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Special Collections and Archives

The University of Iowa Libraries

Special Collections and University Archives

Finding Aid

Fanzines Collection
MsC 331
Collection Dates:  1971, 1995-2011

Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research.

Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department.

Copyright: Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials.

Use of Collections: The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement.

Acquisition and Processing Information: Special Collections Project Archivist Jeremy Brett began assembling this collection in early 2009. Individual donors include: Lisa Ahne, Sabrina Margarita Alcantara, Jackie Batey, Jeremy Brett, Ned Brooks, Ben Castle, Jon Cone, Jenna Freedman, Tony Hunnicutt, Kevin Kooyman, Anita Michel, Alex Pickett, Sapphira Sayre, Kelsey Smith, Jami Sailor Thompson, Mike Toft, Professor Rachel Williams and her Fall 2009 Art Education First-Year Seminar class at the University of Iowa, Fred Woodworth, and a number of anonymous zinesters.

Photographs: None









Scope and Contents

The Fanzines Collection consists of numerous zines acquired by Special Collections at various times and which are not attached to a particular donor or otherwise dedicated collection. This collection is, in a sense, the equivalent of a general materials collection in a library.

The zines in this collection constitute a wide variety of subjects and concerns, Many are perzines, that is,"personal" zines that describe the author's own experiences, thoughts and feelings. Others are anthologies of stories or poetry, or consist of comic or other types of art. Still other zines are designed as outlets for political or social expression. Many zines encompass more than one type or style, reflecting the fluidity of the zine as a product of creative endeavor.

This collection was previously known as the Floating Zine Collection.  Donations of zines received during 2012 are listed in the 2012 addendum.



Historical Note

The term "zine" (derived from the word "fanzine") refers generally to an small, informal, non-professionally produced publication. By their very nature zines are hard to define exactly, but distinguishing common characteristics of zines include a small circulation (sometimes via subscription but often distributed informally among interested parties) and a raison d'etre that stresses free expression over profit.

Zines are graphic expressions of their authors' social, cultural, and political interests and concerns. They are creative outlets devoted to individual and idiosyncratic self-expression. A zine can be about pretty much anything: politics, music, sex, gender relations, sports, pop culture - the list is virtually endless. As Julie Bartel, author of From A to Zine (2004) , notes,

  "Zines are about diversity, creativity, innovation, and expression. As a group, zines deliberately lack cohesion 

  of form or function, representing as they do individual visions and ideals rather than professional or corporate 

  objectives. With zines, anything goes. Anything. They can be about toasters, food, a favorite television show, thrift

  stores, anarchism, candy, bunnies, sexual abuse, architecture, war, gingerbread men, activism, retirement

  homes, comics, eating disorders, Barbie dolls - you name it."

Zines have a long and storied tradition as instruments of social and political change, as cultural relics, and as outlets for expression by underground or marginalized populations. The first zines in America arguably were the many political broadsides produced prior to and during the American Revolution, the most famous of these being Common Sense (1776) by Thomas Paine. Throughout the 18th and 19th centuries authors, essayists and political activists rejecting or rejected by the mainstream media as it then existed self-published their own opinions and creative works (a famous literary example from Britain would be that of the Bronte siblings - Charlotte, Branwell, Emily, and Anne - who as children wrote and "published" numerous stories of their imaginary literary worlds). Zines began to flower with the late 19th-century development of the "amateur press association" movement, in which groups of amateur printers obtained their own personal printing presses and created small magazines as products of their hobby.

Zines first really entered the cultural milieu as a specific and noticeable phenomenon in the 1930s, when the emerging science fiction fan community started creating "fanzines" as forums for their own stories and opinions on published and broadcast SF works. Fanzines became popular tools used by geographically disparate fans to communicate with one another before the emergence of the Internet in the 1990s. Zines are still primarily associated with science fiction fandom today because of their immense and ongoing popularity among fans. Special Collections has a number of collections consisting of fanzines and works of fan fiction from a number of different media properties.

The zine was taken up in the 1970s by the burgeoning punk music movement as a method of expressing its disdain for the mainstream

music and social scenes. The punk movement favored a strong anti-establishment, anti-corporate music way of life, and members created zines devoted to bands and artists who shared their worldview and were overlooked by standard publications and media outlets. Zines became an additional way for punk music fans and artists to circumvent "the system". The popularity of zines was helped along during this decade by the advent of  the increasing availability of cheap photocopying (and, starting in the 1980s, the personal computer).

Following in the footsteps of punk, members of the emerging 1990s "riot grrrl" underground feminist movement - an amorphous melding of female-driven music, concern with the complexities of female identity, and a new consciousness of institutional, social and cultural sexism - adopted zines as forums for their own forms of self-expression. Riot grrrl zines often moved beyond the music itself and concerned themselves with feminist political and social issues such as discrimination, sexual abuse, eating disorders, and concerns over body image.

Many zines are marked by stories of intensely personal experiences relating to these issues, which reinforce the traditional concept of the zine as a uniquely individual creation, a truly DIY (Do-It-Yourself) product born directly out of the author's personal vision and unmarked by editors, publishers, reviewers or any outside parties.

Zines, although to some degree superceded by the arrival of blogs, continue to thrive today as methods of personal expression in print, and as places for exploration of new social issues, including environmentalism, consumerism, and globalization. Many, however, continue to devote themselves to more "traditional" subject matter - i.e. underground music, radical politics, or science fiction and fantasy fandom.


Related Materials

ATCA Periodicals and Zines Collection. Bulk dates: 1960 - 1980. 75+ ft.
This ATCA collection brings together journals, newspapers, zines, and similar formal and informal periodicals that are art-related or have artistic merit. The range of subjects is broad and include political and cultural issues, gender and sexuality questions, as well as music, film, poetry, and religion. MsC779. (Finding Aid)

BERGUS, NICK AND LAURA. Bergus Zine Collection, 1978-2002. 13.5 ft.
Zines collected by Nick and Laura Bergus documenting avant garde and popular music in the 1980s and 1990s. MsC834. (Finding Aid)

JOHNSON, BRENT. The Brent Johnson Iowa Killed Buddy Holly Small Press and Zine Shop Collection, 1990-2005. 5.5 ft.

Collection of zines and other small press publications assembled by Johnson, an Iowa City native who operated the Iowa Killed Buddy Holly Small Press and Zine Shop in Iowa City. MsC 319. (Finding Aid)

PUBLIC SPACE ONE. Public Space ONE Zine Collection, 1977-2008. 2.2. ft.
Collection of zines donated by Iowa City-based art and performance venue Public Space ONE. Many zines relate to anarchist or radical politics, and many zines are from Iowa City-area authors. MsC370. (Finding Aid)

SPECIAL COLLECTIONS. Special Collections Floating Comic Book Collection, 1971-2010. 0.4 ft.

Collection of assorted comic books not tied to any particular donor or other collection. MsC342. (Finding Aid)

STEWART, SEAN. Sean Stewart Zine Collection, 1986-2009. 1.0 ft.

Collection of zines dealing with a wide variety of subjects, themes, and creative styles, collected by a Baltimore-based zine writer, editor and reviewer. MsC 353. (Finding Aid)

WOLFE, SARAH AND JEN. Sarah and Jen Wolfe Collection of Riot Grrrl and Underground Music Zines, 1991-1998, 2003. 6 ft.

Collection of amateur publications arising primarily from the feminist riot grrrl movement of the 1990s, together with numerous zines documenting various independent/underground music scenes. MsC 878. (Finding Aid)

ZINE MACHINE. Zine Machine Collection, 2001-2009. 0.8 ft.
Collection of zines taken from the Zine Machine, a repurposed vending machine in the University of Iowa Main Library that distributes zines to interested parties. Many of the zines are local to Iowa City in origin. MsC885. (Finding Aid)

Box Contents List


Box 1

After The Fall, no issue # (n.d)

                                     [After The Fall Collective, auth.]

All Out Pointless, Random and Mundane. Stew #2 (October 2009)

                                     [Ben Castle, auth.]

Alphabetical Odor: Word Salad Anthology (2008)

Annabelle Frumbatt: A Gastronomically Ghastly Tale (2002)

                                     [Nina Bays and Lauren Gardiner, auth.]

Anon, Good Nurse! (n.d.)

                                     [Midwest Anonymous Artists, auth.]

Art Missive #1.0 (Spring 2004)

                                     [Lauren Jade Martin, auth.]

Atlas of Childhood #1 (April 2010)
                                     [Celia Perez, auth.]

Awkwardly Put #1-10 [Collected] (2007-2009)

                                     [Cody G. auth.]

A Beat Too Long (2002)

                                     [Eric Evans, auth.]

Best Zine Ever! #3 - 5 (2004-2006?)

                                     [Greg Beans, ed.]

Bewildered Bisexual (October 2008)

                                     [Melaina, auth.]

Beyond Gallery Walls and Dead White Men (May 2003)
                                     [Kendra and Lauren, ed.]

Black Carrot #3 (n.d.)

BOB #1 (n.d.)

Brain Food #16 - 17 (2010-2011)
                                     [Mike Toft, auth.]

Build Your Own Boyfriend #1 - 2 (October 2004, 2008)

                                     [Kim and Maciek Smuga]

Carousel Memories (2001)

                                     [Christina Keator Steele, auth.]

Cereal Boxes and Milk Crates: ZIne Libraries and Infoshops are NOW (n.d.)

                                     [Lacey Prpic Hedtke, auth.]

Chasing Dreams (2010)
                                     [Sapphira Sayre, auth.]

Chord Easy (2 editions, 2003, 2006)

                                     [Lisa Ahne, auth.]

Clowns Make Good Watchdogs (2002)

"Collage As Cultural Practice" [Obermann Humanities Symposium, UI] (2005)

Comixville #1 (Spring 2002)

                                      [The Comixville Collective of Portland, pub.]

Communicating Vessels #21 - 22 (Fall/Winter 2009-2010 - Fall/Winter 2010/2011)

Conduit #1 - 2 (n.d., 2005)

                                     [Kevin Kooyman, ed.]

Contemporary Dude Theory (2nd Edition) (n.d.)

                                     [Mary Lewandowski,, auth.]

Crap Hound #7: Part One of Church and State (2007)

                                     [Sean Tejaratchi, ed.]

cultor-sore #15 (August 2003)

                                     [Taylor Ball, ed.]

Day of Reckoning #5 (n.d.)

                                     [David Rebat Wreck, auth.]

De Facto #1 - 2 (Summer 2009-Summer 2010)
                                     [Kevin Koyyman, ed.]

Desensitized #2 - 3 (May-August 2008)

                                     [Nicolle Bennett, auth.]

Dicks Say the Funniest Things (2009)

                                     [Rae Alexandria, auth.]

D.I.Y. Guide #2 (n.d.)

                                     [Crimethinc, pub.]

Dog Stories (2000)

                                     [Martin Winch, auth.]

Dog's Breakfast #1 (n.d.)

Doris #19 (2002)

                                     [Cindy, auth.]

Dream Whip #12 (n.d.)

Durable Goods #27 (2010)

                                     [Aleathia Drehmer, ed.]

The East Village Inky #26 (February 2005)

                                     [Ayun Halliday, auth.]

The Eclectic Scanning Room #15 (n.d.)

                                     [Rob Craig, ed.]

Everybody Get Up #4 (2009)

Extranjero #5 - 6 (Spring-Summer 2006)

                                     [Kris and Lola, ed.]

EZLN Communiques #2 - 3 (January/March-April/July 1998)

                                    [Agit Press Collective, pub.]

The F-Bomb #2 (n.d.)

                                    [Christina Wheeler, ed.]

Facebook (2009; created for Fall 2009 UI Art Education First-Year Seminar)


Feminine Vengeance #1 - 5 (2009-2010)

                                    [Sapphira Sayre, auth.]

The First Day of the Rest of Our Lives (2001)

                                    [Christine Keator Steele, auth.]

Flame Diaries (2009; created for Fall 2009 UI Art Education First-Year Seminar)

                                    [Veronica L. Pedelty, auth.]

The Fool #3 - 5 (Fall 2002-Summer 2008)

                                    [Kevin Kooyman, ed.]

For My Sisters (Spring 2011)

Future Fantasteek! #7 - 8 (July 2009-February 2010)

                                    [Jackie Batey, auth.]

Future Fantasteek! #9 [Deepwater Horizon] (July 2010)
                                    [Jackie Batey, auth.]

Future Fantasteek! #10 (February 2011)

                                    [Jackie Batey, auth.]

The Garlic Press, vol. 2 #1 (February 2002), #3 (April 2002)

A Gentrification Reader (2nd edition, n.d.)

Gideon #3 (June 2002)

Girl Turnin Queen: And Other (Broken) Havana Love Stories (2010)
                                     [Maria-Angeles Medina, auth.]

Grimhaven (n.d.)

                                     [Charles Willeford, auth.]

Grund Lit. zine #5 (2009)

                                     [R.D. Lewis, ed.]

Grundig #1 - 2 (n.d., January 1996)

Happy Birth cake lighthouse dropkick a monkey #1- 2 (2008)

                                     [Dave Bloomfield, auth.]

Hark! Hark! (n.d.)

                                     [Jill and Holly, auth.]

Hope Enough? (n.d.)

How2 Zine #1/2 (n.d.)

                                     [Kyle Bravo, auth.]

How To Start To Think About Learning to Draw Comics (2006)

                                     [The Center for Cartoon Studies, pub.]

How To Turn a Comon [sic] Electronic Device Into Your Ticket To Free Long Distance (n.d.)

                                     [Leslie James, auth.]

The Hungover Gourmet #8 (2004), #11 (2009)

                                     [Dan Taylor, ed.]

Hymn California (2008)

                                     [Adam Gnade, auth.]

I Dreamed I Was Assertive #11 - 12 (2007-2008)
                                     [Celia Perez, auth.]

I Hate This Part of Texas #4 (2002)

                                     [John Gerken, auth.]

I'll Show You The Sky (2009; created for Fall 2009 UI Art Education First-Year Seminar)

                                     [Kendall McCabe, auth.]

I'm Not Creepy, Now Get Over Here (2009; created for Fall 2009 UI Art Education First-Year Seminar)

                                     [Tripp, auth.]

The Inner Swine, vol. 9 #1 (March 2003)

                                     [Jeffrey Somers, ed.]

It Goes On The Shelf #30 - 32 (November 2008-November 2010)

                                     [Ned Brooks, auth.]

Jaded Hipsters Dig Whiskey Sours (2003)

                                     [The Urban Hermit, auth.]

Jelly Cake #3 (2008)

                                     [Ben Castle, auth.]

jen(ny) ambular #1: My First Band (February 2010)

Kizzy #1 (2009)

                                     [Ben Castle, auth.]

Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet #23 - 25 (November 2008-May 2010)

                                     [Kelly Link,, ed.]

Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet #26 (December 2010)
                                     [Kelly Link,, ed.]

Law and Anarchy: New Anarchy Series Pamphlet #4 (n.d.)

Lazy Boy (n.d.)

                                    [Mike Baker, auth.]

Letters From The War Years: Some Notes on Love and Struggle in Times of War (2003)

                                    [Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha, ed.]

"Liberated Images: The Subversive Culture of Collages and Zines" UI Exhibition Brochure (2004)

Likes/Dislikes: Some Things Lacey Prpic Hedtke Thinks About (n.d.)

                                    [Lacey Prpic Hedtke, auth.]

A Little Guide to Truing Bike Wheels (2004)

                                    [Ethan, auth.]

livingproof #3: Genesis (2004)

                                    [Andrew, auth.]

Lost & Found Times #38 (May 1997), #40 - 41 (June-November 1998)
                                    [John M. Bennett, ed.]

Lost & Found Times #43 - 45 (November 1999-November 2000)
                                    [John M. Bennett, ed.]

Love The Slain (2010)
                                    [Sapphira Sayre, auth.]

Lower East Side Librarian Winter Solstice Shout Out 2008, Winter Solstice Shout Out 2009 (2008-2009)
                                    [Jenna Freedman, auth.]

Lululand #3 - 4 (n.d.)

                                    [Amy Adoyzie, auth.]

Box 2

Mamaphiles: A Mama Zine Collaboration (2003)

                                    [Stacey Greenberg, ed.]

The Match!: A Journal of Ethical Anarchism  #102 (Winter 2004-2005), #108 (Spring 2010)
                                    [Fred Woodworth, ed.]

The Metamorphosis of Miss Badass Peacock and Kizzy "Paradoxical Millenium Crossover 2010",  "Bonus Issue: Ornaments" (2010), and "Bonus Issue #2: Stop Requested!" (2010)

                                    [Ben Castle, auth.]

The Metaphor of the Hustle (2006)

                                    [Nadja Lautremont, auth]

The Military Strategy of Women and Children (2003)

                                   [Butch Lee, auth.]

Miss Badass Peacock & The Phoenix (2009)

                                   [Ben Castle, auth.]

Molly: A Pop Culture Zine #1 (June 2004)

                                   [Candra K. Gill, ed.]

Moon Treatise #2 (n.d.)

Music (2009; created for Fall 2009 UI Art Education First-Year Seminar)

                                   [Evan Hafner, auth.]

My Evil Twin Sister #2 (1995)

                                   [Amber Gayle, auth.]

Negative Capability #4 - 5 (2004, 2011)

                                   [Josh Saitz, ed.]

No! (I was talking to with AO for five hours and all I got was this crappy title)

 (2009; created for Fall 2009 UI Art Education First-Year Seminar)

                                   [AO, Button and Zoey, auth.]

No Better Voice #1/Truckface #9 (2006)
                                   [Jami Sailor Thompson, auth./lb, auth.]

No Better Voice #29 [No Shame!] (March 2005), #32 (2006)
                                   [Jami Sailor Thompson, auth.]

Notes on Anarchism (n.d.)

                                   [Noam Chomsky, auth.]

Oblivious Nation Zine (April/May/June 2007)
                                   [Miss Oblivious, auth.]

Overground Literature Distribution Catalog 2005

Permanent Ink #8 (n.d.), #11 (Summer 2008)

PersuAsian #21 (Summer 2004)

                                   [Chris Chen and Conrad Chu, ed.]

Phoenix: An Anthology of New Vietnamese and Australian Creative Works (2002)

                                   [Dominic Hong Duc Golding, ed.]

PTBH! zine #7 (n.d.)

The Puny Whipster #5 (n.d.)

                                   [Samuel Feinstein, ed.]

A Queer and Transfat Activist Timeline (2011)

                                   [Charlotte Cooper, auth.]

Razorcake #61 - 62 (April/May-June/July 2011)

                                   [Todd Taylor,, ed.]

Reading Log 2009 (2009)
                                   [Celia Perez, auth.]

Recluse Zine #3 (August 2001), #5 - 6 (February-May 2002), #9 (Summer 2003)

                                   [Jill Herbst, ed.]

Rescue the Word: Poems (2001)

                                   [Marilyn Buck, auth.]

Resist #42 (July 2001)

Rhizoma #1 - 2 (2005)

                                   [Shuang Qing Lu 85hao, ed.]

Rise (2009; created for Fall 2009 UI Art Education First-Year Seminar)

                                   [Samantha Baehr, auth.]  

Ruffsketch #2 - 3 (n.d.)

                                   [Crimethinc, pub.]

Scientific Dinosaur #2 - 3 (May-Autumn 2003)

                                   [M.S., S.R., and J.R., ed.]

SemiBold #8 - 9 (2002-2003)

                                   [Kathy Moseley, auth.]

Show Me The Money! #30 - 31 (Fall/Winter 2009-Winter/Spring 2010)

                                   [Tony Hunnicutt, ed.]

Show Me The Money! #33 - 34 (Fall/Winter 2010-Spring/Summer 2011)

                                   [Tony Hunnicutt, ed.]

Sinister Wisdom #47 (Summer/Fall 1992), #58 (Winter/Spring 1998)

6x6 #15 (Spring 2008), #20 (Spring 2010)

Slush Pile #4 (n.d.)

                                   [Underground Literary Alliance, pub.]

Snowbound #2 (1999)

                                   [Alan Makinen, ed.]

Speak Out! #6 (September 2002)

                                   [Bee Lavender, auth.]

Sports (2009; created for Fall 2009 UI Art Education First-Year Seminar)

Stay Free! #13 - 16 (April 1997-Fall/Winter 1997)

                                   [Carrie McLaren, ed.]

Stay Free! #17 - 20 (Summer 2000-Fall 2002)

                                   [Carrie McLaren, ed.]

Stay Free! #21 - 25 (Fall 2003 - 2005)

                                   [Carrie McLaren, ed.]

Stay Free! [Best of Stay Free! 1993-1995] (September 1996)

                                   [Carrie McLaren, ed.]

Stealing Babies (2002)

Survival Without Rent (n.d.)

Sweet Childish Days, That Were As Long As Twenty Days Are Now (2009; created for Fall 2009 UI Art Education First-Year Seminar)

                                   [Kara Fagan, auth.]

Syndicate Product Sampler 2010 (2010)

                                   [A.J. Michel, ed.]

Take Magazine #2 (Spring 2005)

                                   [Josef Reyes, ed.]

Take Your Licks! (2003)

                                   [Ben T. Stickler, ed.]

Takecare #3 (n.d.)

Tall Corn #1 (Summer 2006)

                                   [Kevin Kooyman, ed.]

Tazewell's Favorite Eccentric #7 - 8 (2008)

                                   [Sarah Arr!, auth.]

Tenacious: Art and Writings from Women in Prison #18 (Fall 2009)
                                   [Black Star Publishing, pub.]

Thongs, Jail and Cracks (2009; created for Fall 2009 UI Art Education First-Year Seminar)

                                   [Roni, auth.]

Thumbs Down Comics #4 1/2 (n.d.)

                                   [Joey H., auth.]

Tight Pants #10 (n.d.)

                                   [Maddy, ed.]

Tiki: Girl Without a Cause #7 (n.d.)

Tongues Magazine #3 (2003)

                                  [Stacy Macias,, ed.]

Toothpaste #3 (1971)
                                  [Allan Kornblum, ed.]

Towards A Less Fucked Up World: Sobriety and Anarchist Struggle (n.d.)

Twelve Poems (n.d.)

                                  [Adriana, auth.]

Box 3

We Flood Through: My Personal Account - Prose and Poetry - Shutting Down the World Trade Organization Ministerial Meeting (1999)

                                  [Rebecka Tilson, auth.]

Weed This! (2010)
                                  [Jami Sailor Thompson, auth.]

We'll Never Have Paris, vol. 6 (Spring 2010)
                                  [Andria Alefhi, ed.]

What's The Big Idea? #1-2 (2009)

                                  [Ian Guch, auth.]

Whiskey Fueled Tales...from the Graves and Beyond (2009; created for Fall 2009 UI Art Education First-Year Seminar)

                                  [Alexis Graves, auth.]

Why You Should Support the Arts in K-12 Schools (2010)

Without a Trace (n.d.)

Word Salad: A Journal of Mental Health #2 (2004)

                                  [Comyn Henry, ed.]

The Wreckless Press #2 (2009)

You Don't Get There From Here #12 (2009)
                                  [Carrie McNinch, auth.]

Your Secretary #2/Heaven Street (2010)
                                  [Jami Sailor Thompson, auth./ Shaun Allen, auth.]

Your Secretary #3/Identify This! (2010)
                                  [Jami Sailor Thompson, auth./ Alex, auth.]

Your Secretary #4/There Is No Magnificent Creature (2010)
                                  [Jami Sailor Thompson, auth./ Tricia Nowacki, auth.]

Zapatista Encuentro: Documents from the 1996 Encounter for Humanity and Against Neoliberalism (1998)

                                  [Greg Ruggiero and Stuart Sahulka, ed.]

A Zine (2009; created for Fall 2009 UI Art Education First-Year Seminar)

                                  [Elsa Wehage, auth.]

Zine Librarian Zine #2 (Winter 2003)

                                  [Grieg, ed.]

Zine Librarian Zine #3 (2009)

                                 [Rachel Murphy, Jenna Freedman and Alycia Sellie ed.]

2012 addendum

Box 1

After School: Special!, #1/2 [includes “An Abridged History of Why I Dropped Out of Art School”] (ca. 2008)

Ataxia Overdrive (ca. 2005)

Badaboom Gramophone, #3 (1998)

Bananafish, #1-4 (1987-1989) [bound; includes DVD]

Black Carrot, #3 (n.d.)

Brain Food, #2 (March 2012)

Breakfast with Earl, #9 (n.d.)

Catharsis (November 2007)

Croq, #12 (Summer 2010) [two copies]

Defacto, #3 (August 2011)

The Duplex Planet, #140-142 (1996); #147-148 (1997); #149-152 (1998); #153, 155 (1999)

Durable Goods, #48-51 (2011); #60-75 (2012)

DV8, #1 (ca. 1994)

FemƏ’ ninƏtē: The Self Love Issue, #1 (2007)

Feminine Vengeance, #6 (2011)

For the Clerisy, vol. 9, no. 44 (January 2002)

Free Voices, #7 (April/May 2012); #8 (Summer 2012)

Future Fantasteek!, #11 (July 2011); #12 (February 2012)

The Heart is Also a Furnace (2005)

It Goes On the Shelf, #33 (November 2011); #34 (November 2012)

Jelly Cake: Season 2, #1-2 (2011); #3 (2012)

Leeking Ink, #25 (January 2002)

Let Them Eat Oven Browner (n.d.)

Mondragora, #30 (2001)

Moonlight Chronicles, #20 (1996)

Murder Can Be Fun, #17 (1996); #18 (1997)

No More Women for Me! (2002)

Paranoid, #1, 3 (1990)

Box 2

Piss Clear, #2.2 (August 1996); #2.3 (September 1996)

Practicing for Solitude (2002)

Razorcake, #63 (August/September 2011); #64 (October/November 2011)

Razorcake, #65 (December 2011/January 2012); #66 (February/March 2012)

Razorcake, #67 (April/May 2012); #68 (June/July 2012)

Razorcake, #69 (August/September 2012); #70 (October/November 2012)

The Shadow, #37 (January 1995); #38 (May/June 1996); #39 (September-November 1996)

The SCAM: Sheridan Cartoon Artist’s Magazine (October 1987)

Show Me the Money!, #35 (Fall/Winter 2010); #36 (Winter/Spring 2012); #37 (Summer/Fall 2012)

Slingshot, #87 (Summer 2005); #93 (Winter 2007); #94 (Summer 2007)

Smile, Hon, You’re in Baltimore!, #6 (2004)

Tall Corn, #2 (August 2012)

Teaching Information Literacy With Zines: 21 July 2011, Zine Library Day

2600: The Hacker Quarterly, vol. 12, no. 4 (Winter 1995-1996); vol. 13, no. 2 (Summer 1996); vol. 13, no. 3 (Autumn 1996); vol. 14, no. 2 (Summer 1997)

2600: The Hacker Quarterly, vol. 14, no. 3 (Autumn 1997); vol. 15, no. 1 (Spring 1998); vol. 15, no. 3 (Fall 1998); vol. 15, no. 4 (Winter 1998-1999)

2600: The Hacker Quarterly, vol. 16, no. 1 (Spring 1999)

Twisted Times, #19 (1996)

Zeek: A Jewish Journal of Thought and Culture (Fall/Winter 2003)

Zines at the University of Iowa Libraries (2011)

Box 3

Black Rock Gazette (1996-?)