Primer (September 2001)

                                    [Shawn Granton, auth.]

Thrift Score #9 (1996)

                                    [Al Hoff, auth.]

Throw That Bottle and Let Me Shoot at It #1 - 2 (n.d.)
                                    [D. Bradley Williams, auth.]

Tight Pants #4 – 9 (Summer 1999-2001?)

                                    [Madelaine, auth.]

Tight Pants #9.99/Snake Pit #27 (2003?)

                                    [Madelaine/Benjamin Scott White, auth.]

To Be Santa You Have to be Tested (2002)

                                    [Joe Donchoe, auth.]

To Have and Have Shit (2002)

                                    [Brent Johnson, auth.]

Tonight, I’m Alone in the World My Brain’s Busy but my Soul’s Unfulfilled (n.d.)

                                    [Sarah, auth.]

Too Much, Too Late #1 (n.d.)

                                    [Jamie Schweser, auth.]

Treatment Bound: A Ten Foot Rule ‘On the Road’ Special (March 2002)

                                    [Shawn Granton, auth.]

Trust of 2-Way Mirrors (June 2002) – Audio recording

Twenty Bus #8 – 10 (Summer 1998-1999)

                                    [Kelli, auth.]

Twenty-Eight Pages Lovingly Bound with Twine #2 – 5 (December 2001-October 2002)

                                    [Christoph Meyer, auth.]

UAY Zine: Alternate Shapes of Reality (Fall 2000)

Under the Volcano #68 – 70 (2002)

                                    [Richard Black, ed.]

Untitled CD (n.d.)

                                    [Angie Stolte and Angela Christiansen, vocals]

The Urban Hermit #10 – 11 (n.d.); #13 – 15 (n.d. for #13 and #15, August 2002 for #14)

The Urban Hermit: The Flow Chronicles (2002)

                                    [Sarah O’Donnell, auth.]

Vistas (2002)

                                    [LeahM. Galey, auth.]

War Against the Idiots #23 (n.d.)

                                    [Liam, auth.]

We are living in the End Times I don’t think we are o.k. (n.d.)

What If?: A Journal of Radical Possibilities  #2 (August 2002)

                                    [Christy Rodgers, ed.]

When the Stars are Bright Bare Feet Are Neat (n.d.)

                                    [Tim Root, auth.]

Wild Children #2 (February 2001)

                                    [Scott, auth.]

Will You Swim With Me? #1 (August 2000); #3 (December 2001)

                                    [George W. Myers, auth.]

Wonderful Broken Thing #1 (1999)

                                    [Nate Powell, auth.]

Wood #1 (n.d.)

The World would Be a Much Better Place if Everybody Wore Tight Pants #7 – 9 (n.d.)

Woundig #3 (Summer 1997); #5 (Winter 1997)

                                    [Kristy Schmisty, auth.]


Box 6

Xerography Debt #8 (June 2002); #10 (February 2003)

                                    [Davida Gypsy Breier, auth.]

You Are Here #1 – 2 (2003)

                                    [Jen Michaelis, auth.]

You Can’t Sleep Over (Summer 2002)

                                    [Sarah Pantera, auth.]

You Idiot #1 (2002)

                                    [Nate Gangelhoff, auth.]

zine_stuff #4 (November/December 2002/January 2003)

Zines From the Man (4 issues, n.d.)

The Zine Yearbook #2 – 3 (1998-1999); #5 (2001)

                                     [Jen Angel, ed.]

Zipper #6 (October 1998)

Zisk #5 (Spring 2002)


Box 7

Chihuahua and Pit Bull #1

                                    [Ethan Clark, auth.]