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Special Collections and University Archives

Finding Aid

Sarah and Jen Wolfe Collection of Riot Grrrl and Underground Music Zines
MsC 878
Collection Dates: 1991 - 1998, 2002 - 2003

Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research.

Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department.

Copyright: Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials.

Use of Collections: The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement.

Acquisition and Processing Information: The collection was donated by Jen Wolfe in June 2008. She donated a few additional zines in October 2009.

Photographs: None









Scope and Contents

The collection consists of numerous zines assembled by Sarah and Jen Wolfe during the 1990s. Many of the zines are products of the 1990s feminist "riot grrrl" movement; they deal with the issues of concern to that movement, including female-driven music, complexities of female identity, and a consciousness of institutional, social and cultural sexism. Riot grrrl zines are also concerned with feminist political and social issues such as discrimination, sexual abuse, eating disorders, and concerns over body image. Many zines are marked by stories of intensely personal experiences relating to these issues.

A number of the zines are less strictly riot grrrl-oriented; these more traditional publications describe local, regional, and national underground music scenes, and are derived from the original outsider music zines created by the punk movement in the 1970s.

In addition, a much smaller number of zines consist of cartoons and comics rather than articles, interviews or personal essays.

Also included are several issues of publications that catalog and review zines: Factsheet Five and Zine World.

Note that, because of the irregular and amateur nature of zine publications, many of the items in the collection do not have specific issue numbers or dates attached to them.

Biographical Note

Sisters Sarah and Jen Wolfe began collecting zines in the early 1990s, during the birth and evolution of the riot grrrl movement. Their interest in zines was born out of their involvement with the underground and independent music scenes. The Wolfes operated a small mail-order distribution service (Agoraphobic Records, later renamed Septophilia) for zines and records, which helped keep them in contact with the world of independent music. Jen published her own zine Panophobia, and from 1995-1998 played bass for the band Bunnygrunt.

Historical Note

Zines (originally called fanzines) are amateur, DIY (Do-It-Yourself) publications produced non-commercially, designed to circulate among a small number of people sharing similar cultural or social interests. Generally speaking, zines are produced by a single individual - in a cut-and-paste fashion and photocopied - and distributed informally by hand or at concerts, zine fests, bookstores, music stores and other locations, or sent through the mail at low cost.

Zines are important methods of communication among members of distinct subcultures or social communities traditionally underrepresented by the societal mainstream. In the modern era, zines became popular during the emergence of science fiction fandom starting in the 1930s. SF fans created zines, which evolved out of the letter columns from SF literary magazines such as Astounding Stories, in order to communicate with each other and provide forums in which fans could express their own personal opinions about the genre and its media products. Zines fairly quickly became a distinct feature of SF fandom and remain so to this day.

Zines were taken up by other distinct cultural movements, including beat literature in the 1950s, underground comics in the 1960, punk music in the 1970s, and the feminist riot grrl movement in the 1990s. As methods of cheap photocopying and, later, the personal computer, became more widely available in the 1980s and 1990s the number and variations of zines exploded. With the advent of the Internet and the introduction of blogging as a tool of personal and creative expression, the number of print zines began declining, although the zine remains popular among particular subcultures as a tool of personal and creative expression and as a way of exchanging thoughts, ideas and opinions.

Related Collections

JOHNSON, BRENT. The Brent Johnson Iowa Killed Buddy Holly Small Press and Zine Shop Collection, 1990-2005. 5.5 ft.

Collection of zines and other small press publications assembled by Johnson, an Iowa City native who operated the Iowa Killed Buddy Holly Small Press and Zine Shop in Iowa City. MsC 319. (Finding Aid)

PUBLIC SPACE ONE. Public Space ONE Zine Collection, 1977-2008. 2.2. ft.
Collection of zines donated by Iowa City-based art and performance venue Public Space ONE. Many zines relate to anarchist or radical politics, and many zines are from Iowa City-area authors. MsC370. (Finding Aid)

SPECIAL COLLECTIONS. Special Collections Floating Zine Collection, 1998-2010. 1.0 ft

Collection of assorted zines not tied to any particular donor or other collection. MsC331. (Finding Aid)

STEWART, SEAN. Sean Stewart Zine Collection, 1986-2009. 1.0 ft.

Collection of zines dealing with a wide variety of subjects, themes, and creative styles, collected by a Baltimore-based zine writer, editor and reviewer. MsC 353. (Finding Aid)

WOLFE, JEN. Jen Wolfe Collection of Female-Driven Comics, 1948-2006. 3 ft.

Collection of comic books that mostly feature major female characters, are written and drawn by female artists, and/or chronicle stories of "traditionally female" interest, such as romance comics. MsC 879. (Finding Aid)

ZINE MACHINE. Zine Machine Collection, 2001-2009. 0.8 ft.
Collection of zines taken from the Zine Machine, a repurposed vending machine in the University of Iowa Main Library that distributes zines to interested parties. Many of the zines are local to Iowa City in origin. MsC885. (Finding Aid)

Box Contents List


Box 1

Folder Title
1 A-Girl Is Swanky!, no issue # (January 1996)
2 Absolute Beginners Club Social Handbook (1994)
3 Adventures of A-Girl! #1 - 5 (1993-1997)
4 Adventures of an Unemployed Entomologist #9 (July 1998)
5 Agent Lane #5 (1997)
6 Alice Is An Island #2 (March 1997)
7 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland #1 (late 1994)
8 All Hail Me # 9 - 13 (1997)
9 The Alphabet Farm (1996)
10 Annzine #5, 7 (Fall 1996, Spring 1997)
11 Asking For It, no issue # (1993?)
12 The Assassin and the Whiner #5, 7 - 8 (Spring 1996 - Spring 1998)
13 Asswhine, no issue # (1997)
14 Autoreverse #4 (Winter 1996/1997)
15 Ay Chomike Book 1 (1996)
16 Baby, I Dig You, no issue # (December 1994)
17 Bad Vibes, no issue #, n.d.
18 Bean Zine (1995)
19 Beer Frame #8 (1998)
20 Beer Zine, no issue # (1997)
21 Ben Is Dead #25, 29 (1997-1998)
22 Beri-Beri #1 (September 1995)
23 Bikini Kill #2 and "Color and Activity Book", n.d.
24 Billy's Mitten #7 - 10 (October 1996 - Summer 1997)
25 Bipolar Distribution #1 (Spring 1997)
26 Black #4, n.d.
27 Blastula, no issue #, n.d.
28 Blissed-Out #1 (1996)
29 Blowin' Chunx #4 (January 1992)
30 Boa #4 (Summer 1996)
31 Bobby, no issue #, n.d.
32 Bomb #8 - 9 (May - August 1995)
33 Bonnie the Stalker and Friends #1 - 2 (1995)
34 Boot Juice #3 (July 1995)
35 Boredom Sucks #6 - 9 (December 1994 - June/July 1995)
36 Brew #4 (March 1995)
37 Brik a Brak #4 (1994?)
38 Bruce On A Stick #3 (November 1993)
39 Bunnygrunt, no issue #, (Winter 1998)
40 The Burning World #14 (1996)
41 Busy Bea's Bush #3 (April 1994)
42 Butter Beetle #3, n.d.
43 By Jove...!, no issue # (May 1995)
44 Canadian Penny #3, 7 - 9, n.d.
45 The Catbox Room #3 (October 1995)
46 Catch That Beat! #7, n.d.
47 Caught In Flux #2 - 6 (January 1994 - Summer 1997)
48 Certifiable #4 (May 1995)
49 Cheese Log #5 - 9 (1994? - March 1995)
50 Cheesecake #6 (December 1995)
51 Chickfactor #2, 5 - 6 (1992, 1994)
52 Chickfactor #8 - 11 (1995 - Winter 1996/1997)
53 Chicks Dig Scars #4 (1997)
54 Chimps #1, n.d.
55 Cochineal #2, n.d.
56 Cometbus #31, 38, 41 (n.d., 1996, n.d.)
57 Comic Book Heaven #1 - 3, 5 (1995, 1997)
58 Confessions of a Weird Kid #1, n.d.
59 Cool Beans #7 (1997)
60 Cooter Rock, no issue #, n.d.
61 Copacetic #1 (Spring 1996)
62 Cosmix #1 (January 1998)
63 Courtesy Desk #1 (1994?)
64 Cows Laid Down to Avoid the Guests, no issue #, n.d.
65 Crimson Leer #3 (1996?)
66 Crush Zine, no issue #, n.d.
67 Cryptic Slaughter #7 1/2 (April 1998)
68 Cubbyhole #1, n.d.
69 Cuddlecore Nation, no issue # (1995?)
70 Cute Girl #3 (December 1997)
71 Cutiepie #5, n.d.
72 Dagger #17 - 19, 24 (Spring 1994 - Fall/Winter 1995, Fall 1998)
73 Dance Party #2 (Summer/Fall 1998)
74 A Day in the Life of A High School Death Rocker (1993)
75 Daydream Nation [St. Louis, MO] #1 (1996?)
76 Daydream Nation [Washington, DC] #4, n.d.
77 Debutante Ball #1 (April 1997)
78 Dee-Lish #1, n.d.
79 Deep Girl #3 (1993)
80 Die Right Now #2 - 3, n.d.
81 Diorama #1, n.d.
82 Dirt #5 (Easter 1993)
83 Disarm #2 (November 1996)
84 Dishwasher #14, n.d.
85 The Dishwashing Hippie, no issue # (June-July 1995)
86 The Dissonant Accost...# 5 - 9 (1994, n.d.)
87 Dork Lifestyle, no issue #, n.d.
88 Double Whammy #1, n.d.
89 Dry Socket, no issue #, n.d.
90 Dulceria #2, n.d.
91 Easy Pieces #1 (July 1996)
92 Eat and Get Out! #1 (June 1995)
93 Elizabeth's Pretty Pictures Book, no issue # (January 1996)
94 'Ello, My Name is Trevor, no issue #  (1994)
95 An Emotional Biscuit #12 (1994)
96 Escandalo!, no issue # and #4 (August 1995, March 1996)
97 Esquizofrenia #8 (April 1996)
98 Factsheet Five #59 - 60 (February - September 1996)
99 Factsheet Five #61, 63 (May 1997, February 1998)


Box 2

1 Fake #0 (1992)
2 The Fairy Contrary, no issue # (1996)
3 Fancy #3, 5 - 6, 9 -10 (Autumn 1996, April -Summer 1997, May/June 1998, n.d.)
4 Fang Girl Fangzine #1, n.d.
5 Fantastic Fanzine #3, 5, n.d.
6 Fast Connection #3 - 4, n.d.
7 Feeding the Fowls #19, 23 (October 1993, February 1995)
8 Feminist Baseball #12, 14 - 15 (Winter 1993/1994, Spring/Summer 1995 - Winter/Spring 1996/1997)
9 Fern #3 - 4 (July 1993, n.d.)
10 Fierce Femme #1 (1996)
11 Field Trip #3, n.d.
12 Fifth Column, no issue #, n.d.
13 Fighting Zebra #1 (February 1998?)
14 Filler #8 (June 1998)
15 Fiz #7 (July/August 1993)
16 Flap! #19 (1993)
17 Flatter! #5 (1994)
18 Fluttered #2 (April 1997)
19 Flying Saucer Attack, no issue # (July 1995)
20 For Paper Airline Pilots #2 - 5 (January 1994 - May 1995)
21 Formerly Known As... #13 - 14, 16 (Fall 1996 - Early 1997)
22 Frantzine #4 - 5, n.d.
23 Freak #1 - 2, n.d.
24 Free Lost Girl #2 - 4 (1993?)
25 Free to Fight!, no issue 3, n.d.
26 Frog Prince #5 (May 1995)
27 Fucktooth #19, 21 (1996)
28 Fuel #5 (Fall 1993)
29 Funkapotamus #6 (1994)
30 Function #6, n.d.
31 Funtime #2, n.d.
32 Fusebox and Back-Up Generator, no issue # (Spring 1996)
33 Gaslight #6 (1994)
34 Gecko #2, n.d.
35 Geek Girl #1 - 2.5 (n.d., July 1994)
36 Generator #6 (Summer 1996)
37 Ghost Girl #1 - 3 (1997)
38 Gift Ideas #1 1/2, n.d.
39 Ginger's Rag #5 (1995?)
40 Girlhero #2 (February 1994)
41 Girl Friend #3, 5 (August 1992, n.d.)
42 Girl Germs, no issue # (1992)
43 Girl Least Likely To, no issue #, n.d.
44 Girl Scene City #1, n.d.
45 Gizmo! #1 (April 1995)
46 Glove Puppet #1 (Summer 1996)
47 Go Metric #8 (Fall 1997)
48 Go Teen Go! #1 (July 1997)
49 God Is my Co-Pilot, no issue # (May 1994)
50 Gooey #3 (1994)
51 Graham Cracker Cereal #1 - 2 (1995)
52 Griselda, no issue # (1993?)
53 Grit #1 (1994?)
54 Grrl-a-Liscious, no issue # (May 1995)
55 Guide to the Sub-Culture, 2nd edition (1994)
56 Gutless #1 - 3 (1996? - 1998)
57 Hairstyles for an Active Life, no issue #, n.d.
58 Hanky Panky #2 (1994?)
59 Happy Daze, no issue #, n.d.
60 Happy Holidays, no issue # (December 1996)
61 Hard Core Heartattack #1, 5, 11, 13 (March 1994, February 1995, May 1996, November 1996)
62 Heirs and Irrationalities #1, n.d.
63 Hello Kitty's All-Star Pajama Party #1 (1995?)
64 Heroes For Today #5, 7, 11 (August 1992 [5], n.d.)
65 Herd #3 (late 1993?)
66 Heroine Fix #1 (1995)
67 Hessian Obsession #1 - 2 (1994?)
68 Hey There, Barbie Girl! #2 (Spring 1994)
69 Highway To Heaven, no issue #, n.d.
70 Hijinx #1 - 2 (1995?-1996)
71 Hip Clown Rig #4 (Autumn 1994)
72 Hit and Run #1 (March 1998)
73 Homocore NYC #2, n.d.
74 Honeysuckle #3 (July 1995)
75 Hook and Loop #1 - 2 (n.d., April 1997?)
76 Hungry Girl #1, n.d.
77 I Hate You, no issue #, n.d.
78 I Kicked A Boy #1 - 2, n.d.
79 i Wish i Was a Berrykin #1, n.d.
80 Icky #1, n.d.
81 Illusion of Change, no issue # (January 1994)
82 I'm So Fucking Beautiful #2 (1994?)
83 The Imp #2 (1998)
84 In my Shoes #6 (Fall 1996)
85 Incite! #28 (February 1996)
86 Infected Children #1, n.d.
87 Is It Safe to Fish Here Anymore? #4 (June 1994)
88 Isollae #4, n.d.
89 J. Cruelty #8, 13 and Catalog (Spring 1993, n.d., 1995)
90 Jaboni's Youth #3 - 4 (August 1994 - Summer 1995)
91 The Jellybean , no issue # and #21 (April 1996, June 1997)
92 The Jellyslide #5 (Summer 1993)


Box 3

1 The Jigsaw #5 - 5 1/2 (1994?)
2 Joy and Spider, no issue # and #11 - 12 (1993 [no issue #], n.d.)
3 Juice, no issue #, n.d.
4 Julie Dorron Clayter, no issue # (July 1997)
5 Juke #2, n.d.
6 Jumbo Shrimp #3, 5 (1994?)
7 Jumpstart My Heart #1, n.d.
8 Juryrig, no issue #, n.d.
9 Kablooie #4 (April 1994)
10 Kelp #4 - 7 (October 1994 - June 1996)
11 Kevin Loves Winnie #16 (April 1998?)
12 Kickstand #5 - 6, 9 (Spring 1996 - July 1996, Spring 1998)
13 kikizine #2 - 3 (October 1993 - September 1994)
14 The Killer Shrews Present, no issue # (June 1996?)
15 King-Cat Classix, vol. 4 (1993)
16 King-Cat Comics and Stories #38, 42 - 45, 47, 50, 52 (M-arch 1993, September 1993 - July 1994, December 1994, May 1996, May 1997)
17 Kitpaw #1, n.d.
18 Kitten Kore #3 - 4, n.d.
19 Kittums #3 - 4 (August 1994, April 1997)
20 Kitty Litter, no issue # (June 1996?)
21 Kittyboo Records Information #98 (1998)
22 Knuckle Sandwich #3, n.d.
23 Ladies Homewrecking Journal #1, n.d.
24 Lazy Ways, no issue #, n.d.
25 Left Hip #6 (February 1996)
26 Lena, You Nut!, no issue # (Summer 1997)
27 Lesley Gore News #33(3) (Fall 1996)
28 Letter Bomb #1 (1997?)
29 Libel #4, 6 (1993 - 1994)
30 Lime #1 (Summer 1995)
31 Lie Detector #2, n.d.
32 Limosuine #5/Tight Girl #9 (Early 1998)
33 Lint, no issue # (1996)
34 Lint Screen #4 (December 1993)
35 Linus Hates Me #2, n.d.
36 Little Pieces of Tape #1, n.d.
37 Living Garbage #2.5, n.d.
38 Looking Straight Down, no issue # (1994)
39 Looks Yellow, Tastes Red #11 - 14, 17 (September 1996 - June/July 1997?, 1998?)
40 Lost Tequila Weekend #2 - 3 (June - September 1996)
41 Loud As Hell #3 (June 1995)
42 Luhey's Regards to Zineland! (1998)
43 Lux #1 - 3 (August 1995? - February 1996)
44 Maaike's Little Diary, no issue # (April 1998)
45 Mad Planet #1 - 4 (1993 - 1994)
46 Magnetic Reverie, no issue # (June 1996)
47 Mamasita! 33 (1995)
48 Mappy Machine, no issue # (September 1993?)
49 Marika, no issue #, n.d.
50 Marmalade #10, 14 (September/October 1995, 1997)
51 Mary is Reckless #7 and no issue # for 2 addtional issues (March 1996, May 1997, n.d.)
52 Maximum Rock and Roll #173 (October 1997)
53 Media Diet #1 (Spring 1997)
54 Messy Chivalry #2 (1994)
55 Mickey Rourke #9 (Winter 1995)
56 Microblast #12 - 14 1/2 (1995 - 1998)
57 Milkweed #2 (October 1994)
58 Mindkill, no issue # [2 issues] (Summer 1997, n.d.)
59 Mind's Eye Presents #6, n.d.
60 Monkey-Butt Soup #1 (April 1997)
61 Moo Juice #6, 8 - 10 (n.d., 1994 - 1995)
62 Moonfork #2, n.d.
63 Motion Sickness #5 (Fall 1997)
64 Motorcycle Bay, no issue# (1994)
65 Mrs. Wurm's House, no issue # (June 1998)
66 Ms. 45 #1 - 6, n.d.
67 Ms. America #2 - 3 (1994)
68 Muckraker #5, n.d.
69 Muffin Bones #6, 8, 14 - 15 (Summer 1994, Winter 1994/1995, Autumn 1996, Winter 1996/1997)
70 Multiball #3, 5, 8 (n.d., 1994, 1995)
71 Murder Can be Fun #9/10 (1988)
72 My Brightest Summer #1, 3 - 4 (July 1994, 1994 - 1995)
73 My Bulimic Grandma #1 - 5 (October 1994 - July 1995)
74 My Last Nerve #1 (September 1994)
75 My Little Fanzine #6, n.d.
76 My New Gun #5 - 6 (April 1997 - June 1998)
77 Mystery Date #6 (June 1998)
78 Navy Blue #1 (November 1996)
79 The Nearsighted Revolution #1 - 2 (1995?)
80 Necessity Is the Mother of Invention #1, 3 - 4 (n.d.)
81 New Red Archives, no issue # (1996)
82 Nipple Hardness Factor #2 - 6 (Summer 1993 - Summer 1994)
83 No Idea #10, n.d.
84 No Room For Squares #2 - 4 (April - August 1995)
85 Normal #2 (1995)
86 Northbound #26 (September 1997)
87 Not Even #4 (1993?)
88 Off My Jammy #3 (1994)
89 Oh Oh Cheri #1 - 2, n.d.
90 Oompa! Oompa! #3, n.d.
91 One Night Stand, no issue#, n.d.
92 Option Paralysis #2, 4 (March/April 1994, October/November 1994)
93 Oppression #1 - 2 (1994)
94 Orange Ghoulius!, no issue#, n.d.


Box 4

1 Panacea #3 (1996)
2 Pandora's Box #2 (September 1997)
3 Panegyric #1 - 3 (1995 - 1996?)
4 Panophobia #1 - 3 (Fall 1993 - Winter 1994)
5 Panophobia #4 - 5 (Spring 1996 - Fall 1997)
6 Paper, Scissors, Clocks, no issue # (1998)
7 Paralyzed #1, n.d.
8 Pasty #1 - 2 (1994 - 1995)
9 Patty Duke Fanzine, no issue #, n.d.
10 Pea, no issue #, n.d.
11 Peach #3 (1994)
12 Peaches & Herbicide #4, n.d.
13 Pearl Tongue #1 - 4, 6 - 7 (January 1995 - April 1996, June - September 1997)
14 Peesh #1 (April 1996)
15 Pennyless #2 (n.d.)
16 Pesky Meddling Girls! #1 (1995)
17 Photolite, no issue #, n.d.
18 Picnic #2, n.d.
19 Pink Haired Jenny #14 (1996)
20 The Pink Lemonade Affair #1 (1997)
21 Pink Tea #1 (Autumn 1997)
22 The Pisces Ladybug #2 (Fall 1995)
23 Pixie Girl #3 - 4 (February - April 1994)
24 Pizzeria Takeout #4 - 5, n.d.
25 Planet Crunch #1 - 2 (1995, n.d.)
26 Planet Venus #1 (March 1996)
27 Playground Lies #5 (April 1997)
28 Plume #4 - 7 (#4 n.d., March - December 1994)
29 Please Quit Eating My Kittens!, no issue #, n.d.
30 Pocket #1 - 3, 5 - 6 (n.d. except for #6 - 1997)
31 Poems of the Body and Its Sinusoidal Ways, no issue # (2003)
32 Polarity #16 (1997)
33 Pop-Fly! #3, n.d.
34 Pop Core #1 (1993)
35 Poser #8 (1993)
36 Post Polvo Snooze Fest #1 (1995)
37 Power Toot #1 - 4 (1996? - 1997)
38 Private Catholic #1 - 3 (1994 - 1996)
39 Promise #4 (1994)
40 Prudella #1 (1996)
41 Puberty Strike #1 - 3 (January 1996 - February 1998)
42 Psychobitch #1 (1994)
43 Pumpkin Seed #7 (1995)
44 Punk Planet #3, 7 - 8 (September/October 1994, May/June - July/August 1995)
45 Punk Planet #11 - 14 (January/February - August/September 1996)
46 Punk Planet #15, 17 (October/November 1996, March/April 1997)
47 Punk Planet #23 - 24 (March/April 1998)
48 Punk Planet #26 - 27, 29 (July/August - September/October 1998, February 1999)
49 Puppies and Kittens #1 (1996)
50 Queenie #3, n.d.
51 Quiet Nights of Quiet Stars #1 (1994)
52 R-Kive #1 (1994)
53 Rachel Zine #6 (October 1994)
54 Rapid Fire Magazine #10 (April 1993)
55 Rarity #2, n.d.
56 Raspberry #2 - 3, 10 (Summer 1994 - January 1995, March 1995)
57 Rat #1 and "Rat Junior", n.d.
58 Read Our MInds #1 - 3 (1996)
59 Restaurant Fuel #1 (1996)
60 Resister #1 (Winter 1996)
61 Riot Grrrl #8, n.d.
62 Riot Grrrl Review #1 - 2 (1996, n.d.)
63 Rocktober #4, 6 - 9 (1993 - 1994)
64 Rocktober #10 - 12 (Summer 1994 - Winter 1995)
65 Rocktober #13, 15, 17 - 18 (Summer 1995, February 1996, Halloween 1996 - Winter 1997)
66 Rollerderby #9 (Winter 1992)
67 Rollycoaster #1, n.d.
68 Ruby Moths and Honeybees, no issue #, n.d.
69 Ruckus #1 (1992?)
70 Runt #24 and two additional issues not numbered, n.d.


Box 5

1 Sally Tomato #1 - 4 (Fall 1995 - Fall 1997)
2 Sandbox Brats #1, n.d.
3 The Scaredy-Cat Stalker #1 - 3 (n.d. [#1], Autumn 1995 - "Almost Spring" 1996)
4 The Scaredy-Cat Stalker #4 - 7 (Summertime 1996 - Winter 1996/1997; n.d. [#6 - #7])
5 Scene Not Seen #2 (December 1994)
6 Scenery #1 (1995)
7 School Schmool #2 (1996 - 1997)
8 Science Geek #2 - 4 (1995 - 1998)
9 Scram #3 (Spring 1995)
10 Scrape #7 (1993)
11 Second Guess #6 (Spring 1993)
12 Second Skin #6 - 7 (Spring 1992, n.d.)
13 Secret, no issue #, n.d.
14 Secret Agent Girl No. 666 #1- 3, n.d.
15 Short Girl with Short Hair #2 (Wintertime 1996)
16 Silver Rocket #7 - 8 (1997?)
17 Simp Boulet #1 (1998)
18 Sisyphean Garbage #11 (1997)
19 Sizzle Fuck #5 (1995)
20 Skunk's Kudzu Whispers and Total Fiction..., no issue # (1994)
21 Skybeard #1 - 3, n.d.
22 Skyway #1 - 4, 6 (July 1996 - September 1997, Summer/Autumn 1998)

Slanted #4 (Summer 1994)

24 Smack #3 - 4 (1996 - 1997)
25 Smart Like Eve, 2 unnumbered issues, n.d.
26 Smile, Please!, no issue # (November 1995)
27 Snapdragons #1, n.d.
28 Snipehunt #18 (Winter 1993)
29 Snowglobe, no issue # (1995)
30 So Meow (n.d.)
31 Socially Fucking Retarded #1 (1996)
32 Solamente #2 - 3 (March 1995 - February 1996)
33 Soda Jerk #1 - 2 (1994)
34 Something Smells # 9 (1993?)
35 Songbook for Very Large Children, no issue # (1994)
36 Sonic Death #4 (Spring 1993)
37 Sourpuss #5 - 9 (n.d. [#5 - #7], 1995 - 1996)
38 Space Cadet #1 (1996)
39 Space Craft Convention #1 - 2 (February - May 1994)
40 Spank #5, 8 - 9, 16 (November 1994, February - March/April 1995, April/May 1996)
41 Sparkly Kitty Stickers #5 (1994)
42 Speaking to the Issues #7 (November 1992)
43 Spelling, no issue #, n.d.
44 Spider and Joy, no issue #, n.d.
45 Spiffy [Ames, IA] #5 (Summer 1994)
46 Spiffy [Elgin, IL] #1 (1995)
47 Split Milk #1 (Winter 1996)
48 Splashdown #2 - 4 (Spring 1994 - 1995)
49 Spoke Street, no issue # (October 1996)
50 Spooneye, no issue # (1998)
51 Sprag #5 (Summer 1994)
52 Spunk #6 - 7 (1996)
53 Stained Pages #1 (1995)
54 Starache #4, 11 (n.d., Winter 1996/1997)
55 Static #1 (Summer 1996)
56 Stay Free! #2 (Summer 1993)
57 Steven's Comics #1 - 2 (Fall 1994 - Spring 1995)
58 Sticky Crawler #3 (1996)
59 Sticky Fingers #3 (1997)
60 Stone Rose #3 - 5 (1995 - 1996)
62 Strange Growths #9 (1991)
63 Stumble #8 (1996)
64 The Stupid Papers! #2 (1997)
65 Succubi #3 (1994)
66 Suburbia #6 (1996)
67 Suck #14 (1995)
68 Summer of '42 #1 (1998)
69 Sunny Sundae Smile #2 - 3 (Summer - Winter 1993)
70 Super Crush #1 (n.d.)
71 Super Growths #1 - 2 (1993, January 1997)
72 Superette #11 - 13, 15 (June 1996 - Spring 1997, 1999)
73 The Susan Constant #1 (1995)
74 Sweaty Kitty #1, n.d.
75 Swizzle #2 (1997)
76 Tales of Blarg #6 - 7 (1995 - 1996?)
77 Tally #2, 5, n.d.
78 The Tara-ble Zine, no issue #, n.d.
79 Team Effort #2, n.d.
80 Tease #3 - 4, n.d.
81 Teenage Gang Debs #4 - 5 (January 1992 - May 1993)
82 Teenage Riot/Suck My Clit #2, n.d.
83 That Girl #2 - 6 (1994 - 1996)
84 Things, no issue #, n.d.
85 This Is What I Heard #1, n.d.
86 This Old Zine #1 - 2 (1994)
87 Thrift Score #5 (Spring 1995)
88 Thrill! #14, 16 - 17, n.d.
89 Token #1 (1994?)
90 Top Secret #1, n.d.
91 Topsy Turvey Twister Rama #2 (1993?)
92 Totally Fucked #1 - 5 plus compilation of issues 1 - 3 (1995 - 1997)


Box 6

1 Trash Heap #2 - 5 (Fall 1994 [#2], n.d.)
2 Trouble Grrrl Comix #1, n.d.
3 The Trouble With Normal #6 (1993)
4 Tucson is the Reason for the Season, no issue # (1997)
5 Turkish Delight, no issue #, n.d.
6 Turtle Wax #4 (1994?)
7 TV Grind #1 (1995)
8 Twenty Bus #7 (September 1997)
9 Twitch-Happy #4/Lick #3 (August 1997)
10 Ugly #1, n.d.
11 Underdog #8 - 9 (Spring - Summer 1994)
12 Uno Mas #4 (1992)
13 Unspoken, no issue # (1995?)
14 Up Yours #1 (1994)
15 Vacuum Zine, no issue # (Winter 2002/2003)
16 Velocity Zine #2 (May 1994)
17 Velvet Comics #7 - 9 (Fall 1996 - Fall 1997)
18 Veronica #1 (Summer 1996)
19 Vivid #1 - 2 (1994 -1995)
20 Wanna Communicate? #2 - 3 and 4? (Winter 1992 - 1993)
21 Warped Reality #1 (Spring 1995)
22 Warg #1 (1995)
23 Wax Museum #2 - 4 (Fall 1996 - Fall 1997)
24 When She Was Good #1 - 2, n.d.
25 A Week in the Life of Ms. Gien #1, n.d.
26 White Bread #9, 12 - 14 (September 1992 [#9], n.d.)
27 Who Cares? #5 (Summer 1992)
28 Who Needs a Beat, When the Beat Just Goes #1 (March 1996)
29 Wiglet #8 (1993)
30 Wild Honey Pie #8 - 9 (1993 - 1994)
31 William Wants a Doll #3 - 4 (Summer 1993 - Summer/Fall 1994)
32 Wind-Up Toy #3 - 4 and 5? (April 1994 - Spring 1995, Summer 1996)
33 Wishbone #3, 5 (1995, n.d.)
34 Wives Tales, no issue #, n.d.
35 Wodaabe Comics #1 (April 1992)
36 Wondergirl's Underpants #2 (Summer 1996)
37 Words and Letters #3, n.d.
38 Words and Smiles #1, n.d.
39 Wyatt Riot #2 - 4 (July 1997 - March 1998)
40 Xeno's Arrow #8 (Summer 1997)
41 XX Sand #1 (April 1996)
42 Yahtzeen #1 - 7 (December 1992 - April 1994)
43 Yak'uz'a #6 (1994)
44 Yo la Tengo Gazette #3 (February 1994)
45 You Could Do Worse #7 (Winter/Spring 1997)
46 You Might As Well Live #3, 5 (Spring 1996, Winter 1997)
47 You've Never Heard Such Sounds In Your Life #1 - 2 (1994)
48 Yum #8/9, 11, n.d.
49 Ze Burning Giraffe #1 (1997)
50 Zine World #1 - 4 (Winter 1996 - Autumn 1997)
51 Zine World #5 - 8 (Winter 1997/1998 - Autumn 1998)
52 Zum #10 (Summer 1997)
53 Assorted Zine bits and pieces, various dates
54 Assorted Zine and Music Catalogs and Order Forms, A - D, various dates
55 Assorted Zine and Music Catalogs and Order Forms, G - P, various dates
56 Assorted Zine and Music Catalogs and Order Forms, R - W, various dates